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/* fpt.c (release mode)
* Use threshold for finding large itemsets with supports >= the threshold.
* This is the implementation using the FP-tree structure according to the paper:
* Jiawei Han, Yiwen Yin: Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation,
* ACM SIGMOD 2000, pages 1-12.
* Program Input:
* A configuration file consisting of 6 parameters
* 1. User specified maximum size of itemset to be mined
* If this value is not larger than zero or
* is greater than the greatest transaction size in the DB,
* then it will be set to the greatest transaction size.
* 2. Normalized support threshold, range: (0, 1]
* 3. Total number of different items in the DB
* 4. Total number of transactions in the DB
* 5. Data file name
* 6. Result file name for storing the large itemsets
* Program Output:
* The frequent itemsets are displayed from small to large sizes.
* For each size, the itemsets are sorted in descending order of their supports.
* The support of each large itemset will also be displayed (enclosed by a bracket).
* It will output to both screen (standard output) and the result file.

#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/***** Data Structure *****/
/* Description:
* Each node of an FP-tree is represented by a 'FPnode' structure.
* Each node contains an item ID, count value of the item, and
* node-link as stated in the paper.
typedef struct FPnode *FPTreeNode; /* Pointer to a FP-tree node */

typedef struct Childnode *childLink; /* Pointer to children of a FP-tree node */

* Children of a FP-tree node
typedef struct Childnode {
FPTreeNode node; /* A child node of an item */
childLink next; /* Next child */
} ChildNode;

* A FP-tree node
typedef struct FPnode {
int item; /* ID of the item.
Value of ID is within the range [0, m-1]
where m is the total number of different items in the database. */
int count; /* Value of count of the item.
This is the number of transactions containing items in the portion
of the path reaching this node. */
int numPath
/* Number of leaf nodes in the subtree
rooted at this node. It is used to
check whether there is only a single path
in the FPgrowth function. */
FPTreeNode parent; /* Pointer to parent node */
childLink children; /* Pointer to children */
FPTreeNode hlink; /* Horizontal link to next node with same item */
} FPNode;

* A list to store large itemsets in descending order of their supports.
* It stores all the itemsets of supports >= threshold.
typedef struct Itemsetnode *LargeItemPtr;
typedef struct Itemsetnode {
int support;
int *itemset;
LargeItemPtr next;
} ItemsetNode;

void FPgrowth(FPTreeNode T, FPTreeNode *headerTableLink, int headerSize, int *baseItems, int baseSize);

/***** Global Variables *****/
LargeItemPtr *largeItemset; /* largeItemset[k-1] = array of large k-itemsets */
int *numLarge; /* numLarge[k-1] = no. of large k-itemsets found. */
int *support1; /* Support of 1-itemsets */
int *largeItem1; /* 1-itemsets */

FPTreeNode root=NULL; /* Initial FP-tree */
FPTreeNode *headerTableLink; /* Corresponding header table */

int expectedK; /* User input upper limit of itemset size to be mined */
int realK; /* Actual upper limit of itemset size can be mined */
int threshold; /* User input support threshold */
int numItem; /* Number of items in the database */
int numTrans; /* Number of transactions in the database */
char dataFile[100]; /* File name of the database */
char outFile[100]; /* File name to store the result of mining */

* Function: destroyTree
* Description:
* Destroy the FPtree rooted by a node and free the allocated memory.
* For each tree node being visited, all the child nodes
* are destroyed in a recursive manner before the destroy of the node.
* Invoked from:
* destroy()
* Input Parameter:
* node -> Root of the tree/subtree to be destroyed.
void destroyTree(FPTreeNode node)
childLink temp1, temp2;

if (node == NULL) return;

temp1 = node->children;
while(temp1 != NULL) {
temp2 = temp1->next;
temp1 = temp2;



* Function: destroy
* Description:
* Free memory of following variables.
* - largeItemset
* - numLarge
* - headerTableLink
* - root
* Invoked from:
* main()
* Functions to be invoked:
* destroyTree() -> Free memory from the FP-tree, root.
* Global variables (read only):
* - realK
void destroy()
LargeItemPtr aLargeItemset

int i;

for (i=0
i < realK
i++) {
aLargeItemset = largeItemset;
while (aLargeItemset != NULL) {
largeItemset = largeItemset->next;
aLargeItemset = largeItemset;





* Function: swap
* Description:
* Swap x-th element and i-th element of each of the
* two arrays, support[] and itemset[].
* Invoked from:
* q_sortD()
* q_sortA()
* Functions to be invoked: None
* Input Parameters:
* support -> Corresponding supports of the items in itemset.
* itemset -> Array of items.
* x, i -> The two indexes for swapping.
* Global variable: None
void swap(int *support, int *itemset, int x, int i)
int temp

temp = support[x];
support[x] = support;
support = temp;
temp = itemset[x];
itemset[x] = itemset;
itemset = temp;


