Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
'propKeepHeader=Determines whether the band will be printed together with its header' + #13#10 +
'propConnectionName=Name of the connection to the database used in the report' + #13#10 +
'propCurve=Curvature of the roundrectangle edges' + #13#10 +
'propDrillDown=Determines whether the group can be drilleddo
wn' + #13#10 +
'propFontStyle=Dot-matrix font style' + #13#10 +
'propHideIfSingleDataRecord=Hide the footer if a group has only one data record' + #13#10 +
'propOutlineExpand=Determines whether to expand the report outline or not' + #13#10 +
'propPlainCells=Determines whether to print several cells side-by-side or stacked' + #13#10 +
'propPrintMode=Print mode: normal, split big pages to small one, or print several small pages on a big one' + #13#10 +
'propPrintOnSheet=Paper size to print report on. Used if PrintMode is not pmDefault' + #13#10 +
'propResetPageNumbers=Reset page number/total pages numbers when print a group. Should be used with StartNewPage option set to true' + #13#10 +
'propReverse=Determines whether to print pages in reversed order' + #13#10 +
'propShowFooterIfDrillDown=Determines whether to show group footer if group is drilldown' + #13#10 +
'propSizeMode=Display mode of the OLE object' + #13#10 +
'propVersion=Version of the FastReport' + #13#10 +
'propWideBarRatio=Relative with of wide bars of the barcode' + #13#10 +
'propWysiwyg=Determines whether the rich object should use the printer canvas to format the text. A printer should be installed and ready.' + #13#10 +
'propArrowEnd=Determines whether to draw an arrow at the end of line' + #13#10 +
'propArrowLength=Length of the arrow' + #13#10 +
'propArrowSolid=Determines whether to draw a solid-filled arrow' + #13#10 +
'propArrowStart=Determines whether to draw an arrow at the start of line' + #13#10 +
'propArrowWidth=Width of the arrow' + #13#10 +
'propCloseDataSource=Determines whether to close the dataset when report is finished' + #13#10 +
'propDatabase=Database connection' + #13#10 +
'propIndexFieldNames=Names of index fields' + #13#10 +
'propCommandTimeOut=Amount of time needed to execute a query' + #13#10 +
'propExpandDrillDown=Determines whether to expand all drill-down elements at first start of a report' + #13#10 +
'propWysiwyg.TfrxMemoView=Determines whether to display a text in WYSIWYG mode' + #13#10 +
'propLeftLine=Left line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propTopLine=Top line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propRightLine=Right line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propBottomLine=Bottom line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propColor.TfrxFrameLine=The color of the frame line' + #13#10 +
'propStyle.TfrxFrameLine=The style of the frame line' + #13#10 +
'propWidth.TfrxFrameLine=The width of the frame line' + #13#10 +
'propFileLink=Expression or name of the file containing a picture' + #13#10 +
'propEndlessWidth=Endless page mode. If true, page will grow depending on number of data records on it' + #13#10 +
'propEndlessHeight=Endless page mode. If true, page will grow depending on number of data records on it' + #13#10 +
'propAddHeight=Adds specified amount of space to the cell height' + #13#10 +
'propAddWidth=Adds specified amount of space to the cell width' + #13#10 +
'propAllowDuplicates=Determines whether the cell can accept duplicate string values' + #13#10 +
'propJoinEqualCells=Determines whether the crosstab should join cells with equal values' + #13#10 +
'propNextCross=Pointer to the next crosstab that will be displayed side-by-side' + #13#10 +
'propNextCrossGap=Gap between side-by-side crosstabs' + #13#10 +
'propShowCorner=Determines whether the crosstab should display a left-top corner elements' + #13#10 +
'propSuppressNullRecords=!Determines if the crosstab should suppress records with all NULL values' + #13#10 +
'propShowTitle=!Determines if the crosstab should display a title' + #13#10 +
'propAutoSize=!Determines if the crosstab should handle its size automatically' + #13#10 +
'2469=12 cpi' + #13#10 +
'2470=15 cpi' + #13#10 +
'2471=Report (*.fr3)|*.fr3' + #13#10 +
'2472=Pascal files (*.pas)|*.pas|C++ files (*.cpp)|*.cpp|JavaScript files (*.js)|*.js|Basic files (*.vb)|*.vb|All files|*.*' + #13#10 +
'2473=Pascal files (*.pas)|*.pas|C++ files (*.cpp)|*.cpp|JavaScript files (*.js)|*.js|Basic files (*.vb)|*.vb|All files|*.*' + #13#10 +
'2474=Connections...' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'2475=Language' + #13#10 +
'2476=Toggle breakpoint' + #13#10 +
