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// Copyright (c) 2005 Intel Corporation
// All Rights Reserved
// CPUCount.cpp : Detects three forms of hardware multi-threading support across IA-32 platform
// The three forms of HW multithreading are: Multi-processor, Multi-core, and
// HyperThreading Technology.
// This application enumerates all the logical processors enabled by OS and BIOS,
// determine the HW topology of these enabled logical processors in the system
// using information provided by CPUID instruction.
// A multi-processing system can support any combination of the three forms of HW
// multi-threading support. The relevant topology can be identified using a
// three level decomposition of the "initial APIC ID" into
// Package_id, core_id, and SMT_id. Such decomposition provides a three-level map of
// the topology of hardware resources and
// allow multi-threaded software to manage shared hardware resources in
// the platform to reduce resource contention
// Multicore detection algorithm for processor and cache topology requires
// all leaf functions of CPUID instructions be available. System administrator
// must ensure BIOS settings is not configured to restrict CPUID functionalities.
#define HWD_MT_BIT 0x10000000 // EDX[28] Bit 28 is set if HT or multi-core is supported
#define NUM_LOGICAL_BITS 0x00FF0000 // EBX[23:16] Bit 16-23 in ebx contains the number of logical
// processors per physical processor when execute cpuid with
// eax set to 1
#define NUM_CORE_BITS 0xFC000000 // EAX[31:26] Bit 26-31 in eax contains the number of cores minus one
// per physical processor when execute cpuid with
// eax set to 4.
#define INITIAL_APIC_ID_BITS 0xFF000000 // EBX[31:24] Bits 24-31 (8 bits) return the 8-bit unique
// initial APIC ID for the processor this code is running on.
// Status Flag
unsigned int CpuIDSupported(void);
unsigned int GenuineIntel(void);
unsigned int HWD_MTSupported(void);
unsigned int MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc(void);
unsigned int MaxCorePerPhysicalProc(void);
unsigned int find_maskwidth(unsigned int);
unsigned char GetAPIC_ID(void);
unsigned char GetNzbSubID(unsigned char,
unsigned char,
unsigned char);
unsigned char CPUCount(unsigned int *,
unsigned int *,
unsigned int *);
// Define constant “LINUX” to compile under Linux
#ifdef LINUX
// The Linux source code listing can be compiled using Linux kernel verison 2.6
// or higher (e.g. RH 4AS-2.8 using GCC 3.4.4).
// Due to syntax variances of Linux affinity APIs with earlier kernel versions
// and dependence on glibc library versions, compilation on Linux environment
// with older kernels and compilers may require kernel patches or compiler upgrades.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sched.h>
#define DWORD unsigned long
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
char g_s3Levels[2048];
int main(void)
unsigned int TotAvailLogical = 0, // Number of available logical CPU per CORE
TotAvailCore = 0, // Number of available cores per physical processor
PhysicalNum = 0; // Total number of physical processors
unsigned char StatusFlag = 0;
int MaxLPPerCore;
if (CpuIDSupported() < 4) { // CPUID does not report leaf 4 information
printf("/nUser Warning:/n CPUID Leaf 4 is not supported or disabled. Please check /
/n BIOS and correct system configuration error if leaf 4 is disabled. /n");
StatusFlag = CPUCount(&TotAvailLogical, &TotAvailCore, &PhysicalNum);
if( USER_CONFIG_ISSUE == StatusFlag) {
printf("User Configuration Error: Not all logical processors in the system are enabled /
while running this process. Please rerun this application after make corrections. /n");
printf("/n----Counting Hardware MultiThreading Capabilities and Availability ---------- /n/n");
printf("This application displays information on three forms of hardware multithreading/n");
printf("capability and their availability to apps. The three forms of capabilities are:/n");
printf("multi-processor (MP), Multi-core (core), and HyperThreading Technology (HT)./n");
printf("/nHardware capability results represents the maximum number provided in hardware./n");
printf("Note, Bios/OS or experienced user can make configuration changes resulting in /n");
printf("less-than-full HW capabilities are available to applications./n");
printf("For best result, the operator is responsible to configure the BIOS/OS such that/n");
printf("full hardware multi-threading capabilities are enabled./n");
printf("/n---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /n/n/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: not capable /n/tMulti-core: Yes /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Not capable /n/tMulti-core: No /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Disabled /n/tMulti-core: No /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Enabled /n/tMulti-core: No /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Disabled /n/tMulti-core: Yes /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Enabled /n/tMulti-core: Yes /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/n/nHardware capability and its availability to applications: /n");
printf("/n System wide availability: %d physical processors, %d cores, %d logical processors/n", /
PhysicalNum, TotAvailCore, TotAvailLogical);
MaxLPPerCore = MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc() / MaxCorePerPhysicalProc() ;
printf(" Multi-core capabililty : %d cores per package /n", MaxCorePerPhysicalProc());
printf(" HT capability: %d logical processors per core /n", MaxLPPerCore);
assert (PhysicalNum * MaxCorePerPhysicalProc() >= TotAvailCore);
assert (PhysicalNum * MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc() >= TotAvailLogical);
if( PhysicalNum * MaxCorePerPhysicalProc() > TotAvailCore) printf("/n Not all cores in the system are enabled for this application./n");
else printf("/n All cores in the system are enabled for this application./n");
printf("/n/nRelationships between OS affinity mask, Initial APIC ID, and 3-level sub-IDs: /n");
printf("/n%s", g_s3Levels);
printf("/n/nPress Enter To Continue/n");
return 0;
// CpuIDSupported will return 0 if CPUID instruction is unavailable. Otherwise, it will return
// the maximum supported standard function.