* Function: q_sortD
* Description:
* Quick sort two arrays, support[] and the corresponding itemset[],
* in descending order of support[].
* Invoked from:
* pass1()
* genConditionalPatternTree()
* q_sortD()
* Functions to be invoked:
* swap()
* q_sortD()
* Input Parameters:
* low -> lower bound index of the array to be sorted
* high -> upper bound index of the array to be sorted
* size -> size of the array
* length -> length of an itemset
* In/Out Parameters:
* support[] -> array to be sorted
* itemset[] -> array to be sorted
void q_sortD(int *support, int *itemset, int low,int high, int size)
int pass;
int highptr=high++
/* highptr records the last element */
/* the first element in list is always served as the pivot */
int pivot=low;

if(low>=highptr) return;
do {
/* Find out, from the head of support[],
* the 1st element value not larger than the pivot's
while(pass==1) {
if(++low<size) {
if(support[low] > support[pivot])
else pass=0;
} else pass=0;

/* Find out, from the tail of support[],
* the 1st element value not smaller than the pivot's

while(pass==1) {
if(high-->0) {
if(support[high] < support[pivot])
else pass=0

} else pass=0


/* swap elements pointed by low pointer &amp
high pointer */
swap(support, itemset, low, high);
} while(low<=high);

swap(support, itemset, pivot, high);

/* divide list into two for further sorting */
q_sortD(support, itemset, pivot, high-1, size)

q_sortD(support, itemset, high+1, highptr, size);


* Function: q_sortA
* Description:
* Quick sort two arrays, indexList[] and the corresponding freqItemP[],
* in ascending order of indexList[].
* Invoked from:
* buildTree()
* buildConTree()
* q_sortA()
* Functions to be invoked:
* swap()
* q_sortA()
* Input Parameters:
* low -> lower bound index of the array to be sorted
* high -> upper bound index of the array to be sorted
* size -> size of the array
* length -> length of an itemset
* In/Out Parameters:
* indexList[] -> array to be sorted
* freqItemP[] -> array to be sorted
void q_sortA(int *indexList, int *freqItemP, int low, int high, int size)
int pass;
int highptr=high++
/* highptr records the last element */
/* the first element in list is always served as the pivot */
int pivot=low;

if(low>=highptr) return;
do {
/* Find out, from the head of indexList[],
* the 1st element value not smaller than the pivot's
while(pass==1) {
if(++low<size) {
if(indexList[low] < indexList[pivot])
else pass=0;
} else pass=0;

/* Find out, from the tail of indexList[],
* 1st element value not larger than the pivot's
while(pass==1) {
if(high-->0) {
if(indexList[high] > indexList[pivot])
else pass=0;
} else pass=0;

/* swap elements pointed by low pointer &amp
high pointer */
swap(indexList, freqItemP, low, high);
} while(low<=high);

swap(indexList, freqItemP, pivot, high);

/* divide list into two for further sorting */
q_sortA(indexList, freqItemP, pivot, high-1, size);
q_sortA(indexList, freqItemP, high+1, highptr, size);


* Function: addToLargeList
* Description:
* Add a large itemset, i.e. an itemset of support >= threshold,
* to the large itemsets list.
* Invoked from:
* FPgrowth()
* combine()
* Functions to be invoked: None
* Input parameters:
* pattern[] -> The large itemset to be inserted
* patternSupport -> Support of the itemset
* index -> Number of items in the itemset - 1
* Global variables:
* numLarge[] -> Increment this counter by 1 to represent
* the current number of large (index+1)-itemsets found
void addToLargeList(int *pattern, int patternSupport, int index)
LargeItemPtr aLargeItemset;
LargeItemPtr aNode, previous=NULL;
int i;

/* Create a node to store the itemset */
aLargeItemset = (LargeItemPtr) malloc (sizeof(ItemsetNode));
if (aLargeItemset == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);
aLargeItemset->itemset = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * (index+1));
if (aLargeItemset->itemset == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Store the support of the itemset */
aLargeItemset->support = patternSupport;

/* Store the items of the itemset */
for (i=0
i <= index
i++) {
aLargeItemset->itemset = pattern;

aLargeItemset->next = NULL;

/* Assign aNode to point to the head of the resulting list */
aNode = largeItemset[index];

/* Insert the itemset to the (index+1)-itemset resulting list.
* There are 3 cases for the insertion:
* 1. The resulting list is empty
* -- insert the itemset to the head of the list
* 2. The itemset should be inserted somewhere between
* the head and tail of the list
* -- locate the suitable position of the list according to its support
* -- insert the itemset
* 3. The itemset's support is less than the supports of all the itemsets in the list
* -- append the itemset at the end of the list
if (aNode == NULL) {
/* Case 1: The resulting list is empty */
largeItemset[index] = aLargeItemset;
} else {
while ((aNode != NULL) &amp;&amp
(aNode->support > patternSupport)) {
previous = aNode;
aNode = aNode->next;

/* Case 2: Insert between head and tail of the list */
if (previous != NULL) {
previous->next = aLargeItemset;
aLargeItemset->next = aNode;
} else {

/* Case 3: Append to the end of the list */
aLargeItemset->next = largeItemset[index];
largeItemset[index] = aLargeItemset;

