CN_Notify is one of the Control Notification Messages.
CN_Notify message is sent to a Windows common control in response to a WM_Notify
message. Windows send the WM_Notify message to the owner of a common control to
inform it of an event in the control. The NmHdr field points to a TNmHdr recourd,
which contains the notification code. Delphi handles the events that gave rise
to the common control notifications, so the default response to the CN_Notify
message is to do nothing, and there is little reason to handle this message your
The message type is TWMNotify.
TWMNotify = packed record
Msg: Cardinal;
IDCtrl: Longint;
NMHdr: PNMHdr;
Result: Longint;
PNMHdr = ^TNMHdr;
tagNMHDR = packed record
hwndFrom: HWND;
idFrom: UINT;
code: Integer; { NM_ code }
TNMHdr = tagNMHDR;