function DisplayContextMenu(const Filename: string; Parent: DFS_HWND;
Pos: TPoint; ShowRename: boolean; var RenameSelected: boolean): boolean; overload;//显示上下文菜单
function DisplayContextMenu(const Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND; Pos: TPoint; ShowRename: boolean;
var RenameSelected: boolean): boolean; overload;//显示上下文菜单
function DisplayContextMenu(AParent: IShellFolder; var APIDL: PItemIDList;
Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND; Pos: TPoint; PidlCount: integer;
ShowRename: boolean; var RenameSelected: boolean): boolean; overload;
function DisplayContextMenu(const Filename: string; Parent: DFS_HWND;
Pos: TPoint; ShowRename: boolean; var RenameSelected: boolean): boolean;
function DisplayContextMenuList(const Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND; Pos: TPoint; ShowRename: boolean;
var RenameSelected: boolean): boolean;
function DisplayContextMenuPIDL(AParent: IShellFolder; var APIDL: PItemIDList;
Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND; Pos: TPoint; PidlCount: integer;
ShowRename: boolean; var RenameSelected: boolean): boolean;
// DisplayPropertiesDialog displays, oddly enough, the properties dialog for
// the given file or directory. Parent is the window handle for the owning
// window of any error messages that may need to be displayed by the system,
// MyForm.Handle is generally fine.
function DisplayPropertiesDialog(const Filename: string;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean; overload;//显示属性对话框
function DisplayPropertiesDialog(const Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean; overload;//显示属性对话框
function DisplayPropertiesDialog(AParent: IShellFolder; var APIDL: PItemIDList;
Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND; PidlCount: integer): boolean; overload;
function DisplayPropertiesDialog(const Filename: string; Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean;
function DisplayPropertiesDialogList(const Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean;
function DisplayPropertiesDialogPIDL(AParent: IShellFolder; var APIDL: PItemIDList;
Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND; PidlCount: integer): boolean;
// PerformDefaultAction causes the item's double-click action to be taken.
// Parent is the window handle for the owning window of any error messages
// that may need to be displayed by the system, MyForm.Handle is generally fine.
function PerformDefaultAction(const Filename: string;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean; overload;
function PerformDefaultAction(const Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean; overload;
function PerformDefaultAction(AParent: IShellFolder; var APIDL: PItemIDList;
Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND; PidlCount: integer): boolean; overload;
function PerformDefaultAction(const Filename: string;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean;
function PerformDefaultActionList(const Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean;
function PerformDefaultActionPIDL(AParent: IShellFolder; var APIDL: PItemIDList;
Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND; PidlCount: integer): boolean;
// PerformVerb causes executes the given verb for the item. Common verbs are
// 'delete', 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', etc. Parent is the window handle for the
// owning window of any error messages that may need to be displayed by the
// system, MyForm.Handle is generally fine.
function PerformVerb(const Verb, Filename: string;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean; overload;
function PerformVerb(const Verb, Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean; overload;
function PerformVerb(const Verb: string; AParent: IShellFolder;
var APIDL: PItemIDList; Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND;
PidlCount: integer): boolean; overload;
function PerformVerb(const Verb, Filename: string; Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean;
function PerformVerbList(const Verb, Directory: string; Items: TStringList;
Parent: DFS_HWND): boolean;
function PerformVerbPIDL(const Verb: string; AParent: IShellFolder;
var APIDL: PItemIDList; Attr: ULONG; Parent: DFS_HWND;
PidlCount: integer): boolean;