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Delphi 2007中有一个TrayIcon控件,在ExtCtrls单元中实现的。我现在想把他TrayIcon单独提取出来,放在Delphi7中做为一个单独控件安装使用。请问如何从ExtCtrls中提取?以下是Delphi 2007中ExtCtrls单元的内容:{*******************************************************}{ }{ CodeGear Delphi Visual Component Library }{ }{ Copyright (c) 1995-2007 CodeGear }{ }{*******************************************************}unit ExtCtrls;{$S-,W-,R-,H+,X+}{$C PRELOAD}interface{$IFDEF LINUX}uses Messages, WinUtils, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, Controls, Forms, Menus, Graphics, StdCtrls;{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}uses Messages, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, Controls, Forms, Menus, Graphics, StdCtrls, GraphUtil, ShellApi;{$ENDIF}type TShapeType = (stRectangle, stSquare, stRoundRect, stRoundSquare, stEllipse, stCircle); TShape = class(TGraphicControl) private FPen: TPen; FBrush: TBrush; FShape: TShapeType; procedure SetBrush(Value: TBrush); procedure SetPen(Value: TPen); procedure SetShape(Value: TShapeType); protected procedure Paint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published procedure StyleChanged(Sender: TObject); property Align; property Anchors; property Brush: TBrush read FBrush write SetBrush; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Enabled; property Constraints; property ParentShowHint; property Pen: TPen read FPen write SetPen; property Shape: TShapeType read FShape write SetShape default stRectangle; property ShowHint; property Visible; property OnContextPopup; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end; TPaintBox = class(TGraphicControl) private FOnPaint: TNotifyEvent; protected procedure Paint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; property Canvas; published property Align; property Anchors; property Color; property Constraints; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Enabled; property Font; property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnPaint write FOnPaint; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end; TImage = class(TGraphicControl) private FPicture: TPicture; FOnProgress: TProgressEvent; FStretch: Boolean; FCenter: Boolean; FIncrementalDisplay: Boolean; FTransparent: Boolean; FDrawing: Boolean; FProportional: Boolean; function GetCanvas: TCanvas; procedure PictureChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure SetCenter(Value: Boolean); procedure SetPicture(Value: TPicture); procedure SetStretch(Value: Boolean); procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); procedure SetProportional(Value: Boolean); protected function CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override; function DestRect: TRect; function DoPaletteChange: Boolean; function GetPalette: HPALETTE; override; procedure Paint; override; procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: string); dynamic; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Canvas: TCanvas read GetCanvas; published property Align; property Anchors; property AutoSize; property Center: Boolean read FCenter write SetCenter default False; property Constraints; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Enabled; property IncrementalDisplay: Boolean read FIncrementalDisplay write FIncrementalDisplay default False; property ParentShowHint; property Picture: TPicture read FPicture write SetPicture; property PopupMenu; property Proportional: Boolean read FProportional write SetProportional default false; property ShowHint; property Stretch: Boolean read FStretch write SetStretch default False; property Transparent: Boolean read FTransparent write SetTransparent default False; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnProgress: TProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end; TBevelStyle = (bsLowered, bsRaised); TBevelShape = (bsBox, bsFrame, bsTopLine, bsBottomLine, bsLeftLine, bsRightLine, bsSpacer); TBevel = class(TGraphicControl) private FStyle: TBevelStyle; FShape: TBevelShape; procedure SetStyle(Value: TBevelStyle); procedure SetShape(Value: TBevelShape); protected procedure Paint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Align; property Anchors; property Constraints; property ParentShowHint; property Shape: TBevelShape read FShape write SetShape default bsBox; property ShowHint; property Style: TBevelStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default bsLowered; property Visible; end; TTimer = class(TComponent) private FInterval: Cardinal; FWindowHandle: HWND; FOnTimer: TNotifyEvent; FEnabled: Boolean; procedure UpdateTimer; procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean); procedure SetInterval(Value: Cardinal); procedure SetOnTimer(Value: TNotifyEvent); procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); protected procedure Timer; dynamic; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default True; property Interval: Cardinal read FInterval write SetInterval default 1000; property OnTimer: TNotifyEvent read FOnTimer write SetOnTimer; end; TPanelBevel = TBevelCut; TCustomPanel = class(TCustomControl) private FAutoSizeDocking: Boolean; FBevelInner: TPanelBevel; FBevelOuter: TPanelBevel; FBevelWidth: TBevelWidth; FBorderWidth: TBorderWidth; FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle; FFullRepaint: Boolean; FLocked: Boolean; FParentBackgroundSet: Boolean; FAlignment: TAlignment; FVerticalAlignment: TVerticalAlignment; procedure CMBorderChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BORDERCHANGED; procedure CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_TEXTCHANGED; procedure CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CTL3DCHANGED; procedure CMIsToolControl(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ISTOOLCONTROL; procedure WMWindowPosChanged(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanged); message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED; procedure SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment); procedure SetBevelInner(Value: TPanelBevel); procedure SetBevelOuter(Value: TPanelBevel); procedure SetBevelWidth(Value: TBevelWidth); procedure SetBorderWidth(Value: TBorderWidth); procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle); procedure CMDockClient(var Message: TCMDockClient); message CM_DOCKCLIENT; procedure SetVerticalAlignment(const Value: TVerticalAlignment); protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); override; function CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override; procedure Paint; override; property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taCenter; property BevelInner: TPanelBevel read FBevelInner write SetBevelInner default bvNone; property BevelOuter: TPanelBevel read FBevelOuter write SetBevelOuter default bvRaised; property BevelWidth: TBevelWidth read FBevelWidth write SetBevelWidth default 1; property BorderWidth: TBorderWidth read FBorderWidth write SetBorderWidth default 0; property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsNone; property Color default clBtnFace; property FullRepaint: Boolean read FFullRepaint write FFullRepaint default True; property Locked: Boolean read FLocked write FLocked default False; property ParentColor default False; property VerticalAlignment: TVerticalAlignment read FVerticalAlignment write SetVerticalAlignment default taVerticalCenter; procedure SetParentBackground(Value: Boolean); override; public property ParentBackground stored FParentBackgroundSet default True; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; function GetControlsAlignment: TAlignment; override; end; TPanel = class(TCustomPanel) public property DockManager; published property Align; property Alignment; property Anchors; property AutoSize; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BevelWidth; property BiDiMode; property BorderWidth; property BorderStyle; property Caption; property Color; property Constraints; property Ctl3D; property UseDockManager default True; property DockSite; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Enabled; property FullRepaint; property Font; property Locked; property Padding; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentBackground; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property VerticalAlignment; property Visible; property OnAlignInsertBefore; property OnAlignPosition; property OnCanResize; property OnClick; property OnConstrainedResize; property OnContextPopup; property OnDockDrop; property OnDockOver; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnGetSiteInfo; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnResize; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; property OnUnDock; end; TFlowStyle = (fsLeftRightTopBottom, fsRightLeftTopBottom, fsLeftRightBottomTop, fsRightLeftBottomTop, fsTopBottomLeftRight, fsBottomTopLeftRight, fsTopBottomRightLeft, fsBottomTopRightLeft); TCustomFlowPanel = class(TCustomPanel) private FControlList: TObjectList; FAutoWrap: Boolean; FFlowStyle: TFlowStyle; procedure SetAutoWrap(Value: Boolean); procedure SetFlowStyle(Value: TFlowStyle); procedure CMControlListChanging(var Message: TCMControlListChanging); message CM_CONTROLLISTCHANGING; protected procedure AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override; function GetControlIndex(AControl: TControl): Integer; procedure SetControlIndex(AControl: TControl; Index: Integer); property AutoWrap: Boolean read FAutoWrap write SetAutoWrap default True; property FlowStyle: TFlowStyle read FFlowStyle write SetFlowStyle default fsLeftRightTopBottom; end; TFlowPanel = class(TCustomFlowPanel) published property Align; property Alignment; property Anchors; property AutoSize; property AutoWrap; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BevelWidth; property BiDiMode; property BorderWidth; property BorderStyle; property Caption; property Color; property Constraints; property Ctl3D; property UseDockManager default True; property DockSite; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Enabled; property FlowStyle; property FullRepaint; property Font; property Locked; property Padding; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentBackground; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property VerticalAlignment; property Visible; property OnAlignInsertBefore; property OnAlignPosition; property OnCanResize; property OnClick; property OnConstrainedResize; property OnContextPopup; property OnDockDrop; property OnDockOver; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnGetSiteInfo; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnResize; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; property OnUnDock; end; TSizeStyle = (ssAbsolute, ssPercent, ssAuto); TCustomGridPanel = class; EGridPanelException = class(Exception); TCellItem = class(TCollectionItem) private FSizeStyle: TSizeStyle; FValue: Double; FSize: Integer; FAutoAdded: Boolean; protected procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; procedure SetSizeStyle(Value: TSizeStyle); procedure SetValue(Value: Double); property Size: Integer read FSize write FSize; property AutoAdded: Boolean read FAutoAdded write FAutoAdded; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; published property SizeStyle: TSizeStyle read FSizeStyle write SetSizeStyle default ssPercent; property Value: Double read FValue write SetValue; end; TRowItem = class(TCellItem); TColumnItem = class(TCellItem); TCellCollection = class(TOwnedCollection) protected function GetAttrCount: Integer; override; function GetAttr(Index: Integer): string; override; function GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string; override; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TCellItem; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TCellItem); procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override; public function Owner: TCustomGridPanel; property Items[Index: Integer]: TCellItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TCellSpan = 1..MaxInt; TRowCollection = class(TCellCollection) protected function GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string; override; procedure Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); function Add: TRowItem; end; TColumnCollection = class(TCellCollection) protected function GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string; override; procedure Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); function Add: TColumnItem; end; TControlItem = class(TCollectionItem) private FControl: TControl; FColumn, FRow: Integer; FColumnSpan, FRowSpan: TCellSpan; FPushed: Integer; function GetGridPanel: TCustomGridPanel; function GetPushed: Boolean; procedure SetColumn(Value: Integer); procedure SetColumnSpan(Value: TCellSpan); procedure SetControl(Value: TControl); procedure SetRow(Value: Integer); procedure SetRowSpan(Value: TCellSpan); protected procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; procedure InternalSetLocation(AColumn, ARow: Integer; APushed: Boolean; MoveExisting: Boolean); property GridPanel: TCustomGridPanel read GetGridPanel; property Pushed: Boolean read GetPushed; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetLocation(AColumn, ARow: Integer; APushed: Boolean = False); published property Column: Integer read FColumn write SetColumn; property ColumnSpan: TCellSpan read FColumnSpan write SetColumnSpan default 1; property Control: TControl read FControl write SetControl; property Row: Integer read FRow write SetRow; property RowSpan: TCellSpan read FRowSpan write SetRowSpan default 1; end; TControlCollection = class(TOwnedCollection) protected function GetControl(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TControl; function GetControlItem(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TControlItem; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TControlItem; procedure SetControl(AColumn, ARow: Integer; Value: TControl); procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TControlItem); procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); function Add: TControlItem; procedure AddControl(AControl: TControl; AColumn: Integer = -1; ARow: Integer = -1); procedure RemoveControl(AControl: TControl); function IndexOf(AControl: TControl): Integer; function Owner: TCustomGridPanel; property Controls[AColumn, ARow: Integer]: TControl read GetControl write SetControl; property ControlItems[AColumn, ARow: Integer] : TControlItem read GetControlItem; property Items[Index: Integer]: TControlItem read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TExpandStyle = (emAddRows, emAddColumns, emFixedSize); TCustomGridPanel = class(TCustomPanel) private FRowCollection: TRowCollection; FColumnCollection: TColumnCollection; FControlCollection: TControlCollection; FRecalcCellSizes: Boolean; FExpandStyle: TExpandStyle; procedure CMControlChange(var Message: TCMControlChange); message CM_CONTROLCHANGE; procedure WMWindowPosChanged(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanged); message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED; function GetCellCount: Integer; function GetCellSizes(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TPoint; function GetCellRect(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TRect; function GetColumnSpanIndex(AColumn, ARow: Integer): Integer; function GetRowSpanIndex(AColumn, ARow: Integer): Integer; procedure SetColumnCollection(const Value: TColumnCollection); procedure SetControlCollection(const Value: TControlCollection); procedure SetRowCollection(const Value: TRowCollection); procedure RecalcCellDimensions(const Rect: TRect); protected function AutoAddColumn: TColumnItem; function AutoAddRow: TRowItem; function CellToCellIndex(AColumn, ARow: Integer): Integer; procedure CellIndexToCell(AIndex: Integer; var AColumn, ARow: Integer); procedure AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect); override; procedure Loaded; override; procedure Paint; override; procedure RemoveEmptyAutoAddColumns; procedure RemoveEmptyAutoAddRows; procedure UpdateControlOriginalParentSize(AControl: TControl; var AOriginalParentSize: TPoint); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override; function IsColumnEmpty(AColumn: Integer): Boolean; function IsRowEmpty(ARow: Integer): Boolean; property ColumnSpanIndex[AColumn, ARow: Integer]: Integer read GetColumnSpanIndex; property CellCount: Integer read GetCellCount; property CellSize[AColumn, ARow: Integer]: TPoint read GetCellSizes; property CellRect[AColumn, ARow: Integer]: TRect read GetCellRect; property ColumnCollection: TColumnCollection read FColumnCollection write SetColumnCollection; property ControlCollection: TControlCollection read FControlCollection write SetControlCollection; property ExpandStyle: TExpandStyle read FExpandStyle write FExpandStyle default emAddRows; property RowCollection: TRowCollection read FRowCollection write SetRowCollection; property RowSpanIndex[AColumn, ARow: Integer]: Integer read GetRowSpanIndex; end; TGridPanel = class(TCustomGridPanel) public property DockManager; published property Align; property Alignment; property Anchors; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BevelWidth; property BiDiMode; property BorderWidth; property BorderStyle; property Caption; property Color; property ColumnCollection; property Constraints; property ControlCollection; property Ctl3D; property UseDockManager default True; property DockSite; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Enabled; property ExpandStyle; property FullRepaint; property Font; property Locked; property Padding; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentBackground; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property RowCollection; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property VerticalAlignment; property Visible; property OnAlignInsertBefore; property OnAlignPosition; property OnCanResize; property OnClick; property OnConstrainedResize; property OnContextPopup; property OnDockDrop; property OnDockOver; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnGetSiteInfo; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnResize; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; property OnUnDock; end; TPage = class(TCustomControl) private procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST; protected procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override; procedure Paint; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Caption; property Height stored False; property TabOrder stored False; property Visible stored False; property Width stored False; property OnAlignInsertBefore; property OnAlignPosition; end; TNotebook = class(TCustomControl) private FPageList: TList; FAccess: TStrings; FPageIndex: Integer; FOnPageChanged: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetPages(Value: TStrings); procedure SetActivePage(const Value: string); function GetActivePage: string; procedure SetPageIndex(Value: Integer); protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; function GetChildOwner: TComponent; override; procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override; procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override; procedure ShowControl(AControl: TControl); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property ActivePage: string read GetActivePage write SetActivePage stored False; property Align; property Anchors; property Color; property Ctl3D; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Font; property Enabled; property Constraints; property PageIndex: Integer read FPageIndex write SetPageIndex default 0; property Pages: TStrings read FAccess write SetPages stored False; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnPageChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnPageChanged write FOnPageChanged; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end;{ THeader Purpose - Creates sectioned visual header that allows each section to be resized with the mouse. Features - This is a design-interactive control. In design mode, the sections are named using the string-list editor. Each section can now be manually resized using the right mouse button the grab the divider and drag to the new size. Changing the section list at design (or even run-time), will attempt to maintain the section widths for sections that have not been changed. Properties: Align - Standard property. AllowResize - If True, the control allows run-time mouse resizing of the sections. BorderStyle - Turns the border on and off. Font - Standard property. Sections - A special string-list that contains the section text. ParentFont - Standard property. OnSizing - Event called for each mouse move during a section resize operation. OnSized - Event called once the size operation is complete. SectionWidth - Array property allowing run-time getting and setting of each section's width. } TSectionEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ASection, AWidth: Integer) of object; THeader = class(TCustomControl) private FSections: TStrings; FHitTest: TPoint; FCanResize: Boolean; FAllowResize: Boolean; FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle; FResizeSection: Integer; FMouseOffset: Integer; FOnSizing: TSectionEvent; FOnSized: TSectionEvent; procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle); procedure FreeSections; procedure SetSections(Strings: TStrings); function GetWidth(X: Integer): Integer; procedure SetWidth(X: Integer; Value: Integer); procedure WMSetCursor(var Msg: TWMSetCursor); message WM_SETCURSOR; procedure WMNCHitTest(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST; procedure WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE; protected procedure Paint; override; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure Sizing(ASection, AWidth: Integer); dynamic; procedure Sized(ASection, AWidth: Integer); dynamic; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property SectionWidth[X: Integer]: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth; published property Align; property AllowResize: Boolean read FAllowResize write FAllowResize default True; property Anchors; property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle; property Constraints; property Enabled; property Font; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property Sections: TStrings read FSections write SetSections; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property OnContextPopup; property OnSizing: TSectionEvent read FOnSizing write FOnSizing; property OnSized: TSectionEvent read FOnSized write FOnSized; end; TCustomRadioGroup = class(TCustomGroupBox) private FButtons: TList; FItems: TStrings; FItemIndex: Integer; FColumns: Integer; FReading: Boolean; FUpdating: Boolean; function GetButtons(Index: Integer): TRadioButton; procedure ArrangeButtons; procedure ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ItemsChange(Sender: TObject); procedure SetButtonCount(Value: Integer); procedure SetColumns(Value: Integer); procedure SetItemIndex(Value: Integer); procedure SetItems(Value: TStrings); procedure UpdateButtons; procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED; procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED; procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE; protected procedure Loaded; override; procedure ReadState(Reader: TReader); override; function CanModify: Boolean; virtual; procedure GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent); override; property Columns: Integer read FColumns write SetColumns default 1; property ItemIndex: Integer read FItemIndex write SetItemIndex default -1; property Items: TStrings read FItems write SetItems; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure FlipChildren(AllLevels: Boolean); override; property Buttons[Index: Integer]: TRadioButton read GetButtons; end; TRadioGroup = class(TCustomRadioGroup) published property Align; property Anchors; property BiDiMode; property Caption; property Color; property Columns; property Ctl3D; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Enabled; property Font; property ItemIndex; property Items; property Constraints; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentBackground default True; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end; NaturalNumber = 1..High(Integer); TSplitterCanResizeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var NewSize: Integer; var Accept: Boolean) of object; TCanResizeEvent = TSplitterCanResizeEvent; TResizeStyle = (rsNone, rsLine, rsUpdate, rsPattern); TSplitter = class(TGraphicControl) private FActiveControl: TWinControl; FAutoSnap: Boolean; FBeveled: Boolean; FBrush: TBrush; FControl: TControl; FDownPos: TPoint; FLineDC: HDC; FLineVisible: Boolean; FMinSize: NaturalNumber; FMaxSize: Integer; FNewSize: Integer; FOldKeyDown: TKeyEvent; FOldSize: Integer; FPrevBrush: HBrush; FResizeStyle: TResizeStyle; FSplit: Integer; FOnCanResize: TCanResizeEvent; FOnMoved: TNotifyEvent; FOnPaint: TNotifyEvent; procedure AllocateLineDC; procedure CalcSplitSize(X, Y: Integer; var NewSize, Split: Integer); procedure DrawLine; function FindControl: TControl; procedure FocusKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure ReleaseLineDC; procedure SetBeveled(Value: Boolean); procedure UpdateControlSize; procedure UpdateSize(X, Y: Integer); protected function CanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean; reintroduce; virtual; function DoCanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean; virtual; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure Paint; override; procedure RequestAlign; override; procedure StopSizing; dynamic; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Canvas; published property Align default alLeft; property AutoSnap: Boolean read FAutoSnap write FAutoSnap default True; property Beveled: Boolean read FBeveled write SetBeveled default False; property Color; property Cursor default crHSplit; property Constraints; property MinSize: NaturalNumber read FMinSize write FMinSize default 30; property ParentColor; property ResizeStyle: TResizeStyle read FResizeStyle write FResizeStyle default rsPattern; property Visible; property Width default 3; property OnCanResize: TCanResizeEvent read FOnCanResize write FOnCanResize; property OnMoved: TNotifyEvent read FOnMoved write FOnMoved; property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnPaint write FOnPaint; end;{ TControlBar } TBandPaintOption = (bpoGrabber, bpoFrame, bpoGradient, bpoRoundRect); TBandPaintOptions = set of TBandPaintOption; TBandDrawingStyle = (dsNormal, dsGradient); TBandDragEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Control: TControl; var Drag: Boolean) of object; TBandInfoEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Control: TControl; var Insets: TRect; var PreferredSize, RowCount: Integer) of object; TBandMoveEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect) of object; TBeginBandMoveEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Control: TControl; var AllowMove: Boolean) of object; TEndBandMoveEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Control: TControl) of object; TBandPaintEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Control: TControl; Canvas: TCanvas; var ARect: TRect; var Options: TBandPaintOptions) of object; TCornerEdge = (ceNone, ceSmall, ceMedium, ceLarge); TRowSize = 1..MaxInt; TCustomControlBar = class(TCustomControl) private FAligning: Boolean; FAutoDrag: Boolean; FAutoDock: Boolean; FCornerEdge: TCornerEdge; FDockingControl: TControl; FDragControl: TControl; FDragOffset: TPoint; FDrawing: Boolean; FDrawingStyle: TBandDrawingStyle; FFloating: Boolean; FGradientDirection: TGradientDirection; FGradientEndColor: TColor; FGradientStartColor: TColor; FItems: TList; FPicture: TPicture; FRowSize: TRowSize; FRowSnap: Boolean; FOnBandDrag: TBandDragEvent; FOnBandInfo: TBandInfoEvent; FOnBandMove: TBandMoveEvent; FOnBandPaint: TBandPaintEvent; FOnBeginBandMove: TBeginBandMoveEvent; FOnEndBandMove: TEndBandMoveEvent; FOnPaint: TNotifyEvent; function IsGradientEndColorStored: Boolean; procedure DoAlignControl(AControl: TControl); function FindPos(AControl: TControl): Pointer; function HitTest2(X, Y: Integer): Pointer; procedure DockControl(AControl: TControl; const ARect: TRect; BreakList, IndexList, SizeList: TList; Parent: Pointer; ChangedPriorBreak: Boolean; Insets: TRect; PreferredSize, RowCount: Integer; Existing: Boolean); procedure PictureChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure SetPicture(const Value: TPicture); procedure SetRowSize(Value: TRowSize); procedure SetRowSnap(Value: Boolean); procedure UnDockControl(AControl: TControl); function UpdateItems(AControl: TControl): Boolean; procedure CMControlListChange(var Message: TCMControlListChange); message CM_CONTROLLISTCHANGE; procedure CMDesignHitTest(var Message: TCMDesignHitTest); message CM_DESIGNHITTEST; procedure CNKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message CN_KEYDOWN; procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TWmEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; procedure SetCornerEdge(Value: TCornerEdge); procedure SetGradientStartColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetGradientEndColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetGradientDirection(Value: TGradientDirection); procedure SetDrawingStyle(const Value: TBandDrawingStyle); protected procedure AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var ARect: TRect); override; function CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure DoBandMove(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect); virtual; procedure DoBandPaint(Control: TControl; Canvas: TCanvas; var ARect: TRect; var Options: TBandPaintOptions); virtual; function DoBeginBandMove(Control: TControl): Boolean; dynamic; procedure DoEndBandMove(Control: TControl); dynamic; procedure DockOver(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); override; function DoPaletteChange: Boolean; function DragControl(AControl: TControl; X, Y: Integer; KeepCapture: Boolean = False): Boolean; virtual; procedure GetControlInfo(AControl: TControl; var Insets: TRect; var PreferredSize, RowCount: Integer); virtual; function GetPalette: HPALETTE; override; procedure GetSiteInfo(Client: TControl; var InfluenceRect: TRect; MousePos: TPoint; var CanDock: Boolean); override; function HitTest(X, Y: Integer): TControl; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure Paint; override; procedure PaintControlFrame(Canvas: TCanvas; AControl: TControl; var ARect: TRect); virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure FlipChildren(AllLevels: Boolean); override; procedure StickControls; virtual; property Picture: TPicture read FPicture write SetPicture; protected property AutoDock: Boolean read FAutoDock write FAutoDock default True; property AutoDrag: Boolean read FAutoDrag write FAutoDrag default True; property AutoSize; property BevelKind default bkTile; property CornerEdge: TCornerEdge read FCornerEdge write SetCornerEdge default ceMedium; property DockSite default True; property DrawingStyle: TBandDrawingStyle read FDrawingStyle write SetDrawingStyle default dsNormal; property GradientDirection: TGradientDirection read FGradientDirection write SetGradientDirection default gdVertical; property GradientStartColor: TColor read FGradientStartColor write SetGradientStartColor default clWindow; property GradientEndColor: TColor read FGradientEndColor write SetGradientEndColor stored IsGradientEndColorStored; property RowSize: TRowSize read FRowSize write SetRowSize default 26; property RowSnap: Boolean read FRowSnap write SetRowSnap default True; property OnBandDrag: TBandDragEvent read FOnBandDrag write FOnBandDrag; property OnBandInfo: TBandInfoEvent read FOnBandInfo write FOnBandInfo; property OnBandMove: TBandMoveEvent read FOnBandMove write FOnBandMove; property OnBandPaint: TBandPaintEvent read FOnBandPaint write FOnBandPaint; property OnBeginBandMove: TBeginBandMoveEvent read FOnBeginBandMove write FOnBeginBandMove; property OnEndBandMove: TEndBandMoveEvent read FOnEndBandMove write FOnEndBandMove; property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnPaint write FOnPaint; end; TControlBar = class(TCustomControlBar) public property Canvas; published property Align; property Anchors; property AutoDock; property AutoDrag; property AutoSize; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelOuter; property BevelKind; property BevelWidth; property BorderWidth; property Color nodefault; property Constraints; property CornerEdge; property DockSite; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property DrawingStyle; property Enabled; property GradientDirection; property GradientEndColor; property GradientStartColor; property ParentBackground default True; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property Picture; property PopupMenu; property RowSize; property RowSnap; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property OnAlignInsertBefore; property OnAlignPosition; property OnBandDrag; property OnBandInfo; property OnBandMove; property OnBandPaint; property OnBeginBandMove; property OnEndBandMove; property OnCanResize; property OnClick; property OnConstrainedResize; property OnContextPopup; property OnDockDrop; property OnDockOver; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnGetSiteInfo; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnPaint; property OnResize; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; property OnUnDock; end; { TBoundLabel } TBoundLabel = class(TCustomLabel) private function GetTop: Integer; function GetLeft: Integer; function GetWidth: Integer; function GetHeight: Integer; procedure SetHeight(const Value: Integer); procedure SetWidth(const Value: Integer); protected procedure AdjustBounds; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property BiDiMode; property Caption; property Color; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property Font; property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight; property Left: Integer read GetLeft; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowAccelChar; property ShowHint; property Top: Integer read GetTop; property Transparent; property Layout; property WordWrap; property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end; TLabelPosition = (lpAbove, lpBelow, lpLeft, lpRight); { TCustomLabeledEdit } TCustomLabeledEdit = class(TCustomEdit) private FEditLabel: TBoundLabel; FLabelPosition: TLabelPosition; FLabelSpacing: Integer; procedure SetLabelPosition(const Value: TLabelPosition); procedure SetLabelSpacing(const Value: Integer); protected procedure SetParent(AParent: TWinControl); override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure SetName(const Value: TComponentName); override; procedure CMVisiblechanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_VISIBLECHANGED; procedure CMEnabledchanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED; procedure CMBidimodechanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_BIDIMODECHANGED; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure SetBounds(ALeft: Integer; ATop: Integer; AWidth: Integer; AHeight: Integer); override; procedure SetupInternalLabel; property EditLabel: TBoundLabel read FEditLabel; property LabelPosition: TLabelPosition read FLabelPosition write SetLabelPosition default lpAbove; property LabelSpacing: Integer read FLabelSpacing write SetLabelSpacing default 3; end; { TLabeledEdit } TLabeledEdit = class(TCustomLabeledEdit) published property Anchors; property AutoSelect; property AutoSize; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BiDiMode; property BorderStyle; property CharCase; property Color; property Constraints; property Ctl3D; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property EditLabel; property Enabled; property Font; property HideSelection; property ImeMode; property ImeName; property LabelPosition; property LabelSpacing; property MaxLength; property OEMConvert; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PasswordChar; property PopupMenu; property ReadOnly; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Text; property Visible; property OnChange; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end;const NoColorSelected = TColor($FF000000);type TCustomColorBox = class; TColorBoxStyles = (cbStandardColors, // first sixteen RGBI colors cbExtendedColors, // four additional reserved colors cbSystemColors, // system managed/defined colors cbIncludeNone, // include clNone color, must be used with cbSystemColors cbIncludeDefault, // include clDefault color, must be used with cbSystemColors cbCustomColor, // first color is customizable cbPrettyNames, cbCustomColors); // All colors are custom colors TColorBoxStyle = set of TColorBoxStyles; TGetColorsEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomColorBox; Items: TStrings) of object; TCustomColorBox = class(TCustomComboBox) private FStyle: TColorBoxStyle; FNeedToPopulate: Boolean; FListSelected: Boolean; FDefaultColorColor: TColor; FNoneColorColor: TColor; FSelectedColor: TColor; FOnGetColors: TGetColorsEvent; function GetColor(Index: Integer): TColor; function GetColorName(Index: Integer): string; function GetSelected: TColor; procedure SetSelected(const AColor: TColor); procedure ColorCallBack(const AName: string); procedure SetDefaultColorColor(const Value: TColor); procedure SetNoneColorColor(const Value: TColor); protected procedure CloseUp; override; procedure CreateWnd; override; procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; procedure Loaded; override; function PickCustomColor: Boolean; virtual; procedure PopulateList; procedure Select; override; procedure SetStyle(AStyle: TColorBoxStyle); reintroduce; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; property Style: TColorBoxStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors]; property Colors[Index: Integer]: TColor read GetColor; property ColorNames[Index: Integer]: string read GetColorName; property Selected: TColor read GetSelected write SetSelected default clBlack; property DefaultColorColor: TColor read FDefaultColorColor write SetDefaultColorColor default clBlack; property NoneColorColor: TColor read FNoneColorColor write SetNoneColorColor default clBlack; property OnGetColors: TGetColorsEvent read FOnGetColors write FOnGetColors; end; TColorBox = class(TCustomColorBox) published property Align; property AutoComplete; property AutoDropDown; property DefaultColorColor; property NoneColorColor; property Selected; property Style; property Anchors; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BiDiMode; property Color; property Constraints; property Ctl3D; property DropDownCount; property Enabled; property Font; property ItemHeight; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property OnChange; property OnCloseUp; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnDropDown; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnGetColors; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnSelect; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end;{ TColorListBox } TCustomColorListBox = class; TLBGetColorsEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomColorListBox; Items: TStrings) of object; TCustomColorListBox = class(TCustomListBox) private FStyle: TColorBoxStyle; FNeedToPopulate: Boolean; FListSelected: Boolean; FDefaultColorColor: TColor; FNoneColorColor: TColor; FSelectedColor: TColor; FOnGetColors: TLBGetColorsEvent; function GetColor(Index: Integer): TColor; function GetColorName(Index: Integer): string; function GetSelected: TColor; procedure SetSelected(const AColor: TColor); procedure ColorCallBack(const AName: string); procedure SetDefaultColorColor(const Value: TColor); procedure SetNoneColorColor(const Value: TColor); protected procedure CreateWnd; override; procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; procedure Loaded; override; function PickCustomColor: Boolean; virtual; procedure PopulateList; procedure SetStyle(AStyle: TColorBoxStyle); reintroduce; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; property Style: TColorBoxStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors]; property Colors[Index: Integer]: TColor read GetColor; property ColorNames[Index: Integer]: string read GetColorName; property Selected: TColor read GetSelected write SetSelected default clBlack; property DefaultColorColor: TColor read FDefaultColorColor write SetDefaultColorColor default clBlack; property NoneColorColor: TColor read FNoneColorColor write SetNoneColorColor default clBlack; property OnGetColors: TLBGetColorsEvent read FOnGetColors write FOnGetColors; end; TColorListBox = class(TCustomColorListBox) published property Align; property AutoComplete; property DefaultColorColor; property NoneColorColor; property Selected; property Style; property Anchors; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind; property BevelOuter; property BiDiMode; property Color; property Constraints; property Ctl3D; property Enabled; property Font; property ItemHeight; property ParentBiDiMode; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDock; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnGetColors; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseActivate; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnStartDock; property OnStartDrag; end;{ TTrayIcon }const WM_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE = WM_USER + 1;type TBalloonFlags = (bfNone = NIIF_NONE, bfInfo = NIIF_INFO, bfWarning = NIIF_WARNING, bfError = NIIF_ERROR); TCustomTrayIcon = class(TComponent) private FAnimate: Boolean; FData: TNotifyIconData; FIsClicked: Boolean; FCurrentIcon: TIcon; FIcon: TIcon; FIconList: TImageList; FPopupMenu: TPopupMenu; FTimer: TTimer; FHint: String; FIconIndex: Integer; FVisible: Boolean; FOnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnMouseDown: TMouseEvent; FOnMouseUp: TMouseEvent; FOnAnimate: TNotifyEvent; FBalloonHint: string; FBalloonTitle: string; FBalloonFlags: TBalloonFlags; class var RM_TaskbarCreated: DWORD; protected procedure SetHint(const Value: string); function GetAnimateInterval: Cardinal; procedure SetAnimateInterval(Value: Cardinal); procedure SetAnimate(Value: Boolean); procedure SetBalloonHint(const Value: string); function GetBalloonTimeout: Integer; procedure SetBalloonTimeout(Value: Integer); procedure SetBalloonTitle(const Value: string); procedure SetVisible(Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetIconIndex(Value: Integer); virtual; procedure SetIcon(Value: TIcon); procedure SetIconList(Value: TImageList); procedure WindowProc(var Message: TMessage); virtual; procedure DoOnAnimate(Sender: TObject); virtual; property Data: TNotifyIconData read FData; function Refresh(Message: Integer): Boolean; overload; public constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Refresh; overload; procedure SetDefaultIcon; procedure ShowBalloonHint; virtual; property Animate: Boolean read FAnimate write SetAnimate default False; property AnimateInterval: Cardinal read GetAnimateInterval write SetAnimateInterval default 1000; property Hint: string read FHint write SetHint; property BalloonHint: string read FBalloonHint write SetBalloonHint; property BalloonTitle: string read FBalloonTitle write SetBalloonTitle; property BalloonTimeout: Integer read GetBalloonTimeout write SetBalloonTimeout default 3000; property BalloonFlags: TBalloonFlags read FBalloonFlags write FBalloonFlags default bfNone; property Icon: TIcon read FIcon write SetIcon; property Icons: TImageList read FIconList write SetIconList; property IconIndex: Integer read FIconIndex write SetIconIndex default 0; property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write FPopupMenu; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisible default False; property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick; property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent read FOnMouseMove write FOnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent read FOnMouseUp write FOnMouseUp; property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent read FOnMouseDown write FOnMouseDown; property OnAnimate: TNotifyEvent read FOnAnimate write FOnAnimate; end; TTrayIcon = class(TCustomTrayIcon) published property Animate; property AnimateInterval; property Hint; property BalloonHint; property BalloonTitle; property BalloonTimeout; property BalloonFlags; property Icon; property Icons; property IconIndex; property PopupMenu; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseDown; property OnAnimate; end;procedure Frame3D(Canvas: TCanvas; var Rect: TRect; TopColor, BottomColor: TColor; Width: Integer);procedure NotebookHandlesNeeded(Notebook: TNotebook);implementationuses Consts, Dialogs, Themes, Math, UxTheme, DwmApi;{ Utility routines }procedure Frame3D(Canvas: TCanvas; var Rect: TRect; TopColor, BottomColor: TColor; Width: Integer); procedure DoRect; var TopRight, BottomLeft: TPoint; begin with Canvas, Rect do begin TopRight.X := Right; TopRight.Y := Top; BottomLeft.X := Left; BottomLeft.Y := Bottom; Pen.Color := TopColor; PolyLine([BottomLeft, TopLeft, TopRight]); Pen.Color := BottomColor; Dec(BottomLeft.X); PolyLine([TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft]); end; end;begin Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; Dec(Rect.Bottom); Dec(Rect.Right); while Width > 0 do begin Dec(Width); DoRect; InflateRect(Rect, -1, -1); end; Inc(Rect.Bottom); Inc(Rect.Right);end;// Call HandleNeeded for each page in notebook. Used to allow anchors to work// on invisible pages.procedure NotebookHandlesNeeded(Notebook: TNotebook);var I: Integer;begin if Notebook <> nil then for I := 0 to Notebook.FPageList.Count - 1 do with TPage(Notebook.FPageList) do begin DisableAlign; try HandleNeeded; ControlState := ControlState - [csAlignmentNeeded]; finally EnableAlign; end; end;end;{ TShape }constructor TShape.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable]; Width := 65; Height := 65; FPen := TPen.Create; FPen.OnChange := StyleChanged; FBrush := TBrush.Create; FBrush.OnChange := StyleChanged;end;destructor TShape.Destroy;begin FPen.Free; FBrush.Free; inherited Destroy;end;procedure TShape.Paint;var X, Y, W, H, S: Integer;begin with Canvas do begin Pen := FPen; Brush := FBrush; X := Pen.Width div 2; Y := X; W := Width - Pen.Width + 1; H := Height - Pen.Width + 1; if Pen.Width = 0 then begin Dec(W); Dec(H); end; if W < H then S := W else S := H; if FShape in [stSquare, stRoundSquare, stCircle] then begin Inc(X, (W - S) div 2); Inc(Y, (H - S) div 2); W := S; H := S; end; case FShape of stRectangle, stSquare: Rectangle(X, Y, X + W, Y + H); stRoundRect, stRoundSquare: RoundRect(X, Y, X + W, Y + H, S div 4, S div 4); stCircle, stEllipse: Ellipse(X, Y, X + W, Y + H); end; end;end;procedure TShape.StyleChanged(Sender: TObject);begin Invalidate;end;procedure TShape.SetBrush(Value: TBrush);begin FBrush.Assign(Value);end;procedure TShape.SetPen(Value: TPen);begin FPen.Assign(Value);end;procedure TShape.SetShape(Value: TShapeType);begin if FShape <> Value then begin FShape := Value; Invalidate; end;end;{ TPaintBox }constructor TPaintBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable]; Width := 105; Height := 105;end;procedure TPaintBox.Paint;begin Canvas.Font := Font; Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; if csDesigning in ComponentState then with Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psDash; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); end; if Assigned(FOnPaint) then FOnPaint(Self);end;{ TImage }constructor TImage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable, csPannable]; FPicture := TPicture.Create; FPicture.OnChange := PictureChanged; FPicture.OnProgress := Progress; Height := 105; Width := 105;end;destructor TImage.Destroy;begin FPicture.Free; inherited Destroy;end;function TImage.GetPalette: HPALETTE;begin Result := 0; if FPicture.Graphic <> nil then Result := FPicture.Graphic.Palette;end;function TImage.DestRect: TRect;var w, h, cw, ch: Integer; xyaspect: Double;begin w := Picture.Width; h := Picture.Height; cw := ClientWidth; ch := ClientHeight; if Stretch or (Proportional and ((w > cw) or (h > ch))) then begin if Proportional and (w > 0) and (h > 0) then begin xyaspect := w / h; if w > h then begin w := cw; h := Trunc(cw / xyaspect); if h > ch then // woops, too big begin h := ch; w := Trunc(ch * xyaspect); end; end else begin h := ch; w := Trunc(ch * xyaspect); if w > cw then // woops, too big begin w := cw; h := Trunc(cw / xyaspect); end; end; end else begin w := cw; h := ch; end; end; with Result do begin Left := 0; Top := 0; Right := w; Bottom := h; end; if Center then OffsetRect(Result, (cw - w) div 2, (ch - h) div 2);end;procedure TImage.Paint; procedure DoBufferedPaint(Canvas: TCanvas); var MemDC: HDC; Rect: TRect; PaintBuffer: HPAINTBUFFER; begin Rect := DestRect; PaintBuffer := BeginBufferedPaint(Canvas.Handle, Rect, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, nil, MemDC); try Canvas.Handle := MemDC; Canvas.StretchDraw(DestRect, Picture.Graphic); BufferedPaintMakeOpaque(PaintBuffer, @Rect); finally EndBufferedPaint(PaintBuffer, True); end; end;var Save: Boolean; LForm: TCustomForm; PaintOnGlass: Boolean;begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then with inherited Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psDash; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); end; Save := FDrawing; FDrawing := True; try PaintOnGlass := DwmCompositionEnabled and not (csDesigning in ComponentState); if PaintOnGlass then begin LForm := GetParentForm(Self); PaintOnGlass := (LForm <> nil) and LForm.GlassFrame.FrameExtended and LForm.GlassFrame.IntersectsControl(Self); end; if PaintOnGlass then DoBufferedPaint(inherited Canvas) else with inherited Canvas do StretchDraw(DestRect, Picture.Graphic); finally FDrawing := Save; end;end;function TImage.DoPaletteChange: Boolean;var ParentForm: TCustomForm; Tmp: TGraphic;begin Result := False; Tmp := Picture.Graphic; if Visible and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) and (Tmp <> nil) and (Tmp.PaletteModified) then begin if (Tmp.Palette = 0) then Tmp.PaletteModified := False else begin ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self); if Assigned(ParentForm) and ParentForm.Active and Parentform.HandleAllocated then begin if FDrawing then ParentForm.Perform(wm_QueryNewPalette, 0, 0) else PostMessage(ParentForm.Handle, wm_QueryNewPalette, 0, 0); Result := True; Tmp.PaletteModified := False; end; end; end;end;procedure TImage.Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: string);begin if FIncrementalDisplay and RedrawNow then begin if DoPaletteChange then Update else Paint; end; if Assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(Sender, Stage, PercentDone, RedrawNow, R, Msg);end;function TImage.GetCanvas: TCanvas;var Bitmap: TBitmap;begin if Picture.Graphic = nil then begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try Bitmap.Width := Width; Bitmap.Height := Height; Picture.Graphic := Bitmap; finally Bitmap.Free; end; end; if Picture.Graphic is TBitmap then Result := TBitmap(Picture.Graphic).Canvas else raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SImageCanvasNeedsBitmap);end;procedure TImage.SetCenter(Value: Boolean);begin if FCenter <> Value then begin FCenter := Value; PictureChanged(Self); end;end;procedure TImage.SetPicture(Value: TPicture);begin FPicture.Assign(Value);end;procedure TImage.SetStretch(Value: Boolean);begin if Value <> FStretch then begin FStretch := Value; PictureChanged(Self); end;end;procedure TImage.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);begin if Value <> FTransparent then begin FTransparent := Value; PictureChanged(Self); end;end;procedure TImage.SetProportional(Value: Boolean);begin if FProportional <> Value then begin FProportional := Value; PictureChanged(Self); end;end;procedure TImage.PictureChanged(Sender: TObject);var G: TGraphic; D : TRect;begin if AutoSize and (Picture.Width > 0) and (Picture.Height > 0) then SetBounds(Left, Top, Picture.Width, Picture.Height); G := Picture.Graphic; if G <> nil then begin if not ((G is TMetaFile) or (G is TIcon)) then G.Transparent := FTransparent; D := DestRect; if (not G.Transparent) and (D.Left <= 0) and (D.Top <= 0) and (D.Right >= Width) and (D.Bottom >= Height) then ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque] else // picture might not cover entire clientrect ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque]; if DoPaletteChange and FDrawing then Update; end else ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque]; if not FDrawing then Invalidate;end;function TImage.CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;begin Result := True; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or (Picture.Width > 0) and (Picture.Height > 0) then begin if Align in [alNone, alLeft, alRight] then NewWidth := Picture.Width; if Align in [alNone, alTop, alBottom] then NewHeight := Picture.Height; end;end;{ TBevel }constructor TBevel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable]; FStyle := bsLowered; FShape := bsBox; Width := 50; Height := 50;end;procedure TBevel.SetStyle(Value: TBevelStyle);begin if Value <> FStyle then begin FStyle := Value; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TBevel.SetShape(Value: TBevelShape);begin if Value <> FShape then begin FShape := Value; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TBevel.Paint;const XorColor = $00FFD8CE;var Color1, Color2: TColor; Temp: TColor; procedure BevelRect(const R: TRect); begin with Canvas do begin Pen.Color := Color1; PolyLine([Point(R.Left, R.Bottom), Point(R.Left, R.Top), Point(R.Right, R.Top)]); Pen.Color := Color2; PolyLine([Point(R.Right, R.Top), Point(R.Right, R.Bottom), Point(R.Left, R.Bottom)]); end; end; procedure BevelLine(C: TColor; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer); begin with Canvas do begin Pen.Color := C; MoveTo(X1, Y1); LineTo(X2, Y2); end; end;begin with Canvas do begin if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if (FShape = bsSpacer) then begin Pen.Style := psDot; Pen.Mode := pmXor; Pen.Color := XorColor; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight); Exit; end else begin Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Mode := pmCopy; Pen.Color := clBlack; Brush.Style := bsSolid; end; end; Pen.Width := 1; if FStyle = bsLowered then begin Color1 := clBtnShadow; Color2 := clBtnHighlight; end else begin Color1 := clBtnHighlight; Color2 := clBtnShadow; end; case FShape of bsBox: BevelRect(Rect(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)); bsFrame: begin Temp := Color1; Color1 := Color2; BevelRect(Rect(1, 1, Width - 1, Height - 1)); Color2 := Temp; Color1 := Temp; BevelRect(Rect(0, 0, Width - 2, Height - 2)); end; bsTopLine: begin BevelLine(Color1, 0, 0, Width, 0); BevelLine(Color2, 0, 1, Width, 1); end; bsBottomLine: begin BevelLine(Color1, 0, Height - 2, Width, Height - 2); BevelLine(Color2, 0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1); end; bsLeftLine: begin BevelLine(Color1, 0, 0, 0, Height); BevelLine(Color2, 1, 0, 1, Height); end; bsRightLine: begin BevelLine(Color1, Width - 2, 0, Width - 2, Height); BevelLine(Color2, Width - 1, 0, Width - 1, Height); end; end; end;end;{ TTimer }constructor TTimer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); FEnabled := True; FInterval := 1000;{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FWindowHandle := Classes.AllocateHWnd(WndProc);{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF LINUX} FWindowHandle := WinUtils.AllocateHWnd(WndProc);{$ENDIF}end;destructor TTimer.Destroy;begin FEnabled := False; UpdateTimer;{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Classes.DeallocateHWnd(FWindowHandle);{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF LINUX} WinUtils.DeallocateHWnd(FWindowHandle);{$ENDIF} inherited Destroy;end;procedure TTimer.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage);begin with Msg do if Msg = WM_TIMER then try Timer; except Application.HandleException(Self); end else Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam);end;procedure TTimer.UpdateTimer;begin KillTimer(FWindowHandle, 1); if (FInterval <> 0) and FEnabled and Assigned(FOnTimer) then if SetTimer(FWindowHandle, 1, FInterval, nil) = 0 then raise EOutOfResources.Create(SNoTimers);end;procedure TTimer.SetEnabled(Value: Boolean);begin if Value <> FEnabled then begin FEnabled := Value; UpdateTimer; end;end;procedure TTimer.SetInterval(Value: Cardinal);begin if Value <> FInterval then begin FInterval := Value; UpdateTimer; end;end;procedure TTimer.SetOnTimer(Value: TNotifyEvent);begin FOnTimer := Value; UpdateTimer;end;procedure TTimer.Timer;begin if Assigned(FOnTimer) then FOnTimer(Self);end;{ TCustomPanel }constructor TCustomPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csAcceptsControls, csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csSetCaption, csOpaque, csDoubleClicks, csReplicatable, csPannable]; { When themes are on in an application default to making TCustomPanel's paint with their ParentBackground } if ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csParentBackground] - [csOpaque]; Width := 185; Height := 41; FAlignment := taCenter; FVerticalAlignment := taVerticalCenter; BevelOuter := bvRaised; BevelWidth := 1; FBorderStyle := bsNone; Color := clBtnFace; FFullRepaint := True; UseDockManager := True; ParentBackground := True;end;procedure TCustomPanel.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);const BorderStyles: array[TBorderStyle] of DWORD = (0, WS_BORDER);begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin Style := Style or BorderStyles[FBorderStyle]; if NewStyleControls and Ctl3D and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then begin Style := Style and not WS_BORDER; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; := and not (CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW); end;end;procedure TCustomPanel.CMBorderChanged(var Message: TMessage);begin inherited; Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomPanel.CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage);begin Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomPanel.CMCtl3DChanged(var Message: TMessage);begin if NewStyleControls and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then RecreateWnd; inherited;end;procedure TCustomPanel.CMIsToolControl(var Message: TMessage);begin if not FLocked then Message.Result := 1;end;procedure TCustomPanel.WMWindowPosChanged(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanged);var BevelPixels: Integer; Rect: TRect;begin if FullRepaint or (Caption <> '') then Invalidate else begin BevelPixels := BorderWidth; if BevelInner <> bvNone then Inc(BevelPixels, BevelWidth); if BevelOuter <> bvNone then Inc(BevelPixels, BevelWidth); if BevelPixels > 0 then begin Rect.Right := Width; Rect.Bottom := Height; if Message.WindowPos^.cx <> Rect.Right then begin Rect.Top := 0; Rect.Left := Rect.Right - BevelPixels - 1; InvalidateRect(Handle, @Rect, True); end; if Message.WindowPos^.cy <> Rect.Bottom then begin Rect.Left := 0; Rect.Top := Rect.Bottom - BevelPixels - 1; InvalidateRect(Handle, @Rect, True); end; end; end; inherited;end;procedure TCustomPanel.Paint;const Alignments: array[TAlignment] of Longint = (DT_LEFT, DT_RIGHT, DT_CENTER); VerticalAlignments: array[TVerticalAlignment] of Longint = (DT_TOP, DT_BOTTOM, DT_VCENTER);var Rect: TRect; TopColor, BottomColor: TColor;// FontHeight: Integer; Flags: Longint; procedure AdjustColors(Bevel: TPanelBevel); begin TopColor := clBtnHighlight; if Bevel = bvLowered then TopColor := clBtnShadow; BottomColor := clBtnShadow; if Bevel = bvLowered then BottomColor := clBtnHighlight; end;begin Rect := GetClientRect; if BevelOuter <> bvNone then begin AdjustColors(BevelOuter); Frame3D(Canvas, Rect, TopColor, BottomColor, BevelWidth); end; if not (ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled and (csParentBackground in ControlStyle)) then Frame3D(Canvas, Rect, Color, Color, BorderWidth) else InflateRect(Rect, -BorderWidth, -BorderWidth); if BevelInner <> bvNone then begin AdjustColors(BevelInner); Frame3D(Canvas, Rect, TopColor, BottomColor, BevelWidth); end; with Canvas do begin if not ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled or not ParentBackground then begin Brush.Color := Color; FillRect(Rect); end; Brush.Style := bsClear; Font := Self.Font;{ FontHeight := TextHeight('W'); with Rect do begin Top := ((Bottom + Top) - FontHeight) div 2; Bottom := Top + FontHeight; end;} Flags := DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_SINGLELINE or VerticalAlignments[FVerticalAlignment] or Alignments[FAlignment]; Flags := DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(Flags); DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), -1, Rect, Flags); end;end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment);begin FAlignment := Value; Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetBevelInner(Value: TPanelBevel);begin FBevelInner := Value; Realign; Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetBevelOuter(Value: TPanelBevel);begin FBevelOuter := Value; Realign; Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetBevelWidth(Value: TBevelWidth);begin FBevelWidth := Value; Realign; Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetBorderWidth(Value: TBorderWidth);begin FBorderWidth := Value; Realign; Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle);begin if FBorderStyle <> Value then begin FBorderStyle := Value; RecreateWnd; end;end;function TCustomPanel.GetControlsAlignment: TAlignment;begin Result := FAlignment;end;procedure TCustomPanel.AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect);var BevelSize: Integer;begin inherited AdjustClientRect(Rect); InflateRect(Rect, -BorderWidth, -BorderWidth); BevelSize := 0; if BevelOuter <> bvNone then Inc(BevelSize, BevelWidth); if BevelInner <> bvNone then Inc(BevelSize, BevelWidth); InflateRect(Rect, -BevelSize, -BevelSize);end;procedure TCustomPanel.CMDockClient(var Message: TCMDockClient);var R: TRect; Dim: Integer;begin if AutoSize then begin FAutoSizeDocking := True; try R := Message.DockSource.DockRect; case Align of alLeft: if Width = 0 then Width := R.Right - R.Left; alRight: if Width = 0 then begin Dim := R.Right - R.Left; SetBounds(Left - Dim, Top, Dim, Height); end; alTop: if Height = 0 then Height := R.Bottom - R.Top; alBottom: if Height = 0 then begin Dim := R.Bottom - R.Top; SetBounds(Left, Top - Dim, Width, Dim); end; end; inherited; Exit; finally FAutoSizeDocking := False; end; end; inherited;end;function TCustomPanel.CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;begin Result := (not FAutoSizeDocking) and inherited CanAutoSize(NewWidth, NewHeight);end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetParentBackground(Value: Boolean);begin { TCustomPanel needs to not have csOpaque when painting with the ParentBackground in Themed applications } if Value then ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque] else ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque]; FParentBackgroundSet := True; inherited;end;procedure TCustomPanel.SetVerticalAlignment(const Value: TVerticalAlignment);begin FVerticalAlignment := Value; Invalidate;end;{ TCustomFlowPanel }procedure TCustomFlowPanel.AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect);const XIncDir: array[TFlowStyle] of Integer = (1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1); YIncDir: array[TFlowStyle] of Integer = (1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1); YDeltaConst: array[TFlowStyle] of Integer = (0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); XDeltaConst: array[TFlowStyle] of Integer = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1);var I: Integer; MaxHeight, MaxWidth: Integer; YDelta, XDelta: Integer; Position: TPoint; Size: TSize; Control: TControl;begin if ControlCount > 0 then begin MaxHeight := 0; MaxWidth := 0; AdjustClientRect(Rect); if AutoSize then Rect := Classes.Rect( Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Left + (ExplicitWidth - (Width - (Rect.Right - Rect.Left))), Rect.Top + (ExplicitHeight - (Height - (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top)))); case FFlowStyle of fsLeftRightTopBottom, fsTopBottomLeftRight: Position := Rect.TopLeft; fsRightLeftTopBottom, fsTopBottomRightLeft: Position := Point(Rect.Right, Rect.Top); fsLeftRightBottomTop, fsBottomTopLeftRight: Position := Point(Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom); fsRightLeftBottomTop, fsBottomTopRightLeft: Position := Rect.BottomRight; end; for I := 0 to FControlList.Count - 1 do begin Control := TControl(FControlList); if not Control.Visible and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Continue; := Control.Margins.ControlWidth; := Control.Margins.ControlHeight; case FFlowStyle of fsLeftRightTopBottom, fsLeftRightBottomTop: if (MaxHeight > 0) and (Position.X + >= Rect.Right) and FAutoWrap then begin Inc(Position.Y, MaxHeight * YIncDir[FFlowStyle]); MaxHeight := 0; Position.X := Rect.Left; end; fsRightLeftTopBottom, fsRightLeftBottomTop: begin Dec(Position.X,; if (MaxHeight > 0) and (Position.X <= 0) and FAutoWrap then begin Inc(Position.Y, MaxHeight * YIncDir[FFlowStyle]); MaxHeight := 0; Position.X := Rect.Right -; end; end; fsTopBottomLeftRight, fsTopBottomRightLeft: if (MaxWidth > 0) and (Position.Y + >= Rect.Bottom) and FAutoWrap then begin Inc(Position.X, MaxWidth * XIncDir[FFlowStyle]); MaxWidth := 0; Position.Y := Rect.Top; end; fsBottomTopLeftRight, fsBottomTopRightLeft: begin Dec(Position.Y,; if (MaxWidth > 0) and (Position.Y <= 0) and FAutoWrap then begin Inc(Position.X, MaxWidth * XIncDir[FFlowStyle]); MaxWidth := 0; Position.Y := Rect.Bottom -; end; end; end; YDelta := YDeltaConst[FFlowStyle] *; XDelta := XDeltaConst[FFlowStyle] *; if > MaxHeight then MaxHeight :=; if > MaxWidth then MaxWidth :=; Control.Margins.SetControlBounds(Position.X + XDelta, Position.Y + YDelta,,; if FFlowStyle in [fsLeftRightTopBottom, fsLeftRightBottomTop] then Inc(Position.X, * XIncDir[FFlowStyle]) else if FFlowStyle in [fsTopBottomLeftRight, fsTopBottomRightLeft] then Inc(Position.Y, + YIncDir[FFlowStyle]); end; ControlsAligned; end; if Showing then AdjustSize;end;procedure TCustomFlowPanel.CMControlListChanging(var Message: TCMControlListChanging);begin inherited; if Message.Inserting and (Message.ControlListItem.Parent = Self) then begin if FControlList.IndexOf(Message.ControlListItem.Control) < 0 then FControlList.Add(Message.ControlListItem.Control); end else FControlList.Remove(Message.ControlListItem.Control);end;constructor TCustomFlowPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); FAutoWrap := True; FControlList := TObjectList.Create(False);end;destructor TCustomFlowPanel.Destroy;begin FControlList.Free; inherited;end;procedure TCustomFlowPanel.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent);var I: Integer; Control: TControl;begin for I := 0 to FControlList.Count - 1 do begin Control := TControl(FControlList); if Control.Owner = Root then Proc(Control); end;end;function TCustomFlowPanel.GetControlIndex(AControl: TControl): Integer;begin Result := FControlList.IndexOf(AControl);end;procedure TCustomFlowPanel.SetAutoWrap(Value: Boolean);begin if FAutoWrap <> Value then begin FAutoWrap := Value; Realign; end;end;procedure TCustomFlowPanel.SetControlIndex(AControl: TControl; Index: Integer);var CurIndex: Integer;begin CurIndex := GetControlIndex(AControl); if (CurIndex > -1) and (CurIndex <> Index) and (Index < FControlList.Count) then begin FControlList.Move(CurIndex, Index); Realign; end;end;procedure TCustomFlowPanel.SetFlowStyle(Value: TFlowStyle);begin if FFlowStyle <> Value then begin FFlowStyle := Value; Realign; end;end;{ TCustomGridPanel }procedure TCustomGridPanel.AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect); procedure ArrangeControlInCell(AControl: TControl; CellRect: TRect; const AlignInfo: TAlignInfo); var NewBounds: TRect; AnchorSubset: TAnchors; begin if AControl.Align <> alNone then ArrangeControl(AControl, Point(CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left, CellRect.Bottom - CellRect.Top), AControl.Align, AlignInfo, CellRect, True) else begin AnchorSubset := AControl.Anchors * [akLeft, akRight]; if AnchorSubset = [akLeft] then NewBounds.Left := CellRect.Left else if AnchorSubset = [akRight] then NewBounds.Left := Max(CellRect.Left, CellRect.Right - AControl.Margins.ExplicitWidth) else NewBounds.Left := Max(CellRect.Left, CellRect.Left + ((CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left) - AControl.Margins.ControlWidth) div 2); NewBounds.Right := NewBounds.Left + Min(CellRect.Right - CellRect.Left, AControl.Margins.ExplicitWidth); AnchorSubset := AControl.Anchors * [akTop, akBottom]; if AnchorSubset = [akTop] then NewBounds.Top := CellRect.Top else if AnchorSubset = [akBottom] then NewBounds.Top := Max(CellRect.Top, CellRect.Bottom - AControl.Margins.ExplicitHeight) else NewBounds.Top := Max(CellRect.Top, CellRect.Top + ((CellRect.Bottom - CellRect.Top) - AControl.Margins.ControlHeight) div 2); NewBounds.Bottom := NewBounds.Top + Min(CellRect.Bottom - CellRect.Top, AControl.Margins.ExplicitHeight); AControl.Margins.SetControlBounds(NewBounds, True); end; end; procedure AdjustCellRect(var Rect: TRect); begin Inc(Rect.Left, Padding.Left); Inc(Rect.Top, Padding.Top); Dec(Rect.Right, Padding.Right); Dec(Rect.Bottom, Padding.Bottom); end; procedure ArrangeControls; var I, J, K: Integer; CellRect: TRect; SpanRect: TRect; ControlItem: TControlItem; AlignInfo: TAlignInfo; begin AlignInfo.ControlIndex := 0; AlignInfo.AlignList := TList.Create; try CellRect.Top := Rect.Top; for J := 0 to FRowCollection.Count - 1 do begin CellRect.Left := Rect.Left; CellRect.Bottom := CellRect.Top + FRowCollection[J].Size; for I := 0 to FColumnCollection.Count - 1 do begin ControlItem := FControlCollection.ControlItems[I, J]; CellRect.Right := CellRect.Left + FColumnCollection.Size; if (ControlItem <> nil) and (ControlItem.Control <> nil) and (ControlItem.Column = I) and (ControlItem.Row = J) then begin AlignInfo.AlignList.Clear; AlignInfo.AlignList.Add(ControlItem.Control); AlignInfo.Align := ControlItem.Control.Align; SpanRect := CellRect; if ControlItem.ColumnSpan > 1 then for K := I + 1 to Min(I + ControlItem.ColumnSpan - 1, FColumnCollection.Count - 1) do Inc(SpanRect.Right, FColumnCollection[K].Size); if ControlItem.RowSpan > 1 then for K := J + 1 to Min(J + ControlItem.RowSpan - 1, FRowCollection.Count - 1 ) do Inc(SpanRect.Bottom, FRowCollection[K].Size); AdjustCellRect(SpanRect); ArrangeControlInCell(ControlItem.Control, SpanRect, AlignInfo); end; CellRect.Left := CellRect.Right; end; CellRect.Top := CellRect.Bottom; end; finally AlignInfo.AlignList.Free; end; end;begin AdjustClientRect(Rect); if FRecalcCellSizes then RecalcCellDimensions(Rect); if ControlCount > 0 then ArrangeControls;end;function TCustomGridPanel.AutoAddColumn: TColumnItem;begin Result := FColumnCollection.Add; Result.SizeStyle := ssAuto; Result.AutoAdded := True;end;function TCustomGridPanel.AutoAddRow: TRowItem;begin Result := FRowCollection.Add; Result.SizeStyle := ssAuto; Result.AutoAdded := True;end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.CellIndexToCell(AIndex: Integer; var AColumn, ARow: Integer);begin if FExpandStyle in [emAddColumns, emFixedSize] then begin AColumn := AIndex div FRowCollection.Count; ARow := AIndex mod FRowCollection.Count; end else begin ARow := AIndex div FColumnCollection.Count; AColumn := AIndex mod FColumnCollection.Count; end;end;function TCustomGridPanel.CellToCellIndex(AColumn, ARow: Integer): Integer;begin if FExpandStyle in [emAddColumns, emFixedSize] then Result := ColumnSpanIndex[AColumn, ARow] else Result := RowSpanIndex[AColumn, ARow];end;constructor TCustomGridPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); FRowCollection := TRowCollection.Create(Self); FColumnCollection := TColumnCollection.Create(Self); FControlCollection := TControlCollection.Create(Self); FRecalcCellSizes := True; FRowCollection.Add; FRowCollection.Add; FColumnCollection.Add; FColumnCollection.Add;end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.CMControlChange(var Message: TCMControlChange);begin inherited; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then if Message.Inserting and (Message.Control.Parent = Self) then begin DisableAlign; try Message.Control.Anchors := []; FControlCollection.AddControl(Message.Control); finally EnableAlign; end; end else FControlCollection.RemoveControl(Message.Control);end;destructor TCustomGridPanel.Destroy;begin FreeAndNil(FRowCollection); FreeAndNil(FColumnCollection); FreeAndNil(FControlCollection); inherited Destroy;end;function TCustomGridPanel.GetCellCount: Integer;begin Result := FRowCollection.Count * FColumnCollection.Count;end;function TCustomGridPanel.GetCellRect(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TRect;var I: Integer;begin Result.Left := 0; Result.Top := 0; for I := 0 to AColumn - 1 do Inc(Result.Left, FColumnCollection.Size); for I := 0 to ARow - 1 do Inc(Result.Top, FRowCollection.Size); Result.BottomRight := CellSize[AColumn, ARow]; Inc(Result.Bottom, Result.Top); Inc(Result.Right, Result.Left);end;function TCustomGridPanel.GetCellSizes(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TPoint;begin Result := Point(FColumnCollection[AColumn].Size, FRowCollection[ARow].Size);end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent);var I: Integer; ControlItem: TControlItem;begin for I := 0 to FControlCollection.Count - 1 do begin ControlItem := TControlItem(FControlCollection.Items); if (ControlItem.Control <> nil) and (ControlItem.Control.Owner = Root) then Proc(ControlItem.Control); end;end;function TCustomGridPanel.GetColumnSpanIndex(AColumn, ARow: Integer): Integer;begin Result := AColumn + (ARow * FColumnCollection.Count);end;function TCustomGridPanel.GetRowSpanIndex(AColumn, ARow: Integer): Integer;begin Result := ARow + (AColumn * FRowCollection.Count);end;function TCustomGridPanel.IsColumnEmpty(AColumn: Integer): Boolean;var I: Integer;begin Result := False; if (AColumn > -1) and (AColumn < FColumnCollection.Count) then begin for I := 0 to FRowCollection.Count -1 do if ControlCollection.Controls[AColumn, I] <> nil then Exit; Result := True; end else raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidColumnIndex, [AColumn]);end;function TCustomGridPanel.IsRowEmpty(ARow: Integer): Boolean;var I: Integer;begin Result := False; if (ARow > -1) and (ARow < FRowCollection.Count) then begin for I := 0 to FColumnCollection.Count -1 do if ControlCollection.Controls[I, ARow] <> nil then Exit; Result := True; end else raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidRowIndex, [ARow]);end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.Loaded;var LItem: TCollectionItem;begin inherited; for LItem in ControlCollection do with TControlItem(LItem) do TControlItem(LItem).InternalSetLocation(Column, Row, False, True);end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.Paint;var I: Integer; LinePos, Size: Integer; ClientRect: TRect;begin inherited; if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin LinePos := 0; Canvas.Pen.Style := psDot; Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; ClientRect := GetClientRect; for I := 0 to FColumnCollection.Count - 2 do begin Size := FColumnCollection.Size; Canvas.MoveTo(LinePos + Size, ClientRect.Top); Canvas.LineTo(LinePos + Size, ClientRect.Bottom); Inc(LinePos, Size); end; LinePos := 0; for I := 0 to FRowCollection.Count - 2 do begin Size := FRowCollection.Size; Canvas.MoveTo(ClientRect.Left, LinePos + Size); Canvas.LineTo(ClientRect.Right, LinePos + Size); Inc(LinePos, Size); end; end;end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.RecalcCellDimensions(const Rect: TRect);var I, J: Integer; LSize, XSize, YSize, RemainingX, RemainingY: Integer; MaxSize, PercentXCount, PercentYCount: Integer; PercentX, PercentY: Double; ControlItem: TControlItem;begin // Subtract the size of absolute size columns and rows and also calculate the total size of // the percentage rows and columns // Also subtract the width of the widest control in each autosize column // or the tallest control in each autosize row and set the column or row size to that value XSize := Rect.Right - Rect.Left; YSize := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; PercentX := 0.0; PercentY := 0.0; PercentXCount := 0; for I := 0 to FColumnCollection.Count - 1 do with FColumnCollection do if SizeStyle = ssAbsolute then Dec(XSize, Trunc(Value)) else if SizeStyle = ssPercent then begin PercentX := PercentX + Value; Inc(PercentXCount); end else begin MaxSize := 0; for J := 0 to FRowCollection.Count - 1 do begin ControlItem := FControlCollection.ControlItems[I, J]; if (ControlItem <> nil) and (ControlItem.Control <> nil) and (ControlItem.Column = I) and (ControlItem.Row = J) then begin LSize := ControlItem.Control.Margins.ControlWidth + Self.Padding.Left + Self.Padding.Right; if LSize > MaxSize then MaxSize := LSize; end; end; Dec(XSize, MaxSize); Size := MaxSize; end; PercentYCount := 0; for I := 0 to FRowCollection.Count - 1 do with FRowCollection do if SizeStyle = ssAbsolute then Dec(YSize, Trunc(Value)) else if SizeStyle = ssPercent then begin PercentY := PercentY + Value; Inc(PercentYCount); end else begin MaxSize := 0; for J := 0 to FColumnCollection.Count - 1 do begin ControlItem := FControlCollection.ControlItems[J, I]; if (ControlItem <> nil) and (ControlItem.Control <> nil) and (ControlItem.Column = J) and (ControlItem.Row = I) then begin LSize := ControlItem.Control.Margins.ControlHeight + Self.Padding.Top + Self.Padding.Bottom; if LSize > MaxSize then MaxSize := LSize; end; end; Dec(YSize, MaxSize); Size := MaxSize; end; // Finally Calculate the size of the percentage-based columns and rows based on the remaining // X and Y sizes RemainingX := XSize; RemainingY := YSize; for I := 0 to FColumnCollection.Count - 1 do with FColumnCollection do if SizeStyle = ssPercent then begin if IsZero(PercentX) then Value := 100.0 / PercentXCount else Value := (Value / PercentX) * 100.0; Size := Trunc(XSize * (Value / 100.0)); Dec(RemainingX, Size); if (RemainingX > 0) and (I = FColumnCollection.Count - 1) then Size := Size + RemainingX; end; for I := 0 to FRowCollection.Count - 1 do with FRowCollection do if SizeStyle = ssPercent then begin if IsZero(PercentY) then Value := 100.0 / PercentYCount else Value := (Value / PercentY) * 100.0; Size := Trunc(YSize * (Value / 100.0)); Dec(RemainingY, Size); if (RemainingY > 0) and (I = FRowCollection.Count - 1) then Size := Size + RemainingY; end; FRecalcCellSizes := False;end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.RemoveEmptyAutoAddColumns;var I: Integer;begin for I := FColumnCollection.Count - 1 downto 0 do if FColumnCollection.AutoAdded and IsColumnEmpty(I) then FColumnCollection.Delete(I) else Exit;end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.RemoveEmptyAutoAddRows;var I: Integer;begin for I := FRowCollection.Count - 1 downto 0 do if FRowCollection.AutoAdded and IsRowEmpty(I) then FRowCollection.Delete(I) else Exit;end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.SetControlCollection(const Value: TControlCollection);begin FControlCollection.Assign(Value);end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.SetRowCollection(const Value: TRowCollection);begin FRowCollection.Assign(Value);end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.SetColumnCollection(const Value: TColumnCollection);begin FColumnCollection.Assign(Value);end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.UpdateControlOriginalParentSize(AControl: TControl; var AOriginalParentSize: TPoint);var Rect: TRect; Index: Integer; ControlItem: TControlItem;begin if FRecalcCellSizes and HandleAllocated then begin Rect := GetClientRect; AdjustClientRect(Rect); RecalcCellDimensions(Rect); end; Index := FControlCollection.IndexOf(AControl); if Index > -1 then begin ControlItem := FControlCollection[Index]; AOriginalParentSize := CellSize[ControlItem.Column, ControlItem.Row] end else inherited UpdateControlOriginalParentSize(AControl, AOriginalParentSize);end;procedure TCustomGridPanel.WMWindowPosChanged(var Message: TWMWindowPosChanged);begin inherited; FRecalcCellSizes := True;end;{ TCellItem }procedure TCellItem.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);begin if Dest is TCellItem then with TCellItem(Dest) do begin FSizeStyle := Self.FSizeStyle; FValue := Self.FValue; FSize := Self.FSize; end;end;constructor TCellItem.Create(Collection: TCollection);begin inherited Create(Collection); FSizeStyle := ssPercent;end;procedure TCellItem.SetSizeStyle(Value: TSizeStyle);begin if Value <> FSizeStyle then begin FSizeStyle := Value; Changed(False); end;end;procedure TCellItem.SetValue(Value: Double);begin if Value <> FValue then begin if FSizeStyle = ssAbsolute then begin FSize := Trunc(Value); FValue := FSize; end else FValue := Value; Changed(False); end;end;{ TCellCollection }function TCellCollection.GetAttr(Index: Integer): string;begin case Index of 0: Result := sCellMember; 1: Result := sCellSizeType; 2: Result := sCellValue; else Result := ''; end;end;function TCellCollection.GetAttrCount: Integer;begin Result := 3;end;function TCellCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): TCellItem;begin Result := TCellItem(inherited GetItem(Index));end;function TCellCollection.GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string; function GetSizeStyleString(Index: Integer): string; begin with Items[Index] do case SizeStyle of ssAbsolute: Result := sCellAbsoluteSize; ssPercent: Result := sCellPercentSize; ssAuto: Result := sCellAutoSize; else Result := ''; end; end; function GetValueString(Index: Integer): string; begin with Items[Index] do if SizeStyle = ssAbsolute then Result := IntToStr(Trunc(Value)) else if SizeStyle = ssPercent then Result := Format('%3.2f%%', [Value]) // do not localize else Result := sCellAutoSize; end;begin case Index of 1: Result := GetSizeStyleString(ItemIndex); 2: Result := GetValueString(ItemIndex); else Result := ''; end;end;function TCellCollection.Owner: TCustomGridPanel;begin Result := GetOwner as TCustomGridPanel;end;procedure TCellCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TCellItem);begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value);end;procedure TCellCollection.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);begin inherited; if Owner <> nil then with Owner do begin FRecalcCellSizes := True; Invalidate; Realign; end;end;{ TRowCollection }constructor TRowCollection.Create(AOwner: TPersistent);begin inherited Create(AOwner, TRowItem);end;function TRowCollection.Add: TRowItem;begin Result := TRowItem(inherited Add);end;function TRowCollection.GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string;begin if Index = 0 then Result := Format(sCellRow, [ItemIndex]) else Result := inherited GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex);end;procedure TRowCollection.Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification);begin inherited; if (Action = cnExtracting) and not (csDestroying in Owner.ComponentState) and not (csUpdating in Owner.ComponentState) and not Owner.IsRowEmpty(Item.Index) then raise EGridPanelException.Create(sCannotDeleteRow); end;{ TColumnCollection }constructor TColumnCollection.Create(AOwner: TPersistent);begin inherited Create(AOwner, TColumnItem);end;function TColumnCollection.Add: TColumnItem;begin Result := TColumnItem(inherited Add);end;function TColumnCollection.GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string;begin if Index = 0 then Result := Format(sCellColumn, [ItemIndex]) else Result := inherited GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex);end;procedure TColumnCollection.Notify(Item: TCollectionItem; Action: TCollectionNotification);begin inherited; if (Action = cnExtracting) and not (csDestroying in Owner.ComponentState) and not (csUpdating in Owner.ComponentState) and not Owner.IsColumnEmpty(Item.Index) then raise EGridPanelException.Create(sCannotDeleteColumn);end;{ TControlCollection }function TControlCollection.Add: TControlItem;begin Result := TControlItem(inherited Add);end;procedure TControlCollection.AddControl(AControl: TControl; AColumn, ARow: Integer); procedure PlaceInCell(ControlItem: TControlItem); var I, J: Integer; begin with ControlItem do try Control := AControl; FRow := -1; FColumn := -1; if (ARow = -1) and (AColumn > -1) then begin for I := 0 to Owner.RowCollection.Count - 1 do if Controls[I, AColumn] = nil then begin Row := I; Column := AColumn; Exit; end; AColumn := -1; end; if (AColumn = -1) and (ARow > -1) then begin for I := 0 to Owner.ColumnCollection.Count - 1 do if Controls[ARow, I] = nil then begin Column := I; Row := ARow; Exit; end; ARow := -1; end; if (ARow = -1) and (AColumn = -1) then begin for J := 0 to Owner.RowCollection.Count - 1 do for I := 0 to Owner.ColumnCollection.Count - 1 do if Controls[I, J] = nil then begin Row := J; Column := I; Exit; end; end; if (Row = -1) or (Column = -1) then if (Owner <> nil) and (Owner.ExpandStyle <> emFixedSize) then begin if Owner.ExpandStyle = emAddRows then Owner.AutoAddRow else Owner.AutoAddColumn; PlaceInCell(ControlItem); end else raise EGridPanelException.Create(sCannotAddFixedSize); except Control := nil; Free; raise; end; end;begin if IndexOf(AControl) < 0 then PlaceInCell(Add);end;constructor TControlCollection.Create(AOwner: TPersistent);begin inherited Create(AOwner, TControlItem);end;function TControlCollection.GetControl(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TControl;var ControlItem: TControlItem;begin ControlItem := GetControlItem(AColumn, ARow); if ControlItem <> nil then Result := ControlItem.Control else Result := nil;end;function TControlCollection.GetControlItem(AColumn, ARow: Integer): TControlItem;var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin Result := TControlItem(Items); if (ARow >= Result.Row) and (ARow <= Result.Row + Result.RowSpan - 1) and (AColumn >= Result.Column) and (AColumn <= Result.Column + Result.ColumnSpan - 1) then Exit; end; Result := nil;end;function TControlCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): TControlItem;begin Result := TControlItem(inherited GetItem(Index));end;function TControlCollection.IndexOf(AControl: TControl): Integer;begin for Result := 0 to Count - 1 do if TControlItem(Items[Result]).Control = AControl then Exit; Result := -1;end;function TControlCollection.Owner: TCustomGridPanel;begin Result := TCustomGridPanel(GetOwner);end;procedure TControlCollection.RemoveControl(AControl: TControl);var I: Integer;begin for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do if Items.Control = AControl then begin Items.Control := nil; Delete(I); Exit; end;end;procedure TControlCollection.SetControl(AColumn, ARow: Integer; Value: TControl);var Index: Integer; ControlItem: TControlItem;begin if Owner <> nil then begin if (AColumn < 0) or (AColumn >= Owner.ColumnCollection.Count) then raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidColumnIndex, [AColumn]); if (ARow < 0) or (ARow >= Owner.RowCollection.Count) then raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidRowIndex, [ARow]); Index := IndexOf(Value); if Index > -1 then begin ControlItem := Items[Index]; ControlItem.FColumn := AColumn; ControlItem.FRow := ARow; end else AddControl(Value, AColumn, ARow); end;end;procedure TControlCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TControlItem);begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value);end;procedure TControlCollection.Update(Item: TCollectionItem);begin inherited; if Owner <> nil then begin Owner.FRecalcCellSizes := True; Owner.Invalidate; Owner.Realign; end;end;{ TControlItem }procedure TControlItem.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);begin if Dest is TControlItem then with TControlItem(Dest) do begin FControl := Self.Control; FRow := Self.Row; FColumn := Self.Column; Changed(False); end;end;constructor TControlItem.Create(Collection: TCollection);begin inherited Create(Collection); FRowSpan := 1; FColumnSpan := 1;end;destructor TControlItem.Destroy;var LControl: TControl;begin if Assigned(FControl) and not (csLoading in GridPanel.ComponentState) and not (csUpdating in GridPanel.ComponentState) and not (csDestroying in GridPanel.ComponentState) then begin LControl := FControl; FControl := nil; GridPanel.RemoveControl(LControl); LControl.Free; end; inherited;end;function TControlItem.GetGridPanel: TCustomGridPanel;var Owner: TControlCollection;begin Owner := TControlCollection(GetOwner); if Owner <> nil then Result := Owner.Owner else Result := nil;end;procedure TControlItem.SetControl(Value: TControl);begin if FControl <> Value then begin if Value = GridPanel then raise EGridPanelException.Create(sInvalidControlItem); FControl := Value; Changed(False); end;end;procedure TControlItem.SetColumn(Value: Integer);begin if FColumn <> Value then begin if not (csLoading in GridPanel.ComponentState) then begin if (Value < 0)or (Value > GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count - 1) then raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidColumnIndex, [Value]); InternalSetLocation(Value, FRow, False, True); end else FColumn := Value; end;end;procedure TControlItem.SetRow(Value: Integer);begin if FRow <> Value then begin if not (csLoading in GridPanel.ComponentState) then begin if (Value < 0) or (Value > GridPanel.RowCollection.Count - 1) then raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidRowIndex, [Value]); InternalSetLocation(FColumn, Value, False, True); end else FRow := Value; end;end;type TNewLocationRec = record ControlItem: TControlItem; NewColumn, NewRow: Integer; Pushed: Boolean; end; TNewLocationRecs = array of TNewLocationRec; TNewLocations = class private FNewLocations: TNewLocationRecs; FCount: Integer; public function AddNewLocation(AControlItem: TControlItem; ANewColumn, ANewRow: Integer; APushed: Boolean = False): Integer; procedure ApplyNewLocations; property Count: Integer read FCount; property NewLocations: TNewLocationRecs read FNewLocations; end;function TNewLocations.AddNewLocation(AControlItem: TControlItem; ANewColumn, ANewRow: Integer; APushed: Boolean): Integer;begin if FCount = Length(FNewLocations) then SetLength(FNewLocations, Length(FNewLocations) + 10); Result := FCount; Inc(FCount); with FNewLocations[Result] do begin ControlItem := AControlItem; NewColumn := ANewColumn; NewRow := ANewRow; Pushed := APushed; end;end;procedure TNewLocations.ApplyNewLocations;var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to FCount - 1 do with FNewLocations do if ControlItem <> nil then ControlItem.InternalSetLocation(NewColumn, NewRow, Pushed, False);end;procedure TControlItem.SetRowSpan(Value: TCellSpan);var I, Delta: Integer; Collection: TControlCollection; ControlItem: TControlItem; NumToAdd, NumRows, MoveBy, LColumn, LRow, IndexDelta: Integer; Span: TCellSpan; NewLocations: TNewLocations;begin if FRowSpan <> Value then begin if Value < 1 then raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidSpan, [Value]); Collection := TControlCollection(GetOwner); if Collection = nil then Exit; GridPanel.DisableAlign; try NewLocations := TNewLocations.Create; try if FRowSpan > Value then begin Delta := FRowSpan - Value; FRowSpan := Value; if GridPanel.ExpandStyle in [emAddRows, emFixedSize] then begin NumRows := GridPanel.RowCollection.Count; // Move the controls below up to fill in the space. for I := FRow + FRowSpan + Delta to NumRows - 1 do begin ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[FColumn, I]; if ControlItem <> nil then if ControlItem.Pushed then NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, FColumn, I - Delta, False) else Break; end; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; GridPanel.RemoveEmptyAutoAddRows; end else begin // Scan forward in row primary order, removing Delta from position of each // control item, unwrapping where nessesary, until the last control is reached // or a non "pushed" control is found. for I := GridPanel.RowSpanIndex[FColumn, FRow] to GridPanel.CellCount - 1 do begin GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I, LColumn, LRow); ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[LColumn, LRow]; if ControlItem <> nil then begin if ControlItem.Pushed then begin if (ControlItem.Column = LColumn) and (ControlItem.Row = LRow) then begin GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I - Delta, LColumn, LRow); if (LRow > 0) and (LRow + ControlItem.RowSpan > GridPanel.RowCollection.Count) then begin Inc(Delta, (LRow + ControlItem.RowSpan) - GridPanel.RowCollection.Count); GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I - Delta, LColumn, LRow); end; NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, LColumn, LRow, False); end; end else if ControlItem <> Self then Break else NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, LColumn, LRow, False); end; end; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; GridPanel.RemoveEmptyAutoAddRows; end; end else begin NumRows := GridPanel.RowCollection.Count; Delta := Value - FRowSpan; // first check if there is room down to expand and if so remove those // rows from the Delta for I := Min(FRow + FRowSpan, NumRows) to Min(FRow + Value - 1, NumRows - 1) do if Collection.Controls[FColumn, I] = nil then Dec(Delta) else Break; MoveBy := Delta; // Now find out how many rows to add, if any for I := NumRows - 1 downto NumRows - MoveBy do if Collection.Controls[FColumn, I] = nil then Dec(Delta) else Break; NumToAdd := Delta; // Add the rows if GridPanel.ExpandStyle in [emAddRows, emFixedSize] then begin if (GridPanel.ExpandStyle = emFixedSize) and (NumToAdd > 0) then raise EGridPanelException.Create(sCannotAddFixedSize); while NumToAdd > 0 do begin GridPanel.AutoAddRow; Dec(NumToAdd); end; NumRows := GridPanel.RowCollection.Count; for I := NumRows - 1 downto NumRows - Delta do begin ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[FColumn, I - MoveBy]; if (ControlItem <> nil) and (ControlItem <> Self) then NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, FColumn, I, True); end; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; end else if (NumToAdd + MoveBy) > 0 then begin IndexDelta := Max(NumToAdd, Min(MoveBy, NumRows)); for I := GridPanel.RowSpanIndex[FColumn, FRow] to GridPanel.CellCount - 1 do begin GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I, LColumn, LRow); ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[LColumn, LRow]; if (ControlItem <> nil) and (ControlItem.Column = LColumn) and (ControlItem.Row = LRow) then begin if ControlItem = Self then begin Span := Value; LColumn := FColumn; LRow := FRow; end else begin Span := ControlItem.RowSpan; GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I + IndexDelta, LColumn, LRow); end; if LRow + Span > GridPanel.RowCollection.Count then begin if LRow > 0 then begin Inc(IndexDelta, GridPanel.RowCollection.Count - LRow); GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I + IndexDelta - NumToAdd, LColumn, LRow); end else if ControlItem <> Self then begin Inc(IndexDelta, Min(Span, GridPanel.RowCollection.Count)); GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I + IndexDelta, LColumn, LRow); end else if (ControlItem = Self) and (LRow = 0) then Exit; end; NumToAdd := 0; NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, LColumn, LRow, True); end; end; for I := 0 to NewLocations.Count - 1 do if NewLocations.NewLocations.NewColumn > GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count - 1 then GridPanel.AutoAddColumn; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; end; FRowSpan := Value; end; Changed(False); finally NewLocations.Free; end; finally GridPanel.EnableAlign; end; end;end;procedure TControlItem.SetColumnSpan(Value: TCellSpan);var I, Delta: Integer; Collection: TControlCollection; ControlItem: TControlItem; NumToAdd, NumColumns, MoveBy, LColumn, LRow, IndexDelta: Integer; Span: TCellSpan; NewLocations: TNewLocations;begin if FColumnSpan <> Value then begin if Value < 1 then raise EGridPanelException.CreateFmt(sInvalidSpan, [Value]); Collection := TControlCollection(GetOwner); if Collection = nil then Exit; GridPanel.DisableAlign; try NewLocations := TNewLocations.Create; try if FColumnSpan > Value then begin Delta := FColumnSpan - Value; FColumnSpan := Value; if GridPanel.ExpandStyle in [emAddColumns, emFixedSize] then begin NumColumns := GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count; // Move the controls to the right back to fill in the space. for I := FColumn + FColumnSpan + Delta to NumColumns - 1 do begin ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[I, FRow]; if ControlItem <> nil then if ControlItem.Pushed then NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, I - Delta, FRow, False) else Break; end; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; GridPanel.RemoveEmptyAutoAddColumns; end else begin // Scan forward in column primary order, removing Delta from position of each // control item, unwrapping where nessesary, until the last control is reached // or a non "pushed" control is found. for I := GridPanel.ColumnSpanIndex[FColumn, FRow] to GridPanel.CellCount - 1 do begin GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I, LColumn, LRow); ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[LColumn, LRow]; if ControlItem <> nil then begin if ControlItem.Pushed then begin if (ControlItem.Column = LColumn) and (ControlItem.Row = LRow) then begin GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I - Delta, LColumn, LRow); if (LColumn > 0) and (LColumn + ControlItem.ColumnSpan > GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count) then begin Inc(Delta, (LColumn + ControlItem.ColumnSpan) - GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count); GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I - Delta, LColumn, LRow); end; NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, LColumn, LRow, False); end; end else if ControlItem <> Self then Break else NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, LColumn, LRow, False); end; end; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; GridPanel.RemoveEmptyAutoAddRows; end; end else begin NumColumns := GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count; Delta := Value - FColumnSpan; // first check if there is room to the right to expand and if so remove those // columns from the Delta for I := Min(FColumn + FColumnSpan, NumColumns) to Min(FColumn + Value - 1, NumColumns - 1) do if Collection.Controls[I, FRow] = nil then Dec(Delta) else Break; MoveBy := Delta; // Now find out how many columns to add, if any for I := NumColumns - 1 downto NumColumns - MoveBy do if Collection.Controls[I, FRow] = nil then Dec(Delta) else Break; NumToAdd := Delta; // Add the columns if GridPanel.ExpandStyle in [emAddColumns, emFixedSize] then begin if (GridPanel.ExpandStyle = emFixedSize) and (NumToAdd > 0) then raise EGridPanelException.Create(sCannotAddFixedSize); while NumToAdd > 0 do begin GridPanel.AutoAddColumn; Dec(NumToAdd); end; NumColumns := GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count; for I := NumColumns - 1 downto NumColumns - Delta do begin ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[I - MoveBy, FRow]; if (ControlItem <> nil) and (ControlItem <> Self) then NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, I, FRow, True); end; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; end else if (NumToAdd + MoveBy > 0) then begin IndexDelta := Max(NumToAdd, Min(MoveBy, NumColumns)); for I := GridPanel.ColumnSpanIndex[FColumn, FRow] to GridPanel.CellCount - 1 do begin GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I, LColumn, LRow); ControlItem := Collection.ControlItems[LColumn, LRow]; if (ControlItem <> nil) and (ControlItem.Column = LColumn) and (ControlItem.Row = LRow) then begin if ControlItem = Self then begin Span := Value; LColumn := FColumn; LRow := FRow; end else begin Span := ControlItem.ColumnSpan; GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I + IndexDelta, LColumn, LRow); end; if LColumn + Span > GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count then begin if LColumn > 0 then begin Inc(IndexDelta, GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count - LColumn); GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I + IndexDelta - NumToAdd, LColumn, LRow); end else if ControlItem <> Self then begin Inc(IndexDelta, Min(Span, GridPanel.ColumnCollection.Count)); GridPanel.CellIndexToCell(I + IndexDelta, LColumn, LRow); end else if (ControlItem = Self) and (LColumn = 0) then Exit; end; NumToAdd := 0; NewLocations.AddNewLocation(ControlItem, LColumn, LRow, True); end; end; for I := 0 to NewLocations.Count - 1 do if NewLocations.NewLocations.NewRow > GridPanel.RowCollection.Count - 1 then GridPanel.AutoAddRow; NewLocations.ApplyNewLocations; end; FColumnSpan := Value; end; Changed(False); finally NewLocations.Free; end; finally GridPanel.EnableAlign; end; end;end;procedure TControlItem.InternalSetLocation(AColumn, ARow: Integer; APushed, MoveExisting: Boolean);var Collection: TControlCollection; CurrentItem: TControlItem;begin if (AColumn <> FColumn) or (ARow <> FRow) then begin if MoveExisting then begin Collection := TControlCollection(GetOwner); if Collection <> nil then CurrentItem := Collection.ControlItems[AColumn, ARow] else CurrentItem := nil; if CurrentItem <> nil then CurrentItem.InternalSetLocation(FColumn, FRow, False, False); end; FColumn := AColumn; FRow := ARow; if APushed then Inc(FPushed) else if FPushed > 0 then Dec(FPushed); Changed(False); end;end;procedure TControlItem.SetLocation(AColumn, ARow: Integer; APushed: Boolean);begin InternalSetLocation(AColumn, ARow, APushed, True);end;function TControlItem.GetPushed: Boolean;begin Result := FPushed > 0;end;{ TPageAccess }type TPageAccess = class(TStrings) private PageList: TList; Notebook: TNotebook; protected function GetCount: Integer; override; function Get(Index: Integer): string; override; procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string); override; function GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject; override; procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); override; public constructor Create(APageList: TList; ANotebook: TNotebook); procedure Clear; override; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override; procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override; procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer); override; end;constructor TPageAccess.Create(APageList: TList; ANotebook: TNotebook);begin inherited Create; PageList := APageList; Notebook := ANotebook;end;function TPageAccess.GetCount: Integer;begin Result := PageList.Count;end;function TPageAccess.Get(Index: Integer): string;begin Result := TPage(PageList[Index]).Caption;end;procedure TPageAccess.Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);begin TPage(PageList[Index]).Caption := S;end;function TPageAccess.GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject;begin Result := PageList[Index];end;procedure TPageAccess.SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean);begin { do nothing }end;procedure TPageAccess.Clear;var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to PageList.Count - 1 do TPage(PageList).Free; PageList.Clear;end;procedure TPageAccess.Delete(Index: Integer);var Form: TCustomForm;begin TPage(PageList[Index]).Free; PageList.Delete(Index); NoteBook.PageIndex := 0; if csDesigning in NoteBook.ComponentState then begin Form := GetParentForm(NoteBook); if (Form <> nil) and (Form.Designer <> nil) then Form.Designer.Modified; end;end;procedure TPageAccess.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);var Page: TPage; Form: TCustomForm;begin Page := TPage.Create(Notebook); with Page do begin Parent := Notebook; Caption := S; end; PageList.Insert(Index, Page); NoteBook.PageIndex := Index; if csDesigning in NoteBook.ComponentState then begin Form := GetParentForm(NoteBook); if (Form <> nil) and (Form.Designer <> nil) then Form.Designer.Modified; end;end;procedure TPageAccess.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);var AObject: TObject;begin if CurIndex <> NewIndex then begin AObject := PageList[CurIndex]; PageList[CurIndex] := PageList[NewIndex]; PageList[NewIndex] := AObject; end;end;{ TPage }constructor TPage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); Visible := False; ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls, csNoDesignVisible, csParentBackground]; Align := alClient;end;procedure TPage.Paint;begin inherited Paint; if csDesigning in ComponentState then with Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psDash; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); end;end;procedure TPage.ReadState(Reader: TReader);begin if Reader.Parent is TNotebook then TNotebook(Reader.Parent).FPageList.Add(Self); inherited ReadState(Reader);end;procedure TPage.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Message.Result := HTTRANSPARENT else inherited;end;{ TNotebook }var Registered: Boolean = False;constructor TNotebook.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); Width := 150; Height := 150; FPageList := TList.Create; FAccess := TPageAccess.Create(FPageList, Self); FPageIndex := -1; FAccess.Add(SDefault); PageIndex := 0; Exclude(FComponentStyle, csInheritable); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csParentBackground]; if not Registered then begin Classes.RegisterClasses([TPage]); Registered := True; end;end;destructor TNotebook.Destroy;begin FAccess.Free; FPageList.Free; inherited Destroy;end;procedure TNotebook.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin Style := Style or WS_CLIPCHILDREN; := and not (CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW); end;end;function TNotebook.GetChildOwner: TComponent;begin Result := Self;end;procedure TNotebook.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent);var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to FPageList.Count - 1 do Proc(TControl(FPageList));end;procedure TNotebook.ReadState(Reader: TReader);begin Pages.Clear; inherited ReadState(Reader); if (FPageIndex <> -1) and (FPageIndex >= 0) and (FPageIndex < FPageList.Count) then with TPage(FPageList[FPageIndex]) do begin BringToFront; Visible := True; Align := alClient; end else FPageIndex := -1;end;procedure TNotebook.ShowControl(AControl: TControl);var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to FPageList.Count - 1 do if FPageList = AControl then begin SetPageIndex(I); Exit; end; inherited ShowControl(AControl);end;procedure TNotebook.SetPages(Value: TStrings);begin FAccess.Assign(Value);end;procedure TNotebook.SetPageIndex(Value: Integer);var ParentForm: TCustomForm;begin if csLoading in ComponentState then begin FPageIndex := Value; Exit; end; if (Value <> FPageIndex) and (Value >= 0) and (Value < FPageList.Count) then begin ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self); if ParentForm <> nil then if ContainsControl(ParentForm.ActiveControl) then ParentForm.ActiveControl := Self; with TPage(FPageList[Value]) do begin BringToFront; Visible := True; Align := alClient; end; if (FPageIndex >= 0) and (FPageIndex < FPageList.Count) then TPage(FPageList[FPageIndex]).Visible := False; FPageIndex := Value; if ParentForm <> nil then if ParentForm.ActiveControl = Self then SelectFirst; if Assigned(FOnPageChanged) then FOnPageChanged(Self); end;end;procedure TNotebook.SetActivePage(const Value: string);begin SetPageIndex(FAccess.IndexOf(Value));end;function TNotebook.GetActivePage: string;begin Result := FAccess[FPageIndex];end;{ THeaderStrings }const DefaultSectionWidth = 75;type PHeaderSection = ^THeaderSection; THeaderSection = record FObject: TObject; Width: Integer; Title: string; end;type THeaderStrings = class(TStrings) private FHeader: THeader; FList: TList; procedure ReadData(Reader: TReader); procedure WriteData(Writer: TWriter); protected procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; function Get(Index: Integer): string; override; function GetCount: Integer; override; function GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject; override; procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string); override; procedure PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); override; procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); override; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override; procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override; procedure Clear; override; end;procedure FreeSection(Section: PHeaderSection);begin if Section <> nil then Dispose(Section);end;function NewSection(const ATitle: string; AWidth: Integer; AObject: TObject): PHeaderSection;begin New(Result); with Result^ do begin Title := ATitle; Width := AWidth; FObject := AObject; end;end;constructor THeaderStrings.Create;begin inherited Create; FList := TList.Create;end;destructor THeaderStrings.Destroy;begin if FList <> nil then begin Clear; FList.Free; end; inherited Destroy;end;procedure THeaderStrings.Assign(Source: TPersistent);var I, J: Integer; Strings: TStrings; NewList: TList; Section: PHeaderSection; TempStr: string; Found: Boolean;begin if Source is TStrings then begin Strings := TStrings(Source); BeginUpdate; try NewList := TList.Create; try { Delete any sections not in the new list } I := FList.Count - 1; Found := False; while I >= 0 do begin TempStr := Get(I); for J := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do begin Found := AnsiCompareStr(Strings[J], TempStr) = 0; if Found then Break; end; if not Found then Delete(I); Dec(I); end; { Now iterate over the lists and maintain section widths of sections in the new list } I := 0; for J := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do begin if (I < FList.Count) and (AnsiCompareStr(Strings[J], Get(I)) = 0) then begin Section := NewSection(Get(I), PHeaderSection(FList)^.Width, GetObject(I)); Inc(I); end else Section := NewSection(Strings[J], FHeader.Canvas.TextWidth(Strings[J]) + 8, Strings.Objects[J]); NewList.Add(Section); end; Clear; FList.Destroy; FList := NewList; FHeader.Invalidate; except for I := 0 to NewList.Count - 1 do FreeSection(NewList); NewList.Destroy; raise; end; finally EndUpdate; end; Exit; end; inherited Assign(Source);end;procedure THeaderStrings.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);begin { This will allow the old file image read in } if Filer is TReader then inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineProperty('Sections', ReadData, WriteData, Count > 0);end;procedure THeaderStrings.Clear;var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do FreeSection(FList); FList.Clear;end;procedure THeaderStrings.Delete(Index: Integer);begin FreeSection(FList[Index]); FList.Delete(Index); if FHeader <> nil then FHeader.Invalidate;end;function THeaderStrings.Get(Index: Integer): string;begin Result := PHeaderSection(FList[Index])^.Title;end;function THeaderStrings.GetCount: Integer;begin Result := FList.Count;end;function THeaderStrings.GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject;begin Result := PHeaderSection(FList[Index])^.FObject;end;procedure THeaderStrings.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);var Width: Integer;begin if FHeader <> nil then Width := FHeader.Canvas.TextWidth(S) + 8 else Width := DefaultSectionWidth; FList.Expand.Insert(Index, NewSection(S, Width, nil)); if FHeader <> nil then FHeader.Invalidate;end;procedure THeaderStrings.Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);var P: PHeaderSection; Width: Integer;begin P := FList[Index]; if FHeader <> nil then Width := FHeader.Canvas.TextWidth(S) + 8 else Width := DefaultSectionWidth; FList[Index] := NewSection(S, Width, P^.FObject); FreeSection(P); if FHeader <> nil then FHeader.Invalidate;end;procedure THeaderStrings.PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject);begin PHeaderSection(FList[Index])^.FObject := AObject; if FHeader <> nil then FHeader.Invalidate;end;procedure THeaderStrings.ReadData(Reader: TReader);var Width, I: Integer; Str: string;begin Reader.ReadListBegin; Clear; while not Reader.EndOfList do begin Str := Reader.ReadString; Width := DefaultSectionWidth; I := 1; if Str[1] = #0 then begin repeat Inc(I); until (I > Length(Str)) or (Str = #0); Width := StrToIntDef(Copy(Str, 2, I - 2), DefaultSectionWidth); System.Delete(Str, 1, I); end; FList.Expand.Insert(FList.Count, NewSection(Str, Width, nil)); end; Reader.ReadListEnd;end;procedure THeaderStrings.SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean);begin if FHeader <> nil then begin SendMessage(FHeader.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(not Updating), 0); if not Updating then FHeader.Refresh; end;end;procedure THeaderStrings.WriteData(Writer: TWriter);var I: Integer; HeaderSection: PHeaderSection;begin Writer.WriteListBegin; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin HeaderSection := FList; with HeaderSection^ do Writer.WriteString(Format(#0'%d'#0'%s', [Width, Title])); end; Writer.WriteListEnd;end;{ THeader }constructor THeader.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csDesignInteractive, csOpaque]; Width := 250; Height := 25; FSections := THeaderStrings.Create; THeaderStrings(FSections).FHeader := Self; FAllowResize := True; FBorderStyle := bsSingle;end;destructor THeader.Destroy;begin FreeSections; FSections.Free; inherited Destroy;end;procedure THeader.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);const BorderStyles: array[TBorderStyle] of DWORD = (0, WS_BORDER);begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin Style := Style or BorderStyles[FBorderStyle]; := and not (CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW); end;end;procedure THeader.Paint;var I, Y, W: Integer; S: string; R: TRect;begin with Canvas do begin Font := Self.Font; Brush.Color := clBtnFace; I := 0; Y := (ClientHeight - Canvas.TextHeight('T')) div 2; R := Rect(0, 0, 0, ClientHeight); W := 0; S := ''; repeat if I < FSections.Count then begin with PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList)^ do begin W := Width; S := Title; end; Inc(I); end; R.Left := R.Right; Inc(R.Right, W); if (ClientWidth - R.Right < 2) or (I = FSections.Count) then R.Right := ClientWidth; TextRect(Rect(R.Left + 1, R.Top + 1, R.Right - 1, R.Bottom - 1), R.Left + 3, Y, S); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRight); until R.Right = ClientWidth; end;end;procedure THeader.FreeSections;begin if FSections <> nil then FSections.Clear;end;procedure THeader.SetBorderStyle(Value: TBorderStyle);begin if Value <> FBorderStyle then begin FBorderStyle := Value; RecreateWnd; end;end;procedure THeader.SetSections(Strings: TStrings);begin FSections.Assign(Strings);end;function THeader.GetWidth(X: Integer): Integer;var I, W: Integer;begin if X = FSections.Count - 1 then begin W := 0; for I := 0 to X - 1 do Inc(W, PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList)^.Width); Result := ClientWidth - W; end else if (X >= 0) and (X < FSections.Count) then Result := PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList[X])^.Width else Result := 0;end;procedure THeader.SetWidth(X: Integer; Value: Integer);begin if X < 0 then Exit; PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList[X])^.Width := Value; Invalidate;end;procedure THeader.WMNCHitTest(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest);begin inherited; FHitTest := SmallPointToPoint(Msg.Pos);end;procedure THeader.WMSetCursor(var Msg: TWMSetCursor);var Cur: HCURSOR; I: Integer; X: Integer;begin Cur := 0; FResizeSection := 0; FHitTest := ScreenToClient(FHitTest); X := 2; with Msg do if HitTest = HTCLIENT then for I := 0 to FSections.Count - 2 do { don't count last section } begin Inc(X, PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList)^.Width); FMouseOffset := X - (FHitTest.X + 2); if Abs(FMouseOffset) < 4 then begin Cur := LoadCursor(0, IDC_SIZEWE); FResizeSection := I; Break; end; end; FCanResize := (FAllowResize or (csDesigning in ComponentState)) and (Cur <> 0); if FCanResize then SetCursor(Cur) else inherited;end;procedure THeader.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);begin inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); if ((csDesigning in ComponentState) and (Button = mbRight)) or (Button = mbLeft) then if FCanResize then SetCapture(Handle);end;procedure THeader.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var I: Integer; AbsPos: Integer; MinPos: Integer; MaxPos: Integer;begin inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); if (GetCapture = Handle) and FCanResize then begin { absolute position of this item } AbsPos := 2; for I := 0 to FResizeSection do Inc(AbsPos, PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList)^.Width); if FResizeSection > 0 then MinPos := AbsPos - PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList[FResizeSection])^.Width + 2 else MinPos := 2; MaxPos := ClientWidth - 2; if X < MinPos then X := MinPos; if X > MaxPos then X := MaxPos; Dec(PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList[FResizeSection])^.Width, (AbsPos - X - 2) - FMouseOffset); Sizing(FResizeSection, PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList[FResizeSection])^.Width); Refresh; end;end;procedure THeader.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);begin if FCanResize then begin ReleaseCapture; Sized(FResizeSection, PHeaderSection(THeaderStrings(FSections).FList[FResizeSection])^.Width); FCanResize := False; end; inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);end;procedure THeader.Sizing(ASection, AWidth: Integer);begin if Assigned(FOnSizing) then FOnSizing(Self, ASection, AWidth);end;procedure THeader.Sized(ASection, AWidth: Integer);var Form: TCustomForm;begin if Assigned(FOnSized) then FOnSized(Self, ASection, AWidth); if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin Form := GetParentForm(Self); if Form <> nil then Form.Designer.Modified; end;end;procedure THeader.WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize);begin inherited; Invalidate;end;{ TGroupButton }type TGroupButton = class(TRadioButton) private FInClick: Boolean; procedure CNCommand(var Message: TWMCommand); message CN_COMMAND; protected procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; public constructor InternalCreate(RadioGroup: TCustomRadioGroup); destructor Destroy; override; end;constructor TGroupButton.InternalCreate(RadioGroup: TCustomRadioGroup);begin inherited Create(RadioGroup); RadioGroup.FButtons.Add(Self); Visible := False; Enabled := RadioGroup.Enabled; ParentShowHint := False; OnClick := RadioGroup.ButtonClick; Parent := RadioGroup;end;destructor TGroupButton.Destroy;begin TCustomRadioGroup(Owner).FButtons.Remove(Self); inherited Destroy;end;procedure TGroupButton.CNCommand(var Message: TWMCommand);begin if not FInClick then begin FInClick := True; try if ((Message.NotifyCode = BN_CLICKED) or (Message.NotifyCode = BN_DOUBLECLICKED)) and TCustomRadioGroup(Parent).CanModify then inherited; except Application.HandleException(Self); end; FInClick := False; end;end;procedure TGroupButton.KeyPress(var Key: Char);begin inherited KeyPress(Key); TCustomRadioGroup(Parent).KeyPress(Key); if (Key = #8) or (Key = ' ') then begin if not TCustomRadioGroup(Parent).CanModify then Key := #0; end;end;procedure TGroupButton.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);begin inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); TCustomRadioGroup(Parent).KeyDown(Key, Shift);end;{ TCustomRadioGroup }constructor TCustomRadioGroup.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csSetCaption, csDoubleClicks, csParentBackground]; FButtons := TList.Create; FItems := TStringList.Create; TStringList(FItems).OnChange := ItemsChange; FItemIndex := -1; FColumns := 1;end;destructor TCustomRadioGroup.Destroy;begin SetButtonCount(0); TStringList(FItems).OnChange := nil; FItems.Free; FButtons.Free; inherited Destroy;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.FlipChildren(AllLevels: Boolean);begin { The radio buttons are flipped using BiDiMode }end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.ArrangeButtons;var ButtonsPerCol, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, TopMargin, I: Integer; DC: HDC; SaveFont: HFont; Metrics: TTextMetric; DeferHandle: THandle; ALeft: Integer;begin if (FButtons.Count <> 0) and not FReading then begin DC := GetDC(0); SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, Font.Handle); GetTextMetrics(DC, Metrics); SelectObject(DC, SaveFont); ReleaseDC(0, DC); ButtonsPerCol := (FButtons.Count + FColumns - 1) div FColumns; ButtonWidth := (Width - 10) div FColumns; I := Height - Metrics.tmHeight - 5; ButtonHeight := I div ButtonsPerCol; TopMargin := Metrics.tmHeight + 1 + (I mod ButtonsPerCol) div 2; DeferHandle := BeginDeferWindowPos(FButtons.Count); try for I := 0 to FButtons.Count - 1 do with TGroupButton(FButtons) do begin BiDiMode := Self.BiDiMode; ALeft := (I div ButtonsPerCol) * ButtonWidth + 8; if UseRightToLeftAlignment then ALeft := Self.ClientWidth - ALeft - ButtonWidth; DeferHandle := DeferWindowPos(DeferHandle, Handle, 0, ALeft, (I mod ButtonsPerCol) * ButtonHeight + TopMargin, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOACTIVATE); Visible := True; end; finally EndDeferWindowPos(DeferHandle); end; end;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);begin if not FUpdating then begin FItemIndex := FButtons.IndexOf(Sender); Changed; Click; end;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.ItemsChange(Sender: TObject);begin if not FReading then begin if FItemIndex >= FItems.Count then FItemIndex := FItems.Count - 1; UpdateButtons; end;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.Loaded;begin inherited Loaded; ArrangeButtons;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.ReadState(Reader: TReader);begin FReading := True; inherited ReadState(Reader); FReading := False; UpdateButtons;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.SetButtonCount(Value: Integer);begin while FButtons.Count < Value do TGroupButton.InternalCreate(Self); while FButtons.Count > Value do TGroupButton(FButtons.Last).Free;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.SetColumns(Value: Integer);begin if Value < 1 then Value := 1; if Value > 16 then Value := 16; if FColumns <> Value then begin FColumns := Value; ArrangeButtons; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.SetItemIndex(Value: Integer);begin if FReading then FItemIndex := Value else begin if Value < -1 then Value := -1; if Value >= FButtons.Count then Value := FButtons.Count - 1; if FItemIndex <> Value then begin if FItemIndex >= 0 then TGroupButton(FButtons[FItemIndex]).Checked := False; FItemIndex := Value; if FItemIndex >= 0 then TGroupButton(FButtons[FItemIndex]).Checked := True; end; end;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.SetItems(Value: TStrings);begin FItems.Assign(Value);end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.UpdateButtons;var I: Integer;begin SetButtonCount(FItems.Count); for I := 0 to FButtons.Count - 1 do TGroupButton(FButtons).Caption := FItems; if FItemIndex >= 0 then begin FUpdating := True; TGroupButton(FButtons[FItemIndex]).Checked := True; FUpdating := False; end; ArrangeButtons; Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage);var I: Integer;begin inherited; for I := 0 to FButtons.Count - 1 do TGroupButton(FButtons).Enabled := Enabled;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);begin inherited; ArrangeButtons;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);begin inherited; ArrangeButtons;end;function TCustomRadioGroup.CanModify: Boolean;begin Result := True;end;procedure TCustomRadioGroup.GetChildren(Proc: TGetChildProc; Root: TComponent);beginend;function TCustomRadioGroup.GetButtons(Index: Integer): TRadioButton;begin Result := TRadioButton(FButtons[Index]);end;{ TSplitter }type TWinControlAccess = class(TWinControl);constructor TSplitter.