
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 ForeverYoung
  • 开始时间 开始时间


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
地区 日期 收入
厦门 2006.01.01 10
厦门 2006.01.01 20
厦门 2006.01.02 30
漳州 2006.01.01 20
漳州 2006.01.01 20
泉州 2006.01.03 10

地区 1号 2号 3号 业绩
厦门 10 0 0 10
厦门 20 0 0 20
厦门 0 30 0 30
小计 30 30 0 60
漳州 20 0 0 20
漳州 20 0 0 20
小计 40 0 0 40
泉州 0 0 10 10
小计 0 0 10 10
总计 70 30 10 110
是呀,多加处理, 多做几步吧, 一个SQL 一步完成真的是有点.............[:D]
地区 日期 收入
厦门 2006.01.01 10
厦门 2006.01.01 20
厦门 2006.01.02 30
漳州 2006.01.01 20
漳州 2006.01.01 20
泉州 2006.01.03 10

地区 1号 2号 3号 业绩
厦门 10 0 0 10
厦门 20 0 0 20
厦门 0 30 0 30
小计 30 30 0 60
漳州 20 0 0 20
漳州 20 0 0 20
小计 40 0 0 40
泉州 0 0 10 10
小计 0 0 10 10
总计 70 30 10 110
地区 日期 收入
厦门 2006.01.01 10
厦门 2006.01.01 20
厦门 2006.01.02 30
漳州 2006.01.01 20
漳州 2006.01.01 20
泉州 2006.01.03 10

地区 1号 2号 3号 业绩
厦门 10 0 0 10
厦门 20 0 0 20
厦门 0 30 0 30
小计 30 30 0 60
漳州 20 0 0 20
漳州 20 0 0 20
小计 40 0 0 40
泉州 0 0 10 10
小计 0 0 10 10
总计 70 30 10 110

