谁能帮我把一段VB代码转为DELPHI? ( 积分: 100 )



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Public Sub TxtToBin(strTxtFile As String, strBFile As String)
Dim TxtFileName As String
Dim BFileName As String
Dim BFileNum As Integer
Dim TxtFileNum As Integer
Dim Bytes_Num As Double
Dim Bytes() As Byte
Dim FileContent As String
Dim ch As Integer
Dim i As Double
Dim j As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim recCount As Double
On Error GoTo ErrorMsg
    BFileName = strBFile
    BFileNum = FreeFile
    Open BFileName For Output As BFileNum
    TxtFileName = strTxtFile
    TxtFileNum = FreeFile
    Open TxtFileName For Binary As #TxtFileNum
    Bytes_Num = LOF(TxtFileNum)
    ReDim Bytes(1 To Bytes_Num)
    Get #TxtFileNum, , Bytes
    Close TxtFileNum
    n = 0
    i = 1
    recCount = Bytes_Num
    If recCount = 0 Then recCount = 1
    Do While i <= Bytes_Num
        FileContent = "00" & Format$(Hex$(&H20000 + i / 16), "@@@@@") & "010"
        For j = 0 To 15
            If i + j > Bytes_Num Then
                FileContent = FileContent & "00"
                ch = Bytes(i + j)
                If ch = &H20 Then
                    n = n + 1
                ElseIf (n < 4 And ch <> &H20) Then
                    n = 0
                End If
                If (ch < 16 And ch > 0) Then
                    FileContent = FileContent & 0 & Format$(Hex$(ch), "@")
                    FileContent = FileContent & Format$(Hex$(ch), "@@")
                End If
            End If
        Next j
        Print #BFileNum, FileContent
        i = i + 16
        Main.PBarMain.Value = Round(20 * i / recCount) + 45
    Close BFileNum
   Exit Sub
End Sub

Public Sub TxtToBin(strTxtFile As String, strBFile As String)
Dim TxtFileName As String
Dim BFileName As String
Dim BFileNum As Integer
Dim TxtFileNum As Integer
Dim Bytes_Num As Double
Dim Bytes() As Byte
Dim FileContent As String
Dim ch As Integer
Dim i As Double
Dim j As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim recCount As Double
On Error GoTo ErrorMsg
    BFileName = strBFile
    BFileNum = FreeFile
    Open BFileName For Output As BFileNum
    TxtFileName = strTxtFile
    TxtFileNum = FreeFile
    Open TxtFileName For Binary As #TxtFileNum
    Bytes_Num = LOF(TxtFileNum)
    ReDim Bytes(1 To Bytes_Num)
    Get #TxtFileNum, , Bytes
    Close TxtFileNum
    n = 0
    i = 1
    recCount = Bytes_Num
    If recCount = 0 Then recCount = 1
    Do While i <= Bytes_Num
        FileContent = "00" & Format$(Hex$(&H20000 + i / 16), "@@@@@") & "010"
        For j = 0 To 15
            If i + j > Bytes_Num Then
                FileContent = FileContent & "00"
                ch = Bytes(i + j)
                If ch = &H20 Then
                    n = n + 1
                ElseIf (n < 4 And ch <> &H20) Then
                    n = 0
                End If
                If (ch < 16 And ch > 0) Then
                    FileContent = FileContent & 0 & Format$(Hex$(ch), "@")
                    FileContent = FileContent & Format$(Hex$(ch), "@@")
                End If
            End If
        Next j
        Print #BFileNum, FileContent
        i = i + 16
        Main.PBarMain.Value = Round(20 * i / recCount) + 45
    Close BFileNum
   Exit Sub
End Sub

鉴于你的程序的目的,是学 Delphi?还是要实现相应的功能?
我只能简单批注每行可能转换的Delphi 语句
我想问:要 TxtToBin 的目的是什么?
下面是我用 Delphi 来写的 TxtToBin 的程序。

Public Sub TxtToBin(strTxtFile as string, strBFile as string)
//    procedure TxtToBin(strTxtFile, strBFile: String);
Dim TxtFileName as string
Dim BFileName as string
Dim BFileNum as Integer
Dim TxtFileNum as Integer
Dim Bytes_Num as Double
Dim Bytes() as Byte
Dim FileContent as string
Dim ch as Integer
Dim i as Double
Dim j as Integer
Dim n as Integer
Dim recCount as Double
//  TxtFileName : String;
//  BFileName : String;
//  BFileNum : Integer;
//  TxtFileNum : Integer;
//  Bytes_Num : real;
//  Bytes() : Byte;
//  FileContent : String;
//  ch : Integer;
//  i : real;
//  j : Integer;
//  n : Integer;
//  recCount : real;

on Error goto ErrorMsg
// Application.OnException = ErrorMsg;

BFileName = strBFile
//BFileName := strBFile
  BFileNum = FreeFile
//BFileNum := FreeFile
  Open BFileName for Output as BFileNum
//AssignFile(F1, BFileName);
  TxtFileName = strTxtFile
  TxtFileNum = FreeFile
  Open TxtFileName for Binary as # TxtFileNum
//AssignFile(F2, TxtFileName);
//Rewrite(F2, 1);
  Bytes_Num = LOF(TxtFileNum)
//  Bytes_Num := F2.FileSize;
  ReDim Bytes(1 to Bytes_Num)
//var Bytes: Array[1..bytes_num] of byte;
  Get # TxtFileNum, , Bytes
//Readln(F2, Bytes[1],....);不怎么清楚
  Close TxtFileNum
//  CloseFile(F2);
  n = 0  //n := 0;
  i = 1
  recCount = Bytes_Num
  if recCount = 0 then recCount = 1
  do while i <= Bytes_Num
    FileContent = "00" & Format$(Hex$(&H20000 + i / 16), "@@@@@")& "010"
    for j = 0 to 15

    if i + j > Bytes_Num then
    FileContent = FileContent & "00"
      ch = Bytes(i + j)
      if ch = &H20 then
//      if ch = &H20 then
      n = n + 1
// N := N + 1
        ElseIf(n < 4 and ch <> &H20) then
//        Else If(n < 4 and ch <> &H20) then
        n = 0
//N := 0;
end if
  if (ch < 16 and ch > 0) then
//  if (ch < 16 and ch > 0) then
  FileContent = FileContent & 0 & Format$(Hex$(ch), "@")
//FileContent = FileContent + '0' + StrToHex(ch)
  FileContent = FileContent & Format$(Hex$(ch), "@@")
//FileContent = FileContent + StrToHex(ch)
end if
end if
Next j
  Print #BFileNum, FileContent
//  Writeln(F2, BFileNum);
  i = i + 16
//i := i + 16;
  Main.PBarMain.Value = Round(20 * i / recCount) + 45
//  Main.PBarMain.Value := Round(20 * i / recCount) + 45'
  Close BFileNum
  Exit Sub
end Sub[/ code]
procedure Txt2Bin(FName1, FName2: string);
F1: file;
F2: TextFile;
Buf: array[1..4096] of Byte;
I, N: integer;
S: string;
AssignFile(F1, FName1);
Reset(F1, 1);
AssignFile(F2, FName2);
BlockRead(F1, Buf[1], 4096, N);
S := '';
for i := 1 to n do begin
S := S + Format('#%s ', [IntToHex(Buf, 2)]);
Write(F2, S);
until N < 4096;

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
Txt2Bin('D:/符号文件.txt', 'D:/TEST.TXT');