Converts a TDateTime value to a string.
datetime routines
Delphi syntax:
function DateToStr(Date: TDateTime): string; overload;
function DateToStr(const DateTime: TDateTime; const FormatSettings: TFormatSettings): string; overload;
C++ syntax:
extern PACKAGE AnsiString __fastcall DateToStr(const System::TDateTime DateTime);
extern PACKAGE AnsiString __fastcall DateToStr(const System::TDateTime DateTime, const TFormatSettings FormatSettings);
Use DateToStr to obtain a string representation of a date value that can be used for display purposes.
The first form of DateToStr is not thread-safe, because it uses localization information contained in global variables. The second form of DateToStr, which is thread-safe, refers to localization information contained in the FormatSettings parameter. Before calling the thread-safe form of DateToStr, you must populate FormatSettings with localization information. To populate FormatSettings with a set of default locale values, call GetLocaleFormatSettings.