@panduan char(15),
@riqi1 char(15),
@riqi2 char(15)
select a.chaizhi,
isnull(b.zongzl,0) as zongzl,isnull(b.zongsl,0) as zongsl,isnull(b.zongsj,0) as zongsj,isnull(b.zongje,0) as zongje,isnull(zongcs,0) as zongcs,
isnull(jc.jczl,0) as jczl,isnull(jc.jcsl,0) as jcsl,isnull(jc.jcsj,0) as jcsj,isnull(jc.jcje,0) as jcje,isnull(jc.jccs,0) as jccs,
isnull(xc.xczl,0) as xczl,isnull(xc.xcsl,0) as xcsl,isnull(xc.xcsj,0) as xcsj,isnull(xc.xcje,0) as xcje,isnull(xc.xccs,0) as xccs,
isnull(qzc.qzczl,0) as qzczl,isnull(qzc.qzcsl,0) as qzcsl,isnull(qzc.qzcsj,0) as qzcsj,isnull(qzc.qzcje,0) as qzcje,isnull(qzc.qzccs,0) as qzccs,
isnull(mc.mczl,0) as mczl,isnull(mc.mcsl,0) as mcsl,isnull(mc.mcsj,0) as mcsj,isnull(mc.mcje,0) as mcje,isnull(mc.mccs,0) as mccs,
isnull(bc.bczl,0) as bczl,isnull(bc.bcsl,0) as bcsl,isnull(bc.bcsj,0) as bcsj,isnull(bc.bcje,0) as bcje,isnull(bc.bccs,0) as bccs,
isnull(dj.djzl,0) as djzl,isnull(dj.djsl,0) as djsl,isnull(dj.djsj,0) as djsj,isnull(dj.djje,0) as djje,isnull(dj.djcs,0) as djcs,
isnull(ck.ckzl,0) as ckzl,isnull(ck.cksl,0) as cksl,isnull(ck.cksj,0) as cksj,isnull(ck.ckje,0) as ckje,isnull(ck.ckcs,0) as ckcs,
isnull(tk.tkzl,0) as tkzl,isnull(tk.tksl,0) as tksl,isnull(tk.tksj,0) as tksj,isnull(tk.tkje,0) as tkje,isnull(tk.tkcs,0) as tkcs,
isnull(jk.jkzl,0) as jkzl,isnull(jk.jksl,0) as jksl,isnull(jk.jksj,0) as jksj,isnull(jk.jkje,0) as jkje,isnull(jk.jkcs,0) as jkcs,
isnull(skz.skzzl,0) as skzzl,isnull(skz.skzsl,0) as skzsl,isnull(skz.skzsj,0) as skzsj,isnull(skz.skzje,0) as skzje,isnull(skz.skzcs,0) as skzcs,
isnull(hzc.hzczl,0) as hzczl,isnull(hzcsl,0) as hzcsl,isnull(hzcsj,0) as hzcsj,isnull(hzcje,0) as hzcje,isnull(hzccs,0) as hzccs,
isnull(czzl,0) as czzl,isnull(czsl,0) as czsl,isnull(czsj,0) as czsj,isnull(czje,0) as czje,isnull(czcs,0) as czcs,
isnull(jxzl,0) as jxzl,isnull(jxsl,0) as jxsl,isnull(jxsj,0) as jxsj,isnull(jxje,0) as jxje,isnull(jxcs,0) as jxcs,
isnull(zzzl,0) as zzzl,isnull(zzsl,0) as zzsl,isnull(zzsj,0) as zzsj,isnull(zzje,0) as zzje,isnull(zzcs,0) as zzcs,
isnull(gczl,0) as gczl,isnull(gcsl,0) as gcsl,isnull(gcsj,0) as gcsj,isnull(gcje,0) as gcje,isnull(gccs,0) as gccs,
isnull(lymzl,0) as lymzl,isnull(lymsl,0) as lymsl,isnull(lymsj,0) as lymsj,isnull(lymje,0) as lymje,isnull(lymcs,0) as lymcs,
isnull(wymzl,0) as wymzl,isnull(wymsl,0) as wymsl,isnull(wymsj,0) as wymsj,isnull(wymje,0) as wymje,isnull(wymcs,0) as wymcs,
isnull(cczl,0) as cczl,isnull(ccsl,0) as ccsl,isnull(ccsj,0) as ccsj,isnull(ccje,0) as ccje,isnull(cccs,0) as cccs,
isnull(qczl,0) as qczl,isnull(qcsl,0) as qcsl,isnull(qcsj,0) as qcsj,isnull(qcje,0) as qcje,isnull(qccs,0) as qccs,
isnull(jhzl,0) as jhzl,isnull(jhsl,0) as jhsl,isnull(jhsj,0) as jhsj,isnull(jhje,0) as jhje,isnull(jhcs,0) as jhcs,
isnull(gcbzl,0) as gcbzl,isnull(gcbsl,0) as gcbsl,isnull(gcbsj,0) as gcbsj,isnull(gcbje,0) as gcbje,isnull(gcbcs,0) as gcbcs,
isnull(yyzl,0) as yyzl,isnull(yysl,0) as yysl,isnull(yysj,0) as yysj,isnull(yyje,0) as yyje,isnull(yycs,0) as yycs,
isnull(hqzl,0) as hqzl,isnull(hqsl,0) as hqsl,isnull(hqsj,0) as hqsj,isnull(hqje,0) as hqje,isnull(hqcs,0) as hqcs
from pzb_cz a
left join --材质总重量
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as zongzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as zongsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as zongsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as zongje,count(*) as zongcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
group by chaizhi
) as b on a.chaizhi=b.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as jczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as jcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as jcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as jcje,count(*) as jccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='锯床' and
group by chaizhi
) as jc on a.chaizhi=jc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as xczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as xcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as xcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as xcje,count(*) as xccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='铣床' and
group by chaizhi
) as xc on a.chaizhi=xc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as qzczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as qzcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as qzcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as qzcje,count(*) as qzccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='前钻床' and
group by chaizhi
) as qzc on a.chaizhi=qzc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as mczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as mcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as mcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as mcje,count(*) as mccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='磨床' and
group by chaizhi
) as mc on a.chaizhi=mc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as bczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as bcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as bcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as bcje,count(*) as bccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='编程' and
group by chaizhi
) as bc on a.chaizhi=bc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as djzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as djsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as djsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as djje,count(*) as djcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='刀具库' and
group by chaizhi
) as dj on a.chaizhi=dj.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as ckzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as cksl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as cksj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as ckje,count(*) as ckcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='粗框' and
group by chaizhi
) as ck on a.chaizhi=ck.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as tkzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as tksl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as tksj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as tkje,count(*) as tkcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='镗孔' and
