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Some features FastReport 3.0:
- Rewritten class architecture.
- Text or binary .frf and .frp formats (like Delphi dfm).
- Able to store reports in xml format.
- Precise object/'s coordinates and sizes.
- Full WYSIWYG (now for text too).
- New object - diagonal line.
- New fill types.
- Text angle 0..360 degrees.
- Paragraph gap.
- Object/'s properties ParentFont, Printable.
- Improved stretching (StretchMode, ShiftMode properties).
- Group and Data-band properties - KeepTogether, KeepFooter.
- Band property KeepChild, HideIfEmpty.
- Access to DB fields via TfrDBDataSet. TfrIBODataSet for IB_Objects.
- Report inheritance.
- One script in report (like unit in Delphi).
- New event handlers.
- New features (try/except, case etc.)
- Improved performance.
- New architecture.
- Improved interface, ability todo
ck tool windows.
- Improved Object Inspector.
- Zooming.
- In-place editing.
- Better line drawing.
- Better bands handling.
- Better DB-field selection.
- Grid: mm, inches, custom.
- Planned to use designer for text reports (fordo
t matrix printers).
- Left/Right margins.
- Wizard for base type reports.
- Copy objects to Windows clipboard.
- Full Undo/Redo.
Global Data Dictionary:
- Assign aliases for all tables/fields in a DB.
- Improved interface.
- In-place editing.
- OnMouseOverObject, OnObjectClick can be handled in a script.
Add-in objects:
- Now add own object is much easier.
- Rewritten class architecture.
- Text or binary .frf and .frp formats (like Delphi dfm).
- Able to store reports in xml format.
- Precise object/'s coordinates and sizes.
- Full WYSIWYG (now for text too).
- New object - diagonal line.
- New fill types.
- Text angle 0..360 degrees.
- Paragraph gap.
- Object/'s properties ParentFont, Printable.
- Improved stretching (StretchMode, ShiftMode properties).
- Group and Data-band properties - KeepTogether, KeepFooter.
- Band property KeepChild, HideIfEmpty.
- Access to DB fields via TfrDBDataSet. TfrIBODataSet for IB_Objects.
- Report inheritance.
- One script in report (like unit in Delphi).
- New event handlers.
- New features (try/except, case etc.)
- Improved performance.
- New architecture.
- Improved interface, ability todo
ck tool windows.
- Improved Object Inspector.
- Zooming.
- In-place editing.
- Better line drawing.
- Better bands handling.
- Better DB-field selection.
- Grid: mm, inches, custom.
- Planned to use designer for text reports (fordo
t matrix printers).
- Left/Right margins.
- Wizard for base type reports.
- Copy objects to Windows clipboard.
- Full Undo/Redo.
Global Data Dictionary:
- Assign aliases for all tables/fields in a DB.
- Improved interface.
- In-place editing.
- OnMouseOverObject, OnObjectClick can be handled in a script.
Add-in objects:
- Now add own object is much easier.