Error Codes
WSANOTINITIALISED A successful WSAStartup must occur before using this function.
//好象是socket2 的dll调用没有正确初始化!
WSAENETDOWN The network subsystem has failed.
(不太明白了!socket2 的dll调用没有正确初始化,不就是本地网络配置的问题吗?)
WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND Authoritative Answer Host not found.
WSATRY_AGAIN Non-Authoritative Host not found, or server failure.
WSANO_RECOVERY Nonrecoverable error occurred.
WSANO_DATA Valid name, no data record of requested type.
WSAEINPROGRESS A blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress, or the service provider is still processing a callback function.
WSAEFAULT The name argument is not a valid part of the user address space.
WSAEINTR The (blocking) call was canceled through WSACancelBlockingCall.