楼上的方法也无法区分的。我原来的读取方式是OLE,现在用的是XLSReadWriteII组件。这个组件有单元格对象,也有单元格类型可以判断。但是根据 ctFloat, //* Floating point cell.同样无法区分这个单元格是日期时间值,还是普通的浮点数(金额这样的)值?//* Cell type constants.type TCellType = (ctNone, //* Undefined cell. ctBlank, //* Blank cell. ctNotUsed, //* Not used value. ctInteger, //* Integer cell. ctFloat, //* Floating point cell. ctString, //* String cell. ctBoolean, //* Boolean cell. ctError, //* Cell with an error value. ctNumberFormula, //* Formula cell where the result of the formula is a numeric value. ctStringFormula, //* Formula cell where the result of the formula is a string value. ctBooleanFormula, //* Formula cell where the result of the formula is a boolean value. ctErrorFormula, //* Formula cell where the result of the formula is an error value. ctNumberArrayFormula, //* Array formula cell where the result of the formula is a numeric value. ctStringArrayFormula //* Array formula cell where the result of the formula is a string value. );