unsigned int CpuIDSupported(void)
unsigned int MaxInputValue;
// If CPUID instruction is supported
#ifdef LINUX
MaxInputValue = 0;
// call cpuid with eax = 0
"xorl %%eax,%%eax/n/t"
: "=a" (MaxInputValue)
: "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx"
catch (...)
return(0); // cpuid instruction is unavailable
#else //Win32
MaxInputValue = 0;
// call cpuid with eax = 0
xor eax, eax
mov MaxInputValue, eax
catch (...)
return(0); // cpuid instruction is unavailable
return MaxInputValue;
// GenuineIntel will return 0 if the processor is not a Genuine Intel Processor
unsigned int GenuineIntel(void)
#ifdef LINUX
unsigned int VendorIDb = 0,VendorIDd = 0, VendorIDc = 0;
// If CPUID instruction is supported
// Get vendor id string
//get the vendor string
// call cpuid with eax = 0
"xorl %%eax, %%eax/n/t"
: "=b" (VendorIDb),
"=d" (VendorIDd),
"=c" (VendorIDc)
: "%eax"
return(0); // cpuid instruction is unavailable
return ( (VendorIDb == 'uneG') &&
(VendorIDd == 'Ieni') &&
(VendorIDc == 'letn'));
unsigned int VendorID[3] = {0, 0, 0};
try // If CPUID instruction is supported
xor eax, eax // call cpuid with eax = 0
cpuid // Get vendor id string
mov VendorID, ebx
mov VendorID + 4, edx
mov VendorID + 8, ecx
catch (...)
return(0); unsigned int MaxInputValue =0;
// cpuid instruction is unavailable
return ( (VendorID[0] == 'uneG') &&
(VendorID[1] == 'Ieni') &&
(VendorID[2] == 'letn'));
// Function returns the maximum cores per physical package. Note that the number of
// AVAILABLE cores per physical to be used by an application might be less than this
// maximum value.
unsigned int MaxCorePerPhysicalProc(void)
unsigned int Regeax = 0;
if (!HWD_MTSupported()) return (unsigned int) 1; // Single core
#ifdef LINUX
"xorl %eax, %eax/n/t"
"cmpl $4, %eax/n/t" // check if cpuid supports leaf 4
"jl .single_core/n/t" // Single core
"movl $4, %eax/n/t"
"movl $0, %ecx/n/t" // start with index = 0; Leaf 4 reports
); // at least one valid cache level
: "=a" (Regeax)
: "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx"
"jmp .multi_core/n"
"xor %eax, %eax/n"
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, 4 // check if cpuid supports leaf 4
jl single_core // Single core
mov eax, 4
mov ecx, 0 // start with index = 0; Leaf 4 reports
cpuid // at least one valid cache level
mov Regeax, eax
jmp multi_core
xor eax, eax
return (unsigned int)((Regeax & NUM_CORE_BITS) >> 26)+1;
// The function returns 0 when the hardware multi-threaded bit is not set.
unsigned int HWD_MTSupported(void)
unsigned int Regedx = 0;
if ((CpuIDSupported() >= 1) && GenuineIntel())
#ifdef LINUX
"movl $1,%%eax/n/t"
: "=d" (Regedx)
: "%eax","%ebx","%ecx"
mov eax, 1
mov Regedx, edx
return (Regedx & HWD_MT_BIT);
// Function returns the maximum logical processors per physical package. Note that the number of
// AVAILABLE logical processors per physical to be used by an application might be less than this
// maximum value.