/* Update the counter for the number of large (index+1)-itemsets in the list */


* Function: combine
* Description:
* Make all possible combinations of itemsets for a single path FP-tree.
* Any of the combinations is a large itemset.
* Invoked from:
* FPgrowth()
* combine()
* Functions to be invoked:
* addToLargeList()
* combine()
* Input parameters:
* *itemList -> Array to hold all items in the FP-tree path
* *support -> Counts of the items in the path (in *itemList)
* *base -> A large itemset discovered which will be used to combine
* with additional items in *itemList to form more large itemsets
* start -> Position in *itemList where the base is formed
* from subset of the set of items in the prefix to this position,
* and new large pattern will combine the base with
* one additional element from the suffix to this position.
* baseSize -> Size of the base, i.e. number of items in base
void combine(int *itemList, int *support, int start, int itemListSize, int *base, int baseSize)
int *pattern;
int i, j

if (baseSize >= realK) return;

if (start == itemListSize) return;

/* Create an array of size (baseSize+1) to store any itemset formed from
* the union of *base and
* any item of *itemsetListSize from the position of start to the end
pattern = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * (baseSize+1));
if (pattern == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Insert all the items in base[] to pattern[]
for (j=0
j < baseSize
pattern[j] = base[j];

for (i=start
i < itemListSize
i++) {

/* Append an item, itemList, to pattern[]
pattern[baseSize] = itemList;

/* Insert pattern[] to the result list of large (baseSizes+1)-itemsets.
* Support of this itemset = support
addToLargeList(pattern , support, baseSize);

/* Form pattern[] with
* any item in *itemListSize from position (i+1) to the end of itemListSize
combine(itemList, support, i+1, itemListSize, pattern, baseSize+1);



* Function: insert_tree
* Description:
* This function is to insert a frequent pattern
* of a transaction to the FP-tree (or conditional FP-tree).
* The frequent pattern consists of a list of the frequent 1-items
* of a transaction, and is sorted according to the sorted order of the
* 1. frequent 1-items in function pass1(), if it is the initial FP-tree;
* 2. frequent 1-items in the conditional pattern base, if it is a conditional FP-tree.
* This function is recursively invoked and insert the (ptr+1)th item of the
* frequent pattern in the (ptr+1)th round of recursion.
* There are 3 cases to handle the insertion of an item:
* 1. The tree or subtree being visited has no children.
* Create the first child and store the info of the item
* to this first child.
* 2. The tree or subtree has no children that match the current item.
* Add a new child node to store the item.
* 3. There is a match between the item and a child of the tree.
* Increment the count of the child, and visit the subtree of this child.
* Invoked from:
* buildTree()
* buildConTree()
* insertTree()
* Functions to be invoked:
* insertTree()
* Parameters:
* - freqItemP : The list of frequent items of the transaction.
* They are sorted according to the order of frequent 1-items.
* - indexList : 'indexList' is the corresponding index of the header table
* that represents the item 'freqItemP'.
* - count : The initial value for the 'count' of the FP-tree node for the current
* freqItemP.
* It is equal to 1 if the FP-tree is the initial one,
* otherwiese it is equal to the support of the base of
* this conditional FP-tree.
* - ptr : Number of items in the frequent pattern inserted so far.
* - length : Number of items in the frequent pattern.
* - T : The current FP-tree/subtree being visited so far.
* - headerTableLink : Header table of the FP-tree.
* - path : Number of new tree path (i.e. new leaf nodes) created so far for the insertions.
void insert_tree(int *freqItemP, int *indexList, int count, int ptr, int length,
FPTreeNode T, FPTreeNode *headerTableLink, int *path)
childLink newNode;
FPTreeNode hNode;
FPTreeNode hPrevious;
childLink previous;
childLink aNode;

/* If all the items have been inserted */
if (ptr == length) return;

/* Case 1 : If the current subtree has no children */
if (T->children == NULL) {
/* T has no children */

/* Create child nodes for this node */
newNode = (childLink) malloc (sizeof(ChildNode));
if (newNode == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Create a first child to store the item */
newNode->node = (FPTreeNode) malloc (sizeof(FPNode));
if (newNode->node == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Store information of the item */
newNode->node->item = freqItemP[ptr];
newNode->node->count = count;
newNode->node->numPath = 1;
newNode->node->parent = T;
newNode->node->children = NULL;
newNode->node->hlink = NULL;
newNode->next = NULL;
T->children = newNode;

/* Link the node to the header table */
hNode = headerTableLink[indexList[ptr]];
if (hNode == NULL) {
/* Place the node at the front of the horizontal link for the item */
headerTableLink[indexList[ptr]] = newNode->node;
} else {
/* Place the node at the end using the horizontal link */
while (hNode != NULL) {
hPrevious = hNode;
hNode = hNode->hlink;

hPrevious->hlink = newNode->node;

/* Insert next item, freqItemP[ptr+1], to the tree */
insert_tree(freqItemP, indexList, count, ptr+1, length, T->children->node, headerTableLink, path);
T->numPath += *path;

