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AstaClientDatasets can be set to Open a Server side cursor and
return RowsToReturn number of rows. In this way large queries
can be more efficiently fetched over latent lines. In order to
use this technique the ASTA server must be running in
PersistentSessions threading model which requires each remote
client to have their own Database Session. Although this
technique is useful, the AstaServer will not scale as well as
when it is run using the recommended Pooled Threading Model.
AstaClientDatasets can be set to Open a Server side cursor and
return RowsToReturn number of rows. In this way large queries
can be more efficiently fetched over latent lines. In order to
use this technique the ASTA server must be running in
PersistentSessions threading model which requires each remote
client to have their own Database Session. Although this
technique is useful, the AstaServer will not scale as well as
when it is run using the recommended Pooled Threading Model.