Value Meaning
fmCreate Create a file with the given name. If a file with the given name exists, open the file in write mode.
fmOpenRead Open the file for reading only.
fmOpenWrite Open the file for writing only. Writing to the file completely replaces the current contents.
fmOpenReadWrite Open the file to modify the current contents rather than replace them.
The share mode must be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
fmShareCompat Sharing is compatible with the way FCBs are opened.
fmShareExclusive Other applications can not open the file for any reason.
fmShareDenyWrite Other applications can open the file for reading but not for writing.
fmShareDenyRead Other applications can open the file for writing but not for reading.
fmShareDenyNone No attempt is made to prevent other applications from reading from or writing to the file.