'2477=Run to cursor' + #13#10 +
'2478=!Add child band' + #13#10 +
'dsCm=Centimeters' + #13#10 +
'dsInch=Inches' + #13#10 +
'dsPix=Pixels' + #13#10 +
'dsChars=Characters' + #13#10 +
'dsCode=Code' + #13#10 +
'dsData=Data' + #13#10 +
'dsPage=Page' + #13#10 +
'dsRepFilter=Report (*.fr3)|*.fr3' + #13#10 +
'dsComprRepFilter=Compressed report (*.fr3)|*.fr3' + #13#10 +
'3029=Show drop-down fields list' + #13#10 +
'3030=Show startup screen' + #13#10 +
'4312=!Select style' + #13#10 +
'4313=!Save current style...' + #13#10 +
'4314=!Show title' + #13#10 +
'4315=!Show corner' + #13#10 +
'4316=!Reprint headers on new page' + #13#10 +
'4317=!Auto size' + #13#10 +
'4318=!Border around cells' + #13#10 +
wn then
across' + #13#10 +
'4320=!Side-by-side cells' + #13#10 +
'4321=!Join equal cells' + #13#10 +
'crStName=!Enter the style name:' + #13#10 +
'crResize=!To resize a cross-tab, set its "AutoSize"
property to False.' + #13#10 +
'4723=Inheritance settings' + #13#10 +
'4724=Select the option:' + #13#10 +
'4725=Don''t change' + #13#10 +
'4726=Detach the base report' + #13#10 +
'4727=Inherit from base report:' + #13#10 +
'4728=Inheritance' + #13#10 +
'rePrnOnPort=在' + #13#10 +
'riNotInherited=This report is not inherited.' + #13#10 +
'riInherited=This report is inherited from base report: %s' + #13#10 +
'5606=Step 1. Select the dataset.' + #13#10 +
'5607=Step 2. Select the fields to display.' + #13#10 +
'5608=Step 3. Create groups (optional).' + #13#10 +
'5609=Step 4. Define the page orientation and data layout.' + #13#10 +
'5610=Step 5. Choose the report style.' + #13#10 +
'5700=Connection Wizard' + #13#10 +
'5701=Connection' + #13#10 +
'5702=Choose the connection type:' + #13#10 +
'5703=Choose the database:' + #13#10 +
'5704=Login' + #13#10 +
'5705=Password' + #13#10 +
'5706=Prompt login' + #13#10 +
'5707=Use login/password:' + #13#10 +
'5708=Table' + #13#10 +
'5709=Choose the table name:' + #13#10 +
'5710=Filter records:' + #13#10 +
'5711=Query' + #13#10 +
'5712=SQL statement:' + #13#10 +
'5713=Query Builder' + #13#10 +
'5714=Edit Query Parameters' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'ftAllFiles=All Files' + #13#10 +
'ftPictures=Pictures' + #13#10 +
'ftDB=Databases' + #13#10 +
'ftRichFile=RichText file' + #13#10 +
'ftTextFile=Text file' + #13#10 +
'prNotAssigned=(Not assigned)' + #13#10 +
'prInvProp=Invalid property value' + #13#10 +
'prDupl=Duplicate name' + #13#10 +
'prPict=(Picture)' + #13#10 +
'mvExpr=Allow Expressions' + #13#10 +
'mvStretch=Stretch' + #13#10 +
'mvStretchToMax=Stretch to Max Height' + #13#10 +
'mvShift=Shift' + #13#10 +
'mvShiftOver=Shift When Overlapped' + #13#10 +
'mvVisible=Visible' + #13#10 +
'mvPrintable=Printable' + #13#10 +
'mvFont=Font...' + #13#10 +
'mvFormat=Display Format...' + #13#10 +
'mvClear=Clear Contents' + #13#10 +
'mvAutoWidth=Auto Width' + #13#10 +
'mvWWrap=Word Wrap' + #13#10 +
'mvSuppress=Suppress Repeated Values' + #13#10 +
'mvHideZ=Hide Zeros' + #13#10 +
'mvHTML=Allow HTML Tags' + #13#10 +
'lvDiagonal=Diagonal' + #13#10 +
'pvAutoSize=Auto Size' + #13#10 +
'pvCenter=Center' + #13#10 +
'pvAspect=Keep Aspect Ratio' + #13#10 +
'bvSplit=Allow Split' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepChild=Keep Child Together' + #13#10 +
'bvPrintChild=Print Child If Invisible' + #13#10 +
'bvStartPage=Start New Page' + #13#10 +
'bvPrintIfEmpty=Print If Detail Empty' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepDetail=Keep Detail Together' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepFooter=Keep Footer Together' + #13#10 +
'bvReprint=Reprint On New Page' + #13#10 +
'bvOnFirst=Print On First Page' + #13#10 +
'bvOnLast=Print On Last Page' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepGroup=Keep Together' + #13#10 +
'bvFooterAfterEach=Footer after each row' + #13#10 +
'bvDrillDown=Drill-Down' + #13#10 +
'bvResetPageNo=Reset Page Numbers' + #13#10 +
'srParent=Print On Parent' + #13#10 +
'obCatDraw=Draw' + #13#10 +
'obCatOther=Other objects' + #13#10 +
'obCatOtherControls=Other controls' + #13#10 +
'obDiagLine=Diagonal line' + #13#10 +
'obRect=Rectangle' + #13#10 +
'obRoundRect=Rounded rectangle' + #13#10 +
'obEllipse=Ellipse' + #13#10 +
'obTrian=Triangle' + #13#10 +
'obDiamond=Diamond' + #13#10 +
'obLabel=Label control' + #13#10 +
'obEdit=Edit control' + #13#10 +
'obMemoC=Memo control' + #13#10 +
'obButton=Button control' + #13#10 +
'obChBoxC=CheckBox control' + #13#10 +
'obRButton=RadioButton control' + #13#10 +
'obLBox=ListBox control' + #13#10 +
'obCBox=ComboBox control' + #13#10 +
'obDateEdit=DateEdit control' + #13#10 +
