1. If Delphi/C++ Builder is not currently running, start it now. If Delphi/C++ Builder is currently running, save and close your open project and all related files before you proceed.
2. If using Delphi, update the Delphi search path to point to the InfoPower DCU files. If using C++ Builder, skip this step.
A. Click on Tools | Environment Options | Library.
B. Edit the Directories | Library Path edit box and add the InfoPower DCU library path. For instance if you installed to c:/ip4D4, you would add c:/ip4D4/lib to the Library path edit box. If you wish to debug into the InfoPower source code, then instead add the /ip4D4/source directory path to your Library Path.
3. Installing the design time package - The install program will automatically install the IP40D_D3.DPL (for Delphi 3), IP40D_D4.BPL (for Delphi 4), or IP40D_C3.BPL (for C++ Builder 3) design time packages for you. If for any reason you fail to see the InfoPower 4 components appear in your component palette, then perform the following steps:
A. Click on Project | Options | Packages
B. Click on the Design Packages | Add button to add IP40D_D3.DPL (for Delphi 3) or IP40D_D4.BPL (for Delphi 4), or IP40D_C3.BPL (for C++ Builder 3) to your design time package for your project. This file can be found in your /IP4/package subdirectory.
Important for Delphi 4.0 C/S Version: If you are building multi-tiered applications with Delphi 4.0 Client/Server version, then you should enable the InfoPower 4 Midas Support checkbox from within the Packages | Design Packages dialog.
4. Optional - installing the run time package into Delphi/C++ Builder. This step is required if your applications are using the IP40_D3 (for Delphi 3), or IP40_D4 (for Delphi 4), or IP40_C3 (for C++ Builder) run-time packages.
A. Click on (Project | Options | Packages).
B. Click on the (Runtime Packages | Add button) to add IP40_D3.DCP (for Delphi 3), IP40_D4.DCP (for Delphi 4), or IP40_C3.BPI (for C++ Builder) found in your DELPHI or C++ Builder LIB directory, to your runtime time package list for your project.
C. Click on the default button in order to make the InfoPower package available to all your projects.