unsigned int MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc(void)
unsigned int Regebx = 0;
if (!HWD_MTSupported()) return (unsigned int) 1;
#ifdef LINUX
"movl $1,%%eax/n/t"
: "=b" (Regebx)
: "%eax","%ecx","%edx"
mov eax, 1
mov Regebx, ebx
return (unsigned int) ((Regebx & NUM_LOGICAL_BITS) >> 16);
unsigned char GetAPIC_ID(void)
unsigned int Regebx = 0;
#ifdef LINUX
"movl $1, %%eax/n/t"
: "=b" (Regebx)
: "%eax","%ecx","%edx"
mov eax, 1
mov Regebx, ebx
return (unsigned char) ((Regebx & INITIAL_APIC_ID_BITS) >> 24);
// Determine the width of the bit field that can represent the value count_item.
unsigned int find_maskwidth(unsigned int CountItem)
unsigned int MaskWidth,
count = CountItem;
#ifdef LINUX
#ifdef __x86_64__ // define constant to compile
"push %%rcx/n/t" // under 64-bit Linux
"push %%rax/n/t"
"pushl %%ecx/n/t"
"pushl %%eax/n/t"
// "movl $count, %%eax/n/t" //done by Assembler below
"xorl %%ecx, %%ecx"
// "movl %%ecx, MaskWidth/n/t" //done by Assembler below
: "=c" (MaskWidth)
: "a" (count)
// : "%ecx", "%eax" We don't list these as clobbered because we don't want the assembler
//to put them back when we are done
"decl %%eax/n/t"
"bsrw %%ax,%%cx/n/t"
"jz next/n/t"
"incw %%cx/n/t"
// "movl %%ecx, MaskWidth/n" //done by Assembler below
: "=c" (MaskWidth)
#ifdef __x86_64__
"pop %rax/n/t"
"pop %rcx"
"popl %eax/n/t"
"popl %ecx"
mov eax, count
mov ecx, 0
mov MaskWidth, ecx
dec eax
bsr cx, ax
jz next
inc cx
mov MaskWidth, ecx
return MaskWidth;
// Extract the subset of bit field from the 8-bit value FullID. It returns the 8-bit sub ID value
unsigned char GetNzbSubID(unsigned char FullID,
unsigned char MaxSubIDValue,
unsigned char ShiftCount)
unsigned int MaskWidth;
unsigned char MaskBits;
MaskWidth = find_maskwidth((unsigned int) MaxSubIDValue);
MaskBits = (0xff << ShiftCount) ^
((unsigned char) (0xff << (ShiftCount + MaskWidth)));
return (FullID & MaskBits);
unsigned char CPUCount(unsigned int *TotAvailLogical,
unsigned int *TotAvailCore,
unsigned int *PhysicalNum)
unsigned char StatusFlag = 0;
unsigned int numLPEnabled = 0;
DWORD dwAffinityMask;
int j = 0, MaxLPPerCore;
unsigned char apicID, PackageIDMask;
unsigned char tblPkgID[256], tblCoreID[256], tblSMTID[256];
char tmp[256];
g_s3Levels[0] = 0;
*TotAvailCore = 1;
*PhysicalNum = 1;
#ifdef LINUX
//we need to make sure that this process is allowed to run on
//all of the logical processors that the OS itself can run on.
//A process could acquire/inherit affinity settings that restricts the
// current process to run on a subset of all logical processor visible to OS.
// Linux doesn't easily allow us to look at the Affinity Bitmask directly,
// but it does provide an API to test affinity maskbits of the current process
// against each logical processor visible under OS.
int sysNumProcs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); //This will tell us how many
//CPUs are currently enabled.
//this will tell us which processors this process can run on.
cpu_set_t allowedCPUs;
sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(allowedCPUs), &allowedCPUs);
for (int i = 0; i < sysNumProcs; i++ )
if ( CPU_ISSET(i, &allowedCPUs) == 0 )
return StatusFlag;
DWORD dwProcessAffinity, dwSystemAffinity;
if (dwProcessAffinity != dwSystemAffinity) // not all CPUs are enabled
return StatusFlag;
// Assumwe that cores within a package have the SAME number of
// logical processors. Also, values returned by
// MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc and MaxCorePerPhysicalProc do not have
// to be power of 2.