'obImageC=Image control' + #13#10 +
'obPanel=Panel control' + #13#10 +
'obGrBox=GroupBox control' + #13#10 +
'obBBtn=BitBtn control' + #13#10 +
'obSBtn=SpeedButton control' + #13#10 +
'obMEdit=MaskEdit control' + #13#10 +
'obChLB=CheckListBox control' + #13#10 +
'obDBLookup=DBLookupComboBox control' + #13#10 +
'obBevel=Bevel object' + #13#10 +
'obShape=Shape object' + #13#10 +
'obText=Text object' + #13#10 +
'obSysText=System text' + #13#10 +
'obLine=Line object' + #13#10 +
'obPicture=Picture object' + #13#10 +
'obBand=Band object' + #13#10 +
'obDataBand=Data band' + #13#10 +
'obSubRep=Subreport object' + #13#10 +
'obDlgPage=Dialog form' + #13#10 +
'obRepPage=Report page' + #13#10 +
'obReport=Report object' + #13#10 +
'obRich=RichText object' + #13#10 +
'obOLE=OLE object' + #13#10 +
'obChBox=CheckBox object' + #13#10 +
'obChart=Chart object' + #13#10 +
'obBarC=Barcode object' + #13#10 +
'obCross=Cross-tab object' + #13#10 +
'obDBCross=DB Cross-tab object' + #13#10 +
'obGrad=Gradient object' + #13#10 +
'obDMPText=Dot-matrix Text object' + #13#10 +
'obDMPLine=Dot-matrix Line object' + #13#10 +
'obDMPCmd=Dot-matrix Command object' + #13#10 +
'obBDEDB=BDE Database' + #13#10 +
'obBDETb=BDE Table' + #13#10 +
'obBDEQ=BDE Query' + #13#10 +
'obBDEComps=BDE components' + #13#10 +
'obIBXDB=IBX Database' + #13#10 +
'obIBXTb=IBX Table' + #13#10 +
'obIBXQ=IBX Query' + #13#10 +
'obIBXComps=IBX Components' + #13#10 +
'obADODB=ADO Database' + #13#10 +
'obADOTb=ADO Table' + #13#10 +
'obADOQ=ADO Query' + #13#10 +
'obADOComps=ADO Components' + #13#10 +
'obDBXDB=DBX Database' + #13#10 +
'obDBXTb=DBX Table' + #13#10 +
'obDBXQ=DBX Query' + #13#10 +
'obDBXComps=DBX Components' + #13#10 +
'obFIBDB=FIB Database' + #13#10 +
'obFIBTb=FIB Table' + #13#10 +
'obFIBQ=FIB Query' + #13#10 +
'obFIBComps=FIB Components' + #13#10 +
'ctString=String' + #13#10 +
'ctDate=Date and Time' + #13#10 +
'ctConv=Conversions' + #13#10 +
'ctFormat=Formatting' + #13#10 +
'ctMath=Mathematical' + #13#10 +
'ctOther=Other' + #13#10 +
'IntToStr=Converts an integer value to a string' + #13#10 +
'FloatToStr=Converts a float value to a string' + #13#10 +
'DateToStr=Converts a date to a string' + #13#10 +
'TimeToStr=Converts a time to a string' + #13#10 +
'DateTimeToStr=Converts a date-and-time value to a string' + #13#10 +
'VarToStr=Converts a variant value to a string' + #13#10 +
'StrToInt=Converts a string to an integer value' + #13#10 +
'StrToInt64=Converts a string to an Int64 value' + #13#10 +
'StrToFloat=Converts a string to a floating-point value' + #13#10 +
'StrToDate=Converts a string to a date format' + #13#10 +
'StrToTime=Converts a string to a time format' + #13#10 +
'StrToDateTime=Converts a string to a date-and-time format' + #13#10 +
'Format=Returns formatted string assembled from a series of array arguments' + #13#10 +
'FormatFloat=Formats a floating-point value' + #13#10 +
'FormatDateTime=Formats a date-and-time value' + #13#10 +
'FormatMaskText=Returns a string formatted using an edit mask' + #13#10 +
'EncodeDate=Returns a TDateTime type for a specified Year, Month, and Day' + #13#10 +
'DecodeDate=Breaks TDateTime into Year, Month, and Day values' + #13#10 +
'EncodeTime=Returns a TDateTime type for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec' + #13#10 +
'DecodeTime=Breaks TDateTime into hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds' + #13#10 +
'Date=Returns current date' + #13#10 +
'Time=Returns current time' + #13#10 +
'Now=Return current date and time' + #13#10 +
'DayOfWeek=Returns the day of the week for a specified date' + #13#10 +
'IsLeapYear=Indicates whether a specified year is a leap year' + #13#10 +
'DaysInMonth=Returns a number of days in a specified month' + #13#10 +
'Length=Returns a length of a string' + #13#10 +
'Copy=Returns a substring of a string' + #13#10 +
'Pos=Returns a position of a substring in a string' + #13#10 +
'Delete=Removes a substring from a string' + #13#10 +
'Insert=Inserts a substring into a string' + #13#10 +
'Uppercase=Converts all character in a string to upper case' + #13#10 +
'Lowercase=Converts all character in a string to lower case' + #13#10 +
'Trim=Trims all trailing and leading spaces in a string' + #13#10 +
'NameCase=Converts first character of a word to upper case' + #13#10 +
'CompareText=Compares two strings' + #13#10 +
'Chr=Converts an integer value to a char' + #13#10 +
'Ord=Converts a character value to an integer' + #13#10 +
'SetLength=Sets the length of a string' + #13#10 +
'Round=Rounds a floating-point value to the nearest whole number' + #13#10 +
