DevExpress Printing System 2 发布了,大家快去找,呵呵(0分)



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Developer Express is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the ExpressPrinting System version 2, its data presentation and visualization system for Delphi and C++ Builder.
The ExpressPrinting System is an advanced component publishing system that allows you to bring the best features of your user interface to the printed page. Via its Report Link technology, the Printing System is able to render and print visual controls from Developer Express, such as the ExpressQuantumGrid and ExpressMasterView;
as well as a number of standard VCL controls such as the StringGrid and RichEdit. In addition to its exceptional design time capabilities, the ExpressPrinting System packs a powerful set of runtime designers that will impress your users while minimizing the time you have to spend developing custom reporting solutions.
With version 2 of the ExpressPrinting System, we have extended printing support to the following visual controls:
- ExpressQuantumGrid Suite - version 3
- ExpressQuantumTreeList (data aware &
non-data aware) - version 3
- ExpressMasterView
- ExpressInspector (data aware &
non-data aware)
- ExpressTreeView (data aware &
non-data aware)
- ExpressOrgChart (data aware &
non-data aware)
- ExpressFlowChart
- RichEdit (includes support for rxRichEdit)
- StringGrid
- DrawGrid
- ListBox
- TeeChart (data aware &
non-data aware)
Runtime End-User Reporting Simplified!
When you combine the ExpressPrinting System with the ExpressQuantumGrid or ExpressMasterView, you get the threefold benefit of eliminating the tedium associated with creating traditional banded reports, greatly reducing development time, and putting flexibility back into the hands of your users. No longer will you have to create and re-create reports because of simple changes to your database or because of user requests to alter data grouping or sort order in your banded reports. No longer will you have to pull your hair out when a user requests a new report that was not in the original spec. By combining the ExpressPrinting System with the QuantumGrid and/or MasterView controls, your end-users can arrange data in any manner they see fit, and then
print the contents of the control exactly as it appears on-screen.
New features in the ExpressPrinting System:
Improved Performance
ExpressPrintingSystem 2.0 introduces a new high performance internal architecture that results in a 20 to 50 time increase in speed based upon the complexity of the report-link you are using.
New ReportLinks
The ExpressPrintingSystem now supports 20 different visual controls including the ExpressMasterView - Using the ExpressMasterView in conjunction with the ExpressPrinting System gives you the ability to create highly complex master-detail reports with little or no effort on your part. Imagine letting a user sort and group each detail section according to their needs and then
print it all without forcing you to create a single custom report.
Full Custom Draw Support
Need a green bar like report? Simply use the extensive custom draw support to implement all types of effects such as green-bar, high-low threshold, and visual alerts using the rich custom draw event model of the ExpressPrinting System.
Print Style Component
Using the new Print Style components, you can provide, several distinct presentation styles for each ReportLink. Even more, using runtime-customization, your users can create new styles on the fly and save them for later use, just like Microsoft do
es in Outlook®.
Header and Footer support
ExpressPrinting System gives you exquisite control over the presentation and positioning of page headers and footers. There is support for standard elements such as page numbers, dates, and times. Like all Developer Express products, the ExpressPrinting System includes extensive run-time customization, so your users can modify these headers and footers based upon their specific business needs.
Page Setup Dialog
With the page setup dialog you can control virtually all aspects of printing. The page setup dialog supports the selection and creation of styles, selection of paper types, header/footer content and layout, margins, and scaling. No longer are these options hard or even impossible to control - the ExpressPrinting System makes it a breeze.
Print Dialog
The enhanced print dialog gives you a high degree of control over what options are available when printing. Printer selection, output to file, page selection and collation are all there. You can even control what buttons are displayed or enabled, all through a convenient non-visual component interface.
Engine Controller
The engine controller provides a quick and easy way to centrally control global properties for all reports that may be printed using the ExpressPrintingSystem. From this component you can control the look &
feel, the path for saving custom settings, and Help file.
Using a mouse equipped with a wheel, you can zoom in and out on your reports without entering magnification manually, or selecting it from a menu.
Existing features include:
- Color, pattern, texture, and picture fills and backgrounds
- Multiple page viewing modes such as single, do
uble, quad, etc.
- Custom scaling
- Intellimouse support
- Drag-and-drop margins
- Transparency support
- Open and extensible architecture
The philosophy of Developer Express is to put powerful tools at your disposal that minimize the amount of grunt work you have to do
while maximizing the productivity of your users. The ExpressPrintingSystem 2.0 continues in this tradition by providing usable and innovative technology solutions that minimize the amount of work you have to do
to generate attractive and useful reports. For more information on the ExpressPrinting System version 2.0, please visit our product information page at:
or write to us at:
Best Wishes
Developer Express Inc.
找到了就不告诉CJ,哈哈哈!! :)
Devexpress xpressprinting system v2.0
[上传日期 ]2001-4-27
Devexpress xpressprinting system v2.0
The ExpressPrinting System is an advanced data rendering and printing
system specifically designed to bring your UI to the printed page. Via
its Report Link technology, the ExpressPrinting System allows you to
output the contents of VCL controls such as the ExpressQuantumGrid and
ExpressMasterView - as well as many others - to paper, while giving you
and your users immaculate control over print attributes such as Font,
Color, Headers, and Footers.
Like all Developer Express technologies, the ExpressPrinting System
helps you put control back into the hands of your end-users via a
runtime interface that is easy to use, with an astounding level of
flexibility. It gives you the power to quickly add unlimited reporting
to your programs without designing a single report!
When you combine the ExpressPrinting System with the ExpressQuantumGrid
or ExpressMasterView, you get the threefold benefit of eliminating the
tedium associated with creating traditional banded reports, greatly
reducing development time, and putting flexibility back into the hands
of your users. No longer will you have to create and re-create reports
because of simple changes to your database or requests by users to
group/sort data by new columns. No longer will you have to pull your
hair out when a user requests a new report that was not in the original
spec. By combining the ExpressPrinting System with the QuantumGrid
and/or MasterView controls, your end-users can arrange data in any
manner they see fit, and then
print the contents of the control exactly
as it appears on-screen.
What's new in version 2:
- Speed.
New users will be merely surprised by the performance of this product.
Existing users will be absolutely amazed at the improvement provided
by the revised internal architecture.
- New Report Links.
The following products are now supported by one or more new report
ExpressDBTree (TdxTreeView &
ExpressInspector (TdxInspector &
ExpressMasterView (TdxMasterView)
VCL (TRichEdit, TrxRichEdit &
- Styles
The major new facility, in my view, is the support for persistent
styles. All runtime customizations made via the PageSetup may be saved
to a named style. Named styles may be created at design time or at
runtime by using an existing style as a template. This is a very
powerful feature and it can be utilised in your applications by hooking
up a few properties followed by writing one single line of code
200 points for your kindness!

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