If you want to deploy BDE runtime with your WISE installations, follow
the steps below.
1) After you make sure you have the version of BDE (if
necessary), make sure that the Borland Administrator (BDEADMIN.exe) can
properly initialize the Borland Database Engine, and check that your
alias information is intact.
2) Open your Wise.ini file (located in the Windows root directory) and
make sure that the item, IdapiDLL32Path, is set to the value specified
in the Windows registry key
3) Verify that the Idapi32.dll, which you can find at the path shown in
the registry entry above, is version
4) Open your Wise Installation System (version 7.03/7.04B), and open
the script that you will use to install the BDE on your client's
5) Go to the Compiler Variables page in the Installation Expert, and
make sure that the compiler variable _BDEWIN32DIR_ is set to the
location of the BDE installation on your computer as specified in the
Windows registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Borland/Database
6) Go to the BDE Configurations page and select one of the BDE complete
installation options.
7) You can now include complete installations of BDE in the
installations you create with Wise.