C chenybin Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2005-09-30 #3 用TCanvas的StretchDraw,代码就不写了,因为好像都没有结过贴,呵呵 Draws the graphic specified by the Graphic parameter in the rectangle specified by the Rect parameter. procedure StretchDraw(const Rect: TRect; Graphic: TGraphic);
用TCanvas的StretchDraw,代码就不写了,因为好像都没有结过贴,呵呵 Draws the graphic specified by the Graphic parameter in the rectangle specified by the Rect parameter. procedure StretchDraw(const Rect: TRect; Graphic: TGraphic);
F foxphone2003 Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2005-10-09 #6 chenybin给了很多提示,再懒惰就不好了 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var t : Trect; begin t.Left := 0; t.Top := 0; t.Right := 260; t.Bottom := 260; Image1.Canvas.Font.Size := 72; Image1.Canvas.TextRect(t, 10, 10, Edit1.Text); end;
chenybin给了很多提示,再懒惰就不好了 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var t : Trect; begin t.Left := 0; t.Top := 0; t.Right := 260; t.Bottom := 260; Image1.Canvas.Font.Size := 72; Image1.Canvas.TextRect(t, 10, 10, Edit1.Text); end;