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12个字节的数据,我写出来的crc32 checksum校验出来的校验值老是错误
00000000h: 48 44 52 30 00 70 1A 00 CA F2 4C B4 ; HDR0.p..黍L
正确的CRC32 值为:3035281654 当把这个值用十六进制显示是F6 B8 EA B4
The next four bytes are the CRC-32 checksum of everything but the first 12 bytes of the file. I used the command cksum -o 3 in OS X to calculate this checksum. The file contains the one's complement of the result of this calculation, i.e. flip all the bits, and again, the bytes are in little-endian order.
求个正确的CRC32 checksum函数。
00000000h: 48 44 52 30 00 70 1A 00 CA F2 4C B4 ; HDR0.p..黍L
正确的CRC32 值为:3035281654 当把这个值用十六进制显示是F6 B8 EA B4
The next four bytes are the CRC-32 checksum of everything but the first 12 bytes of the file. I used the command cksum -o 3 in OS X to calculate this checksum. The file contains the one's complement of the result of this calculation, i.e. flip all the bits, and again, the bytes are in little-endian order.
求个正确的CRC32 checksum函数。