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); FAutoSnap := True; Height := 100; Align := alLeft; Width := 3; Cursor := crHSplit; FMinSize := 30; FResizeStyle := rsPattern; FOldSize := -1;end;destructor TSplitter.Destroy;begin FBrush.Free; inherited Destroy;end;procedure TSplitter.AllocateLineDC;begin FLineDC := GetDCEx(Parent.Handle, 0, DCX_CACHE or DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS or DCX_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE); if ResizeStyle = rsPattern then begin if FBrush = nil then begin FBrush := TBrush.Create;{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FBrush.Bitmap := AllocPatternBitmap(clBlack, clWhite);{$ENDIF}{$IFDEF LINUX} FBrush.Color := clGray;{$ENDIF} end; FPrevBrush := SelectObject(FLineDC, FBrush.Handle); end;end;procedure TSplitter.DrawLine;var P: TPoint;begin FLineVisible := not FLineVisible; P := Point(Left, Top); if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then P.X := Left + FSplit else P.Y := Top + FSplit; with P do PatBlt(FLineDC, X, Y, Width, Height, PATINVERT);end;procedure TSplitter.ReleaseLineDC;begin if FPrevBrush <> 0 then SelectObject(FLineDC, FPrevBrush); ReleaseDC(Parent.Handle, FLineDC); if FBrush <> nil then begin FBrush.Free; FBrush := nil; end;end;function TSplitter.FindControl: TControl;var P: TPoint; I: Integer; R: TRect;begin Result := nil; P := Point(Left, Top); case Align of alLeft: Dec(P.X); alRight: Inc(P.X, Width); alTop: Dec(P.Y); alBottom: Inc(P.Y, Height); else Exit; end; for I := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do begin Result := Parent.Controls; if Result.Visible and Result.Enabled then begin R := Result.BoundsRect; if (R.Right - R.Left) = 0 then if Align in [alTop, alLeft] then Dec(R.Left) else Inc(R.Right); if (R.Bottom - R.Top) = 0 then if Align in [alTop, alLeft] then Dec(R.Top) else Inc(R.Bottom); if PtInRect(R, P) then Exit; end; end; Result := nil;end;procedure TSplitter.RequestAlign;begin inherited RequestAlign; if (Cursor <> crVSplit) and (Cursor <> crHSplit) then Exit; if Align in [alBottom, alTop] then Cursor := crVSplit else Cursor := crHSplit;end;procedure TSplitter.Paint;const XorColor = $00FFD8CE;var FrameBrush: HBRUSH; R: TRect;begin R := ClientRect; Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.FillRect(ClientRect); if Beveled then begin if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then InflateRect(R, -1, 2) else InflateRect(R, 2, -1); OffsetRect(R, 1, 1); FrameBrush := CreateSolidBrush(ColorToRGB(clBtnHighlight)); FrameRect(Canvas.Handle, R, FrameBrush); DeleteObject(FrameBrush); OffsetRect(R, -2, -2); FrameBrush := CreateSolidBrush(ColorToRGB(clBtnShadow)); FrameRect(Canvas.Handle, R, FrameBrush); DeleteObject(FrameBrush); end; if csDesigning in ComponentState then { Draw outline } with Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psDot; Pen.Mode := pmXor; Pen.Color := XorColor; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight); end; if Assigned(FOnPaint) then FOnPaint(Self);end;function TSplitter.DoCanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean;begin Result := CanResize(NewSize); if Result and (NewSize <= MinSize) and FAutoSnap then NewSize := 0;end;function TSplitter.CanResize(var NewSize: Integer): Boolean;begin Result := True; if Assigned(FOnCanResize) then FOnCanResize(Self, NewSize, Result);end;procedure TSplitter.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var I: Integer;begin inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); if Button = mbLeft then begin FControl := FindControl; FDownPos := Point(X, Y); if Assigned(FControl) then begin if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then begin FMaxSize := Parent.ClientWidth - FMinSize; for I := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do with Parent.Controls do if Visible and (Align in [alLeft, alRight]) then Dec(FMaxSize, Width); Inc(FMaxSize, FControl.Width); end else begin FMaxSize := Parent.ClientHeight - FMinSize; for I := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do with Parent.Controls do if Align in [alTop, alBottom] then Dec(FMaxSize, Height); Inc(FMaxSize, FControl.Height); end; UpdateSize(X, Y); AllocateLineDC; with ValidParentForm(Self) do if ActiveControl <> nil then begin FActiveControl := ActiveControl; FOldKeyDown := TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown; TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown := FocusKeyDown; end; if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine; end; end;end;procedure TSplitter.UpdateControlSize;begin if FNewSize <> FOldSize then begin case Align of alLeft: FControl.Width := FNewSize; alTop: FControl.Height := FNewSize; alRight: begin Parent.DisableAlign; try FControl.Left := FControl.Left + (FControl.Width - FNewSize); FControl.Width := FNewSize; finally Parent.EnableAlign; end; end; alBottom: begin Parent.DisableAlign; try FControl.Top := FControl.Top + (FControl.Height - FNewSize); FControl.Height := FNewSize; finally Parent.EnableAlign; end; end; end; Update; if Assigned(FOnMoved) then FOnMoved(Self); FOldSize := FNewSize; end;end;procedure TSplitter.CalcSplitSize(X, Y: Integer; var NewSize, Split: Integer);var S: Integer;begin if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then Split := X - FDownPos.X else Split := Y - FDownPos.Y; S := 0; case Align of alLeft: S := FControl.Width + Split; alRight: S := FControl.Width - Split; alTop: S := FControl.Height + Split; alBottom: S := FControl.Height - Split; end; NewSize := S; if S < FMinSize then NewSize := FMinSize else if S > FMaxSize then NewSize := FMaxSize; if S <> NewSize then begin if Align in [alRight, alBottom] then S := S - NewSize else S := NewSize - S; Inc(Split, S); end;end;procedure TSplitter.UpdateSize(X, Y: Integer);begin CalcSplitSize(X, Y, FNewSize, FSplit);end;procedure TSplitter.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var NewSize, Split: Integer;begin inherited; if (ssLeft in Shift) and Assigned(FControl) then begin CalcSplitSize(X, Y, NewSize, Split); if DoCanResize(NewSize) then begin if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine; FNewSize := NewSize; FSplit := Split; if ResizeStyle = rsUpdate then UpdateControlSize; if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine; end; end;end;procedure TSplitter.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);begin inherited; if Assigned(FControl) then begin if ResizeStyle in [rsLine, rsPattern] then DrawLine; UpdateControlSize; StopSizing; end;end;procedure TSplitter.FocusKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);begin if Key = VK_ESCAPE then StopSizing else if Assigned(FOldKeyDown) then FOldKeyDown(Sender, Key, Shift);end;procedure TSplitter.SetBeveled(Value: Boolean);begin FBeveled := Value; Repaint;end;procedure TSplitter.StopSizing;begin if Assigned(FControl) then begin if FLineVisible then DrawLine; FControl := nil; ReleaseLineDC; if Assigned(FActiveControl) then begin TWinControlAccess(FActiveControl).OnKeyDown := FOldKeyDown; FActiveControl := nil; end; end; if Assigned(FOnMoved) then FOnMoved(Self);end;{ TCustomControlBar }type PDockPos = ^TDockPos; TDockPos = record Control: TControl; Insets: TRect; Visible: Boolean; Break: Boolean; Pos: TPoint; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; RowCount: Integer; TempRow: Integer; Parent: PDockPos; SubItem: PDockPos; TempBreak: Boolean; TempPos: TPoint; TempWidth: Integer; end;function CreateDockPos(AControl: TControl; Break: Boolean; Visible: Boolean; const APos: TPoint; AWidth, AHeight: Integer; Parent: PDockPos; const Insets: TRect; RowCount: Integer): PDockPos;begin GetMem(Result, SizeOf(TDockPos)); Result.Control := AControl; Result.Insets := Insets; Result.Visible := Visible; Result.Break := Break; Result.Pos := APos; Result.Width := AWidth; Result.Height := AHeight; Result.RowCount := RowCount; Result.TempRow := 1; Result.TempBreak := Break; Result.TempPos := APos; Result.TempWidth := AWidth; Result.Parent := Parent; Result.SubItem := nil;end;procedure FreeDockPos(Items: TList; DockPos: PDockPos);var Tmp: PDockPos;begin { Remove all subitems } while DockPos <> nil do begin Tmp := DockPos; Items.Remove(DockPos); DockPos := DockPos.SubItem; FreeMem(Tmp, SizeOf(TDockPos)); end;end;procedure AdjustControlRect(var ARect: TRect; const Insets: TRect);begin with Insets do begin Dec(ARect.Left, Left); Dec(ARect.Top, Top); Inc(ARect.Right, Right); Inc(ARect.Bottom, Bottom); end;end;constructor TCustomControlBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csAcceptsControls, csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csDoubleClicks, csOpaque, csParentBackground]; Width := 100; Height := 50; FAutoDrag := True; FAutoDock := True; FDrawingStyle := dsNormal; FItems := TList.Create; FPicture := TPicture.Create; FPicture.OnChange := PictureChanged; FRowSize := 26; FRowSnap := True; BevelKind := bkTile; DoubleBuffered := True; DockSite := True; GradientStartColor := clWindow; GradientEndColor := GetShadowColor(clBtnFace, -25); GradientDirection := gdVertical; CornerEdge := ceMedium;end;destructor TCustomControlBar.Destroy;var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do if FItems <> nil then FreeMem(PDockPos(FItems), SizeOf(TDockPos)); FItems.Free; FPicture.Free; inherited Destroy;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetCornerEdge(Value: TCornerEdge);begin if Value <> FCornerEdge then begin FCornerEdge := Value; Repaint; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetGradientStartColor(Value: TColor);begin if Value <> FGradientStartColor then begin FGradientStartColor := Value; if HandleAllocated then Repaint; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetGradientEndColor(Value: TColor);begin if Value <> FGradientEndColor then begin FGradientEndColor := Value; if HandleAllocated then Repaint; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params.WindowClass do style := style and not (CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW);end;procedure TCustomControlBar.AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var ARect: TRect);var I, J, X: Integer; DockPos: PDockPos; TotalSize, RowSize, RowSpace, Shift: Integer; RowHeight, PrevRowHeight: Integer; MoveBy: Integer; Pos: TPoint; CX: Integer; Control: TControl; UseTemp: Boolean; Row: Integer; RowCount: Integer; FirstIndex, LastIndex: Integer; InsertingControl: Boolean; Dirty: Boolean; R: TRect; TempRowSize, TempRowSpace: Integer; AdjustX: Integer; DockRect: TRect; PreferredSize: Integer; TmpDockPos: PDockPos; Redo: PDockPos; RedoCount: Integer; SkipRedo: Boolean; function ShouldRedo(DockPos: PDockPos; const Pos: TPoint; Width: Integer): Boolean; begin { Determine whether this subitem has changed and will affect its parent(s). } if (DockPos^.Parent <> nil) and ((Pos.X <> DockPos^.Parent^.TempPos.X) or (Width <> DockPos^.Parent^.TempWidth)) then begin DockPos := DockPos^.Parent; { Update parents and re-perform align logic } repeat DockPos^.TempPos.X := Pos.X; DockPos^.TempWidth := Width; Redo := DockPos; DockPos := DockPos^.Parent; until DockPos = nil; Result := True; end else Result := False; end;begin if FAligning then Exit; FAligning := True; try { Update items } InsertingControl := UpdateItems(AControl); if FItems.Count = 0 then Exit; RowCount := 0; FirstIndex := 0; LastIndex := FItems.Count - 1; { Find number of rows } for I := FirstIndex to LastIndex do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); { First item can't have Break set! } DockPos^.TempBreak := DockPos^.Break; if DockPos^.Break then Inc(RowCount); end; Redo := nil; SkipRedo := False; RedoCount := 2; repeat if Redo <> nil then begin SkipRedo := True; Dec(RedoCount); end; if RedoCount = 0 then Exit; RowHeight := 0; PrevRowHeight := 0; Row := 1; while Row <= RowCount do begin if Row = 1 then RowHeight := 0; { Find first and last index for current row } if Row = 1 then FirstIndex := 0 else FirstIndex := LastIndex + 1; LastIndex := FItems.Count - 1; for I := FirstIndex to LastIndex - 1 do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems[I + 1]); { First item can't have Break set } if DockPos^.Break or DockPos^.TempBreak then begin LastIndex := I; Break; end; end; { Set temp values for all controls } TotalSize := ARect.Right - ARect.Left; RowSize := 0; RowSpace := 0; for I := FirstIndex to LastIndex do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); if DockPos^.Break or DockPos^.TempBreak then begin RowSize := 0; RowSpace := 0; UseTemp := False; if UseTemp then DockPos^.TempPos.Y := RowHeight else DockPos^.Pos.Y := RowHeight; PrevRowHeight := RowHeight; end else UseTemp := False; Control := DockPos^.Control; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible then begin { If control was moved/resized, update our info } if DockPos^.Parent = nil then begin PreferredSize := DockPos^.Width; Dec(PreferredSize, DockPos^.Insets.Left + DockPos^.Insets.Right); GetControlInfo(Control, DockPos^.Insets, PreferredSize, DockPos^.RowCount); DockPos^.Width := PreferredSize + DockPos^.Insets.Left + DockPos^.Insets.Right; if not InsertingControl and (DockPos^.Parent = nil) and (AControl = DockPos^.Control) then begin if UseTemp then begin DockPos^.TempPos := Point(AControl.Left - ARect.Left - DockPos^.Insets.Left, AControl.Top - ARect.Top - DockPos^.Insets.Top); DockPos^.TempWidth := AControl.Width + DockPos^.Insets.Left + DockPos^.Insets.Right; DockRect := Bounds(DockPos^.TempPos.X, DockPos^.TempPos.Y, DockPos^.TempWidth, DockPos^.Height); end else DockRect := Bounds(DockPos^.Pos.X, DockPos^.Pos.Y, DockPos^.Width, DockPos^.Height); end; { Let user adjust sizes } if DockPos = Redo then DockRect := Bounds(DockPos^.TempPos.X, DockPos^.TempPos.Y, DockPos^.TempWidth, DockPos^.Height) else DockRect := Bounds(DockPos^.Pos.X, DockPos^.Pos.Y, DockPos^.Width, DockPos^.Height); DoBandMove(Control, DockRect); DockPos^.TempWidth := DockRect.Right - DockRect.Left; end else begin { Use parent's position } with DockPos^.Parent^ do begin DockPos^.Pos := Pos; DockPos^.TempPos := TempPos; Inc(DockPos^.Pos.Y, Height); Inc(DockPos^.TempPos.Y, Height); DockPos^.Width := Width; DockPos^.TempWidth := TempWidth; DockRect := Bounds(DockPos^.TempPos.X, DockPos^.TempPos.Y, DockPos^.TempWidth, DockPos^.Height); end; end; if DockPos = Redo then begin with DockPos^ do begin TempPos.X := DockRect.Left; TempPos.Y := DockRect.Top; TempWidth := DockRect.Right - DockRect.Left; Redo := nil; SkipRedo := False; end; end else begin with DockPos^ do begin Pos.X := DockRect.Left; Pos.Y := DockRect.Top; end; end; if UseTemp then begin Pos := DockPos^.TempPos; CX := DockPos^.TempWidth; end else begin Pos := DockRect.TopLeft; CX := DockRect.Right - DockRect.Left; end; { Make sure Pos is within bounds } if Pos.X < RowSize then begin { If a control is being resized/moved then adjust any controls to its left } if (RowSpace > 0) then begin TempRowSize := Pos.X; AdjustX := Pos.X; TempRowSpace := RowSpace; for J := I - 1 downto FirstIndex do begin with PDockPos(FItems[J])^ do begin if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible then begin if TempPos.X + TempWidth > TempRowSize then begin X := TempPos.X + TempWidth - TempRowSize; { Calculate adjusted rowspace } if J < I - 1 then Dec(TempRowSpace, AdjustX - (TempPos.X + TempWidth)); if X > TempRowSpace then X := TempRowSpace; AdjustX := TempPos.X; Dec(TempPos.X, X); Dec(TempRowSize, TempWidth); TmpDockPos := PDockPos(FItems[J]); if ShouldRedo(TmpDockPos, TmpDockPos^.TempPos, TmpDockPos^.TempWidth) then System.Break; TmpDockPos := SubItem; while TmpDockPos <> nil do with TmpDockPos^ do begin Pos := PDockPos(FItems[J])^.Pos; TempPos := PDockPos(FItems[J])^.TempPos; Inc(Pos.Y, Parent.Height); Inc(TempPos.Y, Parent.Height); Width := PDockPos(FItems[J])^.Width; TempWidth := PDockPos(FItems[J])^.TempWidth; TmpDockPos := SubItem; end; end else System.Break; end; end; end; AdjustX := RowSize - Pos.X; if AdjustX > RowSpace then AdjustX := RowSpace; Dec(RowSpace, AdjustX); Dec(RowSize, AdjustX); end; Pos.X := RowSize; end; if (Redo <> nil) and not SkipRedo then Break; if Pos.Y <> PrevRowHeight then Pos.Y := PrevRowHeight; if Pos.Y + DockPos^.Height > RowHeight then RowHeight := Pos.Y + DockPos^.Height; Inc(RowSpace, Pos.X - RowSize); Inc(RowSize, Pos.X - RowSize + CX); if DockPos^.Parent = nil then begin DockPos^.TempPos := Pos; DockPos^.TempWidth := CX; end else begin if ShouldRedo(DockPos, Pos, CX) then System.Break else if not DockPos^.Break and (DockPos^.TempPos.X < Pos.X) then begin DockPos^.TempPos := Pos; DockPos^.TempWidth := CX; end; end; TmpDockPos := DockPos^.SubItem; while TmpDockPos <> nil do with TmpDockPos^ do begin Pos := DockPos^.Pos; TempPos := DockPos^.TempPos; Inc(Pos.Y, Parent.Height); Inc(TempPos.Y, Parent.Height); Width := DockPos^.Width; TempWidth := DockPos^.TempWidth; TmpDockPos := SubItem; end; end; end; if (Redo <> nil) and not SkipRedo then Break; { Determine whether controls on this row can fit } Shift := TotalSize - RowSize; if Shift < 0 then begin TotalSize := ARect.Right - ARect.Left; { Try to move all controls to fill space } AdjustX := RowSize; TempRowSpace := RowSpace; for I := LastIndex downto FirstIndex do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); Control := DockPos^.Control; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible then begin if (DockPos^.TempPos.X + DockPos^.TempWidth) > TotalSize then begin MoveBy := (DockPos^.TempPos.X + DockPos^.TempWidth) - TotalSize; if I < LastIndex then Dec(TempRowSpace, AdjustX - (DockPos^.TempPos.X + DockPos^.TempWidth)); if MoveBy <= TempRowSpace then Shift := MoveBy else Shift := TempRowSpace; if Shift <= TempRowSpace then begin AdjustX := DockPos^.TempPos.X; Dec(DockPos^.TempPos.X, Shift); Dec(TotalSize, DockPos^.TempWidth); if ShouldRedo(DockPos, DockPos^.TempPos, DockPos^.TempWidth) then Break; TmpDockPos := DockPos^.SubItem; while TmpDockPos <> nil do with TmpDockPos^ do begin TempPos := DockPos^.TempPos; Inc(TempPos.Y, Parent.Height); TmpDockPos := SubItem; end; end else Break; end; end; end; if (Redo <> nil) and not SkipRedo then Break; { Try to minimize all controls to fill space } if TotalSize < 0 then begin TotalSize := ARect.Right - ARect.Left; for I := LastIndex downto FirstIndex do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); Control := DockPos^.Control; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible then begin if DockPos^.TempPos.X + DockPos^.TempWidth > TotalSize then begin { Try to minimize control, move if it can't be resized } DockPos^.TempWidth := DockPos^.TempWidth - ((DockPos^.TempPos.X + DockPos^.TempWidth) - TotalSize); if DockPos^.TempWidth < Control.Constraints.MinWidth + DockPos^.Insets.Left + DockPos^.Insets.Right then DockPos^.TempWidth := Control.Constraints.MinWidth + DockPos^.Insets.Left + DockPos^.Insets.Right; { Move control } if DockPos^.TempPos.X + DockPos^.TempWidth > TotalSize then begin Dec(DockPos^.TempPos.X, (DockPos^.TempPos.X + DockPos^.TempWidth) - TotalSize); if DockPos^.TempPos.X < ARect.Left then DockPos^.TempPos.X := ARect.Left; end; if ShouldRedo(DockPos, DockPos^.TempPos, DockPos^.TempWidth) then Break; TmpDockPos := DockPos^.SubItem; while TmpDockPos <> nil do with TmpDockPos^ do begin Pos := DockPos^.Pos; TempPos := DockPos^.TempPos; Inc(TempPos.Y, Parent.Height); TempWidth := DockPos^.TempWidth; TmpDockPos := SubItem; end; end; Dec(TotalSize, DockPos^.TempWidth); end; end; end; if (Redo <> nil) and not SkipRedo then Break; { Done with first pass at minimizing. If we're still cramped for space then wrap last control if there are more than 1 controls on this row. } if (TotalSize < 0) and (FirstIndex <> LastIndex) then begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems[LastIndex]); DockPos^.TempPos.X := 0; DockPos^.TempWidth := DockPos^.Width; DockPos^.TempBreak := True; Inc(RowCount); if ShouldRedo(DockPos, DockPos^.TempPos, DockPos^.TempWidth) then Break; TmpDockPos := DockPos^.SubItem; while TmpDockPos <> nil do with TmpDockPos^ do begin TempPos := DockPos^.TempPos; Inc(TempPos.Y, Parent.Height); TempWidth := DockPos^.TempWidth; TmpDockPos := SubItem; end; end else Inc(Row); end else Inc(Row); end; until Redo = nil; { Now position controls } for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); with DockPos^ do if (Parent = nil) and ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible) then begin with Insets do R := Rect(Left + TempPos.X, Top + TempPos.Y, TempPos.X + TempWidth - Right, TempPos.Y + DockPos^.Height - Bottom); TmpDockPos := SubItem; while TmpDockPos <> nil do begin Inc(R.Bottom, TmpDockPos^.Height); TmpDockPos := TmpDockPos^.SubItem; end; if (R.Left <> Control.Left) or (R.Top <> Control.Top) or (R.Right - R.Left <> Control.Width) or (R.Bottom - R.Top <> Control.Height) then begin Dirty := True; Control.BoundsRect := R; end; end; end; if Dirty or (AControl <> nil) then Invalidate; { Apply any constraints } AdjustSize; finally FAligning := False; end;end;const DefaultInsets: TRect = (Left: 11; Top: 2; Right: 2; Bottom: 2);function TCustomControlBar.UpdateItems(AControl: TControl): Boolean;var I, J, Tmp, RepositionIndex: Integer; PrevBreak: Boolean; Control: TControl; Exists: Boolean; AddControls: TList; DockRect, R: TRect; Dirty: Boolean; IsVisible: Boolean; DockPos, TmpDockPos1, TmpDockPos2: PDockPos; BreakList: TList; IndexList: TList; SizeList: TList; ChangedPriorBreak: Boolean; procedure AddControl(List: TList; Control: TControl); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do with TControl(List) do if (Control.Top < Top) or (Control.Top = Top) and (Control.Left < Left) then begin List.Insert(I, Control); Exit; end; List.Add(Control); end;begin Result := False; ChangedPriorBreak := False; AddControls := TList.Create; BreakList := TList.Create; IndexList := TList.Create; SizeList := TList.Create; try AddControls.Capacity := ControlCount; RepositionIndex := -1; Dirty := False; for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin Control := Controls; IsVisible := (csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible; Exists := False; for J := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do if (PDockPos(FItems[J])^.Parent = nil) and (PDockPos(FItems[J])^.Control = Control) then begin Dirty := Dirty or PDockPos(FItems[J])^.Visible <> IsVisible; PDockPos(FItems[J])^.Visible := IsVisible; Exists := True; Break; end; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Exists and (AControl = nil) then begin { Always redock the control to fix inherited streaming issues and insure we have the correct size when re-aligning. } Exists := False; FreeDockPos(FItems, PDockPos(FItems[J])); end; if Exists and (Control = AControl) then begin RepositionIndex := J; DockPos := PDockPos(FItems[J]); with DockPos^ do begin SizeList.Add(TObject(Insets.Top + Insets.Bottom)); if FDragControl <> nil then DockRect := Rect(Pos.X + Insets.Left, Pos.Y + Insets.Top, Pos.X + Width - Insets.Right, Pos.Y + Insets.Top + Control.Height) else DockRect := Control.BoundsRect; PrevBreak := Break; end; { If we were starting a row, then update any items to the right to begin starting the row. } if PrevBreak and (J + 1 < FItems.Count) then begin TmpDockPos1 := FItems[J + 1]; if not TmpDockPos1.Break then begin TmpDockPos1.Break := True; TmpDockPos1.TempBreak := True; ChangedPriorBreak := True; end; end; { Remember the state of this item and its subitems } BreakList.Add(TObject(Ord(PrevBreak))); IndexList.Add(TObject(J)); TmpDockPos1 := DockPos^.SubItem; while TmpDockPos1 <> nil do begin Tmp := FItems.IndexOf(TmpDockPos1); BreakList.Add(TObject(Ord(TmpDockPos1.Break))); IndexList.Add(TObject(Tmp)); with TmpDockPos1^ do SizeList.Add(TObject(Insets.Top + Insets.Bottom)); { If we were starting a row, then update any items to the right to begin starting the row. } if TmpDockPos1.Break then begin if Tmp + 1 < FItems.Count then begin TmpDockPos2 := FItems[Tmp + 1]; if not TmpDockPos2.Break then TmpDockPos2.Break := True; end; end; TmpDockPos1 := TmpDockPos1^.SubItem; end; { Remove this item from consideration in DockControl. It's as if we are adding a new control. } FreeDockPos(FItems, DockPos); end else if not Exists then begin if Control = AControl then Result := True; AddControl(AddControls, Control); end; end; for I := 0 to AddControls.Count - 1 do begin R := TControl(AddControls).BoundsRect; DockControl(TControl(AddControls), R, BreakList, IndexList, SizeList, nil, ChangedPriorBreak, DefaultInsets, -1, -1, False); end; if RepositionIndex >= 0 then DockControl(AControl, DockRect, BreakList, IndexList, SizeList, nil, ChangedPriorBreak, DefaultInsets, -1, -1, True); if Dirty then Invalidate; finally AddControls.Free; BreakList.Free; IndexList.Free; SizeList.Free; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetRowSize(Value: TRowSize);begin if Value <> RowSize then begin FRowSize := Value; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetRowSnap(Value: Boolean);begin if Value <> RowSnap then begin FRowSnap := Value; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.FlipChildren(AllLevels: Boolean);begin { Do not flip controls }end;procedure TCustomControlBar.StickControls;var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do if FItems <> nil then with PDockPos(FItems)^ do begin if Parent <> nil then Pos := Point(Parent^.Pos.X, Parent^.Pos.Y + Parent.Height) else begin Pos := Control.BoundsRect.TopLeft; Dec(Pos.X, Insets.Left); Dec(Pos.Y, Insets.Top); end; Width := Control.Width + Insets.Left + Insets.Right; Break := TempBreak; end;end;function TCustomControlBar.CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean;var I: Integer; DockPos: PDockPos;begin Result := True; if HandleAllocated and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or (ControlCount > 0)) then begin if Align in [alLeft, alRight] then begin NewWidth := 0; for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); with DockPos^ do begin if (Parent = nil) and ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible) then begin if TempPos.X + Control.Width + Insets.Left + Insets.Right > NewWidth then NewWidth := TempPos.X + Control.Width + Insets.Left + Insets.Right; end; end; end; Inc(NewWidth, Width - ClientWidth); end else begin NewHeight := 0; for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); with DockPos^ do begin if (Parent = nil) and ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible) then begin if TempPos.Y + Control.Height + Insets.Top + Insets.Bottom > NewHeight then NewHeight := TempPos.Y + Control.Height + Insets.Top + Insets.Bottom; end; end; end; Inc(NewHeight, Height - ClientHeight); end; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.DockControl(AControl: TControl; const ARect: TRect; BreakList, IndexList, SizeList: TList; Parent: Pointer; ChangedPriorBreak: Boolean; Insets: TRect; PreferredSize, RowCount: Integer; Existing: Boolean);var I, InsPos, Size, TotalSize: Integer; DockPos: PDockPos; MidPoint: TPoint; NewControlRect, ControlRect: TRect; IsVisible, DockBreak: Boolean; PrevBreak: Boolean; PrevIndex: Integer; NewHeight, PrevInsetHeight: Integer; NewLine: Boolean; procedure AddItem; var DockPos: PDockPos; H: Integer; begin if InsPos = 0 then DockBreak := True; if (PrevIndex <> InsPos) or ChangedPriorBreak then begin if DockBreak and (InsPos < FItems.Count) then begin DockPos := FItems[InsPos]; if not NewLine and DockPos^.Break then begin DockPos^.Break := False; DockPos^.TempBreak := False; end; end; end; if RowSnap then H := RowSize else H := NewControlRect.Bottom - NewControlRect.Top; DockPos := CreateDockPos(AControl, DockBreak, IsVisible, NewControlRect.TopLeft, NewControlRect.Right - NewControlRect.Left, H, Parent, Insets, RowCount); if Parent <> nil then PDockPos(Parent).SubItem := DockPos; FItems.Insert(InsPos, DockPos); { If we're adding an item that spans more than one row, we need to add pseudo items which are linked to this item. } if RowCount > 1 then begin Dec(RowCount); Inc(NewControlRect.Top, RowSize); DockControl(AControl, NewControlRect, BreakList, IndexList, SizeList, DockPos, False, Insets, PreferredSize, RowCount, False); end; end;begin FDockingControl := AControl; if BreakList.Count > 0 then begin PrevBreak := Boolean(BreakList[0]); BreakList.Delete(0); end else PrevBreak := False; if IndexList.Count > 0 then begin PrevIndex := Integer(IndexList[0]); IndexList.Delete(0); end else PrevIndex := -1; if SizeList.Count > 0 then begin PrevInsetHeight := Integer(SizeList[0]); SizeList.Delete(0); end else PrevInsetHeight := -1; InsPos := 0; Size := -MaxInt; TotalSize := -MaxInt; NewControlRect := ARect; if RowCount < 0 then with AControl do begin PreferredSize := ARect.Right - ARect.Left; Insets := DefaultInsets; if PrevInsetHeight < 0 then PrevInsetHeight := Insets.Top + Insets.Bottom; { Try to fit control into row size } NewHeight := PrevInsetHeight + NewControlRect.Bottom - NewControlRect.Top; if RowSnap then begin RowCount := NewHeight div RowSize; if RowCount = 0 then Inc(RowCount); if Existing and (NewHeight > RowSize * RowCount) then Inc(RowCount); end else RowCount := 1; GetControlInfo(AControl, Insets, PreferredSize, RowCount); if RowCount = 0 then RowCount := 1; if RowSnap and Existing and (NewHeight > RowSize * RowCount) then RowCount := NewHeight div RowSize + 1; NewControlRect.Right := NewControlRect.Left + PreferredSize; AdjustControlRect(NewControlRect, Insets); if RowSnap then NewControlRect.Bottom := NewControlRect.Top + RowSize * RowCount; end; IsVisible := (csDesigning in Self.ComponentState) or AControl.Visible; MidPoint.Y := NewControlRect.Top + RowSize div 2; DockBreak := False; NewLine := False; for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); ControlRect := Rect(DockPos^.Pos.X, DockPos^.Pos.Y, DockPos^.Pos.X + DockPos^.Width, DockPos^.Pos.Y + DockPos^.Height ); with ControlRect do begin if Bottom - Top > Size then Size := Bottom - Top; if Bottom > TotalSize then TotalSize := Bottom; if (NewControlRect.Left > Left) and (MidPoint.Y > Top) then begin DockBreak := False; InsPos := I + 1; end; end; if (I = FItems.Count - 1) or ((I + 1 = PrevIndex) and (PrevBreak)) or PDockPos(FItems[I + 1])^.Break then begin if MidPoint.Y < TotalSize then begin NewLine := (InsPos = 0) and (MidPoint.Y < ControlRect.Top); AddItem; Exit; end else begin DockBreak := (ControlRect.Left > NewControlRect.Left) or ((DockPos^.SubItem = nil)); InsPos := I + 1; end; if RowSnap then Size := RowSize else Size := 0; end; end; AddItem;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.UnDockControl(AControl: TControl);var I: Integer; DockPos: PDockPos;begin FDockingControl := AControl; for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); if DockPos^.Control = AControl then begin if DockPos^.Break and (I < FItems.Count - 1) then PDockPos(FItems[I + 1])^.Break := True; FreeDockPos(FItems, DockPos); Break; end; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.GetControlInfo(AControl: TControl; var Insets: TRect; var PreferredSize, RowCount: Integer);begin if RowCount = 0 then RowCount := 1; if Assigned(FOnBandInfo) then FOnBandInfo(Self, AControl, Insets, PreferredSize, RowCount);end;procedure TCustomControlBar.PaintControlFrame(Canvas: TCanvas; AControl: TControl; var ARect: TRect);const Offset = 3;var R: TRect; ElemDetails: TThemedElementDetails; Options: TBandPaintOptions; procedure DrawGrabber; begin with Canvas, R do begin Pen.Color := clBtnHighlight; MoveTo(R.Left+2, R.Top); LineTo(R.Left, R.Top); LineTo(R.Left, R.Bottom+1); Pen.Color := clBtnShadow; MoveTo(R.Right, R.Top); LineTo(R.Right, R.Bottom); LineTo(R.Left, R.Bottom); end; end;begin if FDrawingStyle = dsGradient then Options := [bpoGrabber, bpoGradient, bpoRoundRect] else Options := [bpoGrabber, bpoFrame]; DoBandPaint(AControl, Canvas, ARect, Options); with Canvas do begin if bpoFrame in Options then DrawEdge(Handle, ARect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT); if bpoRoundRect in Options then begin BeginPath(Handle); Polyline([Point(ARect.Left + Integer(CornerEdge), ARect.Top), Point(ARect.Right - Integer(CornerEdge), ARect.Top), { Top line } Point(ARect.Right, ARect.Top + Integer(CornerEdge)), { Top right curve } Point(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom - Integer(CornerEdge)), { Right side line } Point(ARect.Right - Integer(CornerEdge), ARect.Bottom), { Bottom right curve } Point(ARect.Left + Integer(CornerEdge), ARect.Bottom), { Bottom line } Point(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - Integer(CornerEdge)), { Bottom left curve } Point(ARect.Left, ARect.Top + Integer(CornerEdge)), { Left side line } Point(ARect.Left + Integer(CornerEdge), ARect.Top)]); { Top left curve } EndPath(Handle); { Clips the canvas to our roundrect drawn above using polyline } SelectClipPath(Handle, RGN_COPY); end; if bpoGradient in Options then begin { This gradient is actually the border gradient } GradientFillCanvas(Canvas, GetHighlightColor(GradientStartColor), GetShadowColor(GradientEndColor), ARect, GradientDirection); R := ARect; InflateRect(R, -Pen.Width, -Pen.Width); { The gradient of the band } GradientFillCanvas(Canvas, GradientStartColor, GradientEndColor, R, GradientDirection); end; if bpoGrabber in Options then begin if ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then begin ElemDetails := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(trGripper); R := Rect(ARect.Left + 2, ARect.Top + 2, ARect.Left + 5 + 2, ARect.Bottom - 3); ThemeServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, ElemDetails, R); end else begin R := Rect(ARect.Left + Offset, ARect.Top + 2, ARect.Left + Offset + 2, ARect.Bottom - 3); DrawGrabber; end; end; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.Paint;var I: Integer; DockPos: PDockPos; Control: TControl; R: TRect;begin with Canvas do begin if Assigned(FOnPaint) then FOnPaint(Self); { Draw grabbers and frames for each control } for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin DockPos := PDockPos(FItems); Control := DockPos^.Control; if (DockPos^.Parent = nil) and ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible) then begin R := Control.BoundsRect; with DockPos^.Insets do begin Dec(R.Left, Left); Dec(R.Top, Top); Inc(R.Right, Right); Inc(R.Bottom, Bottom); end; PaintControlFrame(Canvas, Control, R); end; end; end;end;function TCustomControlBar.HitTest(X, Y: Integer): TControl;var DockPos: PDockPos;begin DockPos := HitTest2(X, Y); if DockPos <> nil then Result := DockPos^.Control else Result := nil;end;function TCustomControlBar.HitTest2(X, Y: Integer): Pointer;var I: Integer; R: TRect;begin for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin Result := PDockPos(FItems); with PDockPos(Result)^ do if (Parent = nil) and ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or Control.Visible) then begin R := Control.BoundsRect; with Insets do begin Dec(R.Left, Left); Dec(R.Top, Top); Inc(R.Right, Right); Inc(R.Bottom, Bottom); end; if PtInRect(R, Point(X, Y)) then Exit; end; end; Result := nil;end;function TCustomControlBar.IsGradientEndColorStored: Boolean;begin Result := FGradientEndColor <> GetShadowColor(clBtnFace, -25);end;procedure TCustomControlBar.DoAlignControl(AControl: TControl);var Rect: TRect;begin if not HandleAllocated or (csDestroying in ComponentState) then Exit; DisableAlign; try Rect := GetClientRect; AlignControls(AControl, Rect); finally ControlState := ControlState - [csAlignmentNeeded]; EnableAlign; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.CNKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown);var DockPos: PDockPos; P: TPoint;begin inherited; if (Message.CharCode = VK_CONTROL) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and AutoDrag and (FDragControl <> nil) then begin DockPos := FindPos(FDragControl); if (DockPos <> nil) and (DockPos^.Control <> nil) then with DockPos^ do begin GetCursorPos(P); MapWindowPoints(0, Handle, P, 1); DragControl(Control, P.X, P.Y, True); Exit; end; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var DockPos: PDockPos; procedure ResetDockItems; var I: Integer; begin for I := FItems.Count - 1 downto 0 do FreeMem(PDockPos(FItems), SizeOf(TDockPos)); FItems.Clear; FDragControl := nil; FDockingControl := nil; DoAlignControl(nil); end;begin inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); if MouseCapture then begin ResetDockItems; if FDragControl <> nil then DockPos := FindPos(FDragControl) else DockPos := HitTest2(X, Y); if (DockPos <> nil) and (not (ssDouble in Shift) or not (AutoDrag or (ssDouble in Shift)) or (csDesigning in ComponentState) or not DragControl(DockPos^.Control, X, Y, False)) and DoBeginBandMove(DockPos^.Control) then begin FDragControl := DockPos^.Control; if FDockingControl = FDragControl then FDockingControl := nil else StickControls; FDragOffset := Point(DockPos^.TempPos.X - X, DockPos^.TempPos.Y - Y); end; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var DockPos: PDockPos; Delta: Integer;begin inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); if MouseCapture then begin if FDragControl <> nil then begin DockPos := FindPos(FDragControl); if DockPos <> nil then with DockPos^ do begin Pos.X := X + FDragOffset.X; Pos.Y := Y + FDragOffset.Y; TempPos := Pos; TempWidth := Control.Width + Insets.Left + Insets.Right; { Detect a float operation } if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and AutoDrag then begin Delta := Control.Height; if (Pos.X < -Delta) or (Pos.Y < -Delta) or (Pos.X > ClientWidth + Delta) or (Pos.Y > ClientHeight + Delta) then begin if DragControl(Control, X, Y, True) then Exit; end; end; DoAlignControl(Control); end; end; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var Control: TControl;begin if FDragControl <> nil then begin Control := FDragControl; FDragControl := nil; if FDockingControl = Control then FDockingControl := nil else StickControls; DoEndBandMove(Control); end; inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);end;function TCustomControlBar.FindPos(AControl: TControl): Pointer;var I: Integer;begin for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do with PDockPos(FItems)^ do begin if (Parent = nil) and (Control = AControl) then begin Result := FItems; Exit; end; end; Result := nil;end;function TCustomControlBar.DragControl(AControl: TControl; X, Y: Integer; KeepCapture: Boolean): Boolean;begin Result := True; if (AControl <> nil) and Assigned(FOnBandDrag) then FOnBandDrag(Self, AControl, Result); if Result then AControl.BeginDrag(True);end;procedure TCustomControlBar.DockOver(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);begin inherited DockOver(Source, X, Y, State, Accept); if AutoDrag and Accept and ((State = dsDragEnter) and AutoDock) and Source.Control.Floating then begin FDragControl := Source.Control; FDragControl.EndDrag(True); PostMessage(Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, MakeLong(FDragControl.Left, FDragControl.Top)); end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.GetSiteInfo(Client: TControl; var InfluenceRect: TRect; MousePos: TPoint; var CanDock: Boolean);begin inherited GetSiteInfo(Client, InfluenceRect, MousePos, CanDock); CanDock := CanDock and not FFloating;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.DoBandMove(Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect);begin if Assigned(FOnBandMove) then FOnBandMove(Self, Control, ARect);end;procedure TCustomControlBar.DoBandPaint(Control: TControl; Canvas: TCanvas; var ARect: TRect; var Options: TBandPaintOptions);begin if Assigned(FOnBandPaint) then FOnBandPaint(Self, Control, Canvas, ARect, Options);end;function TCustomControlBar.DoBeginBandMove(Control: TControl): Boolean;begin Result := True; if Assigned(FOnBeginBandMove) then FOnBeginBandMove(Self, Control, Result);end;procedure TCustomControlBar.DoEndBandMove(Control: TControl);begin if Assigned(FOnEndBandMove) then FOnEndBandMove(Self, Control);end;function TCustomControlBar.GetPalette: HPALETTE;begin Result := 0; if FPicture.Graphic <> nil then Result := FPicture.Graphic.Palette;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetPicture(const Value: TPicture);begin FPicture.Assign(Value);end;function TCustomControlBar.DoPaletteChange: Boolean;var ParentForm: TCustomForm; Tmp: TGraphic;begin Result := False; Tmp := Picture.Graphic; if Visible and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) and (Tmp <> nil) and (Tmp.PaletteModified) then begin if (Tmp.Palette = 0) then Tmp.PaletteModified := False else begin ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self); if Assigned(ParentForm) and ParentForm.Active and Parentform.HandleAllocated then begin if FDrawing then ParentForm.Perform(WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0) else PostMessage(ParentForm.Handle, WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0); Result := True; Tmp.PaletteModified := False; end; end; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.PictureChanged(Sender: TObject);begin if Picture.Graphic <> nil then if DoPaletteChange and FDrawing then Update; if not FDrawing then Invalidate;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.CMControlListChange(var Message: TCMControlListChange);begin inherited; if not Message.Inserting then begin if Message.Control = FDragControl then FDragControl := nil; UnDockControl(Message.Control); if AutoSize then AdjustSize; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.CMDesignHitTest(var Message: TCMDesignHitTest);begin Message.Result := Ord((FDragControl <> nil) or (HitTest(Message.XPos, Message.YPos) <> nil));end;procedure TCustomControlBar.WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TWmEraseBkgnd);var R: TRect; I, J: Integer; Save: Boolean;begin if Message.DC <> 0 then Canvas.Handle := Message.DC; if Picture.Graphic <> nil then begin try R := ClientRect; Save := FDrawing; FDrawing := True; try { Tile image across client area } for I := 0 to (R.Right - R.Left) div Picture.Width do for J := 0 to (R.Bottom - R.Top) div Picture.Height do Canvas.Draw(I * Picture.Width, J * Picture.Height, Picture.Graphic); finally FDrawing := Save; end finally if Message.DC <> 0 then Canvas.Handle := 0; Message.Result := 1; end; end else begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.FillRect(ClientRect); inherited; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetGradientDirection(Value: TGradientDirection);begin if Value <> FGradientDirection then begin FGradientDirection := Value; if HandleAllocated then Repaint; end;end;procedure TCustomControlBar.SetDrawingStyle(const Value: TBandDrawingStyle);begin if Value <> FDrawingStyle then begin FDrawingStyle := Value; if HandleAllocated then Repaint; end;end;{ TBoundLabel }constructor TBoundLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); Name := 'SubLabel'; { do not localize } SetSubComponent(True); if Assigned(AOwner) then Caption := AOwner.Name;end;procedure TBoundLabel.AdjustBounds;begin inherited AdjustBounds; if Owner is TCustomLabeledEdit then with Owner as TCustomLabeledEdit do SetLabelPosition(LabelPosition);end;function TBoundLabel.GetHeight: Integer;begin Result := inherited Height;end;function TBoundLabel.GetLeft: Integer;begin Result := inherited Left;end;function TBoundLabel.GetTop: Integer;begin Result := inherited Top;end;function TBoundLabel.GetWidth: Integer;begin Result := inherited Width;end;procedure TBoundLabel.SetHeight(const Value: Integer);begin SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Value);end;procedure TBoundLabel.SetWidth(const Value: Integer);begin SetBounds(Left, Top, Value, Height);end;{ TCustomLabeledEdit }constructor TCustomLabeledEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); FLabelPosition := lpAbove; FLabelSpacing := 3; SetupInternalLabel;end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.CMBidimodechanged(var Message: TMessage);begin inherited; if FEditLabel <> nil then FEditLabel.BiDiMode := BiDiMode;end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.CMEnabledchanged(var Message: TMessage);begin inherited; if FEditLabel <> nil then FEditLabel.Enabled := Enabled;end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.CMVisiblechanged(var Message: TMessage);begin inherited; if FEditLabel <> nil then FEditLabel.Visible := Visible;end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (AComponent = FEditLabel) and (Operation = opRemove) then FEditLabel := nil;end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);begin inherited SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight); SetLabelPosition(FLabelPosition);end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.SetLabelPosition(const Value: TLabelPosition);var P: TPoint;begin if FEditLabel = nil then exit; FLabelPosition := Value; case Value of lpAbove: P := Point(Left, Top - FEditLabel.Height - FLabelSpacing); lpBelow: P := Point(Left, Top + Height + FLabelSpacing); lpLeft : P := Point(Left - FEditLabel.Width - FLabelSpacing, Top + ((Height - FEditLabel.Height) div 2)); lpRight: P := Point(Left + Width + FLabelSpacing, Top + ((Height - FEditLabel.Height) div 2)); end; FEditLabel.SetBounds(P.x, P.y, FEditLabel.Width, FEditLabel.Height);end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.SetLabelSpacing(const Value: Integer);begin FLabelSpacing := Value; SetLabelPosition(FLabelPosition);end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.SetName(const Value: TComponentName);var LClearText: Boolean;begin if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (FEditLabel <> nil) and ((FEditlabel.GetTextLen = 0) or (CompareText(FEditLabel.Caption, Name) = 0)) then FEditLabel.Caption := Value; LClearText := (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (Text = ''); inherited SetName(Value); if LClearText then Text := '';end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.SetParent(AParent: TWinControl);begin inherited SetParent(AParent); if FEditLabel = nil then exit; FEditLabel.Parent := AParent; FEditLabel.Visible := True;end;procedure TCustomLabeledEdit.SetupInternalLabel;begin if Assigned(FEditLabel) then exit; FEditLabel := TBoundLabel.Create(Self); FEditLabel.FreeNotification(Self); FEditLabel.FocusControl := Self;end;{ TCustomColorBox }procedure TCustomColorBox.CloseUp;begin inherited CloseUp; FListSelected := True;end;resourcestring clNameBlack = 'Black'; clNameMaroon = 'Maroon'; clNameGreen = 'Green'; clNameOlive = 'Olive'; clNameNavy = 'Navy'; clNamePurple = 'Purple'; clNameTeal = 'Teal'; clNameGray = 'Gray'; clNameSilver = 'Silver'; clNameRed = 'Red'; clNameLime = 'Lime'; clNameYellow = 'Yellow'; clNameBlue = 'Blue'; clNameFuchsia = 'Fuchsia'; clNameAqua = 'Aqua'; clNameWhite = 'White'; clNameMoneyGreen = 'Money Green'; clNameSkyBlue = 'Sky Blue'; clNameCream = 'Cream'; clNameMedGray = 'Medium Gray'; clNameActiveBorder = 'Active Border'; clNameActiveCaption = 'Active Caption'; clNameAppWorkSpace = 'Application Workspace'; clNameBackground = 'Background'; clNameBtnFace = 'Button Face'; clNameBtnHighlight = 'Button Highlight'; clNameBtnShadow = 'Button Shadow'; clNameBtnText = 'Button Text'; clNameCaptionText = 'Caption Text'; clNameDefault = 'Default'; clNameGradientActiveCaption = 'Gradient Active Caption'; clNameGradientInactiveCaption = 'Gradient Inactive Caption'; clNameGrayText = 'Gray Text'; clNameHighlight = 'Highlight Background'; clNameHighlightText = 'Highlight Text'; clNameHotLight = 'Hot Light'; clNameInactiveBorder = 'Inactive Border'; clNameInactiveCaption = 'Inactive Caption'; clNameInactiveCaptionText = 'Inactive Caption Text'; clNameInfoBk = 'Info Background'; clNameInfoText = 'Info Text'; clNameMenu = 'Menu Background'; clNameMenuBar = 'Menu Bar'; clNameMenuHighlight = 'Menu Highlight'; clNameMenuText = 'Menu Text'; clNameNone = 'None'; clNameScrollBar = 'Scroll Bar'; clName3DDkShadow = '3D Dark Shadow'; clName3DLight = '3D Light'; clNameWindow = 'Window Background'; clNameWindowFrame = 'Window Frame'; clNameWindowText = 'Window Text';function ColorToPrettyName(Color: TColor; var Name: string): Boolean;begin Result := True; case Color of clBlack: Name := clNameBlack; clMaroon: Name := clNameMaroon; clGreen: Name := clNameGreen; clOlive: Name := clNameOlive; clNavy: Name := clNameNavy; clPurple: Name := clNamePurple; clTeal: Name := clNameTeal; clGray: Name := clNameGray; clSilver: Name := clNameSilver; clRed: Name := clNameRed; clLime: Name := clNameLime; clYellow: Name := clNameYellow; clBlue: Name := clNameBlue; clFuchsia: Name := clNameFuchsia; clAqua: Name := clNameAqua; clWhite: Name := clNameWhite; clMoneyGreen: Name := clNameMoneyGreen; clSkyBlue: Name := clNameSkyBlue; clCream: Name := clNameCream; clMedGray: Name := clNameMedGray; clActiveBorder: Name := clNameActiveBorder; clActiveCaption: Name := clNameActiveCaption; clAppWorkSpace: Name := clNameAppWorkSpace; clBackground: Name := clNameBackground; clBtnFace: Name := clNameBtnFace; clBtnHighlight: Name := clNameBtnHighlight; clBtnShadow: Name := clNameBtnShadow; clBtnText: Name := clNameBtnText; clCaptionText: Name := clNameCaptionText; clDefault: Name := clNameDefault; clGrayText: Name := clNameGrayText; clGradientActiveCaption: Name := clNameGradientActiveCaption; clGradientInactiveCaption: Name := clNameGradientInactiveCaption; clHighlight: Name := clNameHighlight; clHighlightText: Name := clNameHighlightText; clHotLight: Name := clNameHotLight; clInactiveBorder: Name := clNameInactiveBorder; clInactiveCaption: Name := clNameInactiveCaption; clInactiveCaptionText: Name := clNameInactiveCaptionText; clInfoBk: Name := clNameInfoBk; clInfoText: Name := clNameInfoText; clMenu: Name := clNameMenu; clMenuBar: Name := clNameMenuBar; clMenuHighlight: Name := clNameMenuHighlight; clMenuText: Name := clNameMenuText; clNone: Name := clNameNone; clScrollBar: Name := clNameScrollBar; cl3DDkShadow: Name := clName3DDkShadow; cl3DLight: Name := clName3DLight; clWindow: Name := clNameWindow; clWindowFrame: Name := clNameWindowFrame; clWindowText: Name := clNameWindowText; else Result := False; end;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.ColorCallBack(const AName: String);var I, LStart: Integer; LColor: TColor; LName: string;begin LColor := StringToColor(AName); if cbPrettyNames in Style then begin if not ColorToPrettyName(LColor, LName) then begin if Copy(AName, 1, 2) = 'cl' then LStart := 3 else LStart := 1; LName := ''; for I := LStart to Length(AName) do begin case AName of 'A'..'Z': if LName <> '' then LName := LName + ' '; end; LName := LName + AName; end; end; end else LName := AName; Items.AddObject(LName, TObject(LColor));end;constructor TCustomColorBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); inherited Style := csOwnerDrawFixed; FStyle := [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors]; FSelectedColor := clBlack; FDefaultColorColor := clBlack; FNoneColorColor := clBlack; PopulateList;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.CreateWnd;begin inherited CreateWnd; if FNeedToPopulate then PopulateList;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); function ColorToBorderColor(AColor: TColor): TColor; type TColorQuad = record Red, Green, Blue, Alpha: Byte; end; begin if (TColorQuad(AColor).Red > 192) or (TColorQuad(AColor).Green > 192) or (TColorQuad(AColor).Blue > 192) then Result := clBlack else if odSelected in State then Result := clWhite else Result := AColor; end;var LRect: TRect; LBackground: TColor;begin with Canvas do begin FillRect(Rect); LBackground := Brush.Color; LRect := Rect; LRect.Right := LRect.Bottom - LRect.Top + LRect.Left; InflateRect(LRect, -1, -1); Brush.Color := Colors[Index]; if Brush.Color = clDefault then Brush.Color := DefaultColorColor else if Brush.Color = clNone then Brush.Color := NoneColorColor; FillRect(LRect); Brush.Color := ColorToBorderColor(ColorToRGB(Brush.Color)); FrameRect(LRect); Brush.Color := LBackground; Rect.Left := LRect.Right + 5; TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left, Rect.Top + (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top - TextHeight(Items[Index])) div 2, Items[Index]); end;end;function TCustomColorBox.GetColor(Index: Integer): TColor;begin Result := TColor(Items.Objects[Index]);end;function TCustomColorBox.GetColorName(Index: Integer): string;begin Result := Items[Index];end;function TCustomColorBox.GetSelected: TColor;begin if HandleAllocated then if ItemIndex <> -1 then Result := Colors[ItemIndex] else Result := NoColorSelected else Result := FSelectedColor;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);begin FListSelected := False; inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);end;procedure TCustomColorBox.KeyPress(var Key: Char);begin inherited KeyPress(Key); if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (Key = #13) and (ItemIndex = 0) then begin { If the user picked a custom color, force a select event to happen so the user can handle it } if PickCustomColor and Assigned(OnSelect) then OnSelect(Self); Key := #0; end;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.Loaded;begin inherited; Selected := FSelectedColor; if FNeedToPopulate then PopulateList;end;function TCustomColorBox.PickCustomColor: Boolean;var LColor: TColor;begin with TColorDialog.Create(nil) do try LColor := ColorToRGB(TColor(Items.Objects[0])); Color := LColor; CustomColors.Text := Format('ColorA=%.8x', [LColor]); Result := Execute; if Result then begin Items.Objects[0] := TObject(Color); Self.Invalidate; end; finally Free; end;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.PopulateList; procedure DeleteRange(const AMin, AMax: Integer); var I: Integer; begin for I := AMax downto AMin do Items.Delete(I); end; procedure DeleteColor(const AColor: TColor); var I: Integer; begin I := Items.IndexOfObject(TObject(AColor)); if I <> -1 then Items.Delete(I); end;var LSelectedColor, LCustomColor: TColor;begin if HandleAllocated and not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin Items.BeginUpdate; try LCustomColor := clBlack; if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (Items.Count > 0) then LCustomColor := TColor(Items.Objects[0]); LSelectedColor := FSelectedColor; Items.Clear; if Style <> [cbCustomColors] then begin GetColorValues(ColorCallBack); if not (cbIncludeNone in Style) then DeleteColor(clNone); if not (cbIncludeDefault in Style) then DeleteColor(clDefault); if not (cbSystemColors in Style) then DeleteRange(StandardColorsCount + ExtendedColorsCount, Items.Count - 1); if not (cbExtendedColors in Style) then DeleteRange(StandardColorsCount, StandardColorsCount + ExtendedColorsCount - 1); if not (cbStandardColors in Style) then DeleteRange(0, StandardColorsCount - 1); if cbCustomColor in Style then Items.InsertObject(0, SColorBoxCustomCaption, TObject(LCustomColor)); end; if (cbCustomColors in Style) and Assigned(OnGetColors) then OnGetColors(Self, Items); Selected := LSelectedColor; finally Items.EndUpdate; FNeedToPopulate := False; end; end else FNeedToPopulate := True;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.Select;begin if FListSelected then begin FListSelected := False; if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (ItemIndex = 0) and not PickCustomColor then Exit; end; inherited Select;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.SetDefaultColorColor(const Value: TColor);begin if Value <> FDefaultColorColor then begin FDefaultColorColor := Value; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.SetNoneColorColor(const Value: TColor);begin if Value <> FNoneColorColor then begin FNoneColorColor := Value; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.SetSelected(const AColor: TColor);var I, Index: Integer;begin if HandleAllocated then begin I := Items.IndexOfObject(TObject(AColor)); if (I = -1) and (cbCustomColor in Style) and (AColor <> NoColorSelected) then begin Items.Objects[0] := TObject(AColor); I := 0; end else if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (I = 0) then begin { Look for the color anywhere else but the first color before defaulting to selecting the "custom color". } for Index := 1 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if Items.Objects[Index] = TObject(AColor) then begin I := Index; Break; end; end; end; if (ItemIndex = 0) and (I = 0) then Invalidate { Refresh the color shown } else ItemIndex := I; end; FSelectedColor := AColor;end;procedure TCustomColorBox.SetStyle(AStyle: TColorBoxStyle);begin if AStyle <> Style then begin FStyle := AStyle; Enabled := ([cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors, cbCustomColor, cbCustomColors] * FStyle) <> []; PopulateList; if (Items.Count > 0) and (ItemIndex = -1) then ItemIndex := 0; end;end;{ TCustomColorListBox }procedure TCustomColorListBox.ColorCallBack(const AName: String);var I, LStart: Integer; LColor: TColor; LName: string;begin LColor := StringToColor(AName); if cbPrettyNames in Style then begin if not ColorToPrettyName(LColor, LName) then begin if Copy(AName, 1, 2) = 'cl' then LStart := 3 else LStart := 1; LName := ''; for I := LStart to Length(AName) do begin case AName of 'A'..'Z': if LName <> '' then LName := LName + ' '; end; LName := LName + AName; end; end; end else LName := AName; Items.AddObject(LName, TObject(LColor));end;constructor TCustomColorListBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin inherited Create(AOwner); inherited Style := lbOwnerDrawFixed; FStyle := [cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors]; FSelectedColor := clBlack; FDefaultColorColor := clBlack; FNoneColorColor := clBlack; PopulateList;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.CreateWnd;begin inherited CreateWnd; if FNeedToPopulate then PopulateList;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); function ColorToBorderColor(AColor: TColor): TColor; type TColorQuad = record Red, Green, Blue, Alpha: Byte; end; begin if (TColorQuad(AColor).Red > 192) or (TColorQuad(AColor).Green > 192) or (TColorQuad(AColor).Blue > 192) then Result := clBlack else if odSelected in State then Result := clWhite else Result := AColor; end;var LRect: TRect; LBackground: TColor;begin with Canvas do begin FillRect(Rect); LBackground := Brush.Color; LRect := Rect; LRect.Right := LRect.Bottom - LRect.Top + LRect.Left + 5; InflateRect(LRect, -1, -1); Brush.Color := Colors[Index]; if Brush.Color = clDefault then Brush.Color := DefaultColorColor else if Brush.Color = clNone then Brush.Color := NoneColorColor; FillRect(LRect); Brush.Color := ColorToBorderColor(ColorToRGB(Brush.Color)); FrameRect(LRect); Brush.Color := LBackground; Rect.Left := LRect.Right + 5; TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left, Rect.Top + (Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top - TextHeight(Items[Index])) div 2, Items[Index]); end;end;function TCustomColorListBox.GetColor(Index: Integer): TColor;begin Result := TColor(Items.Objects[Index]);end;function TCustomColorListBox.GetColorName(Index: Integer): string;begin Result := Items[Index];end;function TCustomColorListBox.GetSelected: TColor;begin if HandleAllocated then if ItemIndex <> -1 then Result := Colors[ItemIndex] else Result := NoColorSelected else Result := FSelectedColor;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);begin FListSelected := False; inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift);end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.KeyPress(var Key: Char);begin inherited KeyPress(Key); if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (Key = #13) and (ItemIndex = 0) then begin { If the user picked a custom color, force a click event to happen so the user can handle it } if PickCustomColor then OnClick(Self); Key := #0; end;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.Loaded;begin inherited; Selected := FSelectedColor; if FNeedToPopulate then PopulateList;end;function TCustomColorListBox.PickCustomColor: Boolean;var LColor: TColor;begin with TColorDialog.Create(nil) do try LColor := ColorToRGB(TColor(Items.Objects[0])); Color := LColor; CustomColors.Text := Format('ColorA=%.8x', [LColor]); Result := Execute; if Result then begin Items.Objects[0] := TObject(Color); Self.Invalidate; end; finally Free; end;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.PopulateList; procedure DeleteRange(const AMin, AMax: Integer); var I: Integer; begin for I := AMax downto AMin do Items.Delete(I); end; procedure DeleteColor(const AColor: TColor); var I: Integer; begin I := Items.IndexOfObject(TObject(AColor)); if I <> -1 then Items.Delete(I); end;var LSelectedColor, LCustomColor: TColor;begin if HandleAllocated and not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin Items.BeginUpdate; try LCustomColor := clBlack; if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (Items.Count > 0) then LCustomColor := TColor(Items.Objects[0]); LSelectedColor := FSelectedColor; Items.Clear; if Style <> [cbCustomColors] then begin GetColorValues(ColorCallBack); if not (cbIncludeNone in Style) then DeleteColor(clNone); if not (cbIncludeDefault in Style) then DeleteColor(clDefault); if not (cbSystemColors in Style) then DeleteRange(StandardColorsCount + ExtendedColorsCount, Items.Count - 1); if not (cbExtendedColors in Style) then DeleteRange(StandardColorsCount, StandardColorsCount + ExtendedColorsCount - 1); if not (cbStandardColors in Style) then DeleteRange(0, StandardColorsCount - 1); if cbCustomColor in Style then Items.InsertObject(0, SColorBoxCustomCaption, TObject(LCustomColor)); end; if (cbCustomColors in Style) and Assigned(OnGetColors) then OnGetColors(Self, Items); Selected := LSelectedColor; finally Items.EndUpdate; FNeedToPopulate := False; end; end else FNeedToPopulate := True;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetDefaultColorColor(const Value: TColor);begin if Value <> FDefaultColorColor then begin FDefaultColorColor := Value; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetNoneColorColor(const Value: TColor);begin if Value <> FNoneColorColor then begin FNoneColorColor := Value; Invalidate; end;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetSelected(const AColor: TColor);var I, Index: Integer;begin if HandleAllocated then begin I := Items.IndexOfObject(TObject(AColor)); if (I = -1) and (cbCustomColor in Style) and (AColor <> NoColorSelected) then begin Items.Objects[0] := TObject(AColor); I := 0; end else if (cbCustomColor in Style) and (I = 0) then begin { Look for the color anywhere else but the first color before defaulting to selecting the "custom color". } for Index := 1 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if Items.Objects[Index] = TObject(AColor) then begin I := Index; Break; end; end; end; if (ItemIndex = 0) and (I = 0) then Invalidate { Refresh the color shown } else ItemIndex := I; end; FSelectedColor := AColor;end;procedure TCustomColorListBox.SetStyle(AStyle: TColorBoxStyle);begin if AStyle <> Style then begin FStyle := AStyle; Enabled := ([cbStandardColors, cbExtendedColors, cbSystemColors, cbCustomColor, cbCustomColors] * FStyle) <> []; PopulateList; if (Items.Count > 0) and (ItemIndex = -1) then ItemIndex := 0; end;end;{ TTrayIcon}constructor TCustomTrayIcon.Create(Owner: TComponent);begin inherited; FAnimate := False; FBalloonFlags := bfNone; BalloonTimeout := 3000; FIcon := TIcon.Create; FCurrentIcon := TIcon.Create; FTimer := TTimer.Create(Nil); FIconIndex := 0; FVisible := False; FIsClicked := False; FTimer.Enabled := False; FTimer.OnTimer := DoOnAnimate; FTimer.Interval := 1000; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin FillChar(FData, SizeOf(FData), 0); FData.cbSize := SizeOf(FData); FData.Wnd := Classes.AllocateHwnd(WindowProc); FData.uID := FData.Wnd; FData.uTimeout := 3000; FData.hIcon := FCurrentIcon.Handle; FData.uFlags := NIF_ICON or NIF_MESSAGE; FData.uCallbackMessage := WM_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE; StrPLCopy(FData.szTip, Application.Title, SizeOf(FData.szTip) - 1); if Length(Application.Title) > 0 then FData.uFlags := FData.uFlags or NIF_TIP; Refresh; end;end;destructor TCustomTrayIcon.Destroy;begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Refresh(NIM_DELETE); FCurrentIcon.Free; FIcon.Free; FTimer.Free; Classes.DeallocateHWnd(FData.Wnd); inherited;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetVisible(Value: Boolean);begin if FVisible <> Value then begin FVisible := Value; if (not FAnimate) or (FAnimate and FCurrentIcon.Empty) then SetDefaultIcon; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if FVisible then begin if not Refresh(NIM_ADD) then raise EOutOfResources.Create(STrayIconCreateError); end else if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin if not Refresh(NIM_DELETE) then raise EOutOfResources.Create(STrayIconRemoveError); end; if FAnimate then FTimer.Enabled := Value; end; end;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetIconList(Value: TImageList);begin if FIconList <> Value then begin FIconList := Value; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if Assigned(FIconList) then FIconList.GetIcon(FIconIndex, FCurrentIcon) else SetDefaultIcon; Refresh; end; end;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetHint(const Value: string);begin if CompareStr(FHint, Value) <> 0 then begin FHint := Value; StrPLCopy(FData.szTip, FHint, SizeOf(FData.szTip) - 1); if Length(Hint) > 0 then FData.uFlags := FData.uFlags or NIF_TIP else FData.uFlags := FData.uFlags and not NIF_TIP; Refresh; end;end;function TCustomTrayIcon.GetAnimateInterval: Cardinal;begin Result := FTimer.Interval;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetAnimateInterval(Value: Cardinal);begin FTimer.Interval := Value;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetAnimate(Value: Boolean);begin if FAnimate <> Value then begin FAnimate := Value; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if (FIconList <> nil) and (FIconList.Count > 0) and Visible then FTimer.Enabled := Value; if (not FAnimate) and (not FCurrentIcon.Empty) then FIcon.Assign(FCurrentIcon); end; end;end;{ Message handler for the hidden shell notification window. Most messages use WM_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE as the Message ID, with WParam as the ID of the shell notify icon data. LParam is a message ID for the actual message, e.g., WM_MOUSEMOVE. Another important message is WM_ENDSESSION, telling the shell notify icon to delete itself, so Windows can shut down. Send the usual events for the mouse messages. Also interpolate the OnClick event when the user clicks the left button, and popup the menu, if there is one, for right click events. }procedure TCustomTrayIcon.WindowProc(var Message: TMessage); { Return the state of the shift keys. } function ShiftState: TShiftState; begin Result := []; if GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 then Include(Result, ssShift); if GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 then Include(Result, ssCtrl); if GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 then Include(Result, ssAlt); end;var Point: TPoint; Shift: TShiftState;begin case Message.Msg of WM_QUERYENDSESSION: Message.Result := 1; WM_ENDSESSION: begin if TWmEndSession(Message).EndSession then Refresh(NIM_DELETE); end; WM_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE: begin case Message.lParam of WM_MOUSEMOVE: begin if Assigned(FOnMouseMove) then begin Shift := ShiftState; GetCursorPos(Point); FOnMouseMove(Self, Shift, Point.X, Point.Y); end; end; WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin if Assigned(FOnMouseDown) then begin Shift := ShiftState + [ssLeft]; GetCursorPos(Point); FOnMouseDown(Self, mbLeft, Shift, Point.X, Point.Y); end; FIsClicked := True; end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin Shift := ShiftState + [ssLeft]; GetCursorPos(Point); if FIsClicked and Assigned(FOnClick) then begin FOnClick(Self); FIsClicked := False; end; if Assigned(FOnMouseUp) then FOnMouseUp(Self, mbLeft, Shift, Point.X, Point.Y); end; WM_RBUTTONDOWN: begin if Assigned(FOnMouseDown) then begin Shift := ShiftState + [ssRight]; GetCursorPos(Point); FOnMouseDown(Self, mbRight, Shift, Point.X, Point.Y); end; end; WM_RBUTTONUP: begin Shift := ShiftState + [ssRight]; GetCursorPos(Point); if Assigned(FOnMouseUp) then FOnMouseUp(Self, mbRight, Shift, Point.X, Point.Y); if Assigned(FPopupMenu) then begin SetForegroundWindow(Application.Handle); Application.ProcessMessages; FPopupMenu.AutoPopup := False; FPopupMenu.PopupComponent := Owner; FPopupMenu.Popup(Point.x, Point.y); end; end; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK, WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: if Assigned(FOnDblClick) then FOnDblClick(Self); WM_MBUTTONDOWN: begin if Assigned(FOnMouseDown) then begin Shift := ShiftState + [ssMiddle]; GetCursorPos(Point); FOnMouseDown(Self, mbMiddle, Shift, Point.X, Point.Y); end; end; WM_MBUTTONUP: begin if Assigned(FOnMouseUp) then begin Shift := ShiftState + [ssMiddle]; GetCursorPos(Point); FOnMouseUp(Self, mbMiddle, Shift, Point.X, Point.Y); end; end; NIN_BALLOONHIDE, NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT: begin FData.uFlags := FData.uFlags and not NIF_INFO; end; end; end; else if (Message.Msg = RM_TaskBarCreated) and Visible then Refresh(NIM_ADD); end;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.Refresh;begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin FData.hIcon := FCurrentIcon.Handle; if Visible then Refresh(NIM_MODIFY); end;end;function TCustomTrayIcon.Refresh(Message: Integer): Boolean;begin Result := Shell_NotifyIcon(Message, @FData);end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetIconIndex(Value: Integer);begin if FIconIndex <> Value then begin FIconIndex := Value; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if Assigned(FIconList) then FIconList.GetIcon(FIconIndex, FCurrentIcon); Refresh; end; end;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.DoOnAnimate(Sender: TObject);begin if Assigned(FOnAnimate) then FOnAnimate(Self); if Assigned(FIconList) and (FIconIndex < FIconList.Count - 1) then IconIndex := FIconIndex + 1 else IconIndex := 0; Refresh;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetIcon(Value: TIcon);begin FIcon.Assign(Value); FCurrentIcon.Assign(Value); Refresh;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetBalloonHint(const Value: string);begin if CompareStr(FBalloonHint, Value) <> 0 then begin FBalloonHint := Value; StrPLCopy(FData.szInfo, FBalloonHint, SizeOf(FData.szInfo) - 1); Refresh(NIM_MODIFY); end;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetDefaultIcon;begin if not FIcon.Empty then FCurrentIcon.Assign(FIcon) else FCurrentIcon.Assign(Application.Icon); Refresh;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetBalloonTimeout(Value: Integer);begin FData.uTimeout := Value;end;function TCustomTrayIcon.GetBalloonTimeout: Integer;begin Result := FData.uTimeout;end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.ShowBalloonHint;begin FData.uFlags := FData.uFlags or NIF_INFO; FData.dwInfoFlags := Integer(FBalloonFlags); Refresh(NIM_MODIFY);end;procedure TCustomTrayIcon.SetBalloonTitle(const Value: string);begin if CompareStr(FBalloonTitle, Value) <> 0 then begin FBalloonTitle := Value; StrPLCopy(FData.szInfoTitle, FBalloonTitle, SizeOf(FData.szInfoTitle) - 1); Refresh(NIM_MODIFY); end;end;initialization StartClassGroup(TControl); GroupDescendentsWith(TTimer, Controls.TControl); TCustomTrayIcon.RM_TaskBarCreated := RegisterWindowMessage('TaskbarCreated');end.
不是吧,整这么长的代码,哪个有这么时候来看呢? 你应试检着重要的的贴出来,不过我建议你装个第三方控件算了。省得好多麻烦!

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