现在Borland IDE产品线狂被动(0分)



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David I又发文了,正在积极推销自己,感觉是根本没买家响应

Some additional perspectives on the spin-off of the Borland IDE business...
I have just returned from our developer conference in Tokyo Japan. Thank you to all of the great community members who spent last Friday with us. During the opening keynote and in press meetings I presented some of the reasons for the spin-off (”DevCo”) of the developer and database products. We are moving forward with the preparations for presentations to potential investors. We are also still at work as Borland employees. Here are some additional thoughts about the spin-off.
Borland and “DevCo” - Different Business Models and Go To Market Strategies
Borland "DevCo"
Consultative Sale Channel/Direct Sale
Field Sales/Service force Channel or eShop partners
Corporate marketing Direct marketing
Multi-Year engagement Year-by-year product/upgrade
Focus on overall process Focus on code
IDE agnostic ALM agnostic
Software organizations Developers
Why create a separate developer focused company? Our IDE customers will get more attention and investment. "DevCo" will have employees dedicated to our developer customer's success. You will see focused development on developer and database products. We will be able to increase our marketing efforts. "DevCo" can extend the reach of it's products beyond their integration with Borland ALM. With focused attention and increased resources, "DevCo" will be help spur new innovation in developer tools market.
We are thankful for the many great comments we have received from our loyal community members and partners.
“Now a great technology, a great community, and a DelphiNewCo Inc. are ready to enter a New Delphi Era. “ - Marco Cantu
“…personally think this is the best thing to happen to Delphi since it was released eleven years ago today ” - Nick Hodges
“My loyalty will be to the new company;
to Delphi and the other IDE products.” – Bob Swart
“Delphi and the other Borland IDE's will now be flying free. And we'll all get through this turbulence. Just fasten your seatbelt, order the adult beverage of your choice, take a deep breath, relax, and say to yourself calmly - the plane will not fall out of the sky, the plane will not fall out of the sky...“ – Randy Magruder
"There's a lot of room for new, highly integrated IDE products. Delphiware Corp could own the AJAX market with the right product. Life is about making code happen. Let's hope that Delphi's new masters (whoever they turn out to be) have that motto carved on the do
orframe." - Jeff Duntemann
We are working for you. We are still Borland employees (for now). R&D work continues on all products. Developer support is still taking calls. We are still travelling and talking with our customers. We appreciate all of the business and support you have given us. Let us know how we can continue to deserve your business.

posted @ 3/4/2006 10:47 PM by David Intersimone