group by chaizhi
) as tk on a.chaizhi=tk.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as jkzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as jksl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as jksj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as jkje,count(*) as jkcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='精框' and
group by chaizhi
) as jk on a.chaizhi=jk.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as skzzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as skzsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as skzsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as skzje,count(*) as skzcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='深孔钻' and
group by chaizhi
) as skz on a.chaizhi=skz.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as hzczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as hzcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as hzcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as hzcje,count(*) as hzccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='后钻床' and
group by chaizhi
) as hzc on a.chaizhi=hzc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as czzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as czsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as czsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as czje,count(*) as czcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='粗装' and
group by chaizhi
) as cz on a.chaizhi=cz.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as jxzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as jxsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as jxsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as jxje,count(*) as jxcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='精铣' and
group by chaizhi
) as jx on a.chaizhi=jx.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as zzzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as zzsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as zzsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as zzje,count(*) as zzcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='总装' and
group by chaizhi
) as zz on a.chaizhi=zz.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as gczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as gcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as gcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as gcje,count(*) as gccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='钢材' and
group by chaizhi
) as gc on a.chaizhi=gc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as lymzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as lymsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as lymsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as lymje,count(*) as lymcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='内圆磨床' and
group by chaizhi
) as lym on a.chaizhi=lym.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as wymzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as wymsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as wymsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as wymje,count(*) as wymcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='外圆磨床' and
group by chaizhi
) as wym on a.chaizhi=wym.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as cczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as ccsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as ccsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as ccje,count(*) as cccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='车床' and
group by chaizhi
) as cc on a.chaizhi=cc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as qczl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as qcsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as qcsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as qcje,count(*) as qccs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='QC' and
group by chaizhi
) as qc on a.chaizhi=qc.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as jhzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as jhsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as jhsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as jhje,count(*) as jhcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='计划' and
group by chaizhi
) as jh on a.chaizhi=jh.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as gcbzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as gcbsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as gcbsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as gcbje,count(*) as gcbcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='工程' and
group by chaizhi
) as gcb on a.chaizhi=gcb.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as yyzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as yysl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as yysj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as yyje,count(*) as yycs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='营业' and
group by chaizhi
) as yy on a.chaizhi=yy.chaizhi
left join
( select chaizhi,sum(isnull(weight,0)) as hqzl,sum(isnull(qty,0)) as hqsl,sum(isnull(fgsj,0)) as hqsj,sum(isnull(money1,0)) as hqje,count(*) as hqcs
from pzb_blp
where c>=@riqi1 and
c<=@riqi2 and
bumeng='后勤' and
group by chaizhi
) as hq on a.chaizhi=hq.chaizhi
order by a.chaizhi
把横的变成列的 还是多做几步把
to LWH006:那就帮帮我吧,
select 地区,
case when 日期='2006.01.01' then 收入 else 0 end [1号],
case when 日期='2006.01.02' then 收入 else 0 end [2号],
case when 日期='2006.01.03' then 收入 else 0 end [3号],
收入 [业绩]
from 原始表
select 地区,
sum(case when 日期='2006.01.01' then 收入 else 0 end) [1号],
sum(case when 日期='2006.01.02' then 收入 else 0 end) [2号],
sum(case when 日期='2006.01.03' then 收入 else 0 end) [3号],
sum(收入) [业绩]
from 原始表
group by 地区,日期 with rollup
to TYZhang:谢谢,这样只能横向转列向,我也是只做到这一步
to TYZhang:麻烦你在帮一帮我
select case when 地区 is null then '合计'
when 日期 is null then '小计' else 地区 end 地区,
sum(case when 日期='2006.01.01' then 收入 else 0 end) [1号],
sum(case when 日期='2006.01.02' then 收入 else 0 end) [2号],
sum(case when 日期='2006.01.03' then 收入 else 0 end) [3号],

sum(收入) [业绩]
from 原始表
group by 地区,日期 with rollup
to TYZhang:我试试看,如果可以马上给分
to TYZhang;可以了谢谢,要多少分,你自己说吧