50 如何编写一个和NETSTAT一样功能的WINDOWS程序?(50分)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 jingzux
  • 开始时间 开始时间


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
GUEST, unregistred user!
winexec('netstar',0);// :-)
// Netstatp
// Copyright (C) 1998 Mark Russinovich
// Systems Internals
// http://www.sysinternals.com
// This program implements a subset of the Netstat program's
// functionality. Specifically, it enumerates and displays
// information about all UDP and TCP endpoints.
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "snmp.h"
#include "winsock.h"

#define HOSTNAMELEN 256
#define PORTNAMELEN 256

typedef struct _tcpinfo {
struct _tcpinfo *prev;
struct _tcpinfo *next;
UINT state;
UINT localip;
UINT localport;
UINT remoteip;
UINT remoteport;

BOOL (__stdcall *SnmpExtensionInit)(
IN DWORD dwTimeZeroReference,
OUT HANDLE *hPollForTrapEvent,
OUT AsnObjectIdentifier *supportedView);

BOOL (__stdcall *SnmpExtensionQuery)(
IN BYTE requestType,
IN OUT RFC1157VarBindList *variableBindings,
OUT AsnInteger *errorStatus,
OUT AsnInteger *errorIndex);

// Possible TCP endpoint states
static char TcpState[][32] = {

// Lists of endpoints
TCPINFO TcpInfoTable;
TCPINFO UdpInfoTable;

// GetPortName
// Translate port numbers into their text equivalent if
// there is one
char *GetPortName( UINT port, char *proto, char *name, int namelen )
struct servent *psrvent;

if( psrvent = getservbyport( htons( (USHORT) port ), proto )) {

strcpy( name, psrvent->s_name );

} else {

sprintf(name, "%d", port);

return name;

// GetIpHostName
// Translate IP addresses into their name-resolved form
// if possible.
char *GetIpHostName( BOOL local, UINT ipaddr, char *name, int namelen )
struct hostent *phostent;
UINT nipaddr;

nipaddr = htonl( ipaddr );
if( !ipaddr ) {

if( !local ) {

sprintf( name, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
(nipaddr >> 24) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 8) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr) & 0xFF);

} else {

gethostname(name, namelen);

} else if( ipaddr == 0x0100007f ) {

if( local ) {

gethostname(name, namelen);
} else {

strcpy( name, "localhost" );

} else if( phostent = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &ipaddr,
sizeof( nipaddr ), PF_INET )) {

strcpy( name, phostent->h_name );

} else {

sprintf( name, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
(nipaddr >> 24) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 8) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr) & 0xFF);
return name;

// LoadInetMibEntryPoints
// Load the TCP/IP SNMP extension DLL and locate the entry
// points we will use.
BOOLEAN LoadInetMibEntryPoints()

if( !(hInetLib = LoadLibrary( "inetmib1.dll" ))) {

return FALSE;

if( !(SnmpExtensionInit = (void *) GetProcAddress( hInetLib,
"SnmpExtensionInit" )) ) {

return FALSE;

if( !(SnmpExtensionQuery = (void *) GetProcAddress( hInetLib,
"SnmpExtensionQuery" )) ) {

return FALSE;

return TRUE;

// Main
// Do it all. Load and initialize the SNMP extension DLL and
// then build a table of TCP endpoints and UDP endpoints. After
// each table is built resolve addresses to names and print
// out the information
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
HANDLE hTrapEvent;
AsnObjectIdentifier hIdentifier;
RFC1157VarBindList bindList;
RFC1157VarBind bindEntry;
UINT tcpidentifiers[] = { 1,3,6,1,2,1,6,13,1,1};
UINT udpidentifiers[] = { 1,3,6,1,2,1,7,5,1,1};
AsnInteger errorStatus, errorIndex;
TCPINFO *currentEntry, *newEntry;
UINT currentIndex;
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
char localname[HOSTNAMELEN], remotename[HOSTNAMELEN];
char remoteport[PORTNAMELEN], localport[PORTNAMELEN];
char localaddr[ADDRESSLEN], remoteaddr[ADDRESSLEN];

// Initialize winsock
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );
if( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) ) {

printf("Could not initialize Winsock./n");
return 1;

