TVideo 2.3
Thanks to all who reported errors and/or give me new suggestions for this component.
The component works with Delphi 3,4,5.
All demos are written with Delphi 5. So user of a earlier version of Delphi get errors/warnings when they open
the projekt files. Ignore all errors, the demos will work.
In Version 2.2 are three Demos, one is a Capturing tool, the oher demonstate the
usage of the OnVideoStreamEvent and the Information you can get with the BitmapInfo ,
the third demo shows the usage of the undocumented TVideoDisp component and the usage of the
Funktions FrameToBitmap and BitmapToFrame.
In Version 2.3 a new demo is added witch shows the Single Frame Functions.
In the unit vfw are now functions for the Video Compression Manager. These funktions are not used in the components,
but you can use it in your own applications. For a desciption of Video for Windows look at:
If you have questions mail to: huebler@fbm.fh-weingarten.de
Delphi 2:
Install the units vfw.pas, drvedit.pas, videocap.pas and videodisp.pas
(Component is not tested with D2, perhaps it works)
Delphi 3:
Install videocap3.dpk
Delphi 4:
Install videocap4.dpk
Delphi 5:
Install the videocap5.dpk
If you use an earlyer Versions of TVideo, deinstall first !
J. Huebler
e-mail: huebler@fbm.fh-weingarten.de