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his package is a port of the log4j Java package (see http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/index.html) that provides logging capabilities for Delphi. It provides the framework and default implementation for a hierarchical logging system. Two units make up the package: Log4D and Log4DXML.
Log4D has three main components: categories, appenders, and layouts. These work together to enable developers to easily log messages according to message type and priority, and to control at runtime how the messages are formatted and where they appear.
Categories are the main embodiment of the hierarchical nature of the logging. They allow certain classes of messages to be turned on or off, independently of other classes. They are configurable by the user, letting them define an appropriate structure for their application.
Categories are given names, with the hierarchy indicated by tokens separated by a period (.). A root category lies at the top of the hierarchy. Each category may have a priority associated with it to determine the level of logging events that it responds to. If no priority is assigned, the category inherits that of its parent (the root always has some priority set). Each category also inherits the appenders assigned to its parent, unless a special flag is set to disable this. It may also add its own set of appenders specifically for this level in the hierarchy.
Priorities are indicators of the severity level of a logging event. Several priorities are predefined. These are (in ascending order of severity): Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal. Others may be defined by the user and integrated into the logging package. Events with a given priority are logged only when that priority抯 severity is equal to or greater than the priority assigned to the category it is sent to.
The nested diagnostic context (NDC) is a way of tracing the current context of the executing code. It is a stack of user-supplied context information that is included in some layouts.
Appenders determine where messages are sent once they are filtered for logging. Each appender encapsulates a destination, and allows for multiple categories to send to a single appender and for a single category to send to multiple appenders. An appender may dispatch to debugging output, to a stream, to a file, via an e-mail, or whatever. Several appenders are supplied with this package, and others can be developed and deployed by using the ILogAppender interface.
Layouts determine the appearance of a message when sent to an appender. Each appender has a layout associated with it, and passes all logging events that it receives through the layout before forwarding the result too its final destination. Various formatting options are supplied with this package to handle basic logging, more complex logging, and logging as HTML or XML. As with appenders, new layouts can be developed by using the ILogLayout interface.
Filters provide an additional level of deciding whether or not to log a particular message. They can be associated with appenders and may determine for each logging event whether it should or should not be included. Filters that match on a single priority or on a string value are included in the package, while others can be developed by using the ILogFilter interface.
The hierarchy of logging categories and their associated appenders, layouts, filters, etc. can be built up in code, or can be specified in an external format and loaded at startup. The latter lets you modify the logging capabilities by changing a configuration file, rather than requiring a recompilation of the application. The package includes basic configuration, as well as configuration from an .INI style file or from an XMLdo
his package is a port of the log4j Java package (see http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/index.html) that provides logging capabilities for Delphi. It provides the framework and default implementation for a hierarchical logging system. Two units make up the package: Log4D and Log4DXML.
Log4D has three main components: categories, appenders, and layouts. These work together to enable developers to easily log messages according to message type and priority, and to control at runtime how the messages are formatted and where they appear.
Categories are the main embodiment of the hierarchical nature of the logging. They allow certain classes of messages to be turned on or off, independently of other classes. They are configurable by the user, letting them define an appropriate structure for their application.
Categories are given names, with the hierarchy indicated by tokens separated by a period (.). A root category lies at the top of the hierarchy. Each category may have a priority associated with it to determine the level of logging events that it responds to. If no priority is assigned, the category inherits that of its parent (the root always has some priority set). Each category also inherits the appenders assigned to its parent, unless a special flag is set to disable this. It may also add its own set of appenders specifically for this level in the hierarchy.
Priorities are indicators of the severity level of a logging event. Several priorities are predefined. These are (in ascending order of severity): Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal. Others may be defined by the user and integrated into the logging package. Events with a given priority are logged only when that priority抯 severity is equal to or greater than the priority assigned to the category it is sent to.
The nested diagnostic context (NDC) is a way of tracing the current context of the executing code. It is a stack of user-supplied context information that is included in some layouts.
Appenders determine where messages are sent once they are filtered for logging. Each appender encapsulates a destination, and allows for multiple categories to send to a single appender and for a single category to send to multiple appenders. An appender may dispatch to debugging output, to a stream, to a file, via an e-mail, or whatever. Several appenders are supplied with this package, and others can be developed and deployed by using the ILogAppender interface.
Layouts determine the appearance of a message when sent to an appender. Each appender has a layout associated with it, and passes all logging events that it receives through the layout before forwarding the result too its final destination. Various formatting options are supplied with this package to handle basic logging, more complex logging, and logging as HTML or XML. As with appenders, new layouts can be developed by using the ILogLayout interface.
Filters provide an additional level of deciding whether or not to log a particular message. They can be associated with appenders and may determine for each logging event whether it should or should not be included. Filters that match on a single priority or on a string value are included in the package, while others can be developed by using the ILogFilter interface.
The hierarchy of logging categories and their associated appenders, layouts, filters, etc. can be built up in code, or can be specified in an external format and loaded at startup. The latter lets you modify the logging capabilities by changing a configuration file, rather than requiring a recompilation of the application. The package includes basic configuration, as well as configuration from an .INI style file or from an XMLdo

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