'Trunc=Truncates a floating-point value to an integer' + #13#10 +
'Int=Returns the integer part of a real number' + #13#10 +
'Frac=Returns the fractional part of a real number' + #13#10 +
'Sqrt=Returns the square root of a specified number' + #13#10 +
'Abs=Returns an absolute value' + #13#10 +
'Sin=Returns the sine of an angle (in radians)' + #13#10 +
'Cos=Returns the cosine of an angle (in radians)' + #13#10 +
'ArcTan=Returns the arctangent' + #13#10 +
'Tan=Returns the tangent' + #13#10 +
'Exp=Returns the exponential' + #13#10 +
'Ln=Returns the natural log of a real expression' + #13#10 +
'Pi=Returns the 3.1415926... number' + #13#10 +
'Inc=Increments a value' + #13#10 +
'Dec=Decrements a value' + #13#10 +
'RaiseException=Raises an exception' + #13#10 +
'ShowMessage=Shows a message box' + #13#10 +
'Randomize=Starts the random numbers generator' + #13#10 +
'Random=Returns a random number' + #13#10 +
'ValidInt=Returns True if specified string contains a valid integer' + #13#10 +
'ValidFloat=Returns True if specified string contains a valid float' + #13#10 +
'ValidDate=Returns True if specified string contains a valid date' + #13#10 +
'IIF=Returns TrueValue if specified Expr is True, otherwise returns FalseValue' + #13#10 +
'Get=For internal use only' + #13#10 +
'Set=For internal use only' + #13#10 +
'InputBox=Displays an input dialog box that enables the user to enter a string' + #13#10 +
'InputQuery=Displays an input dialog box that enables the user to enter a string' + #13#10 +
'MessageDlg=Shows a message box' + #13#10 +
'CreateOleObject=Creates an OLE object' + #13#10 +
'VarArrayCreate=Creates a variant array' + #13#10 +
'VarType=Return a type of the variant value' + #13#10 +
'DayOf=Returns day number (1..31) of given Date' + #13#10 +
'MonthOf=Returns month number (1..12) of given Date' + #13#10 +
'YearOf=Returns year of given Date' + #13#10 +
'wzDBConn=New Connection Wizard' + #13#10 +
'wzDBTable=New Table Wizard' + #13#10 +
'wzDBQuery=New Query Wizard' + #13#10 +
'======== TfrxConnEditorForm ========' + #13#10 +
'5800=Connections' + #13#10 +
'5801=New' + #13#10 +
'5802=Delete' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'cpName=Name' + #13#10 +
'cpConnStr=Connection string' + #13#10 +
'ctAggregate=Aggregate' + #13#10 +
'Sum=Calculates the sum of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Avg=Calculates the average of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Min=Calculates the minimum of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Max=Calculates the maximum of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Count=Calculates the number of datarows' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepHeader=Keep Header Together' + #13#10 +
'startCreateNew=Create new report' + #13#10 +
'startCreateBlank=Create blank report' + #13#10 +
'startOpenReport=Open report' + #13#10 +
'startOpenLast=Open last report' + #13#10 +
'startEditAliases=Edit connection aliases' + #13#10 +
'startHelp=Help' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'======== TfrxWatchForm ========' + #13#10 +
'5900=Watches' + #13#10 +
'5901=Add Watch' + #13#10 +
'5902=Delete Watch' + #13#10 +
'5903=Edit Watch' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'======== TfrxInheritErrorForm ========' + #13#10 +
'6000=Inherit error' + #13#10 +
'6001=Base and inherited reports have duplicate objects. What should wedo
?' + #13#10 +
'6002=Delete duplicates' + #13#10 +
'6003=Rename duplicates' + #13#10 +
'124=Zoom In' + #13#10 +
'125=Zoom In' + #13#10 +
'126=Zoom Out' + #13#10 +
'127=Zoom Out' + #13#10 +
'128=Outline' + #13#10 +
'129=Report outline' + #13#10 +
'130=Thumbnails' + #13#10 +
'131=Thumbnails' + #13#10 +
'150=Full Screen' + #13#10 +
'151=Export to PDF' + #13#10 +
'152=Send by E-mail' + #13#10 +
'211=!Order' + #13#10 +
'212=Name:' + #13#10 +
'213=Print mode' + #13#10 +
'214=Print on sheet' + #13#10 +
'216=Duplex' + #13#10 +
'pgDefault=Default' + #13#10 +
'pmDefault=Default' + #13#10 +
'pmSplit=Split big pages' + #13#10 +
'pmJoin=Join small pages' + #13#10 +
'pmScale=Scale' + #13#10 +
'poDirect=!Direct (1-9)' + #13#10 +
'poReverse=!Reverse (9-1)' + #13#10 +
'prRunningFirst=First pass: page %d' + #13#10 +
'prRunning=Preparing page %d' + #13#10 +
'prPrinting=Printing page %d' + #13#10 +
'prExporting=Exporting page %d' + #13#10 +
'uCm=cm' + #13#10 +
'uInch=in' + #13#10 +
'uPix=px' + #13#10 +
'uChar=chr' + #13#10 +
'dupDefault=Default' + #13#10 +
'dupVert=Vertical' + #13#10 +
'dupHorz=Horizontal' + #13#10 +
'dupSimpl=Simplex' + #13#10 +
'crFillMx=Filling the cross-tab...' + #13#10 +
