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GUEST, unregistred user!
[Warning] Main.pas(161): Unsafe type 'TFNWndProc'
[Warning] Main.pas(188): Unsafe type 'Wproc: Pointer'
[Warning] Main.pas(227): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Warning] Main.pas(238): Unsafe type 'PChar'
[Warning] Main.pas(240): Unsafe type 'PChar'
[Warning] Main.pas(284): Unsafe type 'Wproc: Pointer'
[Warning] Main.pas(284): Unsafe type 'TFNWndProc'
[Warning] Main.pas(284): Unsafe code '@ operator'
[Warning] Main.pas(294): Unsafe code '@ operator'
[Warning] Main.pas(303): Unsafe type 'Wproc: Pointer'
[Warning] Main.pas(599): Unsafe code 'String index to var param'
[Warning] Main.pas(161): Unsafe type 'TFNWndProc'
[Warning] Main.pas(188): Unsafe type 'Wproc: Pointer'
[Warning] Main.pas(227): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Warning] Main.pas(238): Unsafe type 'PChar'
[Warning] Main.pas(240): Unsafe type 'PChar'
[Warning] Main.pas(284): Unsafe type 'Wproc: Pointer'
[Warning] Main.pas(284): Unsafe type 'TFNWndProc'
[Warning] Main.pas(284): Unsafe code '@ operator'
[Warning] Main.pas(294): Unsafe code '@ operator'
[Warning] Main.pas(303): Unsafe type 'Wproc: Pointer'
[Warning] Main.pas(599): Unsafe code 'String index to var param'