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我现在有个dll的问题,想用delphi调用vc写的dll.内容如下:<br>CRWResultFunction<br>The state acquisition function of the function published to the connection device .<br><br>Format<br> DWORD CRWResultFunction(<br> const HANDLE hDev, // Device handle<br> const HANDLE hFunction // Function handle<br> LPDWORD lpdwWinRet // The return value of a function<br> );<br><br>Parameter<br>const HANDLE hDev<br>The handle of a connection device .<br>HANDLE *hFunction<br>The function handle to processing .<br>LPDWORD lpdwWinRet<br>The return value of function processing .<br><br>Return value<br>DWORD<br>0 will be returned if a function is successful and If it fails, numbers other than zero will be returned.<br>This value is equivalent to a Windows error number.<br> 0 : Processing was completed.<br> 6 : It is an invalid function handle.<br> 997 : It is under processing now.<br><br>Explanation<br><br>A function handle is an event handle. <br>Please do not close intentionally with a CloseHandle function.<br>Moreover, even if processing is completed in an instant, please let it pass absolutely in this function.<br>The function to a device should acquire a result with a CRWResultFunction function, and should acquire the result of the function which checked and called the end of function operation.<br><br>请问谁能给出,动态或者静态调用的全部代码..我在这先谢谢了.要多少分你们说了算?/