Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
(select c.ym,c.pos,c.mat_no,c.qty,c.l_qty,b.qty AS qty2, b.l_qty AS l_qty2 form inventory) c inner join (select * from [].cnwhacc.dbo.inventory where c.ym='2003/12' and c.pos between 'A1' and 'A1' and c.mat_no='') b
on c.ym=b.ym and c.pos=b.pos and c.mat_no=b.mat_no where c.ym='2003/12' and c.pos between 'A1' and 'A1' and mat_no=''
and (c.qty<>b.qty or c.l_qty<>b.l_qty)
on c.ym=b.ym and c.pos=b.pos and c.mat_no=b.mat_no where c.ym='2003/12' and c.pos between 'A1' and 'A1' and mat_no=''
and (c.qty<>b.qty or c.l_qty<>b.l_qty)