www.torry.net ---"Hot Stuff"
<ExDBGrid Component Suite>
ExDBGrid is an Enhanced DBGrid Component that has plenty of new features:
It has the following new Public Properties and Procedures:
Canvas, Col, Row, FixedCols, FixedRows, TopRow, SelectedRows, DataLink,
ColCount, RowCount, ColWidths, GridLineWidth, InplaceEdit, TitleOffset,
OnColumnResize, OptWidth (making the 'Grid' automatically size itself
so that no white space is left at the right), VisibleRowCount,
VisibleColCount, GridHeight, GridWidth, LeftCol, ExportGrid, ExportToFile,
GridPreview, DataSetPreview, SaveToRegistry, LoadFromRegistry, CopyToClipboard,
CutToClipboard, PasteFromClipboard, ShowCustomizeDialog, ShowQueryByForm
and ShowSortByForm.
To use TExRxDBGrid you must have RXLib 2.60 or higher installed.
(freeware all src include)
个人体会:如果只是用一个功能强大的DBGrid,大可不必装上庞然大物IP 2000,那样程序体积