} else {
aNode = T->children;
while ((aNode != NULL) &amp;&amp
(aNode->node->item != freqItemP[ptr])) {
previous = aNode;
aNode = aNode->next;

if (aNode == NULL) {
/* Case 2: Create a new child for T */

newNode = (childLink) malloc (sizeof(ChildNode));
if (newNode == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);
newNode->node = (FPTreeNode) malloc (sizeof(FPNode));
if (newNode->node == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Store information of the item */
newNode->node->item = freqItemP[ptr];
newNode->node->count = count;
newNode->node->numPath = 1;
newNode->node->parent = T;
newNode->node->children = NULL;
newNode->node->hlink = NULL;
newNode->next = NULL;
previous->next = newNode;

/* Link the node to the header table */
hNode = headerTableLink[indexList[ptr]];
if (hNode == NULL) {
/* Place the node at the front of the horizontal link for the item */
headerTableLink[indexList[ptr]] = newNode->node;
} else {
/* Place the node at the end using the horizontal link */
while (hNode != NULL) {
hPrevious = hNode;
hNode = hNode->hlink;
hPrevious->hlink = newNode->node;

/* Insert next item, freqItemP[ptr+1], to the tree */
insert_tree(freqItemP, indexList, count, ptr+1, length, newNode->node, headerTableLink, path);

T->numPath += *path;

} else {
/* Case 3: Match an existing child of T */

/* Increment the count */
aNode->node->count += count;

/* Insert next item, freqItemP[ptr+1], to the tree */
insert_tree(freqItemP, indexList, count, ptr+1, length, aNode->node, headerTableLink, path);

T->numPath += *path



* Function: buildConTree
* Description:
* Build a conditional FP-tree and the corresponding header table from
* a conditional pattern base.
* Invoked from:
* genConditionalPatternTree()
* Functions to be invoked:
* q_sortA()
* insert_tree()
* Parameters:
* *conRoot -> Root of the conditional FP-tree
* **conHeader -> Conditional header table for all the frequent items.
* conHeaderSize -> Number of items (frequent) in the conditional header table
* *conLargeItem -> Stores all the frequent items of the conditional pattern base
* *conLargeItemSupprt -> The conditional support counts of the conditional items
* &quot;Conditional support&quot
of an item is
* the number of itemsets containing the item and the base items.
* T -> The parent conditional FP-tree
* headerTable -> The parent header table
* baseIndex -> The index position of the parent header table that refer to the item
* contained in the base of this conditional FP-tree
* headerSize -> The number of items in the parent header table
void buildConTree(FPTreeNode *conRoot, FPTreeNode **conHeader, int conHeaderSize, int *conLargeItem,
int *conLargeItemSupport, FPTreeNode T, FPTreeNode *headerTable, int baseIndex, int headerSize)
FPTreeNode aNode;
FPTreeNode ancestorNode;
int *freqItemP; /* Holds all the frequent items of a transaction of the conditional pattern base */
int *indexList; /* Holds the index position of the parent header table for the corresponding item
in freqItemP[] */
int path;
int count;
int i;

/* create conditional header table
*conHeader = (FPTreeNode *) malloc (sizeof(FPTreeNode) * conHeaderSize);
if (*conHeader == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);
for (i=0
i < conHeaderSize
(*conHeader) = NULL;

/* create root of the conditional FP-tree
(*conRoot) = (FPTreeNode) malloc (sizeof(FPNode));
if (*conRoot == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Initialize the root of the conditional FP-tree
(*conRoot)->numPath = 1;
(*conRoot)->parent = NULL;
(*conRoot)->children = NULL;
(*conRoot)->hlink = NULL;

freqItemP = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * conHeaderSize);
if (freqItemP == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

indexList = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * conHeaderSize);
if (indexList == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Set aNode to the first node of the parent FP-tree
* that contains the base item.
aNode = headerTable[baseIndex];

/* Visit each path from the base item to the root
* of the parent FP-tree and
* extract all the frequent items of the conditional pattern base.
* Sort this items in descending order of their frequency and
* insert them to the conditional FP-tree.
while (aNode != NULL) {
ancestorNode = aNode->parent;
count = 0;

/* Identify the frequent items in each path from the
* node containing the item in the base to the root.
* Each of such path is just like a transaction of the
* conditional pattern base.
* This identification can be done because
* conLargeItem[] contains all the frequent items
* of the conditional pattern base.
* Store the frequent items to freqItemP[], and
* the corresponding index position of the
* conditional header table to indexList[].
while (ancestorNode != T) {
for (i=0
i < conHeaderSize
i++) {
if (ancestorNode->item == conLargeItem) {
freqItemP[count] = ancestorNode->item;
indexList[count] = i;
ancestorNode = ancestorNode->parent;

/* Sort the frequent items in this path in ascending order
* of indexList[], i.e. sort in descending order of the
* frequency of the items in the conditional pattern base.
q_sortA(indexList, freqItemP, 0, count-1, count);

path = 0;

