Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
regions, wavctrl, MediaLib, ExtCtrls, mediabtn, scheme, StdCtrls, Buttons,
EPButtons, VCLBase, EPLabels, EPCtrls, BmpCtrls, epHint;
错误信息:File not found:'regions.dcu'
我安装ExtraPack1.6,按照install.text :
You can install this components as you would any other component.
Just follow these steps:
Installation for Delphi
1. Deinstall and remove all files of trial version.
2. Run Delphi and select the FILE pull-down menu. Select OPEN item.
3. A standard file selection dialog will pop up. Select /source/*X.dpk for
Delphi X.
4. Click on the INSTALL button.
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
regions, wavctrl, MediaLib, ExtCtrls, mediabtn, scheme, StdCtrls, Buttons,
EPButtons, VCLBase, EPLabels, EPCtrls, BmpCtrls, epHint;
错误信息:File not found:'regions.dcu'
我安装ExtraPack1.6,按照install.text :
You can install this components as you would any other component.
Just follow these steps:
Installation for Delphi
1. Deinstall and remove all files of trial version.
2. Run Delphi and select the FILE pull-down menu. Select OPEN item.
3. A standard file selection dialog will pop up. Select /source/*X.dpk for
Delphi X.
4. Click on the INSTALL button.