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unit Winsock;
'This file is for use with Delphi 1 only. Use the Borland provided file'在此处提示"Declaration expected but string constant found"
'with any other Delphi Version. If you use this file with Delphi 2 or 3'
'this is probably because your library path is wrong or you have not'
'restored the directory structure when unzipping the file (you must use'
'pkunzip option -d to restore the files).'
function WSAIsBlocking: BOOL;
此处提示"Undecalared identfier:Bool"
function WSASetBlockingHook(lpBlockFunc: TFarProc): TFarProc;此处提示"Undecalared identfier:TFarProc"
function WSAAsyncGetServByName(HWindow: HWND;
wMsg: u_int;
name, proto, buf: PChar;
buflen: Integer): THandle;此处提示"Undecalared identfier: HWND"
unit Winsock;
'This file is for use with Delphi 1 only. Use the Borland provided file'在此处提示"Declaration expected but string constant found"
'with any other Delphi Version. If you use this file with Delphi 2 or 3'
'this is probably because your library path is wrong or you have not'
'restored the directory structure when unzipping the file (you must use'
'pkunzip option -d to restore the files).'
function WSAIsBlocking: BOOL;
此处提示"Undecalared identfier:Bool"
function WSASetBlockingHook(lpBlockFunc: TFarProc): TFarProc;此处提示"Undecalared identfier:TFarProc"
function WSAAsyncGetServByName(HWindow: HWND;
wMsg: u_int;
name, proto, buf: PChar;
buflen: Integer): THandle;此处提示"Undecalared identfier: HWND"