Arithmetic functions
Int(<value>). Returns the whole part of the number <value>.
Frac(<value>). Returns the fractional part of the number <value>.
Round(<value>). Returns rounded number.
value1 Mod value2. Returns the remainder resulting from dividing <value1> by <value2>.
MinNum(<value1>, <value2>). Returns the smaller of the two values.
MaxNum(<value1>, <value2>). Return the greater of the two values.
String functions
Str(<value>). Converts number given in value to a string.
Copy(<string>, <from>, <count>). Returns a substring of <string> with length <count> characters , starting at <from>, (same as Delphi function).
If(<expression>, <string1>, <string2>). Returns string <string1>, if expression expression is true;
otherwise returns <string2>.
FormatFloat(<formatstr>, <value>). Converts a numericaly significant value in string, making use of the mask in formatstr. The possible values of <formatstr> are described in the Delphido
cumentation’s, “Formatting strings” topic.
FormatDateTime(<formatstr>, <value>). Converts a date/time value to a string, making use of the mask in <formatstr>. The possible values of <formatstr> are as described in the Delphido
cumentation’s, “Formatting strings” topic.
StrToDate(<value>). Converts the string <value> to a date.
StrToTime(<value>). Converts the string <value> to a time.
UpperCase(<value>). Converts the string <value> to all upper case.
LowerCase(<value>). Converts the string <value> to all lower case.
NameCase(<value>). Converts the first character of string <value> to upper case and the remaining characters to lower case.
Length(<string>). Returns the length of <string>.
Trim(<string>). Trims (removes) all spaces at the begin
ning and end of <string> and returns the result.
Pos(<substring>, <string>). Returns the position of <substring> in the given <string>.