J jsongy Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2003-11-23 #1 1、字符s,字符数组Array1,判断Array1中是否有s 1、数字a,数值数组Array2,判断Array2中是否有a
F forall Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2003-11-23 #2 for i:=0 to (n-1) if 's' in array1 then begin showmessage("zhaodaole"): exit; end;
W weichao9999 Unregistered / Unconfirmed GUEST, unregistred user! 2003-11-23 #5 for i:=low(array1) to high(array1) do begin if array1='s' then showmessage('Yes,position: '+inttostr(i)) esle showmessage('No'); end; for i:=low(array2) to high(array2) do begin if array2=a then showmessage('Yes,position: '+inttostr(i)) esle showmessage('No'); end;
for i:=low(array1) to high(array1) do begin if array1='s' then showmessage('Yes,position: '+inttostr(i)) esle showmessage('No'); end; for i:=low(array2) to high(array2) do begin if array2=a then showmessage('Yes,position: '+inttostr(i)) esle showmessage('No'); end;