/* Insert the frequent items to the conditional FP-tree.
insert_tree(&amp;(freqItemP[0]), &amp;(indexList[0]), aNode->count, 0, count, *conRoot, *conHeader, &amp;path);

aNode = aNode->hlink;



* Function: genConditionalPatternTree
* Description:
* -- Form the conditional pattern base of each item in the header table.
* -- Build the conditional FP-tree for the item.
* -- Perfrom FPgrowth() for the conditional FP-tree.
* Parameters (In):
* pattern[] -> Base items for the conditional FP-tree.
* baseSize -> Number of base items -1.
* patternSupport -> Support of the base items (it is a large itemset).
* T -> FP-tree.
* headerIndex -> Index position in the header table refering
* the base item for the conditional FP-tree.
* headerSize -> Number of items in the header table.
* *headerTableLink -> Header table of the FP-tree (T).
* Invoked from:
* FPgrowth()
* Functions to be invoked:
* q_sortD()
* buildConTree()
* FPgrowth()
* Parameters (Out):
* conLargeItem[] -> To hold frequent items in the conditional pattern base.
* conLargeItemSupport[] -> To hold &quot;conditional support&quot
of each items in the conditional pattern base.
* &quot;Conditional support&quot
of an item is
* the number of itemsets containing the item and the base items.
* Global Variables (read only):
* threshold -> Support threshold
void genConditionalPatternTree(int *pattern, int baseSize, int patternSupport,
int *conLargeItem, int *conLargeItemSupport, FPTreeNode T,
int headerIndex, int headerSize, FPTreeNode *headerTableLink)
int conHeaderSize;
FPTreeNode *conHeader;
FPTreeNode conRoot;
FPTreeNode aNode, ancestorNode;
int j;

for (j=0
j < headerSize
conLargeItemSupport[j] = 0;

aNode = headerTableLink[headerIndex];
conHeaderSize = 0;

/* Find all the frequent items in the conditional pattern base.
* -- Visit, in bottom-up manner, all the ancestor nodes of all the nodes containing this item.
* -- Count the &quot;conditional supports&quot
of the items in the ancestor nodes
* (i.e. items in conditional pattern base), and store the values to conLargeSupport[].
* &quot;Conditional support&quot
of an item is
* the number of itemsets containing the item and the base items.
* -- Items in the ancestor nodes having conditional supports >= threshold are added to
* conLargeItem[].
while (aNode != NULL) {
ancestorNode = aNode->parent

while (ancestorNode != T) {

for (j=0
j < headerSize
j++) {
if (ancestorNode->item == headerTableLink[j]->item) {

/* Increment the conditional support count
* for this ancestor item
conLargeItemSupport[j] += aNode->count

if ((conLargeItemSupport[j] >= threshold) &amp;&amp;
(conLargeItemSupport[j] - aNode->count <
threshold)) {

/* Add the ancestor item to the conditional pattern base,
* and update the number of items in the
* conditional header table
conLargeItem[j] = ancestorNode->item;
ancestorNode = ancestorNode->parent;

/* Next node of the FP-tree containing the base item
aNode = aNode->hlink;

/* Sort the items in the conditional pattern base in descending order of their
* conditional support count
q_sortD(conLargeItemSupport, conLargeItem, 0, headerSize-1, headerSize);

/* Generate the conditional FP-tree and mine recursively
if (conHeaderSize > 0) {

/* Build conditional FP-tree
buildConTree(&amp;conRoot, &amp;conHeader, conHeaderSize, conLargeItem, conLargeItemSupport,
T, headerTableLink, headerIndex, headerSize);

/* Mining
FPgrowth(conRoot, conHeader, conHeaderSize, pattern, baseSize+1);



* Function: FPgrowth
* Description:
* Perform the FP-growth algorithm.
* There are 2 cases for the FP-tree:
* Case 1:
* The tree consists of a single path only.
* -- Form any combination of items in the path to
* generate large itemsets containing the base items of this FP-tree.
* Case 2:
* The tree consists of more than one path.
* -- Visit the header table in a top-down manner, i.e. visit largest item first.
* -- Form the conditional pattern base of each item in the header table.
* -- Build the conditional FP-tree for the item.
* -- Perfrom FPgrowth() for the conditional FP-tree.
* Invoked from:
* main()
* genConditionalPatternTree()
* Functions to be invoked:
* combine()
* addLargeList()
* genConditionalPatternTree()
* Parameters (In):
* T -> A FP-tree
* *headerTableLink -> Header table
* headSize -> Number of items in the header table
* *baseItems -> The base items for this FP-tree
* baseSize -> The number of base items
* Global Variables:
* threshold -> Support threshold
void FPgrowth(FPTreeNode T, FPTreeNode *headerTableLink, int headerSize, int *baseItems, int baseSize)
int count;
int i, j;
int *pattern;
int patternSupport;
FPTreeNode aNode = NULL;
int *conLargeItem;
int *conLargeItemSupport;

if (baseSize >= realK) return;
if (T == NULL) return;