'crBuildMx=Building the cross-tab...' + #13#10 +
'600=Expand all' + #13#10 +
'601=Collapse all' + #13#10 +
'propConnectionName=Name of the connection to the database used in the report' + #13#10 +
'propCurve=Curvature of the roundrectangle edges' + #13#10 +
'propDrillDown=Determines whether the group can be drilleddo
wn' + #13#10 +
'propFontStyle=Dot-matrix font style' + #13#10 +
'propHideIfSingleDataRecord=Hide the footer if a group has only one data record' + #13#10 +
'propOutlineExpand=Determines whether to expand the report outline or not' + #13#10 +
'propPlainCells=Determines whether to print several cells side-by-side or stacked' + #13#10 +
'propPrintMode=Print mode: normal, split big pages to small one, or print several small pages on a big one' + #13#10 +
'propPrintOnSheet=Paper size to print report on. Used if PrintMode is not pmDefault' + #13#10 +
'propResetPageNumbers=Reset page number/total pages numbers when print a group. Should be used with StartNewPage option set to true' + #13#10 +
'propReverse=Determines whether to print pages in reversed order' + #13#10 +
'propShowFooterIfDrillDown=Determines whether to show group footer if group is drilldown' + #13#10 +
'propSizeMode=Display mode of the OLE object' + #13#10 +
'propVersion=Version of the FastReport' + #13#10 +
'propWideBarRatio=Relative with of wide bars of the barcode' + #13#10 +
'propWysiwyg=Determines whether the rich object should use the printer canvas to format the text. A printer should be installed and ready.' + #13#10 +
'propArrowEnd=Determines whether to draw an arrow at the end of line' + #13#10 +
'propArrowLength=Length of the arrow' + #13#10 +
'propArrowSolid=Determines whether to draw a solid-filled arrow' + #13#10 +
'propArrowStart=Determines whether to draw an arrow at the start of line' + #13#10 +
'propArrowWidth=Width of the arrow' + #13#10 +
'propCloseDataSource=Determines whether to close the dataset when report is finished' + #13#10 +
'propDatabase=Database connection' + #13#10 +
'propIndexFieldNames=Names of index fields' + #13#10 +
'propCommandTimeOut=Amount of time needed to execute a query' + #13#10 +
'propExpandDrillDown=Determines whether to expand all drill-down elements at first start of a report' + #13#10 +
'propWysiwyg.TfrxMemoView=Determines whether to display a text in WYSIWYG mode' + #13#10 +
'propLeftLine=Left line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propTopLine=Top line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propRightLine=Right line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propBottomLine=Bottom line of a frame' + #13#10 +
'propColor.TfrxFrameLine=The color of the frame line' + #13#10 +
'propStyle.TfrxFrameLine=The style of the frame line' + #13#10 +
'propWidth.TfrxFrameLine=The width of the frame line' + #13#10 +
'propFileLink=Expression or name of the file containing a picture' + #13#10 +
'propEndlessWidth=Endless page mode. If true, page will grow depending on number of data records on it' + #13#10 +
'propEndlessHeight=Endless page mode. If true, page will grow depending on number of data records on it' + #13#10 +
'propAddHeight=Adds specified amount of space to the cell height' + #13#10 +
'propAddWidth=Adds specified amount of space to the cell width' + #13#10 +
'propAllowDuplicates=Determines whether the cell can accept duplicate string values' + #13#10 +
'propJoinEqualCells=Determines whether the crosstab should join cells with equal values' + #13#10 +
'propNextCross=Pointer to the next crosstab that will be displayed side-by-side' + #13#10 +
'propNextCrossGap=Gap between side-by-side crosstabs' + #13#10 +
'propShowCorner=Determines whether the crosstab should display a left-top corner elements' + #13#10 +
'propSuppressNullRecords=!Determines if the crosstab should suppress records with all NULL values' + #13#10 +
'propShowTitle=!Determines if the crosstab should display a title' + #13#10 +
'propAutoSize=!Determines if the crosstab should handle its size automatically' + #13#10 +
'2469=12 cpi' + #13#10 +
'2470=15 cpi' + #13#10 +
'2471=Report (*.fr3)|*.fr3' + #13#10 +
'2472=Pascal files (*.pas)|*.pas|C++ files (*.cpp)|*.cpp|JavaScript files (*.js)|*.js|Basic files (*.vb)|*.vb|All files|*.*' + #13#10 +
'2473=Pascal files (*.pas)|*.pas|C++ files (*.cpp)|*.cpp|JavaScript files (*.js)|*.js|Basic files (*.vb)|*.vb|All files|*.*' + #13#10 +
'2474=Connections...' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'2475=Language' + #13#10 +
'2476=Toggle breakpoint' + #13#10 +
'2477=Run to cursor' + #13#10 +
'2478=!Add child band' + #13#10 +
