翻出原来自己做的一些研究,分享给大家吧!(MapInfo Tab/Map文件格式详解,最后有源码)(0分)

  • 主题发起人 吕雪松
  • 开始时间


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MapInfo Tab 数据格式研究
吕雪松 2001年​
我们常说的Tab数据格式是MapInfo软件内部使用的二进制格式, 它其实是由下列一组文件构成:
这其中,dat文件其实就是dBASE IV文件(和Shape文件类似),id文件中的32位整形ID号其实就是完成将图形对象和属性数据一一对应,这些都很好解决,最关键的难点在.Map文件。
Header Block 1024个字节
Object Coordinate Definition Block 512个字节
Coordinate Definition Block 512个字节
其它Block 512个字节
00000000h: 00 0A 0E 15 0E 16 1B A2 A6 AB 1A 2A 2F A5 A9 B5
00000010h: A7 B5 D9 0F 17 23 13 1F 2B 0F 17 23 4F 57 63 9C
00000020h: A4 A9 A0 A8 AD A4 A8 AD 16 1A 39 0D 11 37 A5 A9
ぉ牗?ō..9..7ォ 0x000~0x3FF,头块
00000030h: B5 A4 A8 AD B2 B6 DC BD BD F4 00 00 00 00 00 00

00000400h: 02 00 26 00 7D F4 01 00 3F AB 01 00 00 06 00 00
00000410h: 00 06 00 00 08 01 00 00 00 08 06 00 00 18 00 00
................ 0x400~0x5FF,地物定义
00000420h: 00 D2 A1 09 00 FC 77 FA FF 38 FD F7 FF FC 77 FA


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
直奔主题吧!怎么从Header Block开工读取呢?
struct LongMBR
int nMinX, nMinY,nMaxX,nMaxY;

struct ShortMBR
__int16 nMinX, nMinY,nMaxX,nMaxY;
struct HeaderBlock{
byte ObjectLengthArray[52];
//000h - 033h
byte Fill[204]; //034h - 0FFh

int MagicCooki;
//100h 42424242
WORD wVersion; //104h
WORD wBlockSize; //106h
double dCoord2DistUnits; //108h
LongMBR FileMBR, defaultView; //110h, //120h
int nFirstIndexBlock;
int nFirstGarbageBlock;
int nFirstResourceBlock;
int nPointCount; //13Ch
int nLineCount; //140h
int nRegionCount; //144h
int nTextCount; //148h
int nMaxCoordBufSize;
byte UnknownA[14]; //140h
byte bDistUnitsCode;
byte bMBR_ResBlockFlag;
byte bCoordPrecision;
//160h Value:6 for Lat/Long maps
//Value:8 for Cartesian maps
//Value:1 for Projected maps
byte bCoordOriginQuadrant;
byte bReflectXAxisCoord;
int nObjLenArraySize;
int nPenDefs; //164h
int nBrushDefs; //165h
int nSymbolDefs; //166h
int nFontDefs; //167h
int nResourceBlocks;
byte bUnknown; //16Ch
byte bProjectionCode;
byte bDatumCode; //16Eh
byte bProjectionUnitsCode;
double dXScale,dYScale,dX0,dY0;
double ProjParms[6];
double DatumParms[7];
double AffineParms[6];
这个结构就是Header Block对应到Map文件的内容,意思也应该很好理解吧,看变量名称就差不多知道了。大家一个个去对吧,会对死人的。其实除了几个比较重要的数值以外,其余的大部分都没什么用(是我觉得没什么用,估计MapInfo的人还是很有用的)。
0x100h 的那个整形,总是42424242,是不是和Shape的那个9999一样暗藏什么秘密?不知道,反正每个Map文件都是一样的,我就用它来判断文件是否是有效的Map文件。
0x104h 文件版本,如500,注意不是MapInfo的版本号,二者大多数情况下都是不同的。
0x106h 块尺寸,通常都是0x200h(我没见过不是0x200h的)
0x110h 全图外接尺寸,很有用,不用一个个去算。
0x13ch 这以下的几个值很有用,加起来就是地图中的地物总数;
地物定义是在Object Definition Block块中定义的,开头字节为0x0002h,看看下面的结构定义:
struct ObjectBlock {
WORD BlockCode; //总是2,并且通常位于0x00400h
WORD ByteCount; //标明地物定义的长度,这个字节数是从object链表的第一个字节算起的。
int BlockOrigX; //没有用到的
int BlockOrigY;
int CoordBlockStartNumber;
int CoordBlockEndNumber;

object Objects[…] //地物链表
ShortPoint [ID 1] (length: &HA): [?]
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H1) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 2 2 Coordinate value
&H9 1 1 Symbol type number from Resource Block