/* Create array, conLargeItem, to store the items in the header table

* and also an array, conLargeItemSupport, to store the corresponding count value
conLargeItem = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * headerSize);
conLargeItemSupport = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * headerSize);
if ((conLargeItem == NULL) || (conLargeItemSupport == NULL)) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

if (T->numPath == 1) {

/* Case 1: Single Path */

count = 0;
if (T->children != NULL) aNode = T->children->node;

/* Visit the path in top-down manner, and store the items and count values
while (aNode != NULL) {
conLargeItem[count] = aNode->item;
conLargeItemSupport[count] = aNode->count;
if (aNode->children != NULL)
aNode = aNode->children->node;
else aNode = NULL;

/* Form any combination of items in the path to
* generate large itemsets containing the base items stored in 'baseItems'
combine(conLargeItem, conLargeItemSupport, 0, count, baseItems, baseSize);


} else {
/* Multiple Path */

/* Create an array to store the base items for a conditional FP-tree.
* Size of the base should be (baseSize + 1).
pattern = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * (baseSize + 1));
if (pattern == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Visit the header table in a top-down manner.
* -- Find the conditional pattern base for each base item in the header table.
* -- Find the frequent items of the conditional pattern base of the base item.
* -- Build conditional FP-tree for the base item.
* -- Recursively mine the conditional FP-tree.
for (i=0
i < headerSize
i++) {

/* Add the item to the base of its conditional FP-tree
pattern[0] = headerTableLink->item;

/* Add the base of T to the base of the conditional FP-tree
for (j=0
j < baseSize
j++) {
pattern[j+1] = baseItems[j];

aNode = headerTableLink;
patternSupport = 0;

/* Count the support of the base of the conditional FP-tree
while (aNode != NULL) {
patternSupport += aNode->count;
aNode = aNode->hlink;

/* Add the itemset formed by the base items
* to the resulting list because it must be large.
addToLargeList(pattern, patternSupport, baseSize);

/* Find frquent items, build conditional FP-tree and perform mining.
genConditionalPatternTree(pattern, baseSize, patternSupport,
conLargeItem, conLargeItemSupport, T,
i, headerSize, headerTableLink);



* Function: pass1()
* Description:
* Scan the DB and find the support of each item.
* Find the large 1-itemsets according to the support threshold.
* Invoked from:
* main()
* Functions to be invoked:
* q_sortD()
* Global variables:
* largeItem1[] -> Array to store 1-itemsets
* support1[] -> Support = support of the 1-itemset stored in largeItem
* largeItemset[] -> largeItemset = resulting list for large (i+1)-itemsets
* realK -> Maximum size of itemset to be mined
* numLarge[] -> numLarge = Number of large (i+1)-itemsets discovered so far
* Global variables (read only):
* numTrans -> number of transactions in the database
* expectedK -> User specified maximum size of itemset to be mined
* dataFile -> Database file
void pass1()
int transSize;
int item;
int maxSize=0;
FILE *fp;
int i, j;

/* Initialize the 1-itemsets list and support list */
support1 = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * numItem);
largeItem1 = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * numItem);
if ((support1 == NULL) || (largeItem1 == NULL)) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

for (i=0
i < numItem
i++) {
support1 = 0;
largeItem1 = i;

/* scan DB to count the frequency of each item */

if ((fp = fopen(dataFile, &quot;r&quot;)) == NULL) {
printf(&quot;Can't open data file, %s./n&quot;, dataFile);

/* Scan each transaction of the DB */
for (i=0
i < numTrans
i++) {

/* Read the transaction size */
fscanf(fp, &quot;%d&quot;, &amp;transSize);

/* Mark down the largest transaction size found so far */
if (transSize > maxSize)
maxSize = transSize;

/* Read the items in the transaction */
for (j=0
j < transSize
j++) {
fscanf(fp, &quot;%d&quot;, &amp;item);

/* Determine the upper limit of itemset size to be mined according to DB and user input.
* If the user specified maximum itemset size (expectedK) is greater than
* the largest transaction size (maxSize) in the database, or exptectedK <= 0,
* then set realK = maxSize;
* otherwise realK = expectedK
realK = expectedK;
if ((maxSize < expectedK) || (expectedK <= 0))
realK = maxSize;
printf(&quot;max transaction sizes = %d/n&quot;, maxSize);
printf(&quot;max itemset size (K_max) to be mined = %d/n&quot;, realK);

/* Initialize large k-itemset resulting list and corresponding support list */
largeItemset = (LargeItemPtr *) malloc (sizeof(LargeItemPtr) * realK)

numLarge = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * realK);

if ((largeItemset == NULL) || (numLarge == NULL)) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

for (i=0
i < realK
i++) {
largeItemset = NULL;
numLarge = 0;

/* Sort the supports of 1-itemsets in descending order */
q_sortD(&amp;(support1[0]), largeItem1, 0, numItem-1, numItem);

for (i=0
i < numItem
printf(&quot;%d[%d] &quot;, largeItem1, support1);

numLarge[0] = 0;
while ((numLarge[0] < numItem) &amp;&amp
(support1[numLarge[0]] >= threshold))

printf(&quot;/nNo. of large 1-itemsets (numLarge[0]) = %d/n&quot;, numLarge[0]);