// Locate and initialize INETMIB1
if( !LoadInetMibEntryPoints()) {

printf("Could not load extension DLL./n");
return 1;

if( !SnmpExtensionInit( GetCurrentTime(), &hTrapEvent, &hIdentifier )) {

printf("Could not initialize extension DLL./n");
return 1;

// Initialize the query structure once
bindEntry.name.idLength = 0xA;
bindEntry.name.ids = tcpidentifiers;
bindList.list = &bindEntry;
bindList.len = 1;

TcpInfoTable.prev = &TcpInfoTable;
TcpInfoTable.next = &TcpInfoTable;

// Roll through TCP connections
currentIndex = 1;
currentEntry = &TcpInfoTable;
while(1) {

if( !SnmpExtensionQuery( ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST,
&bindList, &errorStatus, &errorIndex )) {

return 1;

// Terminate when we're no longer seeing TCP information
if( bindEntry.name.idLength < 0xA ) break;

// Go back to start of table if we're reading info
// about the next byte
if( currentIndex != bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

currentEntry = TcpInfoTable.next;
currentIndex = bindEntry.name.ids[9];

// Build our TCP information table
switch( bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

case 1:

// Always allocate a new structure
newEntry = (TCPINFO *) malloc( sizeof(TCPINFO ));
newEntry->prev = currentEntry;
newEntry->next = &TcpInfoTable;
currentEntry->next = newEntry;
currentEntry = newEntry;

currentEntry->state = bindEntry.value.asnValue.number;

case 2:

currentEntry->localip =
*(UINT *) bindEntry.value.asnValue.address.stream;
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

case 3:

currentEntry->localport =
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

case 4:

currentEntry->remoteip =
*(UINT *) bindEntry.value.asnValue.address.stream;
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

case 5:

currentEntry->remoteport =
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;


// Now print the connection information
printf("%7s %-30s %-30s %s/n", "Proto", "Local", "Remote", "State" );
currentEntry = TcpInfoTable.next;
while( currentEntry != &TcpInfoTable ) {

sprintf( localaddr, "%s:%s",
GetIpHostName( TRUE, currentEntry->localip, localname, HOSTNAMELEN),
GetPortName( currentEntry->localport, "tcp", localport, PORTNAMELEN ));

sprintf( remoteaddr, "%s:%s",
GetIpHostName( FALSE, currentEntry->remoteip, remotename, HOSTNAMELEN),
currentEntry->remoteip ?
GetPortName( currentEntry->remoteport, "tcp", remoteport, PORTNAMELEN ):
"0" );

printf("%7s %-30s %-30s %s/n", "TCP",
localaddr, remoteaddr,

currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

// Initialize the query structure once
bindEntry.name.idLength = 0xA;
bindEntry.name.ids = udpidentifiers;
bindList.list = &bindEntry;
bindList.len = 1;

UdpInfoTable.prev = &UdpInfoTable;
UdpInfoTable.next = &UdpInfoTable;

// Roll through UDP endpoints
currentIndex = 1;
currentEntry = &UdpInfoTable;
while(1) {

if( !SnmpExtensionQuery( ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST,
&bindList, &errorStatus, &errorIndex )) {

return 1;

// Terminate when we're no longer seeing TCP information
if( bindEntry.name.idLength < 0xA ) break;

// Go back to start of table if we're reading info
// about the next byte
if( currentIndex != bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

currentEntry = UdpInfoTable.next;
currentIndex = bindEntry.name.ids[9];

// Build our TCP information table
switch( bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

case 1:

// Always allocate a new structure
newEntry = (TCPINFO *) malloc( sizeof(TCPINFO ));
newEntry->prev = currentEntry;
newEntry->next = &UdpInfoTable;
currentEntry->next = newEntry;
currentEntry = newEntry;

currentEntry->localip =
*(UINT *) bindEntry.value.asnValue.address.stream;

case 2:

currentEntry->localport =
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

// Now print the connection information
currentEntry = UdpInfoTable.next;
while( currentEntry != &UdpInfoTable ) {

printf("%7s %s:%s/n", "UDP",
GetIpHostName( TRUE, currentEntry->localip, localname, HOSTNAMELEN),
GetPortName( currentEntry->localport, "udp", localport, PORTNAMELEN ) );

currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

// Netstatp
// Copyright (C) 1998 Mark Russinovich
// Systems Internals
// http://www.sysinternals.com
// This program implements a subset of the Netstat program's
// functionality. Specifically, it enumerates and displays
// information about all UDP and TCP endpoints.
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "snmp.h"
#include "winsock.h"