MaxLPPerCore = MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc() / MaxCorePerPhysicalProc();
dwAffinityMask = 1;
#ifdef LINUX
cpu_set_t currentCPU;
while ( j < sysNumProcs )
CPU_SET(j, &currentCPU);
if ( sched_setaffinity (0, sizeof(currentCPU), &currentCPU) == 0 )
sleep(0); // Ensure system to switch to the right CPU
while (dwAffinityMask && dwAffinityMask <= dwSystemAffinity)
if (SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), dwAffinityMask))
Sleep(0); // Ensure system to switch to the right CPU
apicID = GetAPIC_ID();
// Store SMT ID and core ID of each logical processor
// Shift vlaue for SMT ID is 0
// Shift value for core ID is the mask width for maximum logical
// processors per core
tblSMTID[j] = GetNzbSubID(apicID, MaxLPPerCore, 0);
tblCoreID[j] = GetNzbSubID(apicID,
(unsigned char) find_maskwidth(MaxLPPerCore));
// Extract package ID, assume single cluster.
// Shift value is the mask width for max Logical per package
PackageIDMask = (unsigned char) (0xff <<
tblPkgID[j] = apicID & PackageIDMask;
sprintf(tmp," AffinityMask = %d; Initial APIC = %d; Physical ID = %d, Core ID = %d, SMT ID = %d/n",
dwAffinityMask, apicID, tblPkgID[j], tblCoreID[j], tblSMTID[j]);
strcat(g_s3Levels, tmp);
numLPEnabled ++; // Number of available logical processors in the system.
} // if
dwAffinityMask = 1 << j;
} // while
// restore the affinity setting to its original state
#ifdef LINUX
sched_setaffinity (0, sizeof(allowedCPUs), &allowedCPUs);
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), dwProcessAffinity);
*TotAvailLogical = numLPEnabled;
// Count available cores (TotAvailCore) in the system
unsigned char CoreIDBucket[256];
DWORD ProcessorMask, pCoreMask[256];
unsigned int i, ProcessorNum;
CoreIDBucket[0] = tblPkgID[0] | tblCoreID[0];
ProcessorMask = 1;
pCoreMask[0] = ProcessorMask;
for (ProcessorNum = 1; ProcessorNum < numLPEnabled; ProcessorNum++)
ProcessorMask <<= 1;
for (i = 0; i < *TotAvailCore; i++)
// Comparing bit-fields of logical processors residing in different packages
// Assuming the bit-masks are the same on all processors in the system.
if ((tblPkgID[ProcessorNum] | tblCoreID[ProcessorNum]) == CoreIDBucket)
pCoreMask |= ProcessorMask;
} // for i
if (i == *TotAvailCore) // did not match any bucket. Start a new one.
CoreIDBucket = tblPkgID[ProcessorNum] | tblCoreID[ProcessorNum];
pCoreMask = ProcessorMask;
(*TotAvailCore)++; // Number of available cores in the system
} // for ProcessorNum
// Count physical processor (PhysicalNum) in the system
unsigned char PackageIDBucket[256];
DWORD pPackageMask[256];
PackageIDBucket[0] = tblPkgID[0];
ProcessorMask = 1;
pPackageMask[0] = ProcessorMask;
for (ProcessorNum = 1; ProcessorNum < numLPEnabled; ProcessorNum++)
ProcessorMask <<= 1;
for (i = 0; i < *PhysicalNum; i++)
// Comparing bit-fields of logical processors residing in different packages
// Assuming the bit-masks are the same on all processors in the system.
if (tblPkgID[ProcessorNum]== PackageIDBucket)
pPackageMask |= ProcessorMask;
} // for i
if (i == *PhysicalNum) // did not match any bucket. Start a new one.
PackageIDBucket = tblPkgID[ProcessorNum];
pPackageMask = ProcessorMask;
(*PhysicalNum)++; // Total number of physical processors in the system
} // for ProcessorNum
// Check to see if the system is multi-core
// Check if the system is hyper-threading
if (*TotAvailCore > *PhysicalNum)
// Multi-core
if (MaxLPPerCore == 1)
else if (numLPEnabled > *TotAvailCore)
// Single-core
if (MaxLPPerCore == 1)
else if (numLPEnabled > *TotAvailCore)
return StatusFlag;
// Copyright (c) 2005 Intel Corporation
// All Rights Reserved
// CPUCount.cpp : Detects three forms of hardware multi-threading support across IA-32 platform
// The three forms of HW multithreading are: Multi-processor, Multi-core, and
// HyperThreading Technology.
