按住CTRL,把鼠标停在函数上点一下,如果它在你已经引用的单元里,就会提示你,<br>如果鼠标闪了一下,什么也没有,那你按F1,就能调出DELPHI帮助里的函数声明<br>比如:DirectoryExists,鼠标停在上面,按F1,<br>会出现:<br>Determines whether a specified directory exists.<br>Unit<br>FileCtrl<br>Category<br>file management routines<br>function DirectoryExists(Name: string): Boolean;<br>Description<br>Call DirectoryExists to determine whether the directory specified by the Name parameter exists. If the directory exists, the function returns True. If the directory does not exist, the function returns False.<br><br>If a full path name is entered, DirectoryExists searches for the directory along the designated path. Otherwise, the Name parameter is interpreted as a relative path name from the current directory.