* Function: buildTree()
* Description:
* Build the initial FP-tree.
* Invoked from:
* main()
* Functions to be invoked:
* insert_tree()
* q_sortA()
* Global variables:
* root -> Pointer to the root of this initial FP-tree
* headerTableLink -> Header table for this initial FP-tree
* Global variables (read only):
* numLarge[] -> Large k-itemsets resulting list for k = 1 to realK
void buildTree()
int *freqItemP; /* Store frequent items of a transaction */
int *indexList; /* indexList = the index position in the large 1-item list storing freqItemP */
int count; /* Number of frequent items in a transaction */
FILE *fp; /* Pointer to the database file */
int transSize; /* Transaction size */
int item; /* An item in the transaction */
int i, j, m;
int path; /* Number of new tree paths (i.e. new leaf nodes) created so far */

/* Create header table */
headerTableLink = (FPTreeNode *) malloc (sizeof(FPTreeNode) * numLarge[0]);
if (headerTableLink == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);
for (i=0
i < numLarge[0]
headerTableLink = NULL;

/* Create root of the FP-tree */
root = (FPTreeNode) malloc (sizeof(FPNode));
if (root == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* Initialize the root node */
root->numPath = 1;
root->parent = NULL;
root->children = NULL;
root->hlink = NULL;

/* Create freqItemP to store frequent items of a transaction */
freqItemP = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * numItem);
if (freqItemP == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

indexList = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * numItem);
if (indexList == NULL) {
printf(&quot;out of memory/n&quot;);

/* scan DB and insert frequent items into the FP-tree */
if ((fp = fopen(dataFile, &quot;r&quot;)) == NULL) {
printf(&quot;Can't open data file, %s./n&quot;, dataFile);

for (i=0
i < numTrans
i++) {

/* Read the transaction size */
fscanf(fp, &quot;%d&quot;, &amp;transSize);

count = 0;
path = 0;

for (j=0
j < transSize
j++) {

/* Read a transaction item */
fscanf(fp, &quot;%d&quot;, &amp;item);

/* Store the item to the frequent list, freqItemP,
* if it is a large 1-item.
for (m=0
m < numLarge[0]
m++) {
if (item == largeItem1[m]) {
/* Store the item */
freqItemP[count] = item;
/* Store the position in the large 1-itemset list storing this item */
indexList[count] = m;

/* Sort the items in the frequent item list in ascending order of indexList,
* i.e. sort according to the order of the large 1-itemset list
q_sortA(indexList, freqItemP, 0, count-1, count);

/* Insert the frequent patterns of this transaction to the FP-tree. */
insert_tree(&amp;(freqItemP[0]), &amp;(indexList[0]), 1, 0, count, root, headerTableLink, &amp;path);



* Function: displayResult
* Description:
* Output the large itemsets of all sizes
* to both screen and result file.
* Invoked from:
* main()
* Functions to be invoked: None
* Global variables (read only):
* realK -> maximum size of itemsets
* numLarge[] -> numLarge = large (i+1)-itemsets' resulting list
* outFile -> result file to store the output result
void displayResult()
LargeItemPtr aLargeItemset;
FILE *fp;
int i, j;

if ((fp = fopen(outFile, &quot;w&quot;)) == NULL) {
printf(&quot;Can't open data file, %s./n&quot;, outFile);
fprintf(fp, &quot;K_{max} = %d/n/n&quot;, realK);

for (i=0
i < realK
i++) {

fprintf(fp, &quot;%d Large %d-itemsets:/n&quot;, numLarge, i+1);

if (numLarge == 0) break;

printf(&quot;/n%d Large %d-itemsets[support]:/n&quot;, numLarge, i+1);

/* Visit the large (i+1)-itemsets' resulting list */
aLargeItemset = largeItemset;

/* print out the large (i+1)-itemsets */
while (aLargeItemset != NULL) {

/* print an (i+1)-itemset */
for (j=0
j <= i
j++) {
printf(&quot;%d &quot;, aLargeItemset->itemset[j]);
fprintf(fp, &quot;%d &quot;, aLargeItemset->itemset[j]);

/* print the support of the itemset */
printf(&quot;[%d]/n&quot;, aLargeItemset->support);
fprintf(fp, &quot;[%d]/n&quot;, aLargeItemset->support);

aLargeItemset = aLargeItemset->next;
fprintf(fp, &quot;/n&quot;);