// This application enumerates all the logical processors enabled by OS and BIOS,
// determine the HW topology of these enabled logical processors in the system
// using information provided by CPUID instruction.
// A multi-processing system can support any combination of the three forms of HW
// multi-threading support. The relevant topology can be identified using a
// three level decomposition of the "initial APIC ID" into
// Package_id, core_id, and SMT_id. Such decomposition provides a three-level map of
// the topology of hardware resources and
// allow multi-threaded software to manage shared hardware resources in
// the platform to reduce resource contention
// Multicore detection algorithm for processor and cache topology requires
// all leaf functions of CPUID instructions be available. System administrator
// must ensure BIOS settings is not configured to restrict CPUID functionalities.
#define HWD_MT_BIT 0x10000000 // EDX[28] Bit 28 is set if HT or multi-core is supported
#define NUM_LOGICAL_BITS 0x00FF0000 // EBX[23:16] Bit 16-23 in ebx contains the number of logical
// processors per physical processor when execute cpuid with
// eax set to 1
#define NUM_CORE_BITS 0xFC000000 // EAX[31:26] Bit 26-31 in eax contains the number of cores minus one
// per physical processor when execute cpuid with
// eax set to 4.
#define INITIAL_APIC_ID_BITS 0xFF000000 // EBX[31:24] Bits 24-31 (8 bits) return the 8-bit unique
// initial APIC ID for the processor this code is running on.
// Status Flag
unsigned int CpuIDSupported(void);
unsigned int GenuineIntel(void);
unsigned int HWD_MTSupported(void);
unsigned int MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc(void);
unsigned int MaxCorePerPhysicalProc(void);
unsigned int find_maskwidth(unsigned int);
unsigned char GetAPIC_ID(void);
unsigned char GetNzbSubID(unsigned char,
unsigned char,
unsigned char);
unsigned char CPUCount(unsigned int *,
unsigned int *,
unsigned int *);
// Define constant “LINUX” to compile under Linux
#ifdef LINUX
// The Linux source code listing can be compiled using Linux kernel verison 2.6
// or higher (e.g. RH 4AS-2.8 using GCC 3.4.4).
// Due to syntax variances of Linux affinity APIs with earlier kernel versions
// and dependence on glibc library versions, compilation on Linux environment
// with older kernels and compilers may require kernel patches or compiler upgrades.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sched.h>
#define DWORD unsigned long
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
char g_s3Levels[2048];
int main(void)
unsigned int TotAvailLogical = 0, // Number of available logical CPU per CORE
TotAvailCore = 0, // Number of available cores per physical processor
PhysicalNum = 0; // Total number of physical processors
unsigned char StatusFlag = 0;
int MaxLPPerCore;
if (CpuIDSupported() < 4) { // CPUID does not report leaf 4 information
printf("/nUser Warning:/n CPUID Leaf 4 is not supported or disabled. Please check /
/n BIOS and correct system configuration error if leaf 4 is disabled. /n");
StatusFlag = CPUCount(&TotAvailLogical, &TotAvailCore, &PhysicalNum);
if( USER_CONFIG_ISSUE == StatusFlag) {
printf("User Configuration Error: Not all logical processors in the system are enabled /
while running this process. Please rerun this application after make corrections. /n");
printf("/n----Counting Hardware MultiThreading Capabilities and Availability ---------- /n/n");
printf("This application displays information on three forms of hardware multithreading/n");
printf("capability and their availability to apps. The three forms of capabilities are:/n");
printf("multi-processor (MP), Multi-core (core), and HyperThreading Technology (HT)./n");
printf("/nHardware capability results represents the maximum number provided in hardware./n");
printf("Note, Bios/OS or experienced user can make configuration changes resulting in /n");
printf("less-than-full HW capabilities are available to applications./n");
printf("For best result, the operator is responsible to configure the BIOS/OS such that/n");
printf("full hardware multi-threading capabilities are enabled./n");
printf("/n---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /n/n/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: not capable /n/tMulti-core: Yes /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Not capable /n/tMulti-core: No /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Disabled /n/tMulti-core: No /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Enabled /n/tMulti-core: No /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Disabled /n/tMulti-core: Yes /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/tHyper-Threading Technology: Enabled /n/tMulti-core: Yes /n/tMulti-processor: ");
if (PhysicalNum > 1) printf("yes/n"); else printf("No/n");
printf("/n/nHardware capability and its availability to applications: /n");
printf("/n System wide availability: %d physical processors, %d cores, %d logical processors/n", /
PhysicalNum, TotAvailCore, TotAvailLogical);
MaxLPPerCore = MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc() / MaxCorePerPhysicalProc() ;
printf(" Multi-core capabililty : %d cores per package /n", MaxCorePerPhysicalProc());
printf(" HT capability: %d logical processors per core /n", MaxLPPerCore);
assert (PhysicalNum * MaxCorePerPhysicalProc() >= TotAvailCore);
assert (PhysicalNum * MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc() >= TotAvailLogical);
if( PhysicalNum * MaxCorePerPhysicalProc() > TotAvailCore) printf("/n Not all cores in the system are enabled for this application./n");
else printf("/n All cores in the system are enabled for this application./n");
printf("/n/nRelationships between OS affinity mask, Initial APIC ID, and 3-level sub-IDs: /n");
printf("/n%s", g_s3Levels);
printf("/n/nPress Enter To Continue/n");
return 0;
// CpuIDSupported will return 0 if CPUID instruction is unavailable. Otherwise, it will return
// the maximum supported standard function.
