Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
select a.*, b.Company_Name, c.ProductName, d.employee_name, e.DepotName
from DepotReal a, Company b, Product c, Employee d, Depot e
where a.Company_code = b.company_code(+)
and a.productid = c.productid(+)
and a.work_user = d.employee_no(+)
and a.DepotID = e.DepotID(+)
from DepotReal a, Company b, Product c, Employee d, Depot e
where a.Company_code = b.company_code(+)
and a.productid = c.productid(+)
and a.work_user = d.employee_no(+)
and a.DepotID = e.DepotID(+)