You use the Add To Repository dialog box to add new forms to the
Object Repository.
Add To Repository dialog box
Displays the names of the forms in the current project.
Use this box to specify the name of the form to be added to the Repository.
Use this box to type a description of the form. The description is dislayed
when you select the View Details option from the SpeedMenu in the New Items
dilaog box.
Displays a list of the current pages in the Object Repository. Use this option
to select the Repository page to which you want to add your form.
Use this box to type the name of the creator of the form you want to
add to the Repository.
Browse button
Use the Browse button to change the icon for the form you want to add to the
Repistory. The icon represents the bitmap that will appear in the New Items
and Repository Options dialog box. To change the bitmap, click the Browse
button to open the Select Bitmap dialog box.
You can use a bitmap of any size, but it will be cropped to 60 x 40 pixels.