I. Introduction
II. Manual installing of the FastReport packages
III. Recompiling FastReport Basic Edition and Standard Edition packages
IV. Recompiling FastReport Pro Edition and Enterprise Edition packages
I. Introduction
FastReport comes with precompiled *.dcu, *.bpl, *.dcp files. Installation
program puts the runtime packages to the system folder and installs other
packages into the Delphi. Youdo
n't need to install anything manually.
However, if you change FR sources, change the language resources, or have
another version of TeeChart, IBX or any standard Delphi components, you'll
need to recompile FR packages.
FastReport includes several packages, divided into runtime and design-time
parts. Design-time packages have 'dcl' prefix in the package name. Each
package has a number, corresponding to the Delphi version. For example,
dclfrx4.dpk is a design-time package for Delphi4. Here is a list of
runtime packages used by FastReport3 ('*' denotes a Delphi version):
fs*.dpk - FastScript, main package
fsDB*.dpk - FastScript, DB classes and controls
fsBDE*.dpk - FastScript, BDE components
fsADO*.dpk - FastScript, ADO components
fsIBX*.dpk - FastScript, IBX components
frx*.dpk - FastReport, main package
frxDB*.dpk - FastReport, TDataSet wrapper (TfrxDBDataSet)
frxIBO*.dpk - FastReport, IB_Objects wrapper (TfrxIBODataSet)
frxBDE*.dpk - FastReport, end-user BDE components
frxADO*.dpk - FastReport, end-user ADO components
frxIBX*.dpk - FastReport, end-user IBX components
frxDBX*.dpk - FastReport, end-user DBX components
frxe*.dpk - FastReport, export filters
Design-time packages are:
II. Manual installing of the FastReport packages
Perform the following steps if you want to install FastReport packages
Step 1. Copy runtime packages to System folder
- close Delphi
- copy /Lib/fs*.bpl file (* = your Delphi version) to Windows/System32
(Windows/System for Windows 95/98/ME)
- copy /Lib/fsDB*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/fsBDE*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/fsADO*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/fsIBX*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frx*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxDB*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxBDE*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxADO*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxIBX*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxDBX*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxe*.bpl file to Windows/System32
Step 2. Install packages
- in the Delphi IDE, select "Component|Install Packages..."
menu item
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfs*.bpl file (* = your Delphi version)
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfsDB*.bpl file
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfsBDE*.bpl file
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfsADO*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfsIBX*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfrx*.bpl file
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfrxDB*.bpl file
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfrxBDE*.bpl file
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfrxADO*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfrxIBX*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfrxDBX*.bpl file (D6+)
- press "Add..."
button and select /Lib/dclfrxe*.bpl file
Step 3. Add paths to library path
- in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..."
menu item
- go "Library"
tab, "Library path"
edit box
- add path to "FastReport 3/Lib"
III. Recompiling FastReport Basic Edition and Standard Edition packages
Perform the following steps if you want to recompile FastReport packages.
Step 0 (for FastReport Basic Edition only)
- open the FastReport 3/Lib/frxReg.inc file and uncomment the following line:
Step 1. Add paths to library path
1.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..."
1.2. go "Library"
tab, "Library path"
edit box
1.3. add path to FastReport 3/Lib folder
Step 2. Compile runtime packages
2.1. repeat the 2.2-2.4 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 3/Lib/fs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 3/Lib/fsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/fsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/fsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/fsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/frx*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/frxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/frxADO*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/frxBDE*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/frxIBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/frxDBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/frxe*.dpk
2.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..."
menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)"
as a file type)
2.3. press the "Compile"
2.4. close the "Package"
Step 3. Copy runtime packages to system folder
3.1. copy the following files from the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder
to the Windows/System32 folder (or Windows/System for Win9x/Me):
- fs*.bpl (* = your delphi version)
- fsDB*.bpl
- fsBDE*.bpl
- fsADO*.bpl
- fsIBX*.bpl
- frx*.bpl
- frxDB*.bpl
- frxADO*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxBDE*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxIBX*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxDBX*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxe*.bpl
3.2. note for Delphi4 users: *.bpl files are sitting in the FastReport 3/Lib
folder, not in the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder
Step 4. Compile and install design-time packages
4.1. repeat the 4.2-4.5 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfrx*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfrxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfrxADO*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfrxBDE*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfrxIBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfrxDBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 3/Lib/dclfrxe*.dpk
4.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..."
menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)"
as a file type)
4.3. press the "Compile"
4.4. press the "Install"
4.5. close the "Package"
dialog, answer "NO"
when Delphi asks to save changes!
IV. Recompiling FastReport Pro Edition and Enterprise Edition packages
Perform the following steps if you have changed FastReport sources
and want to recompile them.
Step 1. Remove old binary files
1.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..."
1.2. go "Library"
tab, "Library path"
edit box
1.3. remove path to FastReport 3/Lib folder
Step 2. Add paths to library path
2.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..."
2.2. go "Library"
tab, "Library path"
edit box
2.3. add path to FastReport 3/FastScript, FastReport 3/Source,
FastReport 3/Source/BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 3/Source/ExportPack
Step 3. Compile runtime packages
3.1. repeat the 3.2-3.4 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 3/FastScript/fs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 3/FastScript/fsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/FastScript/fsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 3/FastScript/fsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 3/FastScript/fsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/frx*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/frxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/ADO/frxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/BDE/frxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/IBX/frxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/DBX/frxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/ExportPack/frxe*.dpk
3.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..."
menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)"
as a file type)
3.3. press the "Compile"
3.4. close the "Package"
Step 4. Copy runtime packages to system folder
4.1. copy the following files from the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder
to the Windows/System32 folder (or Windows/System for Win9x/Me):
- fs*.bpl (* = your delphi version)
- fsDB*.bpl
- fsBDE*.bpl
- fsADO*.bpl
- fsIBX*.bpl
- frx*.bpl
- frxDB*.bpl
- frxADO*.bpl
- frxBDE*.bpl
- frxIBX*.bpl
- frxDBX*.bpl
- frxe*.bpl
4.2. note for Delphi4 users: *.bpl files are sitting in the source folders,
not in the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder:
FastReport 3/FastScript, FastReport 3/Source,
FastReport 3/Source/BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 3/Source/ExportPack
Step 5. Compile and install design-time packages
5.1. repeat the 5.2-5.5 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 3/FastScript/dclfs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 3/FastScript/dclfsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/FastScript/dclfsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 3/FastScript/dclfsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 3/FastScript/dclfsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/dclfrx*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/dclfrxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/ADO/dclfrxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/BDE/dclfrxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/IBX/dclfrxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/DBX/dclfrxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 3/Source/ExportPack/dclfrxe*.dpk
5.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..."
menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)"
as a file type)
5.3. press the "Compile"
5.4. press the "Install"
5.5. close the "Package"
dialog, answer "NO"
when Delphi asks to save changes!