softdog: 如果真不知道Infopower中的Picture有何作用的话,请仔细看了下面的说明
Defining a PictureMask property string:
To define a PictureMask property string, use the following special characters for the definition of required characters, digits, repeats, literals, letter case conversion, and optional entries, along with any other character as a constant:
Character Description
# Any digit (0-9)
? Any letter (a-z or A-Z)
& Any letter (a-z or A-Z ?automatically converted to uppercase)
~ Any letter (a-z or A-Z ?automatically converted to lowercase)
@ Any character
! Any characters (letters automatically converted to uppercase
; Next character is to be used literally and not used as a picture mask character
* Repeat the following character any number of times. For instance *& means convert any number of characters to uppercase. To specify a specific number of times, follow the * with a number. For instance, to specify 5 numbers in a row, you would use *5{#}
[abc] Optional sequence of characters abc that do not need to be entered by the end-user
{a, b, c} Grouping operator. Set of a, b, or c. The end-user must choose either a, b, or c. For instance {Red,Green,Blue} means the end-user must choose either Red, Green, or Blue. Similarly {R,G,B} means the end-user must choose between the characters R, G, or B.
Note: The picture mask must be carefully constructed to avoid situations where one element completely contains another element in the group. For instance if you have 3 valid choices of Auto, Automobile, and Car, do NOT set the picture mask to {Auto,Automobile,Car}. Instead set the picture mask to {Auto[mobile],Car}.
If you enter any other character in a picture mask, InfoPower treats the character as a constant. When the end-user is entering a value in a field with a picture mask that contains constant values, and they come to the point where the constant value is specified, InfoPower automatically fills-in (enters or types) the constant for the end-user. This is known as Auto-Fill and requires the AutoFill property setting to be true, otherwise the constant characters will not be filled-in automatically.
Simple Examples:
#####[-####] Standard U.S.A. 5-digit postal code with optional 4-digit suffix (i.e. 12345 or 12345-6789). Optionally, this picture mask can be specified as *5{#}[-*4#]. This 搒horthand?method allows you to specify very long picture masks in just a few characters.
#&#&#& Standard Canadian postal code (i.e. 1A2B3C).
*! Any number or any character with all letters automatically converted to uppercase (i.e. 123abc becomes 123ABC).
{Yes,No} Either "Yes", "No", or blank (since the braces indicate that an entry in this field is optional). If the AutoFill property is set to true, all the user has to type is either 搚?or 搉?and the respective value is automatically entered into the field. If AutoFill is set to false, the user must enter the entire word, either 揧es?or 揘o?
&*? Letters, with first letter capitalized.
#[#][#] Numeric of 3 digits or less
Complex AutoFill Example: