Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
以前装的是DELPHI7.0 不太稳定,今天改装了6.0。并且按照步骤安装了。如下
1. Install
2. When you first run it, you'll have to add a license. Use
Serial #: z9j8-pum4n-c6gzq
Key #: rw2-7jw
3. When asked to register, choose **Register By Phone**
4. then
use the Keygen found in the /crack directory on the
CD to generate a Activation Key.
但在COPY NEW 环节出现 error.1309.error reading from file:c:/delphi6/delphi6/programfiles/borland/delphi6/demos/corba/idl2pas/ejb...../.java verify that the file exits and you can access it的对话框 IGNORE也没用 序列号应该没错呀。 我用的是WIN2003。希望哪位高手指点一下,现在急用呢
IGNORE没用 还是出现那个对话框的。 我怀疑是注册信息没有删除,但我把注册表,和文件里有关DELPHI的信息都删了,还是那样。现在郁闷.........现在又把DELPHI7装上去了,想这样可能会可以装DELPHI6,但是没用,还是出现error.1309.........救急呀
1. Install
2. When you first run it, you'll have to add a license. Use
Serial #: z9j8-pum4n-c6gzq
Key #: rw2-7jw
3. When asked to register, choose **Register By Phone**
4. then
use the Keygen found in the /crack directory on the
CD to generate a Activation Key.
但在COPY NEW 环节出现 error.1309.error reading from file:c:/delphi6/delphi6/programfiles/borland/delphi6/demos/corba/idl2pas/ejb...../.java verify that the file exits and you can access it的对话框 IGNORE也没用 序列号应该没错呀。 我用的是WIN2003。希望哪位高手指点一下,现在急用呢
IGNORE没用 还是出现那个对话框的。 我怀疑是注册信息没有删除,但我把注册表,和文件里有关DELPHI的信息都删了,还是那样。现在郁闷.........现在又把DELPHI7装上去了,想这样可能会可以装DELPHI6,但是没用,还是出现error.1309.........救急呀