unsigned int CpuIDSupported(void)
unsigned int MaxInputValue;
// If CPUID instruction is supported
#ifdef LINUX
MaxInputValue = 0;
// call cpuid with eax = 0
"xorl %%eax,%%eax/n/t"
: "=a" (MaxInputValue)
: "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx"
catch (...)
return(0); // cpuid instruction is unavailable
#else //Win32
MaxInputValue = 0;
// call cpuid with eax = 0
xor eax, eax
mov MaxInputValue, eax
catch (...)
return(0); // cpuid instruction is unavailable
return MaxInputValue;
// GenuineIntel will return 0 if the processor is not a Genuine Intel Processor
unsigned int GenuineIntel(void)
#ifdef LINUX
unsigned int VendorIDb = 0,VendorIDd = 0, VendorIDc = 0;
// If CPUID instruction is supported
// Get vendor id string
//get the vendor string
// call cpuid with eax = 0
"xorl %%eax, %%eax/n/t"
: "=b" (VendorIDb),
"=d" (VendorIDd),
"=c" (VendorIDc)
: "%eax"
return(0); // cpuid instruction is unavailable
return ( (VendorIDb == 'uneG') &&
(VendorIDd == 'Ieni') &&
(VendorIDc == 'letn'));
unsigned int VendorID[3] = {0, 0, 0};
try // If CPUID instruction is supported
xor eax, eax // call cpuid with eax = 0
cpuid // Get vendor id string
mov VendorID, ebx
mov VendorID + 4, edx
mov VendorID + 8, ecx
catch (...)
return(0); unsigned int MaxInputValue =0;
// cpuid instruction is unavailable
return ( (VendorID[0] == 'uneG') &&
(VendorID[1] == 'Ieni') &&
(VendorID[2] == 'letn'));
// Function returns the maximum cores per physical package. Note that the number of
// AVAILABLE cores per physical to be used by an application might be less than this
// maximum value.
unsigned int MaxCorePerPhysicalProc(void)
unsigned int Regeax = 0;
if (!HWD_MTSupported()) return (unsigned int) 1; // Single core
#ifdef LINUX
"xorl %eax, %eax/n/t"
"cmpl $4, %eax/n/t" // check if cpuid supports leaf 4
"jl .single_core/n/t" // Single core
"movl $4, %eax/n/t"
"movl $0, %ecx/n/t" // start with index = 0; Leaf 4 reports
); // at least one valid cache level
: "=a" (Regeax)
: "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx"
"jmp .multi_core/n"
"xor %eax, %eax/n"
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, 4 // check if cpuid supports leaf 4
jl single_core // Single core
mov eax, 4
mov ecx, 0 // start with index = 0; Leaf 4 reports
cpuid // at least one valid cache level
mov Regeax, eax
jmp multi_core
xor eax, eax
return (unsigned int)((Regeax & NUM_CORE_BITS) >> 26)+1;
// The function returns 0 when the hardware multi-threaded bit is not set.
