可以改,但是只能以 reintroduce 的形式,也就是说,两个属性已经不同了。如果以 property override 的形式,那么应该是不能改类型。
详见 Object Pascal Reference:
<!> Property overrides and redeclarations
A property declaration that doesn't specify a type is called a property override. Property overrides allow you to change a property's inherited visibility or specifiers. The simplest override consists only of the reserved word property followed by an inherited property identifier; this form is used to change a property's visibility. For example, if an ancestor class declares a property as protected, a derived class can redeclare it in a public or published section of the class. Property overrides can include read, write, stored, default, and nodefault directives; any such directive overrides the corresponding inherited directive. An override can replace an inherited access specifier, add a missing specifier, or increase a property's visibility, but it cannot remove an access specifier or decrease a property's visibility. An override can include an implements directive, which adds to the list of implemented interfaces without removing inherited ones.
The following declarations illustrate the use of property overrides.
TAncestor = class
property Size: Integer read FSize;
property Text: string read GetText write SetText;
property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor stored False;
TDerived = class(TAncestor) {注意,如果是property override则不能为property增加类型标识}
property Size write SetSize; {增加写方法,但保存read方法}
property Text; {提升Text的访问范围}
property Color stored True default clBlue; {改写保存属性,增加缺省值}
The override of Size adds a write specifier to allow the property to be modified. The overrides of Text and Color change the visibility of the properties from protected to published. The property override of Color also specifies that the property should be filed if its value isn't clBlue.
A redeclaration of a property that includes a type identifier hides the inherited property rather than overriding it. This means that a new property is created with the same name as the inherited one. Any property declaration that specifies a type must be a complete declaration, and must therefore include at least one access specifier.
Whether a property is hidden or overridden in a derived class, property look-up is always static. That is, the declared (compile-time) type of the variable used to identify an object determines the interpretation of its property identifiers. Hence, after the following code executes, reading or assigning a value to MyObject.Value invokes Method1 or Method2, even though MyObject holds an instance of TDescendant. But you can cast MyObject to TDescendant to access the descendant class's properties and their access specifiers.
TAncestor = class
property Value: Integer read Method1 write Method2;
TDescendant = class(TAncestor)
property Value: Integer read Method3 write Method4;
var MyObject: TAncestor;
MyObject := TDescendant.Create;