'dsCm=Centimeters' + #13#10 +
'dsInch=Inches' + #13#10 +
'dsPix=Pixels' + #13#10 +
'dsChars=Characters' + #13#10 +
'dsCode=Code' + #13#10 +
'dsData=Data' + #13#10 +
'dsPage=Page' + #13#10 +
'dsRepFilter=Report (*.fr3)|*.fr3' + #13#10 +
'dsComprRepFilter=Compressed report (*.fr3)|*.fr3' + #13#10 +
'3029=Show drop-down fields list' + #13#10 +
'3030=Show startup screen' + #13#10 +
'4312=!Select style' + #13#10 +
'4313=!Save current style...' + #13#10 +
'4314=!Show title' + #13#10 +
'4315=!Show corner' + #13#10 +
'4316=!Reprint headers on new page' + #13#10 +
'4317=!Auto size' + #13#10 +
'4318=!Border around cells' + #13#10 +
wn then
across' + #13#10 +
'4320=!Side-by-side cells' + #13#10 +
'4321=!Join equal cells' + #13#10 +
'crStName=!Enter the style name:' + #13#10 +
'crResize=!To resize a cross-tab, set its "AutoSize"
property to False.' + #13#10 +
'4723=Inheritance settings' + #13#10 +
'4724=Select the option:' + #13#10 +
'4725=Don''t change' + #13#10 +
'4726=Detach the base report' + #13#10 +
'4727=Inherit from base report:' + #13#10 +
'4728=Inheritance' + #13#10 +
'rePrnOnPort=在' + #13#10 +
'riNotInherited=This report is not inherited.' + #13#10 +
'riInherited=This report is inherited from base report: %s' + #13#10 +
'5606=Step 1. Select the dataset.' + #13#10 +
'5607=Step 2. Select the fields to display.' + #13#10 +
'5608=Step 3. Create groups (optional).' + #13#10 +
'5609=Step 4. Define the page orientation and data layout.' + #13#10 +
'5610=Step 5. Choose the report style.' + #13#10 +
'5700=Connection Wizard' + #13#10 +
'5701=Connection' + #13#10 +
'5702=Choose the connection type:' + #13#10 +
'5703=Choose the database:' + #13#10 +
'5704=Login' + #13#10 +
'5705=Password' + #13#10 +
'5706=Prompt login' + #13#10 +
'5707=Use login/password:' + #13#10 +
'5708=Table' + #13#10 +
'5709=Choose the table name:' + #13#10 +
'5710=Filter records:' + #13#10 +
'5711=Query' + #13#10 +
'5712=SQL statement:' + #13#10 +
'5713=Query Builder' + #13#10 +
'5714=Edit Query Parameters' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'ftAllFiles=All Files' + #13#10 +
'ftPictures=Pictures' + #13#10 +
'ftDB=Databases' + #13#10 +
'ftRichFile=RichText file' + #13#10 +
'ftTextFile=Text file' + #13#10 +
'prNotAssigned=(Not assigned)' + #13#10 +
'prInvProp=Invalid property value' + #13#10 +
'prDupl=Duplicate name' + #13#10 +
'prPict=(Picture)' + #13#10 +
'mvExpr=Allow Expressions' + #13#10 +
'mvStretch=Stretch' + #13#10 +
'mvStretchToMax=Stretch to Max Height' + #13#10 +
'mvShift=Shift' + #13#10 +
'mvShiftOver=Shift When Overlapped' + #13#10 +
'mvVisible=Visible' + #13#10 +
'mvPrintable=Printable' + #13#10 +
'mvFont=Font...' + #13#10 +
'mvFormat=Display Format...' + #13#10 +
'mvClear=Clear Contents' + #13#10 +
'mvAutoWidth=Auto Width' + #13#10 +
'mvWWrap=Word Wrap' + #13#10 +
'mvSuppress=Suppress Repeated Values' + #13#10 +
'mvHideZ=Hide Zeros' + #13#10 +
'mvHTML=Allow HTML Tags' + #13#10 +
'lvDiagonal=Diagonal' + #13#10 +
'pvAutoSize=Auto Size' + #13#10 +
'pvCenter=Center' + #13#10 +
'pvAspect=Keep Aspect Ratio' + #13#10 +
'bvSplit=Allow Split' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepChild=Keep Child Together' + #13#10 +
'bvPrintChild=Print Child If Invisible' + #13#10 +
'bvStartPage=Start New Page' + #13#10 +
'bvPrintIfEmpty=Print If Detail Empty' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepDetail=Keep Detail Together' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepFooter=Keep Footer Together' + #13#10 +
'bvReprint=Reprint On New Page' + #13#10 +
'bvOnFirst=Print On First Page' + #13#10 +
'bvOnLast=Print On Last Page' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepGroup=Keep Together' + #13#10 +
'bvFooterAfterEach=Footer after each row' + #13#10 +
'bvDrillDown=Drill-Down' + #13#10 +
'bvResetPageNo=Reset Page Numbers' + #13#10 +
'srParent=Print On Parent' + #13#10 +
'obCatDraw=Draw' + #13#10 +
'obCatOther=Other objects' + #13#10 +
'obCatOtherControls=Other controls' + #13#10 +
'obDiagLine=Diagonal line' + #13#10 +
'obRect=Rectangle' + #13#10 +
'obRoundRect=Rounded rectangle' + #13#10 +
'obEllipse=Ellipse' + #13#10 +
'obTrian=Triangle' + #13#10 +
'obDiamond=Diamond' + #13#10 +
'obLabel=Label control' + #13#10 +
'obEdit=Edit control' + #13#10 +
'obMemoC=Memo control' + #13#10 +
'obButton=Button control' + #13#10 +
'obChBoxC=CheckBox control' + #13#10 +
'obRButton=RadioButton control' + #13#10 +
'obLBox=ListBox control' + #13#10 +
'obCBox=ComboBox control' + #13#10 +
'obDateEdit=DateEdit control' + #13#10 +
'obImageC=Image control' + #13#10 +
