// Action script...
// [onClipEvent of sprite 1 in frame 1]
onClipEvent (data)
on (press)
on (release)
if (Number(getTimer() - _root.lastClickTime) < 250)
_root.lastClickTime = getTimer();
} // end if
on (keyPress "="
on (keyPress "-"
on (keyPress "<Home>"
on (keyPress "<End>"
on (keyPress "<Left>"
_root.pic._x = _root.pic._x - 10;
on (keyPress "<Right>"
_root.pic._x = _root.pic._x + 10;
on (keyPress "<Up>"
_root.pic._y = _root.pic._y - 10;
on (keyPress "<Down>"
_root.pic._y = _root.pic._y + 10;
// [onClipEvent of sprite 7 in frame 1]
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
if (_root.isZooming == true)
} // end if
// [onClipEvent of sprite 8 in frame 1]
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
// [Action in Frame 1]
function picShow()
with (_root.pic)
_root.picWidth = _width;
_root.picHeight = _height;
} // End of with
_root.shopName._visible = true;
stageListener = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = function ()
var _loc1 = _root;
if (_loc1.pic)
} // end if
} // End of the function
function picFitToStage()
with (_root.pic)
_width = _root.picWidth;
_height = _root.picHeight;
sWidth = Stage.width;
sHeight = Stage.height - menuHeight;
if (_width > sWidth || _height > sHeight)
if (_width / sWidth >= _height / sHeight)
_height = _height / _width * sWidth;
_width = sWidth;
_width = _width / _height * sHeight;
_height = sHeight;
} // end if
} // end if
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function picRefresh()
var _loc1 = _root;
} // End of the function
function picZoom(ratio)
with (_root.pic)
_x = _x - _width * (ratio / 2 - 5.000000E-001);
_y = _y - _height * (ratio / 2 - 5.000000E-001);
_width = _width * ratio;
_height = _height * ratio;
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function picActualSize()
with (_root.pic)
_x = _x + (_width - _root.picWidth) / 2;
_y = _y + (_height - _root.picHeight) / 2;
_width = _root.picWidth;
_height = _root.picHeight;
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function picIsOutStage()
with (_root.pic)
if (_x > Stage.width || _x + _width < 0 || _y > Stage.height || _y + _height < _root.menuHeight)
return (true);
return (false);
} // end if
} // End of with
} // End of the function
function picMoveToCenter()
var _loc1 = _root;
_loc1.pic._x = (Stage.width - _loc1.pic._width) / 2;
_loc1.pic._y = (Stage.height - _loc1.menuHeight - _loc1.pic._height) / 2 + _loc1.menuHeight;
} // End of the function
function picMoveInStage()
if (_root.picIsOutStage())
} // end if
} // End of the function
function refreshWatermark()
var _loc1 = _root;
shopName._width = _loc1.pic._width / 3;
shopName._height = shopName._width * 25 / 213;
shopName._x = _loc1.pic._x + _loc1.pic._width - shopName._width - 1;
shopName._y = _loc1.pic._y + _loc1.pic._height - shopName._height - 1;
} // End of the function
function becode(opString)
var _loc2 = opString;
var _loc3 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
var bits;
var decOut = new Array();
var _loc1 = 0;
var j = 0;
for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < _loc2.length; _loc1 = _loc1 + 4)
bits = (_loc3.indexOf(_loc2.charAt(_loc1)) & 255) << 18 | (_loc3.indexOf(_loc2.charAt(_loc1 + 1)) & 255) << 12 | (_loc3.indexOf(_loc2.charAt(_loc1 + 2)) & 255) << 6 | _loc3.indexOf(_loc2.charAt(_loc1 + 3)) & 255;
decOut[j++] = (bits & 16711680) >> 16;
decOut[j++] = (bits & 65280) >> 8;
decOut[j++] = bits & 255;
} // end of for
if (_loc2.charCodeAt(_loc1 - 2) == 61)
else if (_loc2.charCodeAt(_loc1 - 1) == 61)
} // end if
return (decOut);
} // End of the function
function cecode(var1)
var _loc3 = becode(var1);
var _loc2 = "";
for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < _loc3.length; ++_loc1)
_loc2 = _loc2.concat(String.fromCharCode(_loc3[_loc1]));
} // end of for
return (_loc2);
} // End of the function
function decode(var1, key)
var _loc3 = var1;
_loc3 = becode(_loc3);
var2 = "";
var _loc2 = 0;
for (var _loc1 = 0; _loc1 < _loc3.length; ++_loc1)
var2 = var2.concat(String.fromCharCode(_loc3[_loc1] ^ key.charCodeAt(_loc2++)));
if (_loc2 >= key.length)
_loc2 = 0;
} // end if
} // end of for
return (var2);
} // End of the function
setProperty("", _quality, "BEST"
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
Stage.showMenu = false;
var picURL;
picURL = pURL;
picURL = decode(picURL, "3irjklsd8432uisdklvr892348"
var picTitle;
picTitle = cecode(pTitle);
var shopNameStr;
shopNameStr = cecode(pCode);
var picWidth = 0;
var picHeight = 0;
var menuHeight = 30;
var isZooming = false;
var picZoomRatio = 1;
var lastClickTime = 0;
var curToolTip = "";
itemTitle.text = picTitle;
shopName.shopNameString.text = shopNameStr;
_root.shopName._visible = false;