* Function: input
* Description:
* Read the input parameters from the configuration file.
* Invoked from:
* main()
* Functions to be invoked: None
* Input parameters:
* *configFile -> The configuration file
* Global variables:
* expectedK -> User specified maximum size of itemset to be mined
* thresholdDecimal -> Normalized support threshold, range: (0, 1]
* numItem -> Total number of different items in the DB
* numTrans -> Total number of transactions in the DB
* dataFile -> Data file
* outFile -> Result file for storing the large itemsets
void input(char *configFile)
FILE *fp;
float thresholdDecimal;

if ((fp = fopen(configFile, &quot;r&quot;)) == NULL) {
printf(&quot;Can't open config. file, %s./n&quot;, configFile);

fscanf(fp, &quot;%d %f %d %d&quot;, &amp;expectedK, &amp;thresholdDecimal, &amp;numItem, &amp;numTrans);
fscanf(fp, &quot;%s %s&quot;, dataFile, outFile);

printf(&quot;expectedK = %d/n&quot;, expectedK);
printf(&quot;thresholdDecimal = %f/n&quot;, thresholdDecimal);
printf(&quot;numItem = %d/n&quot;, numItem);
printf(&quot;numTrans = %d/n&quot;, numTrans);
printf(&quot;dataFile = %s/n&quot;, dataFile);
printf(&quot;outFile = %s/n/n&quot;, outFile);
threshold = thresholdDecimal * numTrans;
if (threshold == 0) threshold = 1;
printf(&quot;threshold = %d/n&quot;, threshold);


* Function: main
* Description:
* This function reads the config. file for six input parameters,
* finds the frequent 1-itemsets, builds the initial FP-tree
* using the frequent 1-itemsets and
* peforms the FP-growth algorithm of the paper.
* It measure both CPU and I/O time for build tree and mining.
* Functions to be invoked:
* input() -> Read config. file
* pass1() -> Scan DB and find frquent 1-itemsets
* buildTree() -> Build the initial FP-tree
* FPgrowth() -> Start mining
* Parameters:
* Config. file name
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
float userTime, sysTime;
struct rusage myTime1, myTime2, myTime3;
int headerTableSize;

/* Usage ------------------------------------------*/
printf(&quot;/nFP-tree: Mining large itemsets using user support threshold/n/n&quot;);
if (argc != 2) {
printf(&quot;Usage: %s <config. file>/n/n&quot;, argv[0]);
printf(&quot;Content of config. file:/n&quot;);
Line 1: Upper limit of large itemsets size to be mined/n&quot;);
Line 2: Support threshold (normalized to [0, 1])/n&quot;);
Line 3: No. of different items in the DB/n&quot;);
Line 4: No. of transactions in the DB/n&quot;);
Line 5: File name of the DB/n&quot;);
Line 6: Result file name to store the large itemsets/n/n&quot;);

/* read input parameters --------------------------*/


/* pass 1 : Mine the large 1-itemsets -------------*/

/* Mine the large k-itemsets (k = 2 to realK) -----*/
if (numLarge[0] > 0) {

/* create FP-tree --------------------------*/


/* mining frequent patterns ----------------*/
headerTableSize = numLarge[0];
numLarge[0] = 0;
FPgrowth(root, headerTableLink, headerTableSize, NULL, 0);


/* output result of large itemsets ---------*/

/* output execution time ---------------------*/
printf(&quot;Build tree time:/n&quot;);
userTime =
((float) (myTime2.ru_utime.tv_sec - myTime1.ru_utime.tv_sec)) +
((float) (myTime2.ru_utime.tv_usec - myTime1.ru_utime.tv_usec)) * 1e-6;
sysTime =
((float) (myTime2.ru_stime.tv_sec - myTime1.ru_stime.tv_sec)) +
((float) (myTime2.ru_stime.tv_usec - myTime1.ru_stime.tv_usec)) * 1e-6;

printf(&quot;User time : %f seconds/n&quot;, userTime);
printf(&quot;System time : %f seconds/n/n&quot;, sysTime);

printf(&quot;FP-tree growth time:/n&quot;);
userTime =
((float) (myTime3.ru_utime.tv_sec - myTime2.ru_utime.tv_sec)) +
((float) (myTime3.ru_utime.tv_usec - myTime2.ru_utime.tv_usec)) * 1e-6;
sysTime =
((float) (myTime3.ru_stime.tv_sec - myTime2.ru_stime.tv_sec)) +
((float) (myTime3.ru_stime.tv_usec - myTime2.ru_stime.tv_usec)) * 1e-6;

printf(&quot;User time : %f seconds/n&quot;, userTime);
printf(&quot;System time : %f seconds/n/n&quot;, sysTime);

printf(&quot;Total execution time:/n&quot;);
userTime =
((float) (myTime3.ru_utime.tv_sec - myTime1.ru_utime.tv_sec)) +
((float) (myTime3.ru_utime.tv_usec - myTime1.ru_utime.tv_usec)) * 1e-6;
sysTime =
((float) (myTime3.ru_stime.tv_sec - myTime1.ru_stime.tv_sec)) +
((float) (myTime3.ru_stime.tv_usec - myTime1.ru_stime.tv_usec)) * 1e-6;

printf(&quot;User time : %f seconds/n&quot;, userTime);
printf(&quot;System time : %f seconds/n&quot;, sysTime);
printf(&quot;Total time: %f seconds/n/n&quot;, userTime + sysTime);


/* free memory ------------------------------------*/


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