P ProLove Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2007-01-06 #1 我这边是用代理软件来上网,我写了个INDY收发邮件的东西,如果不是代理上网,就没有 这个问题,现在用代理软件来上网,我这边就老是提示连不上,请教高手赐招,300分奉上,顶者有分
5 51zhan.com Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2007-01-06 #2 我最近两个月也在用indy做群发软件,联系我qq:564310230
L linuxping Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2007-01-06 #3 http://www.indyproject.org/KB/index.html?tidftpsocksproxy.htm 1. Create an IOHandler such as TIdIOHandlerSocket or TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket and assign the TIdFTP.IOHandler property this. 2. Set the TIdFTP.Passive property to true. 3. Create a TIdSocksInfo object and assign it to the IOHandler's SocksInfo property. 4. Set the TIdSocksInfo properties as required.
http://www.indyproject.org/KB/index.html?tidftpsocksproxy.htm 1. Create an IOHandler such as TIdIOHandlerSocket or TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket and assign the TIdFTP.IOHandler property this. 2. Set the TIdFTP.Passive property to true. 3. Create a TIdSocksInfo object and assign it to the IOHandler's SocksInfo property. 4. Set the TIdSocksInfo properties as required.