LongPoint [ID 2] (length: &HE):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H2) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 2 Coordinate value
&HD 1 1 Symbol type number from Resource Block

ShortLine [ID 4] (length: &HE):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H4) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 2 Coordinate value
&HD 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block

LongLine [ID 5] (length: &H16):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H5) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 4 MBR
&H15 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block

ShortPolyline [ID 7] (length: &H1A):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H7) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 1 Offset of coordinate data in Coordinate Definition Block
&H9 4 1 Bytes to read for coordinates from Coordinate Definition Block [?]
&HD 2 2 Label location coordinates
&H11 2 4 MBR
&H19 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block

LongPolyline [ID 8] (length: &H26):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H8) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 1 Offset of coordinate data in Coordinate Definition Block
&H9 4 1 Bytes to read for coordinates from Coordinate Definition Block [?]
&HD 4 2 Label location coordinates
&H15 4 4 MBR
&H25 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block

ShortArc [ID 10] (length: &H16):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &HA) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 2 MBR of defining ellipse
&HD 4 2 MBR of the arc
&H15 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block

LongArc [ID 11] (length: &H26):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &HB) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 4 MBR of defining ellipse
&15 4 4 MBR of the arc
&H25 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block

ShortRegion [ID 13] (length: &H25):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &HD) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 1 Offset of coordinate data in Coordinate Definition Block
&H9 4 1 Bytes to read for coordinates from Coordinate Definition Block [??]
&HD 2 1 Section count
&HF 4 2 Label X,Y
&H13 4 4 MBR
&H23 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block
&H24 1 1 Brush type number from Resource Block

LongRegion [ID 14] (length: &H29):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &HE) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 1 Offset of coordinate data in Coordinate Definition Block
&H9 4 1 Bytes to read for coordinates from Coordinate Definition Block [??]
&HD 2 1 Section count
&HF 4 2 Label X,Y
&H17 4 4 MBR
&H27 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block
&H28 1 1 Brush type number from Resource Block

ShortText [ID 16] (length: &H27)
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H10) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 1 Offset of text body in Coordinate Definition Block
&H9 2 1 Number of characters in text body
&HB 2 1 Justification spacing arrowtype:
flag 2^1 - centered text
flag 2^2 - right aligned text
flag 2^3 - line spacing 1.5
flag 2^4 - line spacing 2.0
flag 2^5 - label line: simple
flag 2^6 - label line: arrow
&HD 2 1 Text rotation angle (0.1 degrees)
&HF 1 1 FontStyle #1:
flag 2^0 - bold text
flag 2^1 - italic text
flag 2^2 - underlined text
flag 2^3 - overlined text
flag 2^4 - unknown
flag 2^5 - shadowed text
&H10 1 1 FontStyle #2:
flag 2^0 - box background
flag 2^1 - halo background
flag 2^2 - All Caps
flag 2^3 - Expanded
&H11 3 1 Foreground color
&H14 3 1 Background color
&H17 2 2 Arrow endpoint coordinates
&H1B 2 1 Height
&H1D 1 1 Font name index
&H1E 2 4 MBR
&H26 1 1 Pen type from Resource Block