'obPanel=Panel control' + #13#10 +
'obGrBox=GroupBox control' + #13#10 +
'obBBtn=BitBtn control' + #13#10 +
'obSBtn=SpeedButton control' + #13#10 +
'obMEdit=MaskEdit control' + #13#10 +
'obChLB=CheckListBox control' + #13#10 +
'obDBLookup=DBLookupComboBox control' + #13#10 +
'obBevel=Bevel object' + #13#10 +
'obShape=Shape object' + #13#10 +
'obText=Text object' + #13#10 +
'obSysText=System text' + #13#10 +
'obLine=Line object' + #13#10 +
'obPicture=Picture object' + #13#10 +
'obBand=Band object' + #13#10 +
'obDataBand=Data band' + #13#10 +
'obSubRep=Subreport object' + #13#10 +
'obDlgPage=Dialog form' + #13#10 +
'obRepPage=Report page' + #13#10 +
'obReport=Report object' + #13#10 +
'obRich=RichText object' + #13#10 +
'obOLE=OLE object' + #13#10 +
'obChBox=CheckBox object' + #13#10 +
'obChart=Chart object' + #13#10 +
'obBarC=Barcode object' + #13#10 +
'obCross=Cross-tab object' + #13#10 +
'obDBCross=DB Cross-tab object' + #13#10 +
'obGrad=Gradient object' + #13#10 +
'obDMPText=Dot-matrix Text object' + #13#10 +
'obDMPLine=Dot-matrix Line object' + #13#10 +
'obDMPCmd=Dot-matrix Command object' + #13#10 +
'obBDEDB=BDE Database' + #13#10 +
'obBDETb=BDE Table' + #13#10 +
'obBDEQ=BDE Query' + #13#10 +
'obBDEComps=BDE components' + #13#10 +
'obIBXDB=IBX Database' + #13#10 +
'obIBXTb=IBX Table' + #13#10 +
'obIBXQ=IBX Query' + #13#10 +
'obIBXComps=IBX Components' + #13#10 +
'obADODB=ADO Database' + #13#10 +
'obADOTb=ADO Table' + #13#10 +
'obADOQ=ADO Query' + #13#10 +
'obADOComps=ADO Components' + #13#10 +
'obDBXDB=DBX Database' + #13#10 +
'obDBXTb=DBX Table' + #13#10 +
'obDBXQ=DBX Query' + #13#10 +
'obDBXComps=DBX Components' + #13#10 +
'obFIBDB=FIB Database' + #13#10 +
'obFIBTb=FIB Table' + #13#10 +
'obFIBQ=FIB Query' + #13#10 +
'obFIBComps=FIB Components' + #13#10 +
'ctString=String' + #13#10 +
'ctDate=Date and Time' + #13#10 +
'ctConv=Conversions' + #13#10 +
'ctFormat=Formatting' + #13#10 +
'ctMath=Mathematical' + #13#10 +
'ctOther=Other' + #13#10 +
'IntToStr=Converts an integer value to a string' + #13#10 +
'FloatToStr=Converts a float value to a string' + #13#10 +
'DateToStr=Converts a date to a string' + #13#10 +
'TimeToStr=Converts a time to a string' + #13#10 +
'DateTimeToStr=Converts a date-and-time value to a string' + #13#10 +
'VarToStr=Converts a variant value to a string' + #13#10 +
'StrToInt=Converts a string to an integer value' + #13#10 +
'StrToInt64=Converts a string to an Int64 value' + #13#10 +
'StrToFloat=Converts a string to a floating-point value' + #13#10 +
'StrToDate=Converts a string to a date format' + #13#10 +
'StrToTime=Converts a string to a time format' + #13#10 +
'StrToDateTime=Converts a string to a date-and-time format' + #13#10 +
'Format=Returns formatted string assembled from a series of array arguments' + #13#10 +
'FormatFloat=Formats a floating-point value' + #13#10 +
'FormatDateTime=Formats a date-and-time value' + #13#10 +
'FormatMaskText=Returns a string formatted using an edit mask' + #13#10 +
'EncodeDate=Returns a TDateTime type for a specified Year, Month, and Day' + #13#10 +
'DecodeDate=Breaks TDateTime into Year, Month, and Day values' + #13#10 +
'EncodeTime=Returns a TDateTime type for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec' + #13#10 +
'DecodeTime=Breaks TDateTime into hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds' + #13#10 +
'Date=Returns current date' + #13#10 +
'Time=Returns current time' + #13#10 +
'Now=Return current date and time' + #13#10 +
'DayOfWeek=Returns the day of the week for a specified date' + #13#10 +
'IsLeapYear=Indicates whether a specified year is a leap year' + #13#10 +
'DaysInMonth=Returns a number of days in a specified month' + #13#10 +
'Length=Returns a length of a string' + #13#10 +
'Copy=Returns a substring of a string' + #13#10 +
'Pos=Returns a position of a substring in a string' + #13#10 +
'Delete=Removes a substring from a string' + #13#10 +
'Insert=Inserts a substring into a string' + #13#10 +
'Uppercase=Converts all character in a string to upper case' + #13#10 +
'Lowercase=Converts all character in a string to lower case' + #13#10 +
'Trim=Trims all trailing and leading spaces in a string' + #13#10 +
'NameCase=Converts first character of a word to upper case' + #13#10 +
'CompareText=Compares two strings' + #13#10 +
'Chr=Converts an integer value to a char' + #13#10 +
'Ord=Converts a character value to an integer' + #13#10 +
'SetLength=Sets the length of a string' + #13#10 +
'Round=Rounds a floating-point value to the nearest whole number' + #13#10 +
'Trunc=Truncates a floating-point value to an integer' + #13#10 +