#define HOSTNAMELEN 256
#define PORTNAMELEN 256

typedef struct _tcpinfo {
struct _tcpinfo *prev;
struct _tcpinfo *next;
UINT state;
UINT localip;
UINT localport;
UINT remoteip;
UINT remoteport;

BOOL (__stdcall *SnmpExtensionInit)(
IN DWORD dwTimeZeroReference,
OUT HANDLE *hPollForTrapEvent,
OUT AsnObjectIdentifier *supportedView);

BOOL (__stdcall *SnmpExtensionQuery)(
IN BYTE requestType,
IN OUT RFC1157VarBindList *variableBindings,
OUT AsnInteger *errorStatus,
OUT AsnInteger *errorIndex);

// Possible TCP endpoint states
static char TcpState[][32] = {

// Lists of endpoints
TCPINFO TcpInfoTable;
TCPINFO UdpInfoTable;

// GetPortName
// Translate port numbers into their text equivalent if
// there is one
char *GetPortName( UINT port, char *proto, char *name, int namelen )
struct servent *psrvent;

if( psrvent = getservbyport( htons( (USHORT) port ), proto )) {

strcpy( name, psrvent->s_name );

} else {

sprintf(name, "%d", port);

return name;

// GetIpHostName
// Translate IP addresses into their name-resolved form
// if possible.
char *GetIpHostName( BOOL local, UINT ipaddr, char *name, int namelen )
struct hostent *phostent;
UINT nipaddr;

nipaddr = htonl( ipaddr );
if( !ipaddr ) {

if( !local ) {

sprintf( name, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
(nipaddr >> 24) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 8) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr) & 0xFF);

} else {

gethostname(name, namelen);

} else if( ipaddr == 0x0100007f ) {

if( local ) {

gethostname(name, namelen);
} else {

strcpy( name, "localhost" );

} else if( phostent = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &ipaddr,
sizeof( nipaddr ), PF_INET )) {

strcpy( name, phostent->h_name );

} else {

sprintf( name, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
(nipaddr >> 24) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr >> 8) & 0xFF,
(nipaddr) & 0xFF);
return name;

// LoadInetMibEntryPoints
// Load the TCP/IP SNMP extension DLL and locate the entry
// points we will use.
BOOLEAN LoadInetMibEntryPoints()

if( !(hInetLib = LoadLibrary( "inetmib1.dll" ))) {

return FALSE;

if( !(SnmpExtensionInit = (void *) GetProcAddress( hInetLib,
"SnmpExtensionInit" )) ) {

return FALSE;

if( !(SnmpExtensionQuery = (void *) GetProcAddress( hInetLib,
"SnmpExtensionQuery" )) ) {

return FALSE;

return TRUE;

// Main
// Do it all. Load and initialize the SNMP extension DLL and
// then build a table of TCP endpoints and UDP endpoints. After
// each table is built resolve addresses to names and print
// out the information
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
HANDLE hTrapEvent;
AsnObjectIdentifier hIdentifier;
RFC1157VarBindList bindList;
RFC1157VarBind bindEntry;
UINT tcpidentifiers[] = { 1,3,6,1,2,1,6,13,1,1};
UINT udpidentifiers[] = { 1,3,6,1,2,1,7,5,1,1};
AsnInteger errorStatus, errorIndex;
TCPINFO *currentEntry, *newEntry;
UINT currentIndex;
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
char localname[HOSTNAMELEN], remotename[HOSTNAMELEN];
char remoteport[PORTNAMELEN], localport[PORTNAMELEN];
char localaddr[ADDRESSLEN], remoteaddr[ADDRESSLEN];

// Initialize winsock
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );
if( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) ) {

printf("Could not initialize Winsock./n");
return 1;

// Locate and initialize INETMIB1
if( !LoadInetMibEntryPoints()) {

printf("Could not load extension DLL./n");
return 1;

if( !SnmpExtensionInit( GetCurrentTime(), &hTrapEvent, &hIdentifier )) {

printf("Could not initialize extension DLL./n");
return 1;