unsigned int HWD_MTSupported(void)
unsigned int Regedx = 0;
if ((CpuIDSupported() >= 1) && GenuineIntel())
#ifdef LINUX
"movl $1,%%eax/n/t"
: "=d" (Regedx)
: "%eax","%ebx","%ecx"
mov eax, 1
mov Regedx, edx
return (Regedx & HWD_MT_BIT);
// Function returns the maximum logical processors per physical package. Note that the number of
// AVAILABLE logical processors per physical to be used by an application might be less than this
// maximum value.
unsigned int MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc(void)
unsigned int Regebx = 0;
if (!HWD_MTSupported()) return (unsigned int) 1;
#ifdef LINUX
"movl $1,%%eax/n/t"
: "=b" (Regebx)
: "%eax","%ecx","%edx"
mov eax, 1
mov Regebx, ebx
return (unsigned int) ((Regebx & NUM_LOGICAL_BITS) >> 16);
unsigned char GetAPIC_ID(void)
unsigned int Regebx = 0;
#ifdef LINUX
"movl $1, %%eax/n/t"
: "=b" (Regebx)
: "%eax","%ecx","%edx"
mov eax, 1
mov Regebx, ebx
return (unsigned char) ((Regebx & INITIAL_APIC_ID_BITS) >> 24);
// Determine the width of the bit field that can represent the value count_item.
unsigned int find_maskwidth(unsigned int CountItem)
unsigned int MaskWidth,
count = CountItem;
#ifdef LINUX
#ifdef __x86_64__ // define constant to compile
"push %%rcx/n/t" // under 64-bit Linux
"push %%rax/n/t"
"pushl %%ecx/n/t"
"pushl %%eax/n/t"
// "movl $count, %%eax/n/t" //done by Assembler below
"xorl %%ecx, %%ecx"
// "movl %%ecx, MaskWidth/n/t" //done by Assembler below
: "=c" (MaskWidth)
: "a" (count)
// : "%ecx", "%eax" We don't list these as clobbered because we don't want the assembler
//to put them back when we are done
"decl %%eax/n/t"
"bsrw %%ax,%%cx/n/t"
"jz next/n/t"
"incw %%cx/n/t"
// "movl %%ecx, MaskWidth/n" //done by Assembler below
: "=c" (MaskWidth)
#ifdef __x86_64__
"pop %rax/n/t"
"pop %rcx"
"popl %eax/n/t"
"popl %ecx"
mov eax, count
mov ecx, 0
mov MaskWidth, ecx
dec eax
bsr cx, ax
jz next
inc cx
mov MaskWidth, ecx
return MaskWidth;
// Extract the subset of bit field from the 8-bit value FullID. It returns the 8-bit sub ID value
unsigned char GetNzbSubID(unsigned char FullID,
unsigned char MaxSubIDValue,
unsigned char ShiftCount)
unsigned int MaskWidth;
unsigned char MaskBits;
MaskWidth = find_maskwidth((unsigned int) MaxSubIDValue);
MaskBits = (0xff << ShiftCount) ^
((unsigned char) (0xff << (ShiftCount + MaskWidth)));
return (FullID & MaskBits);
unsigned char CPUCount(unsigned int *TotAvailLogical,
unsigned int *TotAvailCore,
unsigned int *PhysicalNum)
unsigned char StatusFlag = 0;
unsigned int numLPEnabled = 0;
DWORD dwAffinityMask;
int j = 0, MaxLPPerCore;
unsigned char apicID, PackageIDMask;
unsigned char tblPkgID[256], tblCoreID[256], tblSMTID[256];
char tmp[256];
g_s3Levels[0] = 0;
*TotAvailCore = 1;
*PhysicalNum = 1;
#ifdef LINUX
//we need to make sure that this process is allowed to run on
//all of the logical processors that the OS itself can run on.
//A process could acquire/inherit affinity settings that restricts the
// current process to run on a subset of all logical processor visible to OS.
// Linux doesn't easily allow us to look at the Affinity Bitmask directly,
// but it does provide an API to test affinity maskbits of the current process
// against each logical processor visible under OS.
int sysNumProcs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); //This will tell us how many
//CPUs are currently enabled.
//this will tell us which processors this process can run on.
cpu_set_t allowedCPUs;
sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(allowedCPUs), &allowedCPUs);
for (int i = 0; i < sysNumProcs; i++ )
if ( CPU_ISSET(i, &allowedCPUs) == 0 )
return StatusFlag;
DWORD dwProcessAffinity, dwSystemAffinity;
if (dwProcessAffinity != dwSystemAffinity) // not all CPUs are enabled
return StatusFlag;
// Assumwe that cores within a package have the SAME number of
// logical processors. Also, values returned by
// MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc and MaxCorePerPhysicalProc do not have
// to be power of 2.
