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code 128Code-128 A Code-128 A is a continuous barcode. Its character set is ASCII 0 to 95 plus special characters SHIFT, CODE_C, CODE_B. It has one check character (not shown as part of the display text).The special characters have the following barcode-defined native values: SHIFT = 98 CODE_C = 99 CODE_B = 100When using these characters in the Data property, you must add 128 to the above native values in order to distinguish them from normal ASCII characters, i.e., use 98 + 128 = 226 for SHIFT 99 + 128 = 227 for CODE_C 100 + 128 = 228 for CODE_BThese characters make it possible to mix Code-128 A, Code-128 B and Code-128 C characters in one barcode: SHIFT indicates the next one character will be encoded using Code-128 B character set (if the current character set is Code-128 A) CODE_C indicates starting with the next character, Code-128 C set will be used.CODE_B indicates starting with the next character, Code-128 B set will be used.In the barcode figure above, there's a CODE_C between W4 and 13, i.e., the 9th character has code: 99 + 128 = 227in the Data property. Consequently the characters starting with 13 are actually encoded using the Code-128 C character set. On Windows, you can enter special characters by keeping the ALT key pressed and typing 0 followed by the character code (e.g. 227). Code-128 B Code-128 B is a continuous barcode. Its character set is ASCII 32 to 127 plus special characters SHIFT, CODE_C, CODE_A. It has one check character (not shown as part of the display text).The special characters have the following barcode-defined native values: SHIFT = 98 CODE_C = 99 CODE_A = 101When using these characters in the Data property, you must add 128 to the above native values in order to distinguish them from normal ASCII characters, i.e., use 98 + 128 = 226 for SHIFT 99 + 128 = 227 for CODE_C 101 + 128 = 228 for CODE_AThese characters make it possible to mix Code-128 A, Code-128 B and Code-128 C characters in one barcode: SHIFT indicates the next one character will be encoded using Code-128 A character set (if the current character set is Code-128 B) CODE_C indicates starting with the next character, Code-128 C set will be used.CODE_A indicates starting with the next character, Code-128 A set will be used.In the barcode figure above, there's a CODE_C between W4 and 13, i.e., the 9th character has code: 99 + 128 = 227in the Data property. Consequently the characters starting with 13 are actually encoded using the Code-128 C character set. On Windows, you can enter special characters by keeping the ALT key pressed and typing 0 followed by the character code (e.g. 227). Code-128 C Code-128 C is a continuous barcode. Its character set is '0' to '9' (plus special characters CODE_B and CODE_A) internally coded every two characters (digits). It has one check character (not shown as part of the display text in Barcode Control). The number of single digit characters (excluding the check character) must be even.The special characters have the following barcode-defined native values: CODE_B = 100 CODE_A = 101When using these characters in the Data property, you must add 128 to the above native values in order to distinguish them from normal ASCII characters, i.e., use 100 + 128 = 228 for CODE_B 101 + 128 = 229 for CODE_AThese characters make it possible to mix Code-128 A, Code-128 B and Code-128 C characters in one barcode:CODE_B indicates starting with the next character, Code-128 B set will be used. CODE_A indicates starting with the next character, Code-128 A set will be used.In the barcode figure above, there's a CODE_B between 02 and X, i.e., the 8th character has code: 100 + 128 = 228in the Data property. Consequently the characters starting with X are actually encoded using the Code-128 B character set.On Windows, you can enter special characters by keeping the ALT key pressed and typing 0 followed by the character code (e.g. 228).

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