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我想通过IE右键菜单项的方法,启动应用程序并将连接信息传递给它。通过写注册表、url文件和在应用程序中创建Automation Objects自动化对象等一系列操作,基本实现了该功能,但程序启动后一闪就消失了,我又在Automation Objects自动化对象的调用过程中使用_AddRef,现在程序可以正常显示,但在退出时出现提示“There are still active COM objects in this application. One or more clients may have
references to these objects, so manually closing this application may cause those client application(s) to fail.
Are you sure you want to close this application?”的提示框,点击确定后才能退出,
我想再用_Release,但不知放到哪里?到底该如何在程序退出时释放Automation Objects而不出现提示框呢?请高手指教,不胜感激。
references to these objects, so manually closing this application may cause those client application(s) to fail.
Are you sure you want to close this application?”的提示框,点击确定后才能退出,
我想再用_Release,但不知放到哪里?到底该如何在程序退出时释放Automation Objects而不出现提示框呢?请高手指教,不胜感激。