MaxLPPerCore = MaxLogicalProcPerPhysicalProc() / MaxCorePerPhysicalProc();
dwAffinityMask = 1;
#ifdef LINUX
cpu_set_t currentCPU;
while ( j < sysNumProcs )
CPU_SET(j, &currentCPU);
if ( sched_setaffinity (0, sizeof(currentCPU), &currentCPU) == 0 )
sleep(0); // Ensure system to switch to the right CPU
while (dwAffinityMask && dwAffinityMask <= dwSystemAffinity)
if (SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), dwAffinityMask))
Sleep(0); // Ensure system to switch to the right CPU
apicID = GetAPIC_ID();
// Store SMT ID and core ID of each logical processor
// Shift vlaue for SMT ID is 0
// Shift value for core ID is the mask width for maximum logical
// processors per core
tblSMTID[j] = GetNzbSubID(apicID, MaxLPPerCore, 0);
tblCoreID[j] = GetNzbSubID(apicID,
(unsigned char) find_maskwidth(MaxLPPerCore));
// Extract package ID, assume single cluster.
// Shift value is the mask width for max Logical per package
PackageIDMask = (unsigned char) (0xff <<
tblPkgID[j] = apicID & PackageIDMask;
sprintf(tmp," AffinityMask = %d; Initial APIC = %d; Physical ID = %d, Core ID = %d, SMT ID = %d/n",
dwAffinityMask, apicID, tblPkgID[j], tblCoreID[j], tblSMTID[j]);
strcat(g_s3Levels, tmp);
numLPEnabled ++; // Number of available logical processors in the system.
} // if
dwAffinityMask = 1 << j;
} // while
// restore the affinity setting to its original state
#ifdef LINUX
sched_setaffinity (0, sizeof(allowedCPUs), &allowedCPUs);
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), dwProcessAffinity);
*TotAvailLogical = numLPEnabled;
// Count available cores (TotAvailCore) in the system
unsigned char CoreIDBucket[256];
DWORD ProcessorMask, pCoreMask[256];
unsigned int i, ProcessorNum;
CoreIDBucket[0] = tblPkgID[0] | tblCoreID[0];
ProcessorMask = 1;
pCoreMask[0] = ProcessorMask;
for (ProcessorNum = 1; ProcessorNum < numLPEnabled; ProcessorNum++)
ProcessorMask <<= 1;
for (i = 0; i < *TotAvailCore; i++)
// Comparing bit-fields of logical processors residing in different packages
// Assuming the bit-masks are the same on all processors in the system.
if ((tblPkgID[ProcessorNum] | tblCoreID[ProcessorNum]) == CoreIDBucket)
pCoreMask |= ProcessorMask;
} // for i
if (i == *TotAvailCore) // did not match any bucket. Start a new one.
CoreIDBucket = tblPkgID[ProcessorNum] | tblCoreID[ProcessorNum];
pCoreMask = ProcessorMask;
(*TotAvailCore)++; // Number of available cores in the system
} // for ProcessorNum
// Count physical processor (PhysicalNum) in the system
unsigned char PackageIDBucket[256];
DWORD pPackageMask[256];
PackageIDBucket[0] = tblPkgID[0];
ProcessorMask = 1;
pPackageMask[0] = ProcessorMask;
for (ProcessorNum = 1; ProcessorNum < numLPEnabled; ProcessorNum++)
ProcessorMask <<= 1;
for (i = 0; i < *PhysicalNum; i++)
// Comparing bit-fields of logical processors residing in different packages
// Assuming the bit-masks are the same on all processors in the system.
if (tblPkgID[ProcessorNum]== PackageIDBucket)
pPackageMask |= ProcessorMask;
} // for i
if (i == *PhysicalNum) // did not match any bucket. Start a new one.
PackageIDBucket = tblPkgID[ProcessorNum];
pPackageMask = ProcessorMask;
(*PhysicalNum)++; // Total number of physical processors in the system
} // for ProcessorNum
// Check to see if the system is multi-core
// Check if the system is hyper-threading
if (*TotAvailCore > *PhysicalNum)
// Multi-core
if (MaxLPPerCore == 1)
else if (numLPEnabled > *TotAvailCore)
// Single-core
if (MaxLPPerCore == 1)
else if (numLPEnabled > *TotAvailCore)
return StatusFlag;