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出现'Access violation at address 00403DD8 in module 'A.exe'.Read of address 004618AB'.进程终止.使用单步或运行继续运行.项目文件 Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TfmDm, fmDm);//Access启动单元,调试通过 Application.CreateForm(TfmRDM, fmRDM);//远程sql启动单元,调试通过 Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);//本主窗体,到create都运行不到就出错错误跳到下面的代码,按F8一直过不去procedure TCustomLabel.DoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Longint);var Text: string;begin Text := GetLabelText; if (Flags and DT_CALCRECT <> 0) and ((Text = '') or FShowAccelChar and (Text[1] = '&') and (Text[2] = #0)) then Text := Text + ' '; if not FShowAccelChar then Flags := Flags or DT_NOPREFIX; Flags := DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(Flags); Canvas.Font := Font; ------------------------- 以上是系统单元StdCtrls 我MainForm创建没有给label加快捷键,也没有调用Access启动单元 不知道为什么会出现如此的错误?