LongText [ID 17] (length: &H32)
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H11) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 1 Offset of text body in Coordinate Definition Block
&H9 2 1 Number of characters in text body
&HC 2 1 Justification spacing arrowtype:
flag 2^1 - centered text
flag 2^2 - right aligned text
flag 2^3 - line spacing 1.5
flag 2^4 - line spacing 2.0
flag 2^5 - label line: simple
flag 2^6 - label line: arrow
&HD 2 1 Text rotation angle (0.1 degrees)
&HF 1 1 FontStyle #1:
flag 2^0 - bold text
flag 2^1 - italic text
flag 2^2 - underlined text
flag 2^3 - overlined text
flag 2^4 - unknown
flag 2^5 - shadowed text
&H10 1 1 FontStyle #2:
flag 2^0 - box background
flag 2^1 - halo background
flag 2^2 - All Caps
flag 2^3 - Expanded
&H11 3 1 Foreground color
&H14 3 1 Background color
&H17 4 2 Arrow endpoint coordinates
&H1F 1 4 Height
&H20 1 1 Font name index
&H30 4 4 MBR
&H31 1 1 Pen type from Resource Block

ShortRectangle [ID 19] (length: &HF):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H10) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 2 4 MBR
&HD 1 1 Line type number in Resource Block
&HE 1 1 Brush type number in Resource Block

LongRectangle [ID 20] (length: &H17):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H17) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 4 MBR
&H15 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block
&H16 1 1 Brush type number from Resource Block

ShortRoundRectangle [ID 22] (length: &H13):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H16) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 2 1 XRadius
&H7 2 1 YRadius
&H9 2 4 MBR
&H11 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block
&H12 1 1 Brush type number from Resource Block

LongRoundRectangle [ID 23] (length: &H1F):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H16) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 1 XRadius
&H9 4 1 YRadius
&HD 4 4 MBR
&H1D 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block
&H1E 1 1 Brush type number from Resource Block

ShortEllipse [ID 25] (length: &HF):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H1A) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 2 4 MBR
&HD 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block
&HE 1 1 Brush type number from Resource Block

LongEllipse [ID 26] (length: &H17):
&H0 1 1 Identifier (Value: &H1A) [!]
&H1 4 1 RowID - Validity: (+0 = Valid;
+&H40000000 = Deleted)
&H5 4 4 MBR
&H15 1 1 Line type number from Resource Block
&H16 1 1 Brush type number from Resource Block

Feature Object Codes
------- ------------
Point 1, 2
Line 4, 5
PolyLine 7, 8
Arc 10, 11
Region 13, 14
Text 16, 17
Rectangle 19, 20
RndRect 22, 23
Ellipse 25, 26
MultiPline 37, 38
TrueTypeSymbol 40, 41
CustomSymbol 43, 44
LargeMultiPline 46, 47
LargeRegion 49, 50

注意Object Codes这部分有两个数字,一般来说,前一个数字是ShortInt类型,双字节,后一个是长整型,四个字节。


00000400h: 02 00 24 00 BE 63 06 00 EF E7 00 00 00 00 00 00
00000410h: 00 00 00 00 05 01 00 00 00 FA 1D 10 00 F4 D1 07
00000420h: 00 82 A9 FC FF EA FD F9 FF 00 02 02 00 00 00 23
00000430h: 92 21 00 C3 B3 FE FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00000440h: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

这是一个很简单的Map文件Object Definition Block,包含了一个单直线(两个点)地物和一个点地物。
第1和2个字节02 00 = 2表明这是一个Object Block,第3和第3字节24 00 = 36表明从0x00414h开始往后36个字节包含了所有定义的地物。0x00414h一个字节05表示这是一个单直线,0x00415h往后的一个整形值01 00 00 00 = 1,表示这是一个和DAT文件中第1条属性记录相对应。然后从0x00419h开始往后,每四个字节是一个整形的坐标值,代表了一个LongMBR外接矩形,对于一个只有二个点的单直线来说,这也就能描述它的所有点坐标了。MBR到0x00428h为止,再往后0x00429h的一个字节 00代表的是线型.再往后0x0042Ah的02就是代表下一个地物,点地物开始了。再往后的四个字节的2代表这是DAT表中的第二条记录。


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!


2003-7-15 22:52:32 real_clq 发表评论。

2003-7-16 12:37:43 吕雪松 发表评论。


2007-11-28 11:26:58 skyjacker 发表评论。
现在 TGeoComm 还能满足你的要求吗?


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