// Initialize the query structure once
bindEntry.name.idLength = 0xA;
bindEntry.name.ids = tcpidentifiers;
bindList.list = &bindEntry;
bindList.len = 1;

TcpInfoTable.prev = &TcpInfoTable;
TcpInfoTable.next = &TcpInfoTable;

// Roll through TCP connections
currentIndex = 1;
currentEntry = &TcpInfoTable;
while(1) {

if( !SnmpExtensionQuery( ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST,
&bindList, &errorStatus, &errorIndex )) {

return 1;

// Terminate when we're no longer seeing TCP information
if( bindEntry.name.idLength < 0xA ) break;

// Go back to start of table if we're reading info
// about the next byte
if( currentIndex != bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

currentEntry = TcpInfoTable.next;
currentIndex = bindEntry.name.ids[9];

// Build our TCP information table
switch( bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

case 1:

// Always allocate a new structure
newEntry = (TCPINFO *) malloc( sizeof(TCPINFO ));
newEntry->prev = currentEntry;
newEntry->next = &TcpInfoTable;
currentEntry->next = newEntry;
currentEntry = newEntry;

currentEntry->state = bindEntry.value.asnValue.number;

case 2:

currentEntry->localip =
*(UINT *) bindEntry.value.asnValue.address.stream;
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

case 3:

currentEntry->localport =
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

case 4:

currentEntry->remoteip =
*(UINT *) bindEntry.value.asnValue.address.stream;
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

case 5:

currentEntry->remoteport =
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;


// Now print the connection information
printf("%7s %-30s %-30s %s/n", "Proto", "Local", "Remote", "State" );
currentEntry = TcpInfoTable.next;
while( currentEntry != &TcpInfoTable ) {

sprintf( localaddr, "%s:%s",
GetIpHostName( TRUE, currentEntry->localip, localname, HOSTNAMELEN),
GetPortName( currentEntry->localport, "tcp", localport, PORTNAMELEN ));

sprintf( remoteaddr, "%s:%s",
GetIpHostName( FALSE, currentEntry->remoteip, remotename, HOSTNAMELEN),
currentEntry->remoteip ?
GetPortName( currentEntry->remoteport, "tcp", remoteport, PORTNAMELEN ):
"0" );

printf("%7s %-30s %-30s %s/n", "TCP",
localaddr, remoteaddr,

currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

// Initialize the query structure once
bindEntry.name.idLength = 0xA;
bindEntry.name.ids = udpidentifiers;
bindList.list = &bindEntry;
bindList.len = 1;

UdpInfoTable.prev = &UdpInfoTable;
UdpInfoTable.next = &UdpInfoTable;

// Roll through UDP endpoints
currentIndex = 1;
currentEntry = &UdpInfoTable;
while(1) {

if( !SnmpExtensionQuery( ASN_RFC1157_GETNEXTREQUEST,
&bindList, &errorStatus, &errorIndex )) {

return 1;

// Terminate when we're no longer seeing TCP information
if( bindEntry.name.idLength < 0xA ) break;

// Go back to start of table if we're reading info
// about the next byte
if( currentIndex != bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

currentEntry = UdpInfoTable.next;
currentIndex = bindEntry.name.ids[9];

// Build our TCP information table
switch( bindEntry.name.ids[9] ) {

case 1:

// Always allocate a new structure
newEntry = (TCPINFO *) malloc( sizeof(TCPINFO ));
newEntry->prev = currentEntry;
newEntry->next = &UdpInfoTable;
currentEntry->next = newEntry;
currentEntry = newEntry;

currentEntry->localip =
*(UINT *) bindEntry.value.asnValue.address.stream;

case 2:

currentEntry->localport =
currentEntry = currentEntry->next;

// Now print the connection information
currentEntry = UdpInfoTable.next;
while( currentEntry != &UdpInfoTable ) {

printf("%7s %s:%s/n", "UDP",
GetIpHostName( TRUE, currentEntry->localip, localname, HOSTNAMELEN),
GetPortName( currentEntry->localport, "udp", localport, PORTNAMELEN ) );

currentEntry = currentEntry->next;