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I'm having trouble understanding why the code belowdo
esn't work. I am using ActiveSkin v4.3 with Delphi 7. I'm new to Delphi and appreciate any help.
Here's what I have used in Visual Basic:
Private Sub skin_Click(ByVal Source As ACTIVESKINLibCtl.ISkinObject)
Select Case Source.GetName
Case "Small"
MsgBox "test"
End Select
End Sub
Here's what I'm trying in Delphi 7:
procedure TfrmMain.SkinClick(ASender: TObject;
const Source: ISkinObject);
case source.GetName of
'Small': Application.MessageBox('test', 'test', 0);
In Delphi, the function is source.GetName(out pVal: WideString): HRESULT;. What is this "pVal"
thing? It's not in VB.
Again any help is appreciated. I can try and clerify some things if needed.
esn't work. I am using ActiveSkin v4.3 with Delphi 7. I'm new to Delphi and appreciate any help.
Here's what I have used in Visual Basic:
Private Sub skin_Click(ByVal Source As ACTIVESKINLibCtl.ISkinObject)
Select Case Source.GetName
Case "Small"
MsgBox "test"
End Select
End Sub
Here's what I'm trying in Delphi 7:
procedure TfrmMain.SkinClick(ASender: TObject;
const Source: ISkinObject);
case source.GetName of
'Small': Application.MessageBox('test', 'test', 0);
In Delphi, the function is source.GetName(out pVal: WideString): HRESULT;. What is this "pVal"
thing? It's not in VB.
Again any help is appreciated. I can try and clerify some things if needed.