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GUEST, unregistred user!
我在SQL数据库有一表table A ,结构如下:<br>编号 产品号 物编号 物名称<br>001 U001 OBG OBG of U001<br>001 U001 IBX IBX of U001<br>002 M001 OCT OCT of M001<br>003 M003 OCT OCT of M003<br>003 M003 IBX IBX of M003 <br>想实现这种结果<br>001 U001 OBG/IBX OBG of U001 /IBX of U001<br>002 M001 OCT OCT of M001<br>003 M003 OCT/IBX OCT of M003 / IBX of M003<br><br>请问我该如何实现,谢谢!