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he GetJob function retrieves print-job data for the specified printer.
BOOL GetJob(
HANDLE hPrinter, // handle of printer
DWORD JobId, // job identifier value
DWORD Level, // data-structure level
LPBYTE pJob, // address of data-structure array
DWORD cbBuf, // count of bytes in array
LPDWORD pcbNeeded // address of value that contains count of bytes retrieved (or required)
BOOL GetJob(
HANDLE hPrinter, // handle of printer
DWORD JobId, // job identifier value
DWORD Level, // data-structure level
LPBYTE pJob, // address of data-structure array
DWORD cbBuf, // count of bytes in array
LPDWORD pcbNeeded // address of value that contains count of bytes retrieved (or required)