to o*o:<br>我上微软的当了!!!不过我仍想问一问能不能在程序中达到这种效果!即将我的窗口的<br>类型设为系统模式窗口,所有程序停止运行直到我的程序结束或者释放控制权?<br>我查看过MSDN,有关于setsysmodalwindow和lockinput的描述,但是我找不到它的函数<br>原型(在SDK的帮助中),而且MSDN中说是只有在win3.x中使用的。我想问一下,它在哪儿,<br>如何调用它??<br>请大侠帮忙!!!!!
If you want only run under Win9X , you can use Win16Mutex .<br><br>It need not simulate ScreenSaver or others.<br><br>But it doesn't work under Windows NT , because there's no Win16Mutex .
to hustmouse:<br>where is Win16Mutex ?<br>to 温柔一刀:<br>那个网站我已经去过了,却不知其所以然?有没有这样的函数将窗口的类型设置为系统模<br>态的?因为我注意到这样的现象,当windows me非正常关闭时将出现一个扫描磁盘的界面<br>直到这个界面消失后windows才会象往常一样按顺序加载各种自启动程序!还有windows的<br>登录窗口,也是这样!
是不是要这个效果:<br>int MessageBox(<br> HWND hWnd, // handle of owner window<br> LPCTSTR lpText, // address of text in message box<br> LPCTSTR lpCaption, // address of title of message box <br> UINT uType // style of message box<br> <br><br>Parameters<br>uType<br><br>MB_SYSTEMMODAL<br> Same as MB_APPLMODAL except that the message box has the WS_EX_TOPMOST <br> style. Use system-modal message boxes to notify the user of serious, <br> potentially damaging errors that require immediate attention (for example, <br> running out of memory). This flag has no effect on the user's ability to <br> interact with windows other than those associated with hWnd.<br><br>比如:<br> MessageBox(Application.Handle, 'System Modal Dialog',<br> 'Message', MB_OK or MB_SYSTEMMODAL or MB_ICONSTOP);