'Int=Returns the integer part of a real number' + #13#10 +
'Frac=Returns the fractional part of a real number' + #13#10 +
'Sqrt=Returns the square root of a specified number' + #13#10 +
'Abs=Returns an absolute value' + #13#10 +
'Sin=Returns the sine of an angle (in radians)' + #13#10 +
'Cos=Returns the cosine of an angle (in radians)' + #13#10 +
'ArcTan=Returns the arctangent' + #13#10 +
'Tan=Returns the tangent' + #13#10 +
'Exp=Returns the exponential' + #13#10 +
'Ln=Returns the natural log of a real expression' + #13#10 +
'Pi=Returns the 3.1415926... number' + #13#10 +
'Inc=Increments a value' + #13#10 +
'Dec=Decrements a value' + #13#10 +
'RaiseException=Raises an exception' + #13#10 +
'ShowMessage=Shows a message box' + #13#10 +
'Randomize=Starts the random numbers generator' + #13#10 +
'Random=Returns a random number' + #13#10 +
'ValidInt=Returns True if specified string contains a valid integer' + #13#10 +
'ValidFloat=Returns True if specified string contains a valid float' + #13#10 +
'ValidDate=Returns True if specified string contains a valid date' + #13#10 +
'IIF=Returns TrueValue if specified Expr is True, otherwise returns FalseValue' + #13#10 +
'Get=For internal use only' + #13#10 +
'Set=For internal use only' + #13#10 +
'InputBox=Displays an input dialog box that enables the user to enter a string' + #13#10 +
'InputQuery=Displays an input dialog box that enables the user to enter a string' + #13#10 +
'MessageDlg=Shows a message box' + #13#10 +
'CreateOleObject=Creates an OLE object' + #13#10 +
'VarArrayCreate=Creates a variant array' + #13#10 +
'VarType=Return a type of the variant value' + #13#10 +
'DayOf=Returns day number (1..31) of given Date' + #13#10 +
'MonthOf=Returns month number (1..12) of given Date' + #13#10 +
'YearOf=Returns year of given Date' + #13#10 +
'wzDBConn=New Connection Wizard' + #13#10 +
'wzDBTable=New Table Wizard' + #13#10 +
'wzDBQuery=New Query Wizard' + #13#10 +
'======== TfrxConnEditorForm ========' + #13#10 +
'5800=Connections' + #13#10 +
'5801=New' + #13#10 +
'5802=Delete' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'cpName=Name' + #13#10 +
'cpConnStr=Connection string' + #13#10 +
'ctAggregate=Aggregate' + #13#10 +
'Sum=Calculates the sum of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Avg=Calculates the average of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Min=Calculates the minimum of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Max=Calculates the maximum of the Expr for the Band datarow' + #13#10 +
'Count=Calculates the number of datarows' + #13#10 +
'bvKeepHeader=Keep Header Together' + #13#10 +
'startCreateNew=Create new report' + #13#10 +
'startCreateBlank=Create blank report' + #13#10 +
'startOpenReport=Open report' + #13#10 +
'startOpenLast=Open last report' + #13#10 +
'startEditAliases=Edit connection aliases' + #13#10 +
'startHelp=Help' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'======== TfrxWatchForm ========' + #13#10 +
'5900=Watches' + #13#10 +
'5901=Add Watch' + #13#10 +
'5902=Delete Watch' + #13#10 +
'5903=Edit Watch' + #13#10 +
'' + #13#10 +
'======== TfrxInheritErrorForm ========' + #13#10 +
'6000=Inherit error' + #13#10 +
'6001=Base and inherited reports have duplicate objects. What should wedo
?' + #13#10 +
'6002=Delete duplicates' + #13#10 +
'6003=Rename duplicates' + #13#10 +
'124=Zoom In' + #13#10 +
'125=Zoom In' + #13#10 +
'126=Zoom Out' + #13#10 +
'127=Zoom Out' + #13#10 +
'128=Outline' + #13#10 +
'129=Report outline' + #13#10 +
'130=Thumbnails' + #13#10 +
'131=Thumbnails' + #13#10 +
'150=Full Screen' + #13#10 +
'151=Export to PDF' + #13#10 +
'152=Send by E-mail' + #13#10 +
'211=!Order' + #13#10 +
'212=Name:' + #13#10 +
'213=Print mode' + #13#10 +
'214=Print on sheet' + #13#10 +
'216=Duplex' + #13#10 +
'pgDefault=Default' + #13#10 +
'pmDefault=Default' + #13#10 +
'pmSplit=Split big pages' + #13#10 +
'pmJoin=Join small pages' + #13#10 +
'pmScale=Scale' + #13#10 +
'poDirect=!Direct (1-9)' + #13#10 +
'poReverse=!Reverse (9-1)' + #13#10 +
'prRunningFirst=First pass: page %d' + #13#10 +
'prRunning=Preparing page %d' + #13#10 +
'prPrinting=Printing page %d' + #13#10 +
'prExporting=Exporting page %d' + #13#10 +
'uCm=cm' + #13#10 +
'uInch=in' + #13#10 +
'uPix=px' + #13#10 +
'uChar=chr' + #13#10 +
'dupDefault=Default' + #13#10 +
'dupVert=Vertical' + #13#10 +
'dupHorz=Horizontal' + #13#10 +
'dupSimpl=Simplex' + #13#10 +
'crFillMx=Filling the cross-tab...' + #13#10 +
'crBuildMx=Building the cross-tab...' + #13#10 +
'600=Expand all' + #13#10 